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File: 73db845055a1f67⋯.mp4 (10.67 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Ankha_behind_the_green_doo….mp4)

68532d No.60799

Being able to map the universe in infrared has its unique advantages over other spectrums I won't go over here, but since cosmic inflation red shifted early light from the universe into lower wavelengths, astronomers will be able to "peak into the beginning of time."

The atmosphere(particularly water vapor) absorbs IR so there was special care taken to keep the mirrors clean(even water vapor is a contaminant) while it was on Earth. There is an armor-coat applied to the top mirror surface to alleviate contamination resting and to protect the mirror from micro-meteor impacts. Furthermore there are actuators that can physcially alter the mirrors' curvature and alignment if they need re-calibration after a micro-meteor impact.

They cool the beryllium mirrors(hexagonal crystal structure and a good neutron reflector) plated with gold (less chemically reactive than silver). Keeping the mirrors cold increases sensitivity to IR radiation. That's good because of less exposure time. Images of the same quality from far away galaxies could be captured in days instead of months.

The extra layers of sun shields are over-engineered so the mirrors get cooled more than necessary (half a kelvin difference matters here) just in case the shield doesn't perform as well as expected.

However, inventor anon claims these mirrors can detect neutrinos. Is it electron-neutrinos you are referring to?

The radio observatory in Ohio was also able to detect a powerful neutrino beam (I assume with a different mechanism from beryllium plates), but I find it difficult to visualize how neutrino-electron interactions work.

Is the JWST infrared observatory just an infrared telescope as advertised? Is the recent delay to tension the sunshield sus or not sus? Were astronomers conned into bankrolling a defense intelligence neutrino observatory?

Why is beryllium a good neutron reflector and why is its crystal structure hexagonal? How does beryllium connect to skyrmions and magnetic moments? Is the crysal structure important?

Inventor anon, can you please give me a hint. A simple sketch of a feynman diagram would help a student a lot.

news btw

It seems like there was a hiccup.

Engineers activating the James Webb Space Telescope decided Sunday to hold off tightening the observatory's critical sunshade to allow more time to check out the performance of its power systems and overall behavior now that several major deployments are complete.


James Webb Space Telescope team takes break before tightening up vital sunshield


>a delay in the sun shield deployment

technologies advertised


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