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Need drawfags to draw us mascots | Rules

File: 9c9593f45b65039⋯.jpg (178.45 KB,1200x675,16:9,Motherfucking Khali.jpg)

File: 87c8125ff704e1a⋯.jpg (201.55 KB,822x474,137:79,Greatest royal rumble.jpg)

031812 No.113138 [Last50 Posts]


The full Greatest Royal Rumble event match card is as follows:

The First-Ever 50-Man Greatest Royal Rumble Match


>Universal Championship Steel Cage Match

<Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns

Vince is smart, coronating Ramen in Saudi where they'll actually cheer him.

>John Cena vs. Triple H

<Casket Match

>The Undertaker vs. Rusev


<WWE Championship Match

>AJ Styles (c) vs. Shinsuke Nutamura

<United States Championship Match

>Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Jinder Mahal

>Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match

<Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Bálor vs. The Miz vs. Samoa Joe

Finn will get stoned for wearing his homo gear

>Raw Tag Team Championship Match

<"FUNNY LAUGH MAN” Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt vs. Cesaro & Sheamus

>SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

<The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. The Usos

>WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

<Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Kal "Bushi" isto

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6fe467 No.113139

File: 4d240ec6d21295b⋯.jpg (27.87 KB,299x204,299:204,smug_aria.jpg)

Someone should tell finn that wearing homo gear in the usa where everyone is falling over each other to pat themselves on the back for being friendly to faggots means absolutely nothing. Now wearing homo gear where faggots get stoned, now that's a bold statement.

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031812 No.113142

File: 79e4cbec7558101⋯.jpg (130.28 KB,900x958,450:479,jamarcus.jpg)

>No women

>Won't be able to autismfag

oi oi

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8f0ba9 No.113143

File: fec4c43471848f6⋯.jpg (99.68 KB,1188x720,33:20,DbvDP6mU0AA3n-V.jpg)

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d7195d No.113144

>Finn will get stoned for wearing his homo gear


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031812 No.113145


>That autism stare on Brock

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bb4c73 No.113147

File: f67bce2f45ed5aa⋯.jpg (30.31 KB,650x400,13:8,b8345c068a15220b9fc3808105….jpg)

It fucking sucks they're doing this in the morning and i have to work so i can't shitpost live with you fags, cause it would've been fun shitting all over the Saudi crowd

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ff6197 No.113149


Will someone just let taker Rest in Peace?

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7fd9cb No.113151

File: 48dd351a7b9e612⋯.jpg (29.16 KB,642x361,642:361,66d93c0ffb10ca71a3593e8169….jpg)

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8f0ba9 No.113152

File: 3f290133cc64384⋯.jpg (267.09 KB,584x584,1:1,DbsPHGBWkAAoI1Y.jpg)

Who wants to train with Elias?

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f12d41 No.113154

File: 4d46192cf0877e1⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,mfw.png)

roasties BTFO

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bfd37f No.113176

File: 18c455de6cd9004⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,450x299,450:299,lol womens revolution.jpg)

going to bed shortly and getting up at 1am for LIVE shitposting, how many of wooobros will be here?

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bfd37f No.113177

File: 18c455de6cd9004⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,450x299,450:299,lol womens revolution.jpg)

going to bed shortly and getting up at 1am for LIVE shitposting, how many of wooobros will be here?

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1bfcc2 No.113240



Now Americunts know the suffering of Britbongs.

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4f6d4e No.113318

File: 547a122ac8ecee8⋯.png (197.6 KB,298x308,149:154,ClipboardImage.png)



Are you in Japan or something?

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031812 No.113319

File: 821a938059441f0⋯.png (5.81 KB,377x330,377:330,1459463196503.png)

>Women will get a paycheck for doing nothing

>People will still cry sexism

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6fe467 No.113320


>Be euro

>Have fun watching wrestling the morning

>Have fun shitposting in the afternoon/night/possibly the next few weeks with how long this show is

Feels good man.

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91e59f No.113321

File: 7010b4d39eebaa9⋯.png (170.1 KB,640x386,320:193,vlcsnap-2016-12-02-10h24m5….png)


so literally the same shit, different day?

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e05bd5 No.113323


>be euro

>don't give a fuck

>watch a highlight vid every tuesday during BREAKfast

>dont miss anything story-related watching a 3h show compressed into 30min

>watch ppvs full-length

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6fe467 No.113324


>watch a highlight vid every tuesday during BREAKfast

I actually do the same but with the wwe channel's clips.

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031812 No.113325

File: 4c7721a287a2aa6⋯.jpg (93.21 KB,768x768,1:1,JRry.jpg)


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031812 No.113326

File: dffd62fc3926957⋯.png (429.16 KB,610x461,610:461,8f0.png)

>There'll be no entrance music

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4f6d4e No.113327

File: 0c43b922cb6a6c7⋯.gif (3.04 MB,200x150,4:3,fts.gif)


>no BURN IT DOWN in allahu akbar country

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031812 No.113328

File: 2cbf3d2fc23ee74⋯.jpg (55.76 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Jihadi Jhon.jpg)

>Entrant #50

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6fe467 No.113329



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031812 No.113330

>Empty seats

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91e59f No.113331

File: 45e0861defd1679⋯.png (53.01 KB,293x277,293:277,vlcsnap-2018-03-14-01h25m1….png)

File: 817cbb7df4de21d⋯.png (36.61 KB,202x196,101:98,vlcsnap-2018-03-14-01h25m1….png)

File: 248d0be58036851⋯.png (33.22 KB,159x161,159:161,vlcsnap-2018-03-14-01h25m1….png)

>first match


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4f6d4e No.113332

File: 556a6a287ad64aa⋯.gif (915.15 KB,396x297,4:3,hunter hearst helmsley pac….gif)

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6fe467 No.113333


How do you feel about your big following in the gay community?

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91e59f No.113334

lawler look high om every prescription ever

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4f6d4e No.113335

File: 0fb60182710097f⋯.jpg (64.15 KB,612x574,306:287,hmm.jpg)

Who will the snackbars mark for the most?

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91e59f No.113336


hard to tell. they're not pajeets so it wont be for reigns.

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6fe467 No.113338


João Cena.

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91e59f No.113339

>booker shilling for samoa joe since monday night

if he or the miz wins ill be Ok

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91e59f No.113340

nice graphics dunn

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4f6d4e No.113341

File: 51786a3ba69dfc4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,343.83 KB,314x669,314:669,ClipboardImage.png)

woken bo tonight boys

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031812 No.113342

>Samoa Rollins

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031812 No.113343


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91e59f No.113344

File: c183a3c2d735041⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,300x158,150:79,7717a6babd0c02fa079d194c72….jpg)

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91e59f No.113345

>the best match will be a gimmick match

lmao taker and rusev gonna burn saudi israelia down

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6fe467 No.113346

>Undertaker tries have a match for longer than 5 minutes

>Literally dies

>Is buried in the casket at ringside


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031812 No.113347

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91e59f No.113348

byron sucks. why is he on this panel? where the fuck is JBL? did he stay in the U.S. because he couldnt show up drunk?

