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File: 1e95acd578df26c⋯.png (1010.09 KB,1788x990,298:165,Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)


i was looking at some awful films wiki and came across rodfellows and heard about the film and YouTube series (apparently on is fourth version now)

there about 9 videos lost (one is found on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ib1iFnBOiOvaRDVSrRcsbZDdiFhWP0WL/view )

others are sleeping episodes (pictured) and the fat fur eps

seasons 2 (episode 4) and 3 (episode 3) from rodfellow improved (gen2 rodfellows)

and curious if anyone seen any archives of these as yes the eps might have been wrong and weird (desu I'm fine with the fat eps as even modern cartoons have fat scenes or episodes, proved here: https://bigcartoon.org/)

I know you guys are find it weird but hey if we can archive suicide why not archive evidence of a weird trio of creeps (except cp archiving cp is just disgusting and anyone who dose needs to leave the world)

p.s on the wiki and other sites they bring up the sleeping eps are wrong cause one scene (yet implied is all eps) has the kid head on the mom tummy which people clame is an oral sex scene but is unknown if peoplethink this pre or post pedo truth

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