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 No.1102 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

kijött a román kajet journal harmadik száma:


anon olvassa, mert anon esszéje indítja

"Contemporary Eastern Europe---just like other places around the world where capital is king—is facing atomisation as a structural feature of society, one that manifests itself both horizontally and vertically, both at the level of the community as well as in the realm of politics, leaving individuals alienated. The crisis of post-socialism is manifested in its inability (and unwillingness) to engage all members of society, with a growing population of marginalised individuals situated outside formal work and scraping by with minimal welfare benefits. When faced with monolithic power, people with oppressed identities are right to slam into the status-quo for redemption of grievances.

This issue of Kajet seeks to reclaim a lost space in times of anxiety and provide an organised structure of support, becoming an instrument of solidarity between peripheries, between marginals that share a synchronous struggle. Our struggle is therefore internationalist and collective in shape and form. In order to maintain and sharpen this collision of interests, a transgressive kind of trans-regional solidarity that ignores and dismantles geopolitical boundaries needs to be established more firmly.

This pan-peripheral community of struggle becomes a community of purpose, a community of shared goals. The Eastern European struggle is not that of catching up with the West or regaining foothold, but that of maintaining life. For this, we need to lay the foundations for a future-oriented experimental internationalism, one that bridges theory and practice in order to conceive a world beyond capital, one that is led through indignation, solidarity, persistence, and systematic planning. So, dear reader, rise in anger and stand firm in solidarity!"

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