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6fe467 No.113349

Damn they're not even trying to make it seem like they're not burying rusev.

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4f6d4e No.113350

File: 5f053865881ead2⋯.gif (735.6 KB,300x172,75:43,jbl maggle.gif)


They're havin fun maggle ah love it

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031812 No.113351

Booker wants to get the fuck out of there

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91e59f No.113352

File: 729f11b9d7b01d1⋯.png (355.45 KB,989x474,989:474,OVAH.png)





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91e59f No.113353

>this song again


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031812 No.113354

>Those cozy VIP seats

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031812 No.113355


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91e59f No.113358

File: d4b6e132bad9cca⋯.png (1.15 MB,1366x768,683:384,AM I OVER YET.png)

post yfw a bomb goes off

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91e59f No.113359

no habla ingles

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4f6d4e No.113360

File: 7ac0e676383409e⋯.jpg (139.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,holy shit.jpg)

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9a181b No.113361

File: 0ad421b66257774⋯.jpg (50.49 KB,318x488,159:244,ELIMINATE.jpg)

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031812 No.113362

>AJ not being a public execution

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91e59f No.113363

File: 7446e0b87fd2bb4⋯.png (623.96 KB,996x700,249:175,chad.png)

>A.J. not wearing a huge ass cross

wtf you had one job

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031812 No.113364


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4f6d4e No.113365

File: 73f6be146e83d61⋯.png (468.75 KB,635x442,635:442,ClipboardImage.png)

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59eb8d No.113366

hey guys i have a new drinking game. take a shot everytime heyman says brock lesnar


>they're not everywhere in oil land

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488051 No.113367

streem pl0x and wen


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59eb8d No.113368

my prediction for the rumble.

braun strowman or randy orton will win

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4f6d4e No.113369


lurk more

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59eb8d No.113370

File: 1218f35dad9fc16⋯.png (70.09 KB,234x277,234:277,paco (2).png)


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1d2ada No.113371


Where are the streem links to the upcoming shit show? I wanna see Roman get tossed around like a chew toy.

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031812 No.113372


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6fe467 No.113373

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e220dd No.113374


So is the crowd going to fire AK47s into the air when their favorite stars come out?

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59eb8d No.113375

File: 83073f0fb38e9b0⋯.png (294.95 KB,355x429,355:429,Untitled.png)


>from canada

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6fe467 No.113376

>Promo package for a feud that literally has no build up

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59eb8d No.113377



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1d2ada No.113378

Here we go, lads!

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59eb8d No.113379


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59eb8d No.113380

oh no

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6fe467 No.113381

It's the terrorrist anime op maggle ah loveii

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031812 No.113382


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dc7698 No.113383

File: 49da2c00715c1eb⋯.jpg (52.42 KB,669x696,223:232,49da2c00715c1eb1d91e9d6538….jpg)

think they'll cheer roman?

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59eb8d No.113384

>no black chick over doing the lyrics

already better than mania

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59eb8d No.113385

Roman is going over TODAY

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031812 No.113386


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dc7698 No.113387


america cucked by middle east as usual

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59eb8d No.113388

File: 96bf71dc157b6d7⋯.jpg (14.53 KB,233x267,233:267,Sam_Hyde.jpg)

>already explosions

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6fe467 No.113389


Of course.

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8f0ba9 No.113390

>diversity is Saudi's future strength

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e220dd No.113391


There sure are a lot of Asians in Saudi Arabia

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031812 No.113392

steph banned

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8f0ba9 No.113393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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031812 No.113394


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59eb8d No.113395

>le water spit man

>already audio issues

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031812 No.113396

>Throws water bottle at the prince

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59eb8d No.113397

>wasting water in a desert

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9d2607 No.113398

It feels weird watching WrestleMania at noon, but I'm okay with it

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031812 No.113399


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59eb8d No.113400


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6fe467 No.113401

Theres the pyro they've been saving all this time.

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dc7698 No.113402


literally gay

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031812 No.113403

>87 is pleasant

fuck off cole

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031812 No.113404

>Jeddah is too sweet

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59eb8d No.113405

File: eabd9e8216025e1⋯.jpg (2.34 KB,125x125,1:1,1520903403585s.jpg)

>cenas bald spot

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6fe467 No.113406

Strap yourselves in folks this is gonna be a slow one.

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1d2ada No.113407

These Saudis are WAY too excited about this match.

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9d2607 No.113408


It's nice to see people just enjoying wrestling, for once

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dc7698 No.113409


at least they're not smarks

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59eb8d No.113410


this tbh

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031812 No.113411

>Cena sucks chant


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1d2ada No.113412


I agree, but if they're like this for the first match I might need a hearing aid after this ppv ends.

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031812 No.113413

>That jafar commentary booth

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59eb8d No.113414

>wont stfu about ronda

holy hell

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031812 No.113415

File: 81a0f2cd6d6b5ba⋯.gif (1.58 MB,650x341,650:341,1449009313527.gif)

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dc7698 No.113416

File: 270c3d05f381702⋯.png (111.01 KB,554x439,554:439,34f612e8ddf4168784819ca823….png)


i love the butthurt

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1d2ada No.113417


Pussy Pass: DENIED!

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dc7698 No.113418


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5d3be0 No.113419

This match has been weak as a fucking fart.

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f12d41 No.113420



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f12d41 No.113421


it started alright but these old farts lost momentum.

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dc7698 No.113422


What did you expect, at least it went first

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dc7698 No.113423

>no rebout knuckle


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f12d41 No.113424

>trending worldwide

of course because most of twitter is hadjis

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09bdd9 No.113425


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f12d41 No.113426

hhh fuckign ded

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f12d41 No.113427

HLR 👌💯

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f12d41 No.113428

>cena promo

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5d3be0 No.113429

The whole match looked off, as if it was one huge botch, particularly the submissions.

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dc7698 No.113430

>wins and buries nikki

i like this lel

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9d2607 No.113431

That royalty looking dude on the far left is definitely into it, he was counting the pin fall along with the ref

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f12d41 No.113432

yo these niggas wearing picnic cloths on their heads

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dc7698 No.113433

>normie music that sounds like 100000 other songs

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1d2ada No.113434

File: a16f8e3f0d08e0e⋯.jpeg (153.61 KB,650x392,325:196,NicCage.jpeg)

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f12d41 No.113435

File: db83d53a7cd46a5⋯.jpg (52.51 KB,640x522,320:261,1524603942775.jpg)

>nia tryin to act cute

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09bdd9 No.113436

What did I miss? Thought it took place tomorrow.

