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0d5587 No.59840

hello everyone. i got banned for 2 days on 4chan for proving that the JIDF and therefore isreal, would rather you hate vampires than believe in christ. they use anti-semetic memes to make people not want to worship jesus, yet are semitic. this proves jesus is real and they are evil.

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669256 No.59844

You're a fag you don't get kicked off 4chan for being antisemitic or posting memes you're a gay schizo

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5e840d No.59847

I've been 'range-banned' again starting last month. Last time they did that was last year about the time they were pumping the bioweapon meme and I was defending the PRC from this hoax. It lasted all year until they rolled out the GMO vaxx. All this faggot censoring BS has gone on for years now and it hasn't done anyone any good.

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f8af0a No.61950


Your meds, take them.


I've been b& by nigger faggot jannies on the other /x/ and /co/ for naming the jew and saying the nigger word. Also, I've been banned for calling out christians as a gang of philosemites and golems, rendering OP's claims invalid.

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4e7b17 No.62001

why i got banned on 8/x/

>You have been banned from /x/ for the following reason:

>Trump shilling. Hasbara. Fuck the Jewish State. Not paranormal.


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