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File: efafeddd2192ec8⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1628x1883,1628:1883,Untitled.jpg)

f61b39 No.60725

In recent times, certain fundamentalist Christians have been using the mysterious and spooky concept of an Ophanim, first spelled out in the Book of Enoch's Book of Watchers circa 200 B.C. The date of the first writing of that book is usually placed between 300 and 200 B.C., however, I think in light of the invention of gimbal inkwell by Philo of Byzantium in 200 B.C., we can form an educated guess about how this mythological figure found its way into a book now accepted only by Ethiopian Christians as part of their Bible.

The Book of Enoch was really a series of stories each of which were written hundreds of years apart. However, it is now apparent that a description of what was at the time a novel invention making a sensation in Greece, of all things, formed the basis for a mythological angel that guards the heavens. The set of books to which this story belongs is accepted as doctrine only by Ethiopian Christians today.

Even by the standards of religious nonsense, this book was considered at every step of the way to be a contrivance, and the path it took into Holy Scripture is becoming more clear.

Traders from Ethiopia visited Greece shortly after 200 B.C. and brought home with them goods and literature from Greece, considered to be the intellectual capital of the world at the time. The Ethiopian traders were mesmerized by a demonstration of the rotating inkwell and took notes on its construction, the precise design of which was a protected trade secret of Philo Mechanicus.

The Ethiopians took this information home but were frustrated as they were unable to re-create the gimbal mechanism, even with an inkwell purchased from a vendor that he took back to Ethiopia to study. Unable to replicate the design even with a working model right in front of them, the Ethiopians incorporated the basic visage of that inkwell into a new story being written that formed the basis of a cult being promoted by some of the earliest in a long line of Christian charlatans.

What you are looking at here is a fragment of of an ancient Greek inkwell and nothing more. Those who use this imagery to promote Christian cults are ironically following in the footsteps of the original writers of the Book of Watchers; Ethiopians too inept to be able to reproduce a mechanism consisting of two concentric rings with holes drilled in the side to make room for some fountain pens.

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