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/32/ - Psychopolitics

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 No.2811 [Last50 Posts]>>2815 >>2837 >>2870 >>3024 >>3200 >>3217 >>3415 >>3684 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

What are /32/s thoughts on Donald Trump?

Personally, I find him suspicious. Before him people in the chans and just 'certain' kind of people who questioned the whole political system had no hope. But then comes this guy and now suddenly a huge part of these groups of people get behind this new political figure.

I think he could be legit, but when I remember how it all used to be in the pre-Trump era, like I said, I find him suspicious. To be more specific I wonder if it's all just a show planned by you-know-who to polarize society. Maybe they want to persuade this more 'awaken' politically groups of people to then let them down hugely and ruin their credibility (and their own faith in their capacity of interpreting reality)?

Could this all be a show? The media hates him, but they do talk about him. They give him a platform. Maybe they are using people's mistrust of the media to persuade them into liking Trump?

Perhaps I'm being too paranoid but that's basically my thoughts...

Also, regardless of him being legit or not, I think analyzing and comparing this post-Trump era with the pre-Trump era could be interesting as well.

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>>2811 (OP)

I'm generally suspicious of everything because I, personally, am easy to fool. His books lead me to believe he's legitimate, but the fact that he's played with the idea of running several times makes me wonder if maybe he was a plant for deep state or some shit.

Most likely just a quirk of history, if those exist.

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 No.2816>>2818 >>2819 >>2821 >>2913


He's not legit.

He's where he is in the campaign because dumb faggots are angry they let leftist sjw's get away with everything so now they want to get smug revenge.

By acting as an apparent counterbalance to the sjw's, he effectively garners the non-sjw vote because the overton window has already shifted an excruciating lengths away.

Don't accept a compromise, Trump is the compromise the watchers who play gave you, they are playing the hegelian dialect, this is exactly what they want.

Freedom comes with a sacrifice, blood.

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Sadly you're most likely right. They always play us like a bunch of retarded sheeple.

In my country we're stuck with Trump's "friend" (according to both of them) and we're still heading towards disaster, also we've picked up some syrian refugees along the way. There's no way to stop this sociopathic manipulators.

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 No.2819>>2821 >>2836 >>2869 >>3276


I had considered Ted Cruz as one of my Repub. primary choices. Would he have been a fine successor to Obama, Cruz being the closest thing to a non-libertarian constitutional conservative. GOP definitely had an interest in hammering and discrediting him hard.

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and I thought /pol/ had a shill problem, wew lad.

Okay let me run this by you, nobody expects Trump to fix jack shit really, so far it was just a gamble and in the end it paid off by dismantling as much of the far-left's political capital as possible in so short of a time. /pol/ (originally) wanted either this dude or Hillary as POTUS because at the end of the day the target was to dismantle the system as it is right now, wether by allowing globalists to collapse it or to garner secessionist sentiment which is exactly what Trump is doing.

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we already know that the world is not dominated by nation states and statist governance. The world is controlled by trade syndicates that use statism as a for for military clout. Right now, the US is locked in what is essentially a covert civil war between the Zionist sympathizers and whatever is left of the old New England WASP bluebloods (what your average tinfoil wearing moron calls Deep State). This war has been raging on since Woodrow Wilson was in office and now it's coming at a head when the Deep State wants it's toys back from the Zionists. Mark my words but in 10 years time we'll see the balkanization of the entire North American continent.

-t. /pol/lack who knows the score

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tl;dr you are all just pretending to be retarded.


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larping as a Robert Anton Wilson fanboi is exponentially more autistic than what a majority of /pol/lacks are doing. The other thread about becoming a super villain really shoahd my sides into orbit considering /pol/ is actually helping a genuine comic book villain take control of one of the most powerful nation states in the world.

who's laughing now?

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You're a dense one. Why would you make it about /pol/ vs /32/ in the first place? Why not just stating your own version of the truth, as an individual, instead of passing judgement as a colective? Then you claim "your" /pol/ has significant influence on the upcoming elections. This is your problem, delusions of grandeur. And if you gladly help a "villian", assuming it were true, that wouldn't be something to be proud of.

Of course it's easier to lurk in the shadows of a person who succeeds and claiming their success is yours as well than it is to build something trully good and trully yours from a scratch. But that easy, non-genuine sucess is a delusion that will lead you to a ultimately passive colectivist mentality with no true self worth (since your efforts will never be properly credited). I just don't see a positive outcome. Unless you make one up, through "meme magic", "kek" or whatever other delusion of your choice.

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 No.2829>>2830 >>2834


parasitism is a successful tactic for less endowed species. I make no illusions about MUH INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY. I actually plan on propagating my genes to the next generation and for that I am personally willing to do that to ensure THEIR survival as well as mine. So you can sit there and fap to your loberturdian ideology of free markets and respectable human beings for humans have collectively been the farthest thing from respectable regardless, of race, creed or nationality.

as for

>Why would you make it about /pol/ vs /32/ in the first place?

I never said it was about that but the fact that you immediately identify yourself as a member of a collective while lambasting me for supposedly saying that.

At any rate, Machiavelli was right, when people are stupid enough to fall for abusive policy and detrimental ideologies, they deserve to be taken advantage of. So you can go back to you "underground" and larp all you want, at the end of the day history belongs to those who show up. Have fun!

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Trust me I'm having fun, I find your post quite interesting. But I think you might have confused me with other poster, or with an idea of a typical poster of this board. Both are wrong... I barely come here. Because of the lack of users, I thought I'd make a thread to get some discussion going because I think that it is a shame to waste a board based on such a relevant an interesting topic that is seldom discussed.

