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"Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul"; special education mentorship for therapy congregants.

"Kiss From a Rose"; backing mix track to remove homosexual lyrics to strip stalkers of "Batmen", actually vigilantes using supervillain ethos culture.

"The End is the Beginning is the End"; lyrics inflection of title to make song easy to steal.

"Batman Forever"; outing of the Bridgewater Triangle's psychiatric setting community for hospital families, managed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) through Bridgewater State Asylum, filmed on-site with Jim Carrey as a patient to be "The Batman" ("Big Fat Paulie", of Family Guy, non-write).

"The Sopranos": Attleboro residential culture, set in Newark, New Jersey, the origin of the Spanish Mob responsible, the Capuchin priesthood of Italy and France, not Portugal as to myth.

"The Many Saints of Newark": Explanation of a CIA agent's childhood, and the way out, violence and patronage, out of booze and alcohol and "drugs" ("the women").

DC85 (NASH):

"Riker"; arrests of hospital agents attempting to replace a parent to recruit a child as an ambassador in a kidnap.

"Xanatos"; use of models of family to guarantee own destiny as a history model of own tradition.

"Wolfram and Hart"; the replacement of "cheat" ("twink") avenged with "ferg" (or "ferguzi", a victim of a "twink").

"Nolan Trilogy"; the targeting of three major psychiatric agents, staged into place; Glenn Wolfram, to displace Trump, Heath Ledger, to displace the Queen Elizabeth II, and Tom Brady, to displace Bob Kraft.

"Last Witch Hunter"; interdiction of Andrew Edinburgh's plot to enslave American fans through "Harry Potter" and his agent, Richard Coughlin.

"Thrift Shop"; print of trump cadence of Erika, in Van Meter dormitory, to Ryan Lewis, Van Meter residency police monitor, Contras.

"Gotham": Displacement of worker's rally quintuplet "white" labor and their Iranian-Jewish backers out of China, supremacy of African and Latino worker's rights.

"Beyblade"; staged element of patent fraud theft, identified as a drug user hero, two stages of engineer, one homosexual, and one professor.

"Joker"; placement of Spider-Man, as "Count Dracula", a tortured cop with a false background from a judge sperm donor, written by a "Whitman" fraud.

"Batman"; placement of the Bruces, in control of the Kennedies, and placement of DC Agent, PENBRO, as heterosexual.

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