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File: 55cbc37c8f41e0c⋯.jpg (4.01 MB,6000x4000,3:2,white_cloud_blue_sky.jpg)

a86d26 No.62757

These are extraterrestrials, that are invisible, putting invisible effects on people and objects, then they use these invisible effects to frame the human, to forcibly control the human and form an illusion of consent. There's an extradimensional crime ring using extreme foul play to forcibly invade, infest and enslave humans.

The methodology of these demons involves using foul play that's beyond perception of the human and deceives the spirit world into erroneously believing it's something else. Meanwhile, they're using automatons or mindless zombie minions or whatever it is, and they don't even realize they're doing it. The alleged purpose is to prevent anybody from ever figuring it out, so nobody's experience will show the full true story. This is what's on Earth?! These demons are trying to do worse than kill people, they're trying to forcibly and secretively control people in such a way as to kill the victims in the afterlife and make it appear as soul suicide. It's actually murder designed to remove the soul from the universe entirely.

An analysis of my living experience of the past year, my full perspective of exactly how it's been being me, would've solved the situation. Where is it? My contact is being blocked, my psychic hearing was destroyed while these entities are invading my energy body and brain or mind to transmit messages to make it appear as though they're from me. When a spirit or angel or whoever tries to come talk to me, they unknowingly speak with a demon instead.

I'm an innocent person, but they send secret messages saying they don't care. Some negative entity was trying to find a way in to kill me. Basically, he attempted to curse me with something horrible. I understood it was an attack, so I basically told the entity to turn back and go away then I called forth the highest realms to help. Soon after, the negative entity returned and demanded payment for trying to kill me. It was simply another attempt to find a way in. He then put terrible effects on me, some devices/spells/surgeries or something, and sent an extremely egregious haunting as he invaded my mind and body. These extradimensionals have spoken a lot about apocalypse and arkanciding the souls of the innocent. An analysis of my living experience of the past year, my perspective of exactly how it's been being me, won't show every detail of their operation however it will show my innocence and that it's probably the worst extradimensional foul play ever seen in this entire dimensional level. Only extradimensionals and God can perform such a viewing.

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b7688b No.62813

File: 53f0c9d626b86b4⋯.jpg (30.85 KB,680x763,680:763,66f_1.jpg)


Lol bro, just ignore them.

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