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File: f1f2aaa428d72b3⋯.jpg (24.73 KB,739x415,739:415,Klaus_Schwab.jpg)

a4baed No.60287

KLAUS SCHWAB, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM talks about implant microchip in a few years for people there is no more conspiracy

Link video:https://www.bitchute.com/video/HvfIxxtnSRoH/

Facebook,Twitter,Google etc they work together for this plan in a 10 years will be robots AI ,AI camera survelliance,advanced Microchip ,digital money etc ec

Link video:https://www.bitchute.com/video/HvfIxxtnSRoH/

My answer for this: they want to become like China Skynet

if you want more info about SkyNet China here is the video:


Sorry for my english i hope you understand my message

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2b7af2 No.60480

Illuminati Black Eye Club

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1c55ff No.62528

File: 88c038444a57f96⋯.jpg (877.38 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dont_Tread_On_Me_Wallpaper….jpg)

they are gonna be eating their own chips

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41869a No.62559


We see you and we know you are full of SHIT and a deceitful fraud!

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