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File: e001ab41cba3344⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,1024x374,512:187,Zillow_Sanibel_logo2_1024x….jpg)

a1239e No.60737

I work for Zillow in what they call their software troubleshooting area however neither I nor any of the people I immediately work with are programmers.

We listen to audio recordings and make sure that an automated transcription matches what we are hearing. If there is a mistake, we correct it to improve the algorithm. However, what the company really seems interested in is understanding the context in which people are using the Zillow app. They are especially interested in ascertaining the socioeconomic status of users so they can find out who uses the app to "window shop" and who is really in a position to purchase a home.

Here's the problem: The audio (AND VIDEO) recordings are triggered by opening the Zilllow app. The mic and camera both go active when the app is opened and stay active until it is closed. Every day, we watch people in various states of dress, people in their bedrooms, bathrooms, workplace breakrooms – anywhere you can imagine. We are asked to assess them first and foremost according to whether they are "really" shopping for a home or are window shopping.

I cannot count the number of times I have seen a woman open the app, look at houses, and then begin to have sex. If the app is left running, the app captures everything and if it is left running for hours, I am required to at least skim through any video captured. I have witnessed arguments between couples. I have witnessed spousal abuse. In one horrific case, a Canadian police officer who also owns a car dealership who is a member of an affluent vampireish family could be seen abusing his daughter in perverse ways from the perspective of a smart phone held by his wife who permits him to do this. She looks at houses on Zillow and sits in the room with them, not realizing she is capturing the entire horrific act which is done every week on Sundays at the same time. I brought this to the attention of my supervisor and was told that since we are obtaining the information illegally we have to keep it to ourselves.

The privacy of millions of people is being routinely violated and our workers are frankly traumatized both because we see horrific things and because we feel guilty for intruding upon people's private lives.

The government needs to get involved and grab the data that Zillow is recording to prove they are engaged in illegal surveillance.

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c9e67b No.60738

File: f55efb584c73594⋯.png (334.05 KB,1108x448,277:112,1640160045615.png)

There was a good collaborative effort last night to substantiate the whistleblower claims over at halfchan… here are some screencaps from code found in the Zillow App, there is something to this

The key thing here is that the app is doing these things without camera and microphone permissions

We were also able to track down the individual mentioned by the whistleblower who is operating (to this day) a flickr called mpz_picz. mpz_picz essentially doxxed himself (you need only look at the contents of the album.) He is part a notorious vampireish pedophile ring in Ontario and I think the images speak for themselves. Someone is looking into whether there is data steganographically embedded in images posted which may covert into images of a much less benign nature, but I think it's safe to say there is something horrifically wrong when a guy is taking 283,000+ images of his kids (and the kids of friends and family) that way. Some people seemed to think it was innocent but we were pretty shocked by what we saw and I am sure that you will agree.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c9e67b No.60739

File: ecfd2c062acb518⋯.png (82.6 KB,1010x288,505:144,1640159934562.png)

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