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File: 7776861e8126a1e⋯.png (522.79 KB,1080x857,1080:857,odom_illustration.png)

dfba9e No.62870

Welcome to the Kyle Odom General

>Who is Kyle Odom?

Kyle Odom is a figure alive today who was harassed by invisible telepathic reality-dominating entities, including voices in his head, manifestation of objects in his presence, possible visual hallucinations or physical holograms, transport between alternate timelines, strange people, and possible teleportation of people. He shot a related pastor many times with high caliber holllowtip bullets and the pastor miraculously survived relatively unscathed who later went on to become a politician.

>Odom Manifesto


>What is synthetic telepathy?

Synthetic telepathy is the ability to use supercomputers, AI, and antennas to read and write any information to a human brain remotely including all five senses using radio waves or scalar waves.

>Dr. Robert Duncan


>What is physics domination technology?

The Navy SEALs released an unofficial document describing the use of quantum jumping to teleport people, synthetic telepathy to control people, and a matter domination program. Extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings are mentioned. The astral plane is alluded to, as well as astral projection.

>SEALs Leak


>What are the physics involved?

Dr. Steven Greer asserts there is a hyperspace, which is the same as the astral plane and the consciousness field, that allows levitation, teleportation, astral projection, telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, manifestation, non-locality, and other abilities that are related to human consciousness and the technology associated with UFOs.

>Dr. Steven Greer


>Gateway Process


>Psychotronic Universe


>Scalar Waves


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f3b5db No.62873

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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