Forgot to factor in timezone.

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f12d41 No.113437

where is 205 anon? this is his event.

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1d2ada No.113438


Cena defeated HHH

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031812 No.113439

>I'm a Mark sign

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9518bb No.113440

spazy nigger has the pointless belt now

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5d3be0 No.113441


Cean and HHH pulled off the longest single botch the wrestling world has ever seen.

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f12d41 No.113442

that belt is fucking ugly

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f12d41 No.113443

guys, you want to know why these people hide their women? most arab bitches are ugly as fuck.

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031812 No.113444


Hotter than mcdonaldss

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6fe467 No.113445

Welp taima's dead for me. that didnt take long.

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f12d41 No.113446


alahi aober brother

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031812 No.113447

>that mysterious yellow stain in the ring

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f12d41 No.113448

File: 7649c2e02ae9949⋯.jpg (126.2 KB,600x512,75:64,wut.jpg)

did he just compare kalisto to RVD?

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031812 No.113449

File: 025349ca2f44f0a⋯.jpg (149.74 KB,900x1200,3:4,DT1ZVXJUQAA4id6.jpg)

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6fe467 No.113450

I guess someone in the back saw someone do a spanish fly a while back and loved it.

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f12d41 No.113451

File: 03e05629c249421⋯.jpg (165.15 KB,1032x774,4:3,long_sword_is_looooooooooo….jpg)

File: 520149320d809a2⋯.jpg (76.05 KB,510x638,255:319,lol (2).jpg)

File: 011eeaa6071b923⋯.jpg (75.88 KB,510x638,255:319,alex-the-great.jpg)

File: e830f13e96bd6d2⋯.jpg (22.56 KB,320x320,1:1,28157466_206302633287312_4….jpg)


i wonder whos behind this post

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4f6d4e No.113452

File: 18706d4219f8e3c⋯.jpg (289.61 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,booleyfag.jpg)

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6fe467 No.113453


>Company doesnt have a womens division

>Doesnt have womens matches

>Company has a womens division

>Keeps going on about how great they are and patting themselves on the back for shit like having them main event shows

>Goes to a place that doesnt allow womyns matches, exposing that all their talk is just that, talk

Durr they the same

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f12d41 No.113454


top kek its all autismfags tbh

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f12d41 No.113455

File: 3b794c6386219a1⋯.jpeg (5.72 KB,225x224,225:224,download.jpeg)


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f12d41 No.113456

>cole getting btfo by señor benjamin

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f12d41 No.113457

>the bar


>allahu akbar


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6fe467 No.113458

I just remembered that the bar is on SD now.

This is a foregone conclusion.

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031812 No.113459

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6fe467 No.113460

File: d14fa7601cd4b8e⋯.mp4 (201.67 KB,264x324,22:27,drug_shrug.mp4)


>Try to act like you know what you're talking about

>Fuck up this badly

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f12d41 No.113461


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1d2ada No.113462


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f12d41 No.113463



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4f6d4e No.113464

File: 317a2540a20b4e0⋯.webm (2.66 MB,852x480,71:40,Matt Hardy DELETE DELETE ….webm)

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6fe467 No.113465

This crowd died fast.

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f12d41 No.113466


arabs dont like pajeets

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1d2ada No.113467

>Arabs Boo The Poo

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dc7698 No.113468

File: d085e003a4c96b4⋯.png (1.65 MB,1135x976,1135:976,d085e003a4c96b4366a549bb1e….png)

>meltz tweet

He must be legit autistic i swear, at least heavy case of assburger

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4f6d4e No.113469

File: f9909161bf09519⋯.gif (3.29 MB,255x255,1:1,MAHARAJA.gif)


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f12d41 No.113470

>hardys head landing right on the yellowish streak

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4246e2 No.113471

I really hope that they'd pull in a swerve or too by letting Ramen beat bork lazer .

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dc7698 No.113472


i missed the action, what is this stain really?

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f12d41 No.113473

File: 07ade279df80a7d⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,227x222,227:222,HOjbEaOZ.jpg)

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031812 No.113474

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f12d41 No.113475


happened sometime during the cena/hhh match i guess.

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f12d41 No.113476

pussboy canadian btfo

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f12d41 No.113477

also this almost confirms that joe/miz wont win

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1d2ada No.113478


Fake Bake Spray-On Tan

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6fe467 No.113479

Propaganda BREAK.

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09bdd9 No.113480

>propaganda during intermission

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4f6d4e No.113481

saudi arabia is just a bunch of barbaric shitskins who got lucky and stumbled upon a land with oil so now they're rich as fuck

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f12d41 No.113482

holy fucking CRINGE

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1d2ada No.113483

>Except for the kikes, fags, your infidel women, and the no-poo-in-loos. We don't want them.

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dc7698 No.113484


Now you know how people outside USA feel watching wwe

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031812 No.113485

prayer BREAK

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6fe467 No.113486

>Literally bragging about letting women drive

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f12d41 No.113487

dude look a women is driving lol

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5d3be0 No.113488


This is fucking amazing.

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dc7698 No.113489

>no pop for y2j

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f12d41 No.113490

>jericho has a cross on his vest


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1d2ada No.113491


Chris "Deus Vult" Jericho

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4f6d4e No.113492


Something tells me this isn't on screen because it's prayer time or something

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1d2ada No.113493


When did Godsmack replace Sully?

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1d2ada No.113494


Whoops. Forgot to DELETE post #.

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f12d41 No.113495

yes lol

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f12d41 No.113496

r.i.p. Verne Troyer

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f12d41 No.113497

Styrofoam Stable

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031812 No.113498


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f12d41 No.113499

terror team

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6fe467 No.113500

>Mallet mates vs the ursos

>When the usos + new day couldn't make a dent in the mallet mates

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950881 No.113501

Goddamn it I missed the first hour.

What I miss?

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f12d41 No.113502


b-b-but muh samoans?

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224211 No.113503

File: 9f265c9874ef2fc⋯.png (366.59 KB,680x539,680:539,1_OYdnOFCowZG_SftyPFFVgw.png)



What about tongans ?

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6fe467 No.113504


Did you know that women can drive in saudi arabia now?

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f12d41 No.113505

literally the same match as tueday

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f12d41 No.113506

File: 4622e5c497a325a⋯.jpg (27.48 KB,599x590,599:590,Bk3ZsuQCUAA54EY.jpg)

usos lost

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950881 No.113507


I was informed yes. Give it 5 years and some fundamentalist crazy will have the crown prince killed and re institute the insanity.

The issue isn't government, it's religion and the people.

But whatever!

How did it go? What matches I missed before Usos vs Rednecks?

