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63b111 No.62581

A demon is attempting something worse than soul stealing. They are attempting to control the part of me on the otherside beyond time, utilizing a foul combination of forced psychic surgery, forced psychic implants, unavoidable spells, time exploitation, and more!

Please tell the Creator to thoroughly investigate what happened to me, both in my human form and the otherside. It's the worst crime in the universe!

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18efea No.62582

He hates water, go kayaking

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a8f53c No.62599


this creator we all speak of, is it just not a chicken and the egg joke for when we became calm about the time we were alive on the journey of death. when you think about it the death that we have to nobly and restfully give in a perfect sense of letting the blood evaporate its last senses of heat past our last blood pump of the heart. is this. its nature.

the thing we all need to know is its right in the minds eye and how we seem to accept it is how the deal with time goes and we can always go back on our own perception of the deal with time yet when you bring others in on this truth with the word of honesty we find nothing but a liars resort unless you can understand that there is good in the world holding you to the sign that points to the beach. so from the oceans and seas we came to be to return once more to the depths of death itself.

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