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File: 9270e9bdcc10306⋯.jpeg (14.51 KB,326x154,163:77,helper.jpeg)

b89296 No.62839

We are in the biggest show of the galaxy.

Today is Pentecost.

C……. I don't know what that means.

Lucky is he who has a ticket to see the rockshow tonight! ("Methellica", lol)

Are we in a simulation?

We will see

Contribution to Epic music…

Others might see a poem

Do whatever you think is right in life

Enjoy and entertain your soul…

Your judgement tore me down

Cutting through just like a sword

And I let you

Is it me or is it you

Everything falls apart

If I won't believe you

My heart racing letting go

Of my past, of your grasp

All the weight that you put on me, and I know

Now I fight this pain inside

I will never hide

I have found my mind

I'm flying higher

Oh World can you see me now

There's no more air left here to breathe

I don't know what to believe

Won't you hear me screaming out

I feel so lost and numb inside

Will I ever rise

decimals 1117583015 (other universe , time phone token)

sha512 anti cracker: 658ddb511465e31e815c2d59db6c6122eb506489aaa13473e86b56316b83b0300fcd311b057331d4c4d99e0e9001ccb5a7d4fb70fc6ce53fcc7f9b613f803f02

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