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File: b40c00cb353e7fe⋯.png (726.57 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, trannyward.png)


How do I farm loosh off of NPCs and barely sapient humans?

What do I do after stirring their emotions? Just siphon it with my will?

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If you have to ask, you're the NPC.

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>How do I farm loosh off of NPCs and barely sapient humans?

Maybe, run for political office?

>What do I do after stirring their emotions? Just siphon it with my will?

Pass more and more Byzantine laws, so that everyone keeps running around like sleepwalking chickens with their heads cut off?



>If you have to ask, you're the NPC.


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File: 173187a87c36f24⋯.png (10.45 KB, 78x62, 39:31, dongfish.png)



Fair point

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That's the issue though. NPCs are not aware, so no loosh.

Go to Twitter and post something controversial, done. Or cultivate it within yourself via the usual boring stuff.

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