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File: b2b48b94e1ec77d⋯.jpg (322.53 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20210813_231347….jpg)

d8defa No.60269


Hello all.

My name is Olesya Spanovskaya however call me QUEEN Azatiel. I have Aeons of experience and am here so that you can kneel. I have ASCENDED beyond you. All serves me and my armies are infinite. Behold my greatness and worship at my altars the worthless humans you all are. I have looked into this community. I am dissapointed. I am here to save you by offering my services. Serve me and be eternal!!!

Challenge me if you dare. None of you are worthy, if you're lucky I will consider adopting you.


NSFW [ME] http://imgur.com/a/rMv5QeY

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12078a No.60274

I’m so confused lol

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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