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File: dc0294d1dba7c31⋯.jpeg (123.27 KB,1088x1452,272:363,B1204B4E_4399_43E8_9CE9_D….jpeg)

File: 652a5ac9e0b2e76⋯.png (4.98 MB,1170x2532,195:422,AFE3B333_D19F_4F91_A36A_F4….png)

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826c5e No.62793

Please someone help me figure out what these are! Are they real people or spirits or Djiin or demons?! These were taken at my father’s house last year and they’ve haunted me ever since. Do y’all see it too?

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0d615a No.62815

from what I just googled it looks like djin

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