"My name is Susan Lynne Eckhart Ford and I am a 48 year old, native Californian. Until 1995, I
suffered from a debilitating condition known as Multiple Personality Disorder.2 In 1985 I embarked on
the long and tedious, painful road to recovery. Through years of therapy and deprogramming I
completely reintegrated my multiple personalities back into my uniform core self, and through the grace
of God, I am alive today to convey to you my true life experiences. This account of my remembrances
will be so shocking and amazing that you may feel that you've entered the 'twilight zone.' Many waking
up today, call this making a 'paradigm shift' in reality; I call it knowing the truth. But, do keep your faith
in God and humanity, for, as my father reminded me day after day, "The truth will set you free."
My multiple personality condition resulted from what I had first thought in 1986 was solely sexual
and ritual abuse. But, as I began to heal and remember more of my hidden past, I realized that ritual
abuse was merely the mind control trauma base my ritually abused, programmed, pedophile father,
Calvin Charles Eckhart, and others used to condition me for participation in the still active top secret
Project Monarch, the Central Intelligence Agency's white slavery operation that is related to MKULTRA
and it's numerous sub-projects.
I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills, California, but was abused my entire life in
many locations in and out of California, including hospitals, universities, and United States military and
NASA bases, where I was subjected to 'high-level' programming. The result of many years of trauma,
intentionally inflicted on me by my father and others to CREATE within me multiple personalities, was
that I was transformed into a programmed, totally robotical slave that could not remember to think or
tell what happened to me, due to the mind control and sophisticated programming I was under.
I was used frequently in child and adolescent prostitution and pornography. By my preteen years,
I had many personalities specially programmed to be the perfect sex slave -- a "presidential model" with
government mind files and a photographic memory equipped to deliver (most often through sexual
encounters) messages, some cryptic, to top government officials, entertainers, and other world figures.
From 1987 to 1991, I was in intensive daily therapy in California, remembering a complex
childhood that now has been validated, in part, through intelligence community, CIA, and FBI contacts
(active and retired), as well as through investigative journalists, knowledgeable mental health
professionals, and family members. In my quest for understanding and self-knowledge, I attended
school to attain my Master's Degree in Psychology. But, in April of 1991 I was forced to leave my home
and family in California, due to a clever plot and threat to my life if I continued to pursue remembrance
of my past in therapy and try to become healed. One of my therapists, Margaret Paul, Ph.D., who is also
a popular author, suggested that for my safety I should leave Los Angeles for awhile. Upon her
recommendation, I fled to the island of Kauai, Hawaii, where unbeknownst to me I was still part of the
project and still not free. "