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f12d41 No.113508


the bar was DELETED

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4f6d4e No.113509

File: 920040f51bee25e⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,754x416,29:16,matt euphoric.jpg)

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09bdd9 No.113510

>taima won't load

Anyone got alternative links?

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f12d41 No.113511


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950881 No.113512


Nice, but expected. Anything else? I saw some shitposting related to Hunter and Cena, as well as Rusev and Taker.


>that pop for BURN IT DOWN

It's not "bomb", but I suppose it's close enough

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f12d41 No.113513


lmao mostly a snooze fest.

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950881 No.113514



This is the link they're using

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f12d41 No.113515

File: c8f9ee385acfe2a⋯.jpg (263.94 KB,2789x2155,2789:2155,c8f9ee385acfe2ae42e941851b….jpg)

>about to leave

>somoa joe comes out

>my mom says "hes gonna kill this guy"

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950881 No.113516

>inb4 they boo Balor because of GAY COMMUNITY

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dc7698 No.113517

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6fe467 No.113518

Why isnt that coward wearing his faggot gear?

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031812 No.113519

>Not wearing rainbow gear


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950881 No.113520

>that joke about "it's been in Asia for a while"

Oh Corey~ You damned skamp.

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f12d41 No.113521

>saudi pop for the gay communty

not really suprised though

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09bdd9 No.113522


Asks to sign up and doesn't even let me in after doing so. Anything else?

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950881 No.113523


I can't use it fine without signing up. Heck, Taima's working for me

So…yeah you fucked son.

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f12d41 No.113524


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031812 No.113525

File: 8940bee1733eb0f⋯.jpg (259.4 KB,742x1024,371:512,12141161983_2a0cd85b8e_b.jpg)

>its big its hot its beautiful

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950881 No.113526

This crowd is like the Japanese crowd.

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dc7698 No.113527

Can you hear any shitty chant? No? It's beautiful isn't it?

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4f6d4e No.113528

File: d6d7b5bbd1b270d⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,425x283,425:283,vomit.jpg)

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031812 No.113529

File: 9e01961d5bac7db⋯.gif (1.75 MB,245x289,245:289,tumblr_ouanaqicF81rumiojo2….gif)

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5fba76 No.113530

File: 13e79396ae5d74f⋯.png (300.48 KB,474x474,1:1,unknown.png)

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031812 No.113531



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950881 No.113532

>Taima chat mentioning Sasha sperging

What the fuck, she got payed. What does the BLM bitch want even

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031812 No.113533


She needs a good dicking to set her straight

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dc7698 No.113534


Nigger sperging and usual victim mentality? Color me suprised

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5fba76 No.113535


What is she doing?

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1d2ada No.113536


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031812 No.113537


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dc7698 No.113538

>rollins no sold ladder climb


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950881 No.113539

>show that little girl in the stands

For fucks sake WWE, nobody cares you left off the piss BREAK matches, it's fine. No need to play publicity.

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45ce32 No.113540

at least gaylor didnt win

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1d2ada No.113541

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6fe467 No.113542


That's not wwe propaganda.

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1d2ada No.113543


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224211 No.113544

File: 53404eaa5d22333⋯.jpg (93.23 KB,1200x675,16:9,53404eaa5d2233343d09f1416c….jpg)

>Iranian flag

Oh fuck here we go

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031812 No.113545

>yfw WWE starts WW3

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950881 No.113546

>Iran heat


Well played Vinny.

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6fe467 No.113547

Goddam americans booing people just because they're from a different country amiright?

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031812 No.113548

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224211 No.113549

File: 5e3a5e1628c1d6b⋯.png (89.84 KB,185x277,185:277,5a3e9d81ee6b83d9b7d86f0cc4….png)


>It wasn't Trump

>Or Putin

>Or Israel

>But Vincent Kennedy McMahon who started WW3

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5d3be0 No.113550

File: 066f6cb0ab0e96d⋯.jpg (56.37 KB,479x700,479:700,11630b.jpg)

>mfw Iran gets bombed for this

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dc7698 No.113551

will this be better than wrestlemania i wonder

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950881 No.113552



>First it was that picture with Trump where everyone except Shane's wife had been stunnered

>Now he works the Saudi royals into a shoot and causes WW3


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031812 No.113553

>yfw Big Bible AJ comes out with a bible and cross

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031812 No.113554


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031812 No.113555

Reminder that Japanese fans hate this theme

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950881 No.113556


I wish he'd come out in full crusader themed garb with the Templar Chant as the theme

DA! PACEM DOMINE! ringing out in the arena.

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bae7e4 No.113557


With the rap or just the whole violin theme itself?

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6fe467 No.113558


It sounds like a guy that doesn't speak japanese reading japanese words.

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dc7698 No.113559


good, he's a heel and fuck weebs

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031812 No.113560


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dc7698 No.113561

"shin" haHAA

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1d2ada No.113562


<I live near there

Accurate Shitpost

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031812 No.113563


What's her fucking problem bros?

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4f6d4e No.113564


She's a fucking nigger cunt

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dc7698 No.113565


She has about 90 IQ i swear, dumb whore with rebel mentality

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6fe467 No.113566


Am I missing something here?

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031812 No.113567

File: c18d61b0423beaf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.64 KB,720x960,3:4,Mercedes-Kaestner-Varnado-….jpg)

She needs a good fucking, her soy husband can't get the job done.

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4246e2 No.113568


the sheboon didn't get her way.

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638904 No.113569

File: c28fc1f85353dd5⋯.gif (862.18 KB,245x230,49:46,91f2dd9c602d549f5711852260….gif)

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950881 No.113570

>this crowd

You were better when you were quiet and popped for the fun shit. FUcking shitskins.

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031812 No.113571



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dc7698 No.113572


The wwe style americanized them under 2 matches

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950881 No.113573


>ywf they don't know the difference

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950881 No.113574


Your face when*

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4f6d4e No.113575

File: 518d254ef3248bb⋯.gif (818.39 KB,160x160,1:1,aj laugh.gif)


that's probably what it is

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950881 No.113576


To be fair, WWE has all but named Bullet Club, AJ and Balor both basically still are BC members in the WWE canon so, I guess it's understandable

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950881 No.113577

>not the king of nut style

Come on Maggle

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031812 No.113578


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4f6d4e No.113579

File: fb2c3bcb3e83f2e⋯.gif (5.26 MB,321x250,321:250,wow.gif)

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4246e2 No.113580

AJ didn't remove the GAY.

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031812 No.113581


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950881 No.113582

Well that was good way to not bury Nakamura too hard and still let AJ retain I suppose.

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6fe467 No.113583

I'm gonna be honest I forgot all about this match, I thought bork vs inferior ishii was next.

