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/32/ - Psychopolitics

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The IRC is active at Rizon's #32.

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 No.2841 [Last50 Posts]>>2871 >>2876 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Unfortunately the anons over there are swimming in a lake of shit and as they are looking for a cosy place to work, I thaught /32/ maybe a place to hide the inner cercle of the Research divison so they can keep on digging.

If the overlords arent o.k with this move feel free to delete the thread and give me a ban.

BTW, not going to spam link as it isnt in our interest to spread cancer, quite the opposite

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>/cfg/ General Guide

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task

Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing

Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:

>X: Money donated to the CF

>Y: What did the donater get in return?

>Z: Source.

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 (Dead) → → → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

Add content to the Reddit or Website


I forgot soz

>Step 3: Post results

>Self explanatory. Just remember to try and get real hard evidence that we can spread and repackage for normalfag consumption.

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Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.

>Miscegenation Shilling

These posters often create bait threads in which they create a single op with the sole topic being about some form of miscegenation. These could be shock images of Black men with White women, or other types of threads where it is a picture of a non-white Woman with the OP asking if that woman is hot.


>Trump General Shilling

Generally, the main Trump general shills are those who try to D&C the common posters in the thread. They tend to attack NAZI posters for being 1488ers, and AWOO/Anime posters for being r9k weebs. These types of posts serve no real purpose. Sometimes they are purely defeatists.


>General Leftist Baitposting/Sliding

These are low-effort non-miscegenation posts that generally involve some image macro and a very low-effort comment. Examples include "Really makes you think..","pol BTFO","pol will defend this", "conservashits (With Occupy Democrats Image)". Sometimes these threads have no purpose but to slide more useful threads.


>Dedicated Shilling

These are posters who constantly everyday on the clock post about a specific topic that goes contrary to most of pol. In the album linked you will see a very dedicated Canadian leafposter that for 3-4 months would argue how Obama did such a great job creating 14 million jobs. Any actual good arguments against Obama's capability as a president he would ignore, however, he would destroy posters who were not good at debating. The best way to defeat these guys is simply to ridicule them with memes, because you will never convince them they are wrong. They are very likely paid shills.


>The Art of Shilling

You can find a very good guide here https://i.sli.mg/MRmGUs.png (embed)

You can find further examples of shilling in the parent album.


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What's contained here is already enough to incriminate The Bonner Group, which is one of the largest DC Democrat fundraisers.

relevant notes from 4th AMA: http://archive.is/Wt2T0

>"The Bonner Group, warm or cold?" Hot.

Reposting my reports so far on The Bonner Group. I'm busy writing up the 4th report, hopefully will be ready tomorrow or Tuesday. There's a lot of work to be done here.

First Report: https://sli.mg/a/GcBtve

Second Report: https://sli.mg/a/BolH2P

Third Report: https://sli.mg/a/DdKZb6

>About the Third Report

This is more of a guide than a report. There are a SIGNIFICANT amount of leads presented in this report. I haven’t had the time yet to dig into any lead, as most of my work has been analyzing IRS 990’s (I haven't even begun to discuss that yet). What I’m providing here is the guidance to enable others to investigate these leads further.

Please take the time to understand what’s being said in this report. This will enable you to become an actual researcher and discover new information, rather than depending on reports from the news media.

DC Property Information Verification System:


DC’s Business License Verification Database:


DC’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Database:


Tasks for /CFG/

Follow up on leads presented from the Work Permit notes

Dig up dirt on all Basic Business Licenses connected to 455 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC, 20001

Find a way to get more details on the Certificates of Occupancy linked to 455 Mass.

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Here is are some sources on PsyOPs and practical information age warefare I gathered some time ago, will look for more.

>Goddwins Law (Revival of memetics in Usenet)


>Book collection on radical bottom up activism


>Links says it all (There is more out, it makes sense looking for the earlier versions, will post if i find them)


>Nice easy readable introduction to cyber warefare


>Finkelsteins Meme Compendium


>/pol/ Bookclub (take with a shipload of salt)


>Step by step how to manipulate narratives


>Will update

btw, thanks for not deleting the thread

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Some stuff we gathered

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Found it

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Nice, and Keep it low regarding spreading it, dont like to piss off others with cancer and get cancer to.

