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File: 20022949d2c42e5⋯.jpg (10.91 KB,200x137,200:137,1644389947675.jpg)

6a04a0 No.60926

One night I was meditating out on the balcony, sitting in the lotus position, focusing on my breath, when I started feeling as if my body was vibrating. Then, an orb of yellow light "materialised" inside of me: I don't know how to explain it, I could see it but also feel it in my lower chest. It was a beautiful sensation I had never experienced before. I felt something I can't really explain and started crying out of joy. I felt as I had become one with the sphere and felt blissful.

I slowly descended into the orb and became one with it; I didn't feel any physical sensation, it was as if I was on another plane of existence; there was infinite nothingness apart from the light and me, or maybe I had become the orb itself by getting absorbed by it.

What happened? Was it just my mind playing tricks on me?

I don't usually meditate, I'm not used to it but enjoy doing it from time to time, although I know I should be doing it more often.

I am an agnostic and have never had hallucinatory experiences or delusional paranoia. I don't do drugs nor alcohol.

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dd42e2 No.60981

File: fedfc4a306de135⋯.png (78.3 KB,7_chakras_header_1_732x549.png)


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