>parasitism is a successful tactic for less endowed species. I make no illusions about MUH INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY.

Why not? Have you tried but not succeeded?

>I actually plan on propagating my genes to the next generation and for that I am personally willing to do that to ensure THEIR survival as well as mine.

I'd argue there are better ways to make money that don't involve parasitism and that you want to become parasitic to stroke your ego most likely.

>your loberturdian ideology

I'm sorry but I don't understand that sentence. Most likely you mistake me for something I'm not again?

>I never said it was about that but the fact that you immediately identify yourself as a member of a collective while lambasting me for supposedly saying that.

How did I identify myself as a part of anything?

>Machiavelli was right, when people are stupid enough to fall for abusive policy and detrimental ideologies, they deserve to be taken advantage of

Well that makes him sound like a self-aware bully, wouldn't you agree? Are you comfortable being that? I get that people can be so passive it is tempting to take advantage of that (and some people subconciously want just that) but there's no justification in my eyes to abuse that. I think both passive people and those who abuse them are pathetic in their own way.

>larp all you want

Why do you wish to degrade my arguments as "larping"? That's just childish and I could easily say the same thing back to you, I could tell you to go larp being a jew somewhere else, but I'm not gonna because I'm that mature, you know?

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You have not a single clue about parasitism and how it relates to biology. Stop pretending like you do.

>So you can go back to you "underground" and larp all you want

>he types this while describing his Machiavelli fantasies on an anonymous imageboard

Who's LARPing again? lel

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>You have not a single clue about parasitism and how it relates to biology. Stop pretending like you do.

not an argument, really but do enlighten us all with your vast knowledge on the subject then please and tell us how it REALLY is then. Otherwise...

>Who's LARPing again? lel

still you I'm afraid...

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>I had considered Ted Cruz as one of my Repub. primary choices

Are you fucking serious?

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>>2811 (OP)

After Trump selected Pence I was forced to remember that the jews always win. They have been winning for thousands of years and are the real nimble navigators.

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You guys want info? Here is all you need.

The reason why Donald Trump is doing so fucking dandy is because of his work experience. Specifically all the experience in real estate and getting to know just how People in the field of Real Estate thing. Trust me when I say this, Real Estate is where it is at.

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Too early to say. His rise indicates a massive paradigm shift, since even people who have made entire careers on paranoia, such as Alex Jones, are warming up to him (probably because a year ago, everyone thought we were heading toward a Hillary vs Jeb election, which would would seen record low turnout and record high "no confidence" votes). Still, the GOP had to know he'd be a serious contender. He formed an exploratory committee in 1999 and has been socializing with politicians for decades.

Someone on /pol/ said the main reason the establishment is pissed at Trump is because politics is like professional wrestling and Trump thinks it's real. I don't know how true that is, but it would explain a lot.

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Ted Cruz is mid-life crisis: the candidate.

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>>2811 (OP)

He may be a freemason and so may be pence. If they are that would explain the vp selection.

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Newt Gingrich said he wasn't. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

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 No.2895>>2910 >>2914

Everywhere you go Trump. Great shout out to his propagandists and community managers, never seen such a good OP live.

Regrading Trump, he is imo far from a crazy Person, one may even say that he is insanly clear. I guess that happens if you are for decades around (((those))), whitout being one off (((them))), even if you did everything they did and more, tried so hard to be the yid. Iam thinking about his jewmedia Career, Investments, education... you Name it. And now he has enough, as he got it, that he will never be one of them. So he went out an run for POTUS, and as the underdog Antihero all the american subverted people love, he is going to MAGA, no matter what.

Is that about the narrative that I should reproduce as Trump boy?

Now for a real opinion. Trump is an ice cold marketing genious. Is it luck, good networks, knowlege, strings? Not important. Whats important regarding the american HoS is who's hand is he shaking and are what are his and (((those))) preferences. Looking at Trumps networks, the policies he seems to pursue and those who oppose him as also their networks and policies, it seem pretty clear for what branche of (((those))) he plays. To put it to the point, Trump is a classical protectionist in the way Coolige was, and to a certain degree Hover, what I think is great for america in the current state, as another war would be the inglorious end of a superpower.

Thats why I would vote for Hillary. This and because she has a greater network of people who had the time to get an international network themselve.

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>Trump is an ice cold marketing genious.

I agree. He literally said we need to reinvent the "brand" that is the United States of America.

>Thats why I would vote for Hillary. This and because she has a greater network of people who had the time to get an international network themselve.

...Are you actually justifying electing a known traitor because she is better friends with internationalist jews?

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If you've read his books, he's said the exact same things since the 80's

so he actually believes what he is saying

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>Thats why I would vote for Hillary. This and because she has a greater network of people who had the time to get an international network themselve.

You completely lost me there. Care to rephrase that?

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>Trump wants to rebrand the USA

Yes obviously from a global acting and regulating one state superpower to a protectionist laissez-faire economy a la Hoover/Coolige. This will give imo other actors the incentive to fill the global/regional power vacuum and we could end up with three to four superpowers, after another spark in small scale regional (proxy)wars, practicing 4th Generation warfare, fucking up all Kind of global networks and getting ready to feed on the west, who is still concerned with 2nd and 3th GW.

Even as an american I would be concerned about that.

Hillarys way of lighting up the fuse the moment she is elected has the probabilty, that at least one of those future superpowers would be burned to the ground before reaching a real threat level to white western culture.



>Vote for her because she has more jews

That would be actually the rational reason for her, because thanks to reforms in the american administrative system, known as New public management, new administrations (especially if a party switch happens) usualy dont continue using the same high bureaucrats as the previous administration.

