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File: e9b8aa3bcc0ac65⋯.png (82.96 KB,450x450,1:1,12_Sitri_seal_1_.png)

eeb8f0 No.62493

Hail Sitri! Hail Sitri! Commended.

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bf9664 No.62494

File: 5e012889b2886d0⋯.png (2.28 MB,1920x1190,192:119,5e012889b2886d001b3dad7993….png)



Well anon; the question isn't so much if this "See tri" will tell you women and their secrets, but whether he, or this "sett" figure, will tell you the truth.

Or as the Ferengi of the Star Trek Universe say:

the 347th rule of Acquistion. The only thing more expensive than paying for information, is not paying for it. This is, of course, followed by the 348th rule of Acquistion, only fools and idiots pay for "information".


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