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File: 9c9593f45b65039⋯.jpg (178.45 KB,1200x675,16:9,Motherfucking Khali.jpg)

File: 87c8125ff704e1a⋯.jpg (201.55 KB,822x474,137:79,Greatest royal rumble.jpg)

031812 No.113138 [View All]


The full Greatest Royal Rumble event match card is as follows:

The First-Ever 50-Man Greatest Royal Rumble Match


>Universal Championship Steel Cage Match

<Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns

Vince is smart, coronating Ramen in Saudi where they'll actually cheer him.

>John Cena vs. Triple H

<Casket Match

>The Undertaker vs. Rusev


<WWE Championship Match

>AJ Styles (c) vs. Shinsuke Nutamura

<United States Championship Match

>Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Jinder Mahal

>Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match

<Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Bálor vs. The Miz vs. Samoa Joe

Finn will get stoned for wearing his homo gear

>Raw Tag Team Championship Match

<"FUNNY LAUGH MAN” Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt vs. Cesaro & Sheamus

>SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

<The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. The Usos

>WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

<Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Kal "Bushi" isto

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6fe467 No.113846

File: ec4a1d3752539eb⋯.mp4 (11.31 MB,950x528,475:264,i_dont_even.mp4)

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950881 No.113847

Will they upload Titus' botch to the WWE youtube I wonder.

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777081 No.113849


they'll probably capitalize on it before everyone else uploads clips

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950881 No.113851


I bet Vinny laughed so very hard at it.

It's the kind of shit I can just imagine him busting a gut too.

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1d2ada No.113852


Riding his equally-retarded camel to Mecca?

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ff8768 No.113853

File: 114cd008fca0a5e⋯.png (158.84 KB,252x395,252:395,1454134359728.png)

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777081 No.113854


good chance. still makin him squirm for grabbing him a while back.

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777081 No.113855


>when the downers kick in

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031812 No.113856

File: df045e61d0ec762⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Titus Worldslide.mp4)

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777081 No.113857



thanks fam literally just uploaded this to my channel

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4246e2 No.113858


this shit gets more funnier, the more i watch it.

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6fe467 No.113859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I knew this fucking guy looked familiar.

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ff0964 No.113860



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9df9fc No.113862

I caught the end of it after the RR/Bork match. What a weird crowd.

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361311 No.113863

Wait a minute, Mansoor Al-Shehail is actually HWNDU Jesus!?

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5c5d1f No.113864

File: b70e82e90b98cf0⋯.webm (10.9 MB,696x388,174:97,baneposting IRL.webm)

So in the end, it really was a glorified house show?



I want to hear this man cut a promo now.

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791c65 No.113865

>Just getting around to watching this now

>Fucking Hornswoggle comes out

My sides

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85c72c No.113866

This really was basically a house show. The only thing of real importance was Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt becoming champs.Braun winning the Rumble doesn't really mean anything, he gets a comically large trophy and a novelty belt that may as well have come from the gift shop. Disappointing.

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b25188 No.113867


But he WAS NOT in a pancake outfit.


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944de7 No.113870


Yup, it's HWNDU Jesus. He's one of the new interns from that KSA Tryouts things. Living the dream, I say.

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031812 No.113872

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bee7ea No.113877

File: 6653b912c099adb⋯.png (1.53 MB,1440x455,288:91,(((greatest royal rumble))….PNG)

Really invigorated my intestines.

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ff6197 No.113884

Did Braun Strowman just convert to Islam?

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777081 No.113887


more like did saudis just become christians

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446182 No.113889

Forgot about this shit again. Was it any good? Better than wrestlemania?

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777081 No.113890


everything was better than comedymania. long story short i am pretty sure every champ retained and strowman btfo of the rumble. also the bar was DELETEDglad

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4246e2 No.113891


not to mention Titus Worldslide!

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4246e2 No.113895

Cole and Corey laughing their asses off at Titus pretty much made this PPV for me.

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9e4c79 No.113896


>A source told us that Vince McMahon was almost in tears because he was laughing so hard and he made the call for the production team to show the replay several times

When they showed the replay so much I imagined it was Vince laughing his ass off

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9e4c79 No.113897

File: be3eb33c4d55de7⋯.jpg (75.22 KB,1200x680,30:17,hwndu jesus wwe1.jpg)


>Gone full Arab

When he first arrived on HWNDU he got mad at people calling him a shitskin and said he was Greek and insisted that Greeks were white. Now he signs with WWE and has revealed his true race. Anyway, he's good based off his wrestling clips, it's incredible that someone from imageboards is now in the WWE, I still can't bolieve it.