In short, Hillary will use the same people as Obama used for the last 8 years. Those are maybe jews, but at least they are jews who have a certain experience in what they do and also learned to a certain degree to become better jews. Trumps jews on the other hand need to build up networks from practicaly scratch, what is like having autism in international politics and not really helpfull in times like these.

But as I cant vote for american presidents, I'll get ready for the race war and will hit the range in the afternoon.

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>But as I cant vote for american presidents,

I knew you were a fucking canadian. Die is a fire.

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>>2811 (OP)

>Could this all be a show? The media hates him, but they do talk about him. They give him a platform. Maybe they are using people's mistrust of the media to persuade them into liking Trump?

That's exactly what's going on.

it's no coincidence that he has a permanant ad on 8chan and 5 trump threads on any given day on /pol/ .

/pol/ is basically doing the kikes job at this point.

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they want to start a social upheaval using the nat-soc narative and incite the rcewar, you see BLM, trump the alt-right, racism...etc

only the NWO benefits from all this.

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 No.3064>>3075 >>3082


There's definitely a lot going on behind the scenes of new media playing into a race war narrative.

I see MDE (a PsyOp) getting on adult swim, which adds to the funnel of youth sucked into the alt-right; which is 'their' thing from the ground up. Then on the black side, they have parallels to MDE (doing similar staged street-interviews*) funneling people into the black version of the same thing, except Black Aryanism is less viable so they have Black Hebraism.

*https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ZMcR1EKbv0s#t=1439 (Can this encounter be for real?)

When Trump wins race anger may likely start rising to a fever pitch. Years down the line the seeds being planted now may spring violently for real.

I'm struck by the idea of /pol/ as sort of the inner chamber of an alt-right that professes to be a broad church, and in which an unholy spirit resides. In this inner chamber the facade of reason is relinquished. In there it's a given that all the intellectual pillars and walls of its faith are laid to conceal an unintelligible spirit of carnage as much as they're designed to awe and subsume resurgent followers of ancient ideals.

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>MDE (a PsyOp)

This is a bit tinfoil. I understand where your thinking is going but consider the fact that you are exposed to MDE and the message MDE spreads. Normies stumbling into the show wont understand it as anything other than edgy humor.

Your monkey brain may be seeing pattern where no pattern really exists. The adult swim execs just saw that allowing MDE on would be profitable due to a backlash against pc culture and pc comedy.

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MDE isn't a psyop, dude. sam hyde has been doing that shit for almost 10 years before he got picked up by adult swim. he's just another depressed internet guy raised by a single mother who stumbled into /pol/ shit who happens to actually have creative output

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 No.3084>>3085 >>3086

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It's a bit interesting that you have reasons why it isn't a PsyOP without asking how it could be thought of as one. I guess you've become acquainted with that 'pattern' which people can read into things which then leads them off into the wilderness, seeing as you bring that concept up. It's that hard-to-spell medical condition called pareidolia (which firefox tries to correct to paedophilia), and is like a playbook accusation against conspiracy theories.

Here's a digression which you should just skip: It's true that normies won't understand or like the show; except maybe for the edginess, but internet people in general love the show. Something Awful (Sam Hyde was a poster there) and imageboards both like MDE, and those branch off into Twitter and Reddit. Looking at the style Weird Twitter has, maybe they'll 'get' it too. Maybe there'll be a new breed of normie coming into the world soon, more like internet people than real people. If you look at Something Awful MDE threads, they play off a lot of the right-wing talk MDE does as provocation, parody or a joke, while 8channers take it as authentic but (perhaps) still recognise the irony. A normie might take it at face value and think it's funny because calling a cripple micromachines is legit funny, and not because they see it as a reference, an affront to PC culture or a satire of PUA people.

As for why it's a PsyOP, if you make the leap that patterns can exist, that artists copy other artists and incorporate influences in their work, they don't pull it all out of nothingness, you either say "this is cool art" or you think "Why do these things keep coming up?".

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it seems to me that what you're saying is that MDE is the result of a psyop and perhaps the automatically occurring continuation of it.. I won't disagree with that, but I guess saying it is A psyop makes it sound like the guys who make it are intentionally doing something. you could call most 'artistic' output of the past 50 years in the US a psyop with the definition (it seems to me) that you're using

I mean, is vaporwave a psyop? how you do define "PsyOP?" is the question I want to ask you, I suppose

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Pareidolia isnt a medical condition. Its a psychological phenomenon that happens to everyone.

>As for why it's a PsyOP, if you make the leap that patterns can exist, that artists copy other artists and incorporate influences in their work

So you are saying that without being aware they are a PsyOP, MDE is a PsyOP?

Doesnt the word PsyOP imply intent? By your definition arent your posts part of some PsyOP if you have ever been influenced by someone influenced by someone involved in a PsyOP?

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 No.3087>>3088 >>3094

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>you could call most 'artistic' output of the past 50 years in the US a psyop with the definition (it seems to me) that you're using.

Yeah, and I think you'd be 100% correct in saying that.

I'm using a loose definition but not that loose. There's an awful lot of media that could be classed as a psychological operation if you wanted to get finicky about it, but that'd be getting into a sophistic argument on words, it'd be debating the boundaries of the term 'PsyOP'.

To me, a PsyOp is an operation (a funded project of aims and means) with professionals working to influence the morale and psychology of a demographic. I'd differentiate it from massive examples of social manipulation e.g. free pornography, by adding that a PsyOP is a specialised effort that uses diverse skillsets to deeply influence the psychology of a target demographic.

