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File: 85c941dd29bcf6e⋯.png (451.56 KB, 1154x1186, 577:593, posterrr poster.png)


Guy's don't get left behind!

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>the universe is just a computer!

Theory literally came from a vampire, don't fall for it

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lol nice word filter

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Computers aren't omnipotent. Universe being a simulation is just atheists replacing omnipotent God with omnipotent Science. Very arrogant, and not based in fact.

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Shill. Advertise your shitty site somewhere else. I'm sure edgy failed normalfags will bite. try r9k, its nature of pretending like one is going to kill themselves is very similar to yours.

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Where is the link

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File: 3cbee291eedc03c⋯.png (14.89 KB, 243x112, 243:112, 3cb.png)



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Nigger I'm not buying a barcode reader just for your fucking ARG

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That's an interesting way of looking at things. Imagine the biggest fedora tippers believing in an all knowing and all powerful super computer.

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cmon femto stop posting on 8ch

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