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 No.2769 >>3697 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

What does it mean!?

Can someone torture out an exact meaning of this quote? Is he talking about the PR industry or propaganda itself? The executive branch "makes sure the laws are obeyed" is one definition I've found, and in America it's composed of the president, departments and agencies*. If PR is the executive branch of invisible government, does that mean the PR heads are presidents of an invisible government?

*according to http://www.usconsulate.org.hk/pas/kids/executive.htm

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The invisible government would be the deep state, widely known today to be the globalist corporate executives who control everything. The only way they manage to stay in power is by the masses not knowing of their existence; hence, propaganda is used to maintain their existence.

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But the quote uses exact terms so it wouldn't seem to need a reinterpretation. He could have wrote 'propaganda is the protector of the invisible government'.

It might be how you say or not far off but I wonder if there's a specific meaning based on the choice of the words executive branch and propaganda.

The literal reading of it (to me) yields "Propaganda itself or the organised craft of propaganda, is the equivalent of the executive branch, but for the invisible government".

Then based on how someone defines the executive branch you get something like: A) 'Propaganda is authorised and responsible for the running of something (ie being the executive branch)...' or B) 'Propaganda is organised like the executive branch...' or C) 'Propaganda is the highest post...' of the invisible government.

There can't be many variations of this to see exactly what he's saying, if he is exactly saying something.

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what I find more interesting is does this question imply that there are two other branches of this invisible government? What could they be?

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yeah if the executive is meant for carrying out the laws, then theres the judicial branch who creates the laws, and lastly theres the judicial branch who evalates those laws, then who are these last two?

Maybe the answer depends on what the 'law' is that propaganda enforces, unless it's a superficial quote.

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>judicial which creates the laws

should be legislative.

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>>2769 (OP)

Propaganda, through the television, is the perhaps the primary means of control, it's created a radical change in behaviors and is weaning society off its instincts.

It decides the symbols in which people dream, embedding itself deep in the unconscious of the average person. Creating composite personalities and engineering new social dynamics.

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