You both thought I meant PsyOP without there being any intentionality to it but I do mean there's intentionality. What I said about 'influences they are incorporating into their work' is about motifs signifying an association to an organisation (what you'd call non-existent patterns), but there are other tells which give a vibe of dodginess. Feel free to write this off as crankyness on account of the fact that there's no way the world is so deceptive that Sam Hyde, funny anti-hero, could be a fraud and his 10 years of apparent NEETdom, arguments with mother and interacting with the twitter fanbase could've been largely for show and even outright staged (or handled in the case of twitter), all for a nearly inscrutable purpose.

I'm not basing this off a generalisation that everything is a conspiracy, it's just personal opinion from what I have seen, and the same appears to be true to in many, many other things.

Coincidentally, as you brought up vaporwave, MDE brought in Yung Lean in (it's in one of the behind the scene videos) apparently to do music for one of their things -- there's a Vine of it somewhere. Have you watched Narduwuar grilling Yung Lean? People might watch that and not understand that Nardwuar is ripping on Yung Lean by getting him to point out that his lyrics are dumb, his fans turn out dressed like idiots and they have the cringey 'sad boy' aesthetic, but there it is. He seems to subtly mock a lot of the people he interviews and give them the 3rd degree sometimes. Does any of this mean that Yung Lean is a PsyOp aimed at fracturing the youth into ineffectual and moronic subcultures? Does it mean Nardwuar is an insider? The unlikely answer is, yes, but as for the why you'll just have to reach your own conclusions about the world in general.

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I just don't buy it. We all exist in mental space that has been fucked with to hell and back, and we act accordingly. Someone like Yung Lean is just a result of using the internet, being in a feminized society and so on. His fans related to what he is doing on some level, "ironically" or otherwise, and follow suit. Perhaps he received funding later for what he does for such a purpose, but I guess what I'm questioning here is the notion that the 'sad boys' themselves are NWO agents of some sort.

To MDE - there are tons of guys like him on youtube. Making vids like he did is something NEETs or depressed wage slaves do. Yeah, they're demoralizing, but that's because they come from demoralized people. I have made depressing shit on youtube myself; so have a number of people I know. The most I'd be willing to believe about MDE is that ((they)) picked him up for television to support the racewar narrative, but even then I think that's a stretch; it's just such an insignificant thing.

I'm interested to know what motifs and such you detect in all these things that give you this impression. I'm into all sorts of conspiracies but reaching down into smalltime internet entertainment still seems far fetched to me.

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>MDE is a psyop

>so is Narduwuar

...cmon bro

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Sam speaks to young men who are self aware and slightly above average intelligence. They can see the writing on the wall, feel disenfranchised, and feel muzzled. If anything MDE is a pressure release valve.

Personally I don't see a race war happening until whites become >30% of the us population. The whites will not start the race war, it will be the low IQ minorities who will start it under false pretenses.

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Good sirs and good madams, in regards to anyone worried about the elections, maybe that promotion you want, whatever worry you have. I guarantee that everything you'll read after the rest of this will not entertain you. I do not seek justice. If you already know this information, then Hats' off to you.

If this is news, then it will not entertain you.

If it does entertain you, then I've stolen your time.

Direct Communication:

"Trump is a boardroom/Think Tank production and heres why... Point A, Point B, Poin...

Indirect Communication:

"What is your say on foreign business resistance in China, Mr. Trump?

Well, interviewer, I love China. We've had fantastic dealings in the past."

indirect communication of beliefs/thoughts, especially the ideas We Want to Believe is truth, is an essential rule in media. Anything satirical/allusive like Sam Hyde, The Daily Show, The Matrix, etc. are all representations of cathartic therapy. they keep us Relaxed by "doing the 'work' for us".

whether or not it is considered art/entertaining is determined by how much time and/or money we invest into pursuing further productions from their creators.

there is almost no entertainment value in direct communication. doing so would be completely anti-political and considered Anarchic. politics stem from the earliest beginnings of kingdoms. that channel/network would be brought down and teamed up on by other competing networks in a heartbeat (we do live in an age of mass information and [in]security).

since Ancient Egypt, it has always been an effect that if a person wishes to direct power, then there must be two below said person. One more person to sustain. One more person to increase. These two persons then require their own two. Their directions may differ, but lower ranking officials must uphold their Roles to keep the Pyramid standing strong; otherwise, they're replaced like any other brick in the wall.

In Ancient Egypt, workers were Rewarded with Booze at the end of a Hard Days' Labor so that they can Relax.

We wear masks everyday, different masks. Some, more than others; some, less than others. In the end, you're still the same person wearing the mask. Similarily, whatever you believe in or what side and level of the Pyramid your on; you're still part of the Pyramid.

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>I'm interested to know what motifs and such you detect in all these things that give you this impression.

I'd start with the fact their book is telling you to your face that they are a PsyOp, that their TV producer's last name is 'Ruse' and there's people on the subreddit making wry comments that 'it's a kind of weaponised irony project. lol'. That last one seems like humour but if you'll google 'Weird Twitter and the Ironic Cloud'* you'll see there was a proposal of a project like that between Princeton university and Lockheed Martin (https://archive.is/OH6KJ). If you've already heard about that you'll just want to skip everything. I think if you don't become skeptical when someone makes a 'revealing' joke; as in skeptical that the joke was a joke, then you might be turning a blind eye instead of a skeptical one.

Here's a small quote from the Princeton article (https://archive.is/B8A4X):

"The general mechanism is clear enough: Irony involves a deep and profound “doubling” of the inner life of the human subject; the ironizer no longer maintains an integrated perspective on the topic at hand...the overt and covert meanings of a given text or expression are sundered. We do not now know just how far this tear could be opened --- and we do not understand what the possible vital consequences might be. Even under the current lay or primitive deployments of irony we see instances of disorientation, anger, and sometimes even despair."

