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5bfa2b No.63161

They are trying to make it look like the Anunnaki were the Original Lyrans, when in fact the Sirian Anuhazi and their human-hybrids Oraphim Emerald Order were the pure Lyran strains, the Anunnaki were "fallen" Anuhazi that crossed with Drakonian from Orion and were mutated into the 10-strand reptilian imprint.

The Anunnaki DID exploit here and elsewhere for gold, but the pure strain Lyrans did not have to, as they had immortal bodies and full mastery of the densities at will.

Only the mutated Anunnaki, their hybrids and the races of the Drakonian nations needed gold and other things to sustain manifestation, as they lacked the 8th and 12th DNA strands and have monadic reversal and couldn't draw perpetual energies directly from Source.

This is another song and dance from the middle council fallen Elohim, the Nibiru Anunnaki, Nephilim, Kurrendara and Dracos.

The hidden agenda is not as bad as the Nephedem and pure Drakonian Black Sun Strains who desire human exploitation to extinction, but it is a sinister agenda none the less.

These guys seek to "befriend" us as our long lost progenitors. They then desire to hybridize with our Diamond Suns to get their missing coding, while mutating the 12-strand potential OUT of our gene pool through code saturation and monadic reversal.

They want to "help us evolve" only into the D-4 frequencies where they can interact with Earth more directly, then "cap" our evolution so we never actualize the 12-strand … as this would place us at a higher evolution and greater power than they are. Their agenda is pro-Anunnaki, Dracos and Beli-Kudyem evolution and anti-Adami-Kudmon Turaneusiam original 12-strand evolution. With friends like this we don't need enemies!

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