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031812 No.113584

30 second match incoming

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6fe467 No.113585

>Video package for taker

>No mention of rusev

This is just sad.

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224211 No.113586


It was good knowing you, Ru-Ru

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dc7698 No.113587

Fuck rusev, he's a bitch

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950881 No.113588

>Rusev Day also over in Saudiland

Jesus man, at point does Vince give up trying to make him heel.

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031812 No.113589



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dc7698 No.113590


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950881 No.113591


But Vince, you know you can have more than ONE guy over right?

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4811e7 No.113592

File: 6e9d69f931c173b⋯.jpg (51.83 KB,552x663,184:221,1503789037680.jpg)


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031812 No.113593

>Corbin tier hairline

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6fe467 No.113594

There's some cool kino shots on this show.

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6fe467 No.113595

>don't let him win


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031812 No.113596

>That wide ass casket

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dc7698 No.113597


Corbin in taker's age will have hairline reaching his ass

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4f6d4e No.113598

File: 657a92357417636⋯.jpg (53.34 KB,620x659,620:659,das it.jpg)


He's 53 tho

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4811e7 No.113599

no matter what happens rusev is going to be so fucking over its not funny

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6fe467 No.113600

The camera cuts are kicking rusev's ass.

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dc7698 No.113601

>rusev fucking smiling all the time

fucking mark lmao

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950881 No.113602

The Undertaker can't even bump, this is shameful.

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6fe467 No.113603

Taker is so tired.

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031812 No.113604

Taker blown the fuck up

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6fe467 No.113605

A-at least rusev got some offense in right?

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950881 No.113606

>Aiden takes the tombstone because Rusev's too heavy for a safe bump

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6fe467 No.113607

Hey now putting two men together in the casket like that?

Absolutely haram.

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777081 No.113608

aiden btfo

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950881 No.113609


It's over, he's buried.

How many more times does Vinny need to do this before the wrestlers understand to not get over without permission.

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031812 No.113610

Taker looking like an angry benjamin franklin

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6fe467 No.113611

>Build the f-5 up by having lesnar only need one to beat people like strownman and joe

>Roman kicks out of 5

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dc7698 No.113612

>that promo

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4f6d4e No.113613

did you nerds actually expect rusev to go over undertaker in front of a bunch of saudi marks?

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6fe467 No.113614

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1d2ada No.113615

Will Brock strip Roman naked and rape him in Jeddah?

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dc7698 No.113616

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950881 No.113617


Not really.

What's sad is that Rusev wont get the win back. I wonder why Taker agrees to do all this when they always tout how he's an old school guy that goes out on his back and what not.

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6fe467 No.113618


>Linking an image on an imageboard

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031812 No.113619

File: de880916102302f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,632.12 KB,1413x2000,1413:2000,2356952 - Alexa_Bliss Asuk….jpg)

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dc7698 No.113620

File: fab08f3cce6b739⋯.jpg (124.76 KB,737x657,737:657,fab08f3cce6b739e21000b55c8….jpg)


Like i can be bothered to download it and then upload it

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031812 No.113621



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950881 No.113622

>Booing reigns



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4246e2 No.113623

Vince needs that sandnigger money!

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777081 No.113624


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6fe467 No.113625

Where is vince going next to try to get roman cheered?

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9d2607 No.113626


Coming next year, The Greatest WrestleMania at the Antarctic!

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950881 No.113627

>Brock goes full crusade on the audience and mauls all the shitskins

I wish it'd happen.

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031812 No.113628


Greatest Summerslam in North Korea

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613c81 No.113629

File: 9ce459c3b883718⋯.jpg (333.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,9ce459c3b88371823807c280a4….jpg)


>The only thing that taker is known for more then wanting to put over the talent?

<Being a company man

Gotta help vince jews those cryptojews and get out of jewarabia with the oil bucks before the shah realizes what is happening

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4f6d4e No.113630

File: 695ae3289c4385f⋯.png (402.83 KB,620x349,620:349,ClipboardImage.png)


Nunavut Night of Champions

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950881 No.113631


It'll be on some Samoan island. It's literally the ONLY way to get Roman cheered

And I doubt even that would work.

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1d2ada No.113632


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031812 No.113633

File: 781d68f9b1f5b06⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.61 KB,481x479,481:479,781d68f9b1f5b0609add6f6fb9….jpg)

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777081 No.113634


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dc7698 No.113635

>one chance to start off fast and strong

>slow suplex spam and f5

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777081 No.113636

le stoopidman punch

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dc7698 No.113637


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777081 No.113638


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031812 No.113639

>Finisher spam


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dc7698 No.113640


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777081 No.113641

ohh noo

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dc7698 No.113642

they started match with 5 supers lel

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dc7698 No.113643

File: b2a1850d7bb1446⋯.png (13.64 KB,96x112,6:7,zulul.png)


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6fe467 No.113644

Wow roman you're a fuckin dummy.

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031812 No.113645


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4f6d4e No.113646

File: c1a6e910af50066⋯.gif (1.35 MB,200x150,4:3,1415563157500.gif)

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950881 No.113647

Roman Reigns landed first though

Brock's feet didn't touch the floor, they were touching the cage and somewhat in the air

Reigns rolled to the side first and his feet touched the floor first

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777081 No.113648


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dc7698 No.113649

File: bd1c0e27449b6a4⋯.gif (1000.58 KB,355x210,71:42,1464176855475-2.gif)


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dc7698 No.113650


That actually is true, kek

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4246e2 No.113651

Bork, please.

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950881 No.113652


See! Corey's all choked because he was going "his feet touched first!" but the replay clearly shows otherwise.

This finish was shite. Who booked it this way should be shot.

It was a fun spot, but it should have been a double win at most.

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4f6d4e No.113653

File: df7c9e336adc623⋯.gif (3.39 MB,200x200,1:1,vince.gif)


>vince is going to just have bork keep winning until people get sick of him winning the same match over and over and people actually want roman to win

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031812 No.113654


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777081 No.113655

based brock btfo of india

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1d2ada No.113656

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6fe467 No.113657

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613c81 No.113658

File: b9aaeca8510d0a8⋯.png (254.23 KB,595x444,595:444,Braun-Strowman-Smilinf.png)


I'll take Lucky 42

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01e7b1 No.113659

>The absolute state of that ending

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5fba76 No.113660

45 because it's her turn

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777081 No.113661

daniel bryan vs big cass & daniel bryan

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224211 No.113662

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1d2ada No.113663

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777081 No.113664


sounded like cole said that

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031812 No.113665

File: 6345e6b0b393ebf⋯.jpg (114.4 KB,1200x675,16:9,GREEN.jpg)

>Pistachio belt

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777081 No.113666


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777081 No.113667


ziggy btfo

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613c81 No.113668

File: 1d344f9ba355371⋯.jpg (126.04 KB,1280x960,4:3,HeHatesIt.jpg)


>Satan's Number

Dammit Dolph

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6fe467 No.113669

I still don't get what the fuck they're trying to do with ziggy's entrance.