It's doubtful Harper's (being co-opted like all media) would reveal the full extent of the 'weaponised irony' idea, likely they were likely soft-pedalling it, lacing it with the absurd ("usage of salivia kits for detecting the effects of irony") and perhaps lying by saying that the proposal never went anywhere. The Princeton article isn't for sure the first theorising that's been done on the idea.

On the face of it there doesn't seem to be much irony to MDE now (unless their anti-semitic turn has been an evolution to undetectable levels), their earlier work used lots of it though. It's what I used to call FYAD humour, which by the way directly branched out into Weird Twitter, MDE through Sam (who seems to have posted on FYAD as alienmode) and is perhaps why we have all of that plus the abominable h3h3 productions. Don't forget that 4chan branched out from Something Awful (which contains FYAD) -- it seems like that place has been a launching pad for a lot of influential stuff on internet culture. Take that as you will.

>I'm into all sorts of conspiracies but reaching down into smalltime internet entertainment still seems far fetched to me.

No doubt, the idea of ruthless professionals; maybe with titles like 'Colonel', directing small-scale PsyOPs which cater to a predominately NEET audience sounds nuts. That said, a focus group or sample of 1000 people can reveal a lot about how a thing will go down with broader swathes of the population -- I'm not sure how smalltime MDE actually is though; they seem to have a cult following in a few places. Besides, I've heard that in marketer speak there is a small demographic of people called 'early adopters'. If the small 'early adopters' demographic can be pulled in a certain direction and they then pull the later adopters in (think how memes spread out from a small community into a large one), maybe there is big value in focused smalltime entertainment.

These are just some tells with some context to put them in, things to consider without touching on the symbolism or motifs; most of which can be picked up after becoming familiar with Russianvids channel (yes he's a flat earther whose taken the devil pill, but some of his stuff makes sense).

*[https://archive.is/V93Cr] I don't know why this story first made rounds as 'Weird Twitter and the Ironic Cloud' given that Weird Twitter never gets mentioned in either article. For some reason there's an unsubstantiated rumour taken as fact that people on WT got hired by Lockheed Martin for a 'Weaponised Irony' (tm) project (https://archive.is/V93Cr), but the first sentence in the Harper's article states that the proposal never went anywhere.

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he might be genuine

he might be some plant just to make people excited about voting

highly doubt anything will change either way

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>highly doubt anything will change either way

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Almost certain Trump is a freemason at this point. He builds Skyscrapers. Also he mentioned the "Great Work" at the elite charity event when he roasted $hillary.

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 No.3134>>3135 >>3138 >>3139

Either the jeering Jew media elites and millions of cheering disenfranchised poor white folk are all genuine political upheaval, or this is the most beautifully executed psyop the world has seen.

I'm sorry /32/, but Trump doesn't fit the psyop candidate most people seem to think he is, and >>3133 is a bit reaching here, Trump has been a public persona for decades, there's very little secret society crap to pin on him.

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btw, those illuminati cards to me pretty much reference Trump imo, so maybe it is a psyop.

"Teflon Armor"

"Enough is Enough" etc etc

Assange is apparently dead, but I've never thought he was more than a fed shill. Either Assange was real this whole time, or they really are shaping things according to a card game. (or Assange was a fed playing for the wrong side)

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option 3: Julian was never alive; he was a Frankenstein's monster. The clockwork twist on his back is halting, so they're taking him back to Cold Storage and Winding. The cards are misdirection. The question is: as a Frankenstein's monster of the Government and professor Frankenstein, could he have been double-monstering in a cell of ghouls & perhaps ghosts or killer clowns?

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"Not even the elites know what is really going on anymore!"

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most masons are "public personas"

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 No.3139>>3141 >>3142


the psyop, if any, would probably be compliance with participating and complying to a system that fucks everyone over

was I the only one who pretty much checked out on the Idea of voting the minute it was supposed to be Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton?

now after the past year and a half weve had record breaking participation in the primaries, and record turnouts for fucking early voting, the electorate is either "VOTING AGAINST THE NEXT HITLER" or "voting against hillary,". Magically the entire country is actively participating in a system where right in the fine print, the popular vote doesnt matter, but yet somehow the entire electorate thinks it matters right now, Despite the fact its obvious votes dont matter, its statistical fact, public interest in policy making has no correlation with american policy, its a fucking flatline across the chart, yet every idiot from maine to hawaii is now excited to vote, an entire disenfranchised population thinks elections matter for another 4 years

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useful idiots

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>the psyop, if any, would probably be compliance with participating and complying to a system that fucks everyone over

I guess, I'd say it's more bread and circus.

I'm more and more of the opinion that it's all superficial, Trump is just the anti-Hillary, Wikileaks is and always has been fed controlled opposition, Hillary represents so many groups there has to be one influentual one who is utilizing their assets (Assange, "hackers"...NSA?) to fight back.

Very interesting to me how lackadaisical Snowden has been, at first he was just a quiet Hillary shill and then kept his silence while Assange/WL suddenly activated again.

I think we're gonna hear of another "hack", "leak" coming from Snowden next time, but against who?

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i get the feeling "they" must be doing something, it's such a huge shitshow that has literally everyone I know irl's attention. just listened to my dad talking to his fat tv drone friend about bill clinton going to kiddy fuck island.

