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File: 18b03dbcc86aa0f⋯.png (90.43 KB, 272x208, 17:13, 1550941587504.png)


Good afternoon. I have a large collection of cursed images and I'm looking for a community to dump them in, where they might be appreciated. Is this such a community, and if so, what is the policy on images here? I see no rules posted but perhaps I am looking in the wrong place.

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File: 0c3c713bb74e20c⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1537017398742.webm)

Oh dear, I made a duplicate thread. I apologize for shitting up your beautiful board, but now I don't have the password to delete it.

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File: 050aa6008855518⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 288x450, 16:25, 1557865831430.jpg)

File: d5e5b0213525d90⋯.jpg (190.3 KB, 1000x651, 1000:651, tumblr_ojpflmu8FD1qanwopo1….jpg)

File: 69213f20aa20ac5⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 634x837, 634:837, oinkoinkoink.jpg)

File: bc5bec5a4bba3d1⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 600x804, 50:67, f7f9de05dc4dc7f7f17e58ffe4….jpg)

A few examples.

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File: e1279acb5852ae6⋯.jpg (74.1 KB, 597x800, 597:800, CursedImage345.jpg)

File: 0740b37d6322985⋯.jpg (411.51 KB, 2040x1535, 408:307, CursedImage8.jpg)

File: 086747b90f9390b⋯.jpg (297.05 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, CursedImage316.jpg)

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>Cursed images

Back to cuckchan with you.

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File: c485b771db74b4d⋯.jpg (220.5 KB, 1520x1024, 95:64, 1588165894438.jpg)

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