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File: a9b052f4132025a⋯.png (331.69 KB,441x479,441:479,1646781031332.png)

41c36a No.61002

“- Holly: You're fighting the forces of evil that none of us can see without sunglasses.

- Nada: Take a look.

- Holly: If you want me to look through your sunglasses, I'll look through your sunglasses. If I don't see what you see, I'm going to see it anyway.”

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41c36a No.61003

File: 40d5358475ac2b9⋯.jpg (101.99 KB,868x1024,217:256,6b9e66734d63228216aa2a89fa….jpg)

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41c36a No.61004


It aired on NBC on the first: Go to 7:44 in this video

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41c36a No.61005

File: 963bf57d1856fa7⋯.jpg (352.38 KB,2160x2336,135:146,1646785826419.jpg)

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7619b2 No.61013

Resembles with Baphomet. He has his right hand raised, a goat face, and a sort of crown in his head. Maybe the necktie was to simulate the beard.

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17de2c No.62610


private video…

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9b8a47 No.62826


Fuck… I want to see that

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