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6fe467 No.113670

Who's the other winner maggle?

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777081 No.113671

sin cara lol

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031812 No.113672


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613c81 No.113673

File: 02e07a4880b74fa⋯.png (49.65 KB,243x360,27:40,ef0bb78a93350067230c094847….png)


It's a deep comment on the state of entrances in general and how no entrance is infact the most entrance of entrances because ziggs is the must wrassler of wrasslers which to say he is not a wrassler at all.

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6fe467 No.113674

File: 0fca5e99eaa69a7⋯.png (242.35 KB,510x346,255:173,sa.png)

The fucking state of that mask. Someone call bushi.


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777081 No.113675

seen it coming

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6fe467 No.113676

>Finally hear axel's theme

>It gets cut off before he even gets to the ring

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777081 No.113677


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031812 No.113678


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6fe467 No.113679

>Entire gimmick is his wife

>Wife cant be there

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950881 No.113680


>No Maria


Who cares

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777081 No.113681


and hes gone

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4f6d4e No.113682


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1d2ada No.113683


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950881 No.113684



Vince really hates the soyboy for taking the wife's name doesn't he?

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031812 No.113685

>Getting the Santino treatment


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6fe467 No.113686


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6fe467 No.113687


>Vince really hates the soyboy for taking the wife's name doesn't he?

That's a gimmick you mark.

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950881 No.113688


Oh shit, I actually thought he'd done it and Vince just rolled with it.

Who the fuck agrees to a gimmick like that

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777081 No.113689

henry btfo

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6fe467 No.113690


In NJPW and ROH they were mike and maria bennett.

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950881 No.113691


So basically NJPW doesn't emasculate its wrestlers. Good for them

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777081 No.113692

kofi bigger pop than roman


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613c81 No.113693


>He be jamaiccan it big time

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6fe467 No.113694

So that's how got to 50 wrestlers.

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6fe467 No.113695


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031812 No.113696


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1d2ada No.113697


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6fe467 No.113698

It's the midget maggle.

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777081 No.113699


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950881 No.113700

>Revival eliminated by Hornswaggle


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777081 No.113701


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6fe467 No.113702

They're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

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031812 No.113703


My fucking stomach hurts god damn

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613c81 No.113704

Did Hornswoggle really get eliminated? He climbed under the ropes I thought?

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777081 No.113705

File: d4918bda8c96ab9⋯.png (327.85 KB,321x378,107:126,ayyy (2).png)

>all yhes sand monkeys coming out to terrorist music

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dc7698 No.113706


he did indeed

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031812 No.113707

>Negative pop for Bo


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777081 No.113708

>a rebirth for Bo

oh fack he dropped the ball

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6fe467 No.113709


Almost no one is getting a pop.

The midget did though.

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4f6d4e No.113710

File: 5836b0a06001ec7⋯.png (664.47 KB,514x564,257:282,bo smiles.PNG)

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777081 No.113711

angle omfg

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031812 No.113712


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dc7698 No.113713


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777081 No.113714

ziggy btfo and ded

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6fe467 No.113715


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4f6d4e No.113716

File: ecdfe0c53cf500a⋯.png (176.27 KB,277x267,277:267,bo proud.png)

Bo bumped and sold like a champ

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613c81 No.113717


I kinda thought it was going to be 1+2 thru the whole thing, but I guess DB is going over brother

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dc7698 No.113718

>goldust pop

i approve it

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4f6d4e No.113719


shitskin marks are just popping for muh attitude era guys at this point

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dc7698 No.113720


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777081 No.113721

who can fake hit betternthan glodust?

no one

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6fe467 No.113722

Even if it's all geeks I always love the suspense of waiting for someone's music to hit.

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777081 No.113723


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777081 No.113725

oops lmao botch post


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6fe467 No.113726

I don't know half of these people's themes.

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613c81 No.113727


to be fair many of their individual themes haven't been played in years

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031812 No.113728


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4f6d4e No.113729

Is Ambrose cleared?

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6fe467 No.113730

The homosexual police is in trouble.

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dc7698 No.113731

the commentary is more fun than the match

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777081 No.113732

post yfw rhyno wins

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dc7698 No.113733


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777081 No.113734

holy fak i knew it

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6fe467 No.113735

Is rey wearing a diaper?

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6fe467 No.113736

File: b7c34e45ffa6375⋯.jpg (72.58 KB,831x1024,831:1024,misaka.jpg)

>Still wasting the gay police like this

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4f6d4e No.113737

File: 71d080e280622e2⋯.jpg (238.85 KB,1920x1080,16:9,breezango.jpg)


it hurts

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031812 No.113738


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777081 No.113739

pancakes lol

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b2e14e No.113740

It is so obvious that the actual fans were kept off the floor in favor of Royals. I'm glad I live in America where I can sit in the front row regardless of my class or lack there of so long as I have the money to pay scalpers.

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777081 No.113741

fuck this nigga bring back festus

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dc7698 No.113742


>implying royality isnt the only true fans

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b2e14e No.113743


>implying they even know what's going on

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777081 No.113744

that was the shittiest 619 i have ever seen

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613c81 No.113745

File: db11b8829d8de2d⋯.png (1.49 MB,1053x1070,1053:1070,(you).png)


saudiposters go home

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031812 No.113746


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dc7698 No.113747

File: 5c3d2c155815f8b⋯.gif (1.86 MB,162x149,162:149,1460567852346270018.gif)


>indie memes

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6fe467 No.113748

Those flying nothing into obvious rko are so shit.

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dc7698 No.113749

>boreton eliminating people just to be irrelevant for the rest of the year

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b2e14e No.113750

And once again Karl Anderson wishes he was back in Japan.

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031812 No.113751


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777081 No.113752

fuckin slater lel

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6fe467 No.113753

Literally who

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dc7698 No.113754

fuckiong who?

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b2e14e No.113755

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031812 No.113756


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dc7698 No.113757

Brodus clay got that mcintyre treatment LEL

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777081 No.113758





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031812 No.113759

File: 5a8c5874cfd508f⋯.jpg (151.82 KB,900x1200,3:4,DMj6VGWVwAAHxtR.jpg)



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dc7698 No.113760

Its funny how corbin was the indiebuster in nxt but he's best as a spot monkey

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dc7698 No.113761


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777081 No.113762

what a fuckin idiot

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031812 No.113763


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b2e14e No.113764

>they replay it


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950881 No.113765

>replaying the botch


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613c81 No.113766

File: 076846a8892f18c⋯.jpg (71.27 KB,944x624,59:39,GottaHaveIt.jpg)

TITUS BTFO, I need a webm

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6fe467 No.113767

Everytime a black guy comes out those two dudes do the prime time players dance.

