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37edf3 No.63025

I decided to try law of attraction one day.

I went on a walk and kept saying in my mind "hot women are being drawn to me" and picturing it very clearly in my head. And trying to feel the force of the energy pulling them towards me all around.

>(I felt stupid doing this but I really wanted to test the LOA out just for fun).

Well, I sat down for 2 minutes by a tree to rest, and suddenly, MY IDEA of a smoking hot babe comes outside her house (which was not right not to the tree, just 30-40 feet behind it) to ask me if I want to come inside and hang out. I was only sitting there for less than 5 minutes and she was behind a fence so it's not like she could even fully see me before the approached me.

Not kidding.

It scared me so much I never fck with the LOA again because it's real

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37edf3 No.63026

Followup post:

I know some of you will think I'm joking, but I swear to God this happened exactly like I said. And I truly believe it's somehow possible to do it again. I have fucking no idea how I did it.

My mind is just powerful, somehow.

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ceec22 No.63064


Were you on NoFap?

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