I just can't tell if it's orchestrated or completely chaotic. I suspect a bit of both - perhaps being orchestrated by the supre(or rather, infra) natural force of chaos/satan itself. I expect a kind of Hitler deal - assuming Trump is made 'leader,' there will be a bunch of totalitarian measures imposed and everyone will accept it because 'we defeated the bad guys, these are necessary measures to reverse what they've done,' naysayers of course go to their special areas

idk. Just have to trust Our Common Father

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another important aspect is that the general D&C of everyone is heightened a whole lot. IMO the only reason they "inform" the masses about political things is so every person can have 'their' opinions about important political matters, cutting them off from their neighbors just because they stuck the wrong sign in their yard or did some wrongthink

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 No.3187>>3188 >>3226

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>the psyop, if any, would probably be compliance with participating and complying to

Maybe the next big war? Hear me out.

Who would have followed Hillary into the next big war, against whomever. Her crowd seems to be made up of exactly the people who would be against it. Trump supporters at least seem not to be strictly against it fundamentaly. But image the backlash if Hillary would have even hinted troops on the ground, for any reason.

I want to combine part of our current global situation with a hypothesis.

The hypothesis:

There could be a (very) big war against Islam in the making.

The situation:

• Trump wants to rebuild the military heavily, has it's full support and openly opposes the branch of Islam that Saudi Arabia is known to finance, is planing to knock it out and therefore openly turns onto Islamic powers that, before Trump, were unquestioned allies of the US due to OPEC

• First signs of conflict and non-cooperation are appearing already (screenshots)

• Millions of 'refugees', mainly young men, flooded Europe - if the percentage of the potential bad guys is in the same league of those that didnt make it through the security checks at the border of Jordan, which took in 2 million, we have army-sizes amounts of war material in Europa already, combined with millions of potential 'moderate' supporters - what speaks for the percentage being higher:

• Europe is, like every country, a target in Islams mission of world domination and german intelligence found ISIS has been actively using the refugee crisis to get their men into Europe for a while already (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/06/world/europe/germany-refugees-isis.html?_r=0)

• Therefore, major conflict inside of Europe between the countries and huge numbers of 'refugees' and even more terror attacks seem almost inevitable when 2017 the new right-wing of Europe will move into parliament with >double digits (Germanies AfD, Frances LePen, etc.), which could cause major destabilization and burning cars style scenarios we've been seeing in France for a while now - how will the countries react, how will Turkey, Saudi Arabia in turn react, etc?

• Islam is undeniably a short, middle or longterm threat to every currently-in-control power structur wouldwide, as it still expands and seeks to seize control worldwide by either moderate or radical means since its very beginning (feels relieving not having to add a line for the 'b-but islam changed, anon'-crowd here, as they are unlikely to hang around here)

Who'd benefit:

• Israel - Islam, especially radical Islams like the Saudis, Turks, etc. finance it, is a major threat to Israel, which Trump is undeniably close to nicely summarised - by a jew - here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2G9MR1n7Es (note I said close to before you throw what you think trumps opinion of (((them))) is at me like /pol/ would do now)

• The arms industry obviously (check the stockprice jumps of the usual suspects)

• Basically every non-islamic power structure worldwide that is doing politics even remotely close to the principles of Machiavelli, knowing this power has to be stopped at some point and grows stronger fast - so why not choose a point of time of islamic attacks and chaos in Europe, and the probably only candidate in the US who could mobilize the biggest military power in the world to participate?

In conclusion of this (I confess rather thin) analysis, we have: Causes of war, potential support for said war on both sides and a good chance for coming potential catalysts, with a leader that, I think, would have the guts to do it.

Please feel free to add to or oppose the argument, both is appreciated.

I acutally posted a thought near to the one of OP on /pol/ some time ago and they sage-spammed the shit out of me, ending in the thread getting bumplocked. That's why I like /32/, it's always open to entertain and discuss a thought.

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/pol/ is completely compromised and nothing of any good can come from trying to discuss anything there

one must always keep in mind the 'dialectic.' the whole problem of islam in its current sense, as we know, is a totally artificial creation. for decades TPTB have been systematically destroying islamic nations, funding the radical groups, siphoning 'refugees' into various world locations, and so on. suddenly everyone is in their cubes - race, nationality, gender, religion; every possible vector of division is being utilized. remember, "order through chaos." I believe "they" are brewing WWIII, which will involve conflict between and within countries all over the globe, so they can introduce their 'solution' of (out in the open, completely encompassing) NWO. consider WWI and 2 as 'experiments' in this direction. as we know, those conflicts were also extremely artificial in nature and afterwards, various world government institutions were founded.

the notion that Trump is anything but an agent of this is ridiculous to me (same as Hitler). if you look at what happened in Germany in the long run - and it's stupid not to, to say Hitler did anything positive; judge by the fruits, and all that - I think it is clear that the ultimate goal is an East Berlin situation the world over (at least in the "civilized" areas for now)

also I want to add that it's hilarious that /pol/, who claim to hate democracy so much, support the absolute most democratic ideologies. "a man of the people"

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The neural perspective is interesting. As neural structures are affected by environmental features, changes to modes and patterns of thought are possible. It has been said that human thought is polyalgorithmic, and tapping into the primitive base structures of the brain are enough to override this.

This is achieved through rhetoric and language (e.g. NLP, hypnosis, manipulation), and attrition through a constant barrage of media talking points. It feels organic because people personally threatened, victimised or vilified are going to join the fray out of their own volition on social media.

Notice how the alt-right and counter-culture movements stopped being about proper arguments and discussion and turned into memes and fetishism?