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dc7698 No.113768

File: f0ff9c34b27acf7⋯.gif (1 MB,250x194,125:97,1463071408449437538.gif)


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031812 No.113769

Oh man, just that botch made this worth it

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b2e14e No.113770

<They replay it again

Dunn going wild brother!

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dc7698 No.113771

The best thing is that it's completely in character with titus because he's been doing botches a lot in kayfabe

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950881 No.113772



No way, this is totally Vinny. It's the kind of shit he loves.

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6fe467 No.113773

This, that spine buster and that whisper in the wind are the best things about this.

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777081 No.113774


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031812 No.113775

File: 854eadef7c60c16⋯.mp4 (675.19 KB,540x304,135:76,BOTCH OF THE YEAR.mp4)

Oh man, this needs to be a banner

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b2e14e No.113776


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6fe467 No.113777

Tye's looking real jacked

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b2e14e No.113778

Perfect 10 seconds in the ring.

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dc7698 No.113779

where is brian at?

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031812 No.113780

44 was my pick, watch it be Khali.

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777081 No.113781

>elias vs strowman

i am ok with this

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b2e14e No.113782

Wait, who eliminated Bryan? I was too busy funposting

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6fe467 No.113783

DB is sleeping outside.

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950881 No.113784

The fucking stream died on me

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dc7698 No.113785



there he is,confirmed for winning

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dc7698 No.113786


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031812 No.113787


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b2e14e No.113788

File: b8345c068a15220⋯.jpg (57.42 KB,650x400,13:8,Vince_Concerned.jpg)

There goes the budget….

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777081 No.113789


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6fe467 No.113790

Trump's pet.

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dc7698 No.113791


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777081 No.113792


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6fe467 No.113793

Oh wow brian's chest

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6fe467 No.113794

>Popping for fucking khali

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85c72c No.113795

Son of a bitch, I forgot this started so early. Time to catch up if I can.

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777081 No.113796

44 anon was so close lmao

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031812 No.113797

>unga bunga

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dc7698 No.113798


comic reliefs had biggest pops in case you didnt notice


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031812 No.113799


Bobby gonna win it all

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777081 No.113800

Khali just now made it to the ring

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b2e14e No.113801

DB looking like Jesus in his last days right now.

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dc7698 No.113802

File: c12e78ff48802cd⋯.jpg (88.76 KB,397x399,397:399,1326793026009.jpg)

>taima got the titus gif already

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b2e14e No.113803

<Shane O'Mac

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dc7698 No.113804


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777081 No.113805

shane after that oil money

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6fe467 No.113806

>Tana is nº50

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b2e14e No.113807

<Can you imagine if Shane McMahon won the first ever greatest royal rumble

Why must you say such terrible things Byron?

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01e7b1 No.113808


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777081 No.113809


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dc7698 No.113810

cass will come and fuck bryan up to push the feud

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b2e14e No.113812


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031812 No.113813

>Jericho at 50

Okay I guess

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dc7698 No.113814


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6fe467 No.113815

50 is y2j by the way

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dc7698 No.113816

>cole keeps losing his shit

the most entertaining he ever was tbh

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b2e14e No.113817


The Botchiest Royal Rumble!

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f6917d No.113818

File: 65ae12c1246b930⋯.png (155.85 KB,378x347,378:347,jon jones.png)

>no women

>suddenly it's the best thing wwe done in years

How will sjw's explain this?

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777081 No.113819


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950881 No.113820

I'm beyond behind.

Still at the Cass entrance

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6fe467 No.113821


>suddenly it's the best thing wwe done in years

It's been boring as hell, the only thing saving this whole event is the royal rumble format.

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031812 No.113822

File: f3400fc2a254371⋯.mp4 (112.16 KB,300x170,30:17,JUST.mp4)

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6fe467 No.113823


If you're watching on taima right click and put it on 2x speed.

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b2e14e No.113824

>that shrug

Jericho is the best.

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777081 No.113825

big ass fuckign deadnfrom that botch


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b2e14e No.113826

RIP the money

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a8ca03 No.113827

>strowman eliminating niggers

is he /ourguy/?

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4246e2 No.113828


the sandnigger rumble has been redeemed.

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dc7698 No.113829


called it

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6fe467 No.113830

You can always count on shane to die for our sins.

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777081 No.113831


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6fe467 No.113832

>Big ass is one of the final two


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1d2ada No.113833


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777081 No.113834

ass btfo

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6fe467 No.113835

Strownman is dangerously close to being overpushed like roman. They have to be careful or people are going to turn on him.

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031812 No.113836

File: 8fa0663c87534da⋯.gif (835.87 KB,300x219,100:73,big white.gif)

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b2e14e No.113837

Braun is gonna have a shit time getting that through customs.

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6fe467 No.113838

>Mexican music

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4246e2 No.113839


What the fuck is this spaz doing?

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777081 No.113840

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950881 No.113841

Well lost the entire second half of the fucking rumble. Don't even know when Zayn got in and I assume Braun won from these posts.

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031812 No.113842

Titus O'Neil saved this show

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6fe467 No.113843


Sami wasn't here.

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613c81 No.113844


faggots againt allowed in arabi

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6fe467 No.113845

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6fe467 No.113846

File: ec4a1d3752539eb⋯.mp4 (11.31 MB,950x528,475:264,i_dont_even.mp4)

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950881 No.113847

Will they upload Titus' botch to the WWE youtube I wonder.

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777081 No.113849


they'll probably capitalize on it before everyone else uploads clips

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950881 No.113851


I bet Vinny laughed so very hard at it.

It's the kind of shit I can just imagine him busting a gut too.

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1d2ada No.113852


Riding his equally-retarded camel to Mecca?

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ff8768 No.113853

File: 114cd008fca0a5e⋯.png (158.84 KB,252x395,252:395,1454134359728.png)

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777081 No.113854


good chance. still makin him squirm for grabbing him a while back.

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777081 No.113855


>when the downers kick in

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031812 No.113856

File: df045e61d0ec762⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Titus Worldslide.mp4)

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777081 No.113857



thanks fam literally just uploaded this to my channel

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4246e2 No.113858


this shit gets more funnier, the more i watch it.

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6fe467 No.113859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I knew this fucking guy looked familiar.

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ff0964 No.113860



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9df9fc No.113862

I caught the end of it after the RR/Bork match. What a weird crowd.

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361311 No.113863

Wait a minute, Mansoor Al-Shehail is actually HWNDU Jesus!?

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5c5d1f No.113864

File: b70e82e90b98cf0⋯.webm (10.9 MB,696x388,174:97,baneposting IRL.webm)

So in the end, it really was a glorified house show?