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9e4c79 No.113898

File: 361938ef69d2252⋯.jpg (69.07 KB,652x383,652:383,mnn.jpg)

Could it happen?

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b2e14e No.113903

File: ea9b9df31c712f9⋯.png (566.45 KB,647x811,647:811,merely pretending.png)

>I-it was t-totally i-intentional g-guys, time to c-cash those c-checks!

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9e4c79 No.113904

File: 0c377bb7da8d2bc⋯.jpg (151.51 KB,1040x616,130:77,Screenshot_20180429-011559.jpg)

Gotta love iron sheik

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4246e2 No.113905


/pol/ is basically 90% shitskins with white envy.

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6fe467 No.113906


Sheik-s account is a work brother hh

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708ca1 No.113907

File: aa38fc1ec691b1d⋯.gif (1.07 MB,195x186,65:62,1447127605078.gif)


Jesus Christ. It's a damn shame there's no JBL in the locker room these days to beat the shit out of these manchildren

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a7bf93 No.113912


>Calls others manchildren

>In the board where we talk about men play fighting

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0200e0 No.113913


fuck JBL

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4a235c No.113917



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8c3725 No.113919

File: 09ed45064b014c5⋯.png (197.93 KB,408x306,4:3,4068 - hulk_hogan micropho….png)

Well my doctor says i have chronic comatose syndrome but i finally woke up and watched the GRR, here's some thoughts i had on the program:


Dead crowd during cruiser weight titlematch

>Maggle shills Saudi royal family

>House of Saud

That's a great name for either a theme restaurant or a Superman villain

I'm glad they're not burying Nicholas on commentary.

>Señor Benjamin trolling Maggle on twatter instead of actually burying him


DELETE the bar? But decent tag match though.

>What good is having a friend if they don't help you cheat in a fight?

Graves actually said something entertaining.

>WWE paving over the prayer time with a recap panel

Mudslimes buried

Jerichos promos are always great why isn't he in the HoF yet? He's about half retired anyways.

Crunch Cousins win lol

The saudis get real fireworks for pyro but in America we get Ryback pyro. Thanks Vince

The ladder barely missed Joe. That could've botched so much more hilariously.

Good ladder match, Miz looked strong as fuck but i knew they wouldn't put the IC title on a SD! guy.

I think one of those Saudi trainees said something about being the new Four Horsemen in whatever language that was.

Massive heat for Daivari not seen since his post 9/11 debut on SD!

Nakamuras new finisher: Arm to Balls

The Saudi crowd is more active for AJ/Nakamura than the Mania crowd. wew. Shit finish too.

I thought Undertakers match was decent, better than the Cena squash match.

Romans feet touched first but Brock wins.  I want to be mad about the botched ending but Roman didn't win so fuck it

Green Saudi Rumble championship belt? WTF? Will it be defended like other titles but only once per year?

Hiroki Sumi?

>Hornswoggle bites Ziggler

Titus ONeil falls, the Shocker nods his silent approval.

Strowman wins and gets snake charmer music with his title belt.

This whole event was a godawful ass kiss to the king of Saudi Arabia even if it did have decent matches.

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708ca1 No.113924


I don't go around talking about imageboards IRL because I'm not a colossal faggot

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9a8fed No.113953

File: 264fa1c121041ea⋯.gif (1.98 MB,600x571,600:571,smuggest_horse.gif)


>implying any of us are manchildren

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ea9fb9 No.113965


It's a legitimate PPV so the results will carry over to Raw this monday.

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4a235c No.114070

File: fdb1d55d885e7f5⋯.jpg (72.41 KB,960x960,1:1,Db3ZjjpX4AAT52Z.jpg)

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0200e0 No.114071

Some of you might be too young to remember, but this is the country that did 9/11.

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48b4ac No.114075

File: 4c84a40a461b4f5⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,499x576,499:576,Abortion.jpg)



>The General Sport Authority would like to apologize to the viewers and attendees of last night’s WWE event that took place in Jeddah, over the indecent scene involving women that appeared as an ad before a segment. It would like to confirm it’s total disapproval of this, in the shadow of its commitment to eliminate anything that goes against the communities values.

>The authority has made sure to ban showing of any segment that involves women wrestling or any scenes related to it, and stipulated that to the company (WWE). The authority also disapproved any promotional stuff with pictures or videos showing women in an indecent way, and emphasized on commitment of this rule. And it’s a commitment that the authority would still commit to forever in all of it’s events and programs.

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a7bf93 No.114079



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ea9fb9 No.114141


Vince needed that sandnigger money.

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13c04e No.114153

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ea9fb9 No.114164


I hate that the fact that they made the WWE format so sterile in order to appeal to these sandniggers and streetshitters.

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