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97127f No.62378

What do I see what I see Mel, well, aside from her being an African; is someone who started out in Piltover with a gold stolen through murder, rape, conquest, and death of the innocent, who had backers who gave her money for no reason other than she's noxian, didn't earn a dime, the head of a counciler of scientists and inventors, who doesn't know a thing about science and didn't invent a thing, all of her gold being stolen; and someone who is no better than a thug and thieves x2; some might even say, that she would qualify as being a great viking; if not for being African….. but then, that's the joke, about Odin being the just "lord of the hanged".


The one who thinks she's better than I must be on the white/light side.

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97127f No.62379

File: ab476a768f5ae1f⋯.jpg (66.13 KB,640x647,640:647,tracker142.jpg)



The joke, of course being "what do Valkyrie even do" being the choosers of the slain, and that if she didn't see that bitch Mel, leaving children to starve in the streets while covering the city in marble and herself in gold, hang she couldn't possibly be one, Dragon Fang, or not.

>Which of the two did the will of his father?” “The first,” they answered. Iesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the "Tax" collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of Allfather before you.


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