I want to hear this man cut a promo now.

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791c65 No.113865

>Just getting around to watching this now

>Fucking Hornswoggle comes out

My sides

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85c72c No.113866

This really was basically a house show. The only thing of real importance was Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt becoming champs.Braun winning the Rumble doesn't really mean anything, he gets a comically large trophy and a novelty belt that may as well have come from the gift shop. Disappointing.

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b25188 No.113867


But he WAS NOT in a pancake outfit.


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944de7 No.113870


Yup, it's HWNDU Jesus. He's one of the new interns from that KSA Tryouts things. Living the dream, I say.

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031812 No.113872

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bee7ea No.113877

File: 6653b912c099adb⋯.png (1.53 MB,1440x455,288:91,(((greatest royal rumble))….PNG)

Really invigorated my intestines.

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ff6197 No.113884

Did Braun Strowman just convert to Islam?

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777081 No.113887


more like did saudis just become christians

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446182 No.113889

Forgot about this shit again. Was it any good? Better than wrestlemania?

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777081 No.113890


everything was better than comedymania. long story short i am pretty sure every champ retained and strowman btfo of the rumble. also the bar was DELETEDglad

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4246e2 No.113891


not to mention Titus Worldslide!

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4246e2 No.113895

Cole and Corey laughing their asses off at Titus pretty much made this PPV for me.

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9e4c79 No.113896


>A source told us that Vince McMahon was almost in tears because he was laughing so hard and he made the call for the production team to show the replay several times

When they showed the replay so much I imagined it was Vince laughing his ass off

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9e4c79 No.113897

File: be3eb33c4d55de7⋯.jpg (75.22 KB,1200x680,30:17,hwndu jesus wwe1.jpg)


>Gone full Arab

When he first arrived on HWNDU he got mad at people calling him a shitskin and said he was Greek and insisted that Greeks were white. Now he signs with WWE and has revealed his true race. Anyway, he's good based off his wrestling clips, it's incredible that someone from imageboards is now in the WWE, I still can't bolieve it.

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9e4c79 No.113898

File: 361938ef69d2252⋯.jpg (69.07 KB,652x383,652:383,mnn.jpg)

Could it happen?

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b2e14e No.113903

File: ea9b9df31c712f9⋯.png (566.45 KB,647x811,647:811,merely pretending.png)

>I-it was t-totally i-intentional g-guys, time to c-cash those c-checks!

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9e4c79 No.113904

File: 0c377bb7da8d2bc⋯.jpg (151.51 KB,1040x616,130:77,Screenshot_20180429-011559.jpg)

Gotta love iron sheik

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4246e2 No.113905


/pol/ is basically 90% shitskins with white envy.

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6fe467 No.113906


Sheik-s account is a work brother hh

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708ca1 No.113907

File: aa38fc1ec691b1d⋯.gif (1.07 MB,195x186,65:62,1447127605078.gif)


Jesus Christ. It's a damn shame there's no JBL in the locker room these days to beat the shit out of these manchildren

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a7bf93 No.113912


>Calls others manchildren

>In the board where we talk about men play fighting

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0200e0 No.113913


fuck JBL

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4a235c No.113917



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8c3725 No.113919

File: 09ed45064b014c5⋯.png (197.93 KB,408x306,4:3,4068 - hulk_hogan micropho….png)

Well my doctor says i have chronic comatose syndrome but i finally woke up and watched the GRR, here's some thoughts i had on the program:


Dead crowd during cruiser weight titlematch

>Maggle shills Saudi royal family

>House of Saud

That's a great name for either a theme restaurant or a Superman villain

I'm glad they're not burying Nicholas on commentary.

>Señor Benjamin trolling Maggle on twatter instead of actually burying him


DELETE the bar? But decent tag match though.

>What good is having a friend if they don't help you cheat in a fight?

Graves actually said something entertaining.

>WWE paving over the prayer time with a recap panel

Mudslimes buried

Jerichos promos are always great why isn't he in the HoF yet? He's about half retired anyways.

Crunch Cousins win lol

The saudis get real fireworks for pyro but in America we get Ryback pyro. Thanks Vince

The ladder barely missed Joe. That could've botched so much more hilariously.

Good ladder match, Miz looked strong as fuck but i knew they wouldn't put the IC title on a SD! guy.

I think one of those Saudi trainees said something about being the new Four Horsemen in whatever language that was.

Massive heat for Daivari not seen since his post 9/11 debut on SD!

Nakamuras new finisher: Arm to Balls

The Saudi crowd is more active for AJ/Nakamura than the Mania crowd. wew. Shit finish too.

I thought Undertakers match was decent, better than the Cena squash match.

Romans feet touched first but Brock wins.  I want to be mad about the botched ending but Roman didn't win so fuck it

Green Saudi Rumble championship belt? WTF? Will it be defended like other titles but only once per year?

Hiroki Sumi?

>Hornswoggle bites Ziggler

Titus ONeil falls, the Shocker nods his silent approval.

Strowman wins and gets snake charmer music with his title belt.

This whole event was a godawful ass kiss to the king of Saudi Arabia even if it did have decent matches.

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708ca1 No.113924


I don't go around talking about imageboards IRL because I'm not a colossal faggot

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9a8fed No.113953

File: 264fa1c121041ea⋯.gif (1.98 MB,600x571,600:571,smuggest_horse.gif)


>implying any of us are manchildren

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ea9fb9 No.113965


It's a legitimate PPV so the results will carry over to Raw this monday.

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4a235c No.114070

File: fdb1d55d885e7f5⋯.jpg (72.41 KB,960x960,1:1,Db3ZjjpX4AAT52Z.jpg)

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0200e0 No.114071

Some of you might be too young to remember, but this is the country that did 9/11.

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48b4ac No.114075

File: 4c84a40a461b4f5⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,499x576,499:576,Abortion.jpg)



>The General Sport Authority would like to apologize to the viewers and attendees of last night’s WWE event that took place in Jeddah, over the indecent scene involving women that appeared as an ad before a segment. It would like to confirm it’s total disapproval of this, in the shadow of its commitment to eliminate anything that goes against the communities values.

>The authority has made sure to ban showing of any segment that involves women wrestling or any scenes related to it, and stipulated that to the company (WWE). The authority also disapproved any promotional stuff with pictures or videos showing women in an indecent way, and emphasized on commitment of this rule. And it’s a commitment that the authority would still commit to forever in all of it’s events and programs.

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a7bf93 No.114079



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ea9fb9 No.114141


Vince needed that sandnigger money.

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13c04e No.114153

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ea9fb9 No.114164


I hate that the fact that they made the WWE format so sterile in order to appeal to these sandniggers and streetshitters.

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