We should Keep half chan as frontstore and this as a discusion board.

btw, learn to sage

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Hat gelernt.

Gute nacht.

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Jó éjszakát magyar

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Found it as well

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Good to know m8to.

And remember to sage and you can post multiple files in one post

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Please bake new bread on half.

Bonne nuit

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>new bread

will do

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I just would like to thank the admins for letting this thread be here in the depths of infinity. Much appreciated.

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Pre Release Alpha of a moving picture by some anon.

>Chavez and The Saint vs. Lynch the Darkie

fileconvoy.com slash dfl.php?id=gd2495d7ed86c343299985476709867941a4fcb0a5

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 No.2864>>2867 >>2893


this video was str8-up GOLD for me today. Whoever made that is a-ok in my book.

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>str8-up Gold

please elaborate

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>please elaborate

shared the fuck out of it on twitter and sent it around. Very effective!

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>>2841 (OP)

This was dumped today on half,


Made a new pastebin and saved it as .txt


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 No.2876>>2877 >>2878

>>2841 (OP)


Guys, the shilling at the other place has gotten to a new high;

1- Couldn't post my OP because the system thought all the links were spam.

2- a Burger came in, and said he would take the cfg meme starter packs V 1& 2 down. And he did. We're being stalked boys.

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*i dl both cfg meme starter packs on my PC before he took them down.*

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See picture for what happened

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added scap of mfire

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 No.2893>>2899 >>2904

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Links related to ctr from full/pol/


Archive of original Halfchan thread


Archive of previous Fullchan thread, READ THIS AND THE GHOSTBIN


Archives of Profiles


























Cash Flow



Khizir M. Khan FULL DOX https://sli.mg/LqUk2l

Misc. Shit





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gutsy. Thanks for dump. Remember to sage your all posts here

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got banned for 48 hours last week as well for "replying to a dox bread". Thanks for dump anon. We'll get revenge on those cuck mods somehow. Deus Vult.

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 No.2923>>2924 >>2925

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I am here.

Remember to sage.

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someone from 8pol is playing a dangerous game.


id: cbabf2

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I am out for groceries - I will be back in 20 minutes.

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lampshade maker is busy rn

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And I am back.

Is he still at work?

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>still @werk

yes he is.

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I am tired so I will not participate on 4ch today.

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that's ok friend. hope everything is ok in your personal life

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We can get a bit more personal here.

I have received a surprise call today, I had to do even more bureaucratic business.

Apart from this, I started to have a certain kind of anxiety. It is the kind that can be turned into a positive though, I have to push en face of it. I will work out for a bit before going to bed tonight.

Also, I would like to ask if you going back to university for a second degree was true or disinfo? I myself am starting a university. It will not be easy socially: several years of age difference, plus it is a fairly liberal and "multicultural" one.

One has to surely repress his redpill levels there.

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Thank you - luckily it is nothing that can not be overcome.

I can only wish the same for you.

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> I started to have a certain kind of anxiety.

iktf. Even the most irrational anxieties have a basis in reality. One of the reasons i don't smonk weed lmao that much anymore. Identify the source, and it will lessen its impact.

>second bachelor or disinfo?

kek, no it's true sadly. I am also in a very very liberal program, bluepilled millenials in all my classes.

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gr8 reading materials friend. Consider them read

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What tips do you have for university?

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I am a decade older than most ppl in my classes. I'm not there to make any friends. I try not to sperg out when the teacher says some kike bullshit but I still do most of the time, so i'm not too popular obv. If you love your major, work hard, get a teaching assistant job.I have had many, good pay, good for ego. If you're not too inerested in your major, complete it anyway. I have lived in abject poverty and i'm not going back.

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Thank you for your tips.

My main problem will be holding myself back, too.

I am planning on doing some subtle Bezmenoving there though.