It brings to mind dopamine dysregulation as a result of porn, weed, excessive caffeine (e.g. the "I need coffee to live" meme), and amygdala hijacking. The dopamine dysregulation from excessive porn use weakens the frontal cortex and lowers social perceptions and motivation. There are articles indicating that young adults are not only having sex less than previous generations, but are spending more time indoors watching netflix than going out.

TV also depicts an idealised life, but real life doesn't match so people become avoidant, demoralised, and acquire learned helplessness.

It is fabian strategy. The irony perspective is also interesting, I don't know what neural structures are involved in metacognition.

I don't doubt that this board, bmw and baphomet aren't also being watched.

Although MDE seems organic to me and I watched it from its early days, the way it has changed over the years is not without internet culture influence.

Meme culture itself is also being overwritten. Notice the surge in facebook meme pages this past year? blackpeopletwitter suddenly becoming a format that fuses widespread social perceptions with pop culture imagery, and not without it's own ironic self-awareness ("when u drink water").

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 No.3190>>3191 >>3193 >>3195


Guffaw impotently all you like, with the Podesta Pizza scandal it's becoming more and more clear that while Trump is definitely backed by a deep state agency, it's the closest thing to the "good guys" possible from feds.

The Podesta emails are genuine, and while overt nation shaking crap may have been bleached, the pizza crap was not.

It's intentional. Assange - Whomever it could be , FBI? CIA? - and Trump are all part of the same side.

The "other side" consists of a wide-sprawling pedo/human trafficing network that has incredibly close ties to the inner stooges of the democratic party.

Somehow these pedo cliques have tighter opsec than Hillary Clinton herself, and that's worrying. They clearly have government level defense going on, what happened is that Podesta is a loose-lipped retard and whomever seized and leaked the emails is against him and his ilk.

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Additionally, it's also very obvious we've got some fed insiders leading people by the nose when it comes to the leaks in /pol/, reddit, and other places.

I've floated the idea in one of the /pol/ threads, but all those diggers that come out of nowhere to dump info and then disappear are all probably feds.

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Huh. Since Assange is effectively compromised or dead, and wikileaks itself is compromised (since October 15th). That would mean their podesta emails (half of them, anything past that date) are either... fake? Or, they are real, but they're being released by pissed off fed insiders?

Once we get legitimate confirmation of life on Assange we'll know.

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I have read about behind-the-scenes meetings with big alt-right members and stakeholders, e.g. TRS, Thiel, J Taylor, infowars, breitbart, the anti-sjw youtubers (CH sommers, shoe, milo, tldr, etc.) and so on

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pretty sure it was just speculative, but not hard to believe

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 No.3200>>3201 >>3211

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>>2811 (OP)

The Donald Trump journey has certainly been a remarkable one to date, but at this stage I'm sadly 90% certain that Trump is an establishment selection.

I followed the Trump campaign for roughly nine months and had a great time doing it. I was a bit part of the /pol/ crusade in his favour and wouldn't trade that experience for much else. However now that the election has finished and we actually won, a sense of normalcy has returned and I can see the man in a light that is a lot clearer.

There are a lot of key factors suggesting that Trump has been the establishment selection from the beginning.

The media religiously attacked Trump right across the campaign, and as many voters confessed on the day, witnessing the biased slander thrown in his direction for months on end prompted them to support him. Perhaps that was the intention of the media machine all along.

Second, one of Trump's key messages is support for Israel. Both himself, and all of his children, have heavy ties with Jewish people whether it be via business, leisure or marriage, the Trump's are inextricably tied to the Jews.

Finally, and the point which first caught my eye, was online presence. The battle between /pol/ and Correct The Record was a long and fierce one, however in the end I suspect they both played for the same team.

CTR dominated Reddit in an extremely obvious and comical fashion, and when they popped up on 4chan it wasn't dissimilar. In contrast to this, the "Trump Meme Experience" felt extremely organic and was easy to enjoy and contribute to.

In the end however I think that CTR was deliberately awful in an attempt to push potential voters and online commentators towards Trump, Pepe and Meme Magick.

It was a brilliant move (if I'm correct). Launch two online campaigns, both with the same intention (elect Trump) yet make one so lame and over the top (Trump is literally Hitler) to push voters towards the organic option in Trump. Very clever.

In the end, I hope that I'm wrong. If Trump manages to improve America, build the wall, work on the national debt, I'll be over the moon.

But the establishment has had a very firm grip on the planet for a long time now and the idea that they would let it slip like this, against Donald Trump, seems highly unlikely.

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Nice digits.

Well, "The Economist" called it with their ilustration some months ago. If Trump turns out to be just another globalist, then we'll know we have little to no chance of gaining any significant leverage over the elites, ever, unless aliens are real and decide to lend us a hand or something.

If he is able to keep his promises and genuinely tries to be a true nationalist, then that will be a huge beacon of hope for Europe and the rest of the world. We will ceratainly see the elites engage in unprecedented retaliation.

Perhaps a third scenario could manifest as well, somewhere in between globalism and nationalism. That might be even worse, we will not get a clear answer. Most clear lecture I can see from that situation is that it could mean they just want to calm down the rhythm of events. Take a look at what the average SJW looks like to the average person. They've been too successful with some, like Yuri Bezmenoc said, but maybe not so much with others. I say it's the worst case because it has the less potential of waking up people. So I as much as I'd prefer the other scenarios, I bet this is the kind of thing we're gonna get.

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The biggest tip-off for Trump should have been the Illuminati cards.

I've come to believe that the cards are not only just an insider plan, it's part of a major bluff vs "other" insiders, it's a literal "show your hand" for the last 25 years.


There is no "globalism vs nationalism", it's competing trends of rhetoric by the same group for purposes of societal control through subversion.

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>>2811 (OP)

Trump was put in power by the Earth Coincidence Controllers not to divide but to unite, although it first didn't seem like it (stupid people can't be trusted with the internet and this prooves they are bad people so it is ok they are poor they are trash, everything in its right place bla bla blah).

He did this really nasty campaign with Breitbart and the frogs to pick up the bad people (people socialised in a particular way) where they are and to geht enough votes but his politics are probably going to be more reasonable and less divisive than Clintons would have been.

They are playing dialectics and the endgame is a united world, not ruled by a global cabal, because that would be dangerous, but of independent nations.

Which is great, because any sane person realizes that global problems need global solutions.

So you could say that he is a globalist candidate but not THE GLOBALISTS candidate.

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You don't understand much and you seem slightly retarded.

You should worry about other things.

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I know I'm retarded but it is to be expected after what they've been doing to me for years.

Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6QlQ8LuPZI

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But how do you arrange something like that over a 25-year period? Wonder what the contingencies would've been if your hypothesis is true

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Only three time "israel" in such a topic...

Even one in israel are happy to see Trump winning. One of the israel minister said that Trump is the best thing that could happen to israel, before Netanyahu told his minister to stop making comments about Trump victory.

The daughter of Trump is considered the forth most influencial jew in the world.

Btw, Trump have met with the CFR boss (http://www.infowars.com/donald-trump-met-with-cfr-boss-richard-haass/), and as a lot of real analyst said: Clinton will not go to prison.


My analysis of this whole story is simple: Like in UK, this is a giant test, trying to find out what is the proportion of population who is totaly mentally shut down.

The test terms are:

There are pushing for a pure liberalist, capitalistic, establishement representing and media supported person, Clinton, against a "victim", an outsider who denounce this and who just wants to make america great again. Who wants to stop the war when Clinton want to go in war with Iran.

Three potential result:

1 - Vote for Hillary

2 - Vote for Trump

3 - Do not vote and entirly reject the corrupted system

What this test is searching for is how many people still vote for Hillary, even though every proofs are against this vote. The Hillary voters are the brain dead person who cannot even understand the first level of manipulation. This vote is irrational. They still followed even though what have been presented is irrational.

The people voting for Trump are the people who understood the first layer of manipulation. They are the person who still are manipulated, but they respond rationnaly to the test.

Finally, there are the person who understood the whole level of manipulation, the vote itself. These people are the very few, since there are a lot in the none voters of people who don't care about the common good (read Tocqueville to understand this). So the none voting proportion can't really give much since as a lot of people observed, people were encouraged to not vote; since it was in the middle of the week, with a very high waiting thread. So this test was not really about these people.

The conclusion of the test is that there is still a lot of people who voted, and even worste, a lot of people who voted unrationnaly.

You, dear /32/ readers, who I hope did not vote, not because you're purely individualist but because you understand that the entire sytem is rigged, have to be careful about the people who still voted, and even worste about the people who voted irrationally. These last people are the pure instrument of the government. There are gonna be the one who's gonna declare civil war or anything else nasty.

The news are even confirming this, since there are people who really thinks that they should go in war against Trump. The exact same scenario as with the Brexit, and the future scenario in Europe.

This whole populist push, from Brexit to Trump and next in the futur european election, is a big test to understand who's brain dead from who still follow (people who don't follow are I think not the subject here).

And ofc, israel is still the big winner.

NB: replace in this text israel with occupied Palestine

NB: For the joke: Donald Trump donated himself form 100.000 to 250.000 to the Clinton foundation.

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Adding to this:

• Erdogan showing motivation to grab some of the land at its borders: https://archive.is/2DdEu - How will Syria and Russia like Turkey claiming Aleppo?

• Turkey openly attacking Syrian Army using Artillery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNDHDDRdmDI - killing allegedly killing upto 80 soliders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyGVIyg5cII

Relations between potential enemies in a big open war against Islam seem to tighten

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Adam Curtis new film Hypernormalization sort of related to Trump and the elections.


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>how do you arrange something like that?

by holding all the cards. you control the media you control the "narrative" and not the SJW style narrative, the world-duping sort of narrative where you actively have control over what people know

even in the age of smart phones and etc, having twitter/facebook and all those platforms in your pocket are ENOUGH to even hold down the new tech era

BTW new stuff on Trump:

Breitbart's tweet concerning Podesta in 2011 means more than a few things.

-Pizza gate is probably real

-Potentially all the Breitbart staff know it's real (Bannon most likely does)

-WL knew it was in the emails

-Bannon-WL may have been coordinating

-Assange, whom is a fed, cooperated with Bannon on this intel

So...Trump/FBI?/WL and thus Assange are more or less a faction against Establishment pedophiles.

Deep state conflict taken public boys, take notes.

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There is a chance Trump is on it too, he was good friends with Epstein http://archive.is/sxoOu

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he outted epstein to the feds

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>non-libertarian constitutional conservative


Why do you hate us so

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>>2811 (OP)

Looks like the U.S. is going to actively enter the Syrian Civil War as predicted

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>>2811 (OP)

He's an actor, reality TV is still his gig, he's only landed a more prestigious role as the president of the united-states.

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It's much later and...we still don't know if Trump is a plant to slow down the people opposed to the deep State(((Jews))) or not. He's done some great things but he's not really attacked the deep State in an conclusive way. If he loses the election then I would say he was just a place holder all along and the next President will start the serious crack down and oppression of the Americans.

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and now...

>ifunny watermark left as further evidence of how far this has all gotten

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He got murdered 4 years straight.

The Law never came.




Nothing came from it.

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