Have a good night, Based.

Send my greatings to T.

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>Have a good night, Based.

You too friend. Good to have some quality allies in these times. I'll give my regards

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Soros asking HRC to pull the strings in Albania. Leaked email


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 No.2954>>2955 >>2957

man it fucking really sucks, no joke. TO imagine losing my progress...

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I was alerted just two days ago by Dr P. - he told me that first, he received a notice from Twatter that - allegedly - his account was hacked, so he had to reclaim his account.

Later, he got shadowbanned proper.

He told me this has happened recently to a lot of people who are right wing. They even did this to an account which had 22,000 followers.

Do not try to give numbers which you can not control.

The point is for you tou receive a text containing a passwords which you must type in.

When it asked me for a phone number, Bacon Strip gave me one of his burner phone numbers. Maybe he can help you too.

In the worst case, your loss becomes ammunition for us.

In fact, upload some screenshots of what message did you receive, what was the tweet that got popular, etc.

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>The point is for you tou receive a text containing a passwords which you must type in.

I know, i didn't give my real number obv, i used


For sure it's gonna work, but i can't stomach the idea of losing that acct, worked way too hard. For sure, the only reason i got locked is because they thought I was a bot, I was following 6 people at a time... It's making me nervous and I don't like it.

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 No.2958>>2959 >>2960


And Twatter told you they were fake numbers?

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>And Twatter told you they were fake numbers?

Well, for the first online service it said "unaccepted number" or something, so I tried another site, and it wouldn't receive the SMS, so i clicked "resend" maybe 6-7 times, and THEN I found a different site, and this one will most likely work, but idk...

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the problem>>2959

also idk if the fact that the numbers I used were from different countries is a problem

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Let us see what happens then.

Should I tweet about you getting locked out after posting that video?

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If it was because of the following spam, and not because of the content you tweeted, than it shall be solvable.

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 No.2963>>2964 >>2966


>Should I tweet about you getting locked out after posting that video?

No need for now. Go see my prolile/media tho, a lot of action today my friend - my best day ever in terms of numbers. Go see my video

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Already done, my friend.

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not bad right? like my caption? had to spin it as anti-youknowwho. Biggest tweet ever, for me.

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And now I am out.

I will visit 4 throughout the day.

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Ok friend, have a good day, Deus Vult.

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Yes, great one - congratulations!

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thx man, wish i could savor it but all I can taste is salt.

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 No.2971>>2972 >>2973

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I have something of a peronal matter to do, but will keep archiving, posting it on here.

Stopping Hillary is a great goal, but I may have the chance, indirectly eradicating or deadly wounding a progressive party in Austria. Regard anonymous austrians from now on with suspicion on halfchin, here is my shamefull tripcode

NotAnonymous !!ZyhW4Mg41Ln

btw, scored the pussy :^)

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File (hide): 1471134542438.jpg (628.26 KB,821x1165,821:1165,Franz Joseph.jpg) (h) (u)

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>scored the pussy

LMAO, nice man, that's good! It can't be always about politics; there are other drives to fulfill. Sage

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Archive Updates, with dates and names

http://archive.is/IYyYK (08/12) [Shillside Valley]

http://archive.is/b6IW0 (08/13) [Asleep at the Wheel]

http://archive.is/r3nbL (08/13) [cfg merge: Clinto/Underwood 2016]

http://archive.is/kr02y (08/13) [86 Days til the General]

http://archive.is/Brkh0 (08/14) [Burn Down The Foundation]

http://archive.is/h3XWO (08/14) [By The Powers Of KEK]

http://archive.is/IJXmR (08/15) [Preet "Hill-Killer" Bahara]

http://archive.is/HozhO (08/15) [Rape Enabler Hillary]


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thx mane. I saved every one of them in a txt doc.


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For those who like to proxy fag a bit on half chin. Opera developer edition includes working vpn able to trick Hiroshimachan.


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File (hide): 1471704901921.jpg (47.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,1378960_1280x720.jpg) (h) (u)

Kösz Ferenc.

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