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/bane/ /film/ /strek/ /sw/ /wooo/ Combined Rules Bunker

File: 455b55eaf400977⋯.png (388.61 KB,587x633,587:633,1623725020649.png)

File: a0cf2084dc6b48a⋯.jpg (831.1 KB,2323x2157,2323:2157,icarly_cast_sex_scenes_reb….jpg)

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>Sexual situations

>Description: Sexual Situations

>Definition: A label in a voluntary content-based rating system used by TV networks in the United States to indicate to viewers if a particular show has higher levels of sex, violence or adult language.

>sexual situation involves something that is happening in the here and now, right at that very moment where you actually get to see it happening, not talking about something that just happened in the past tense.

>"Jerry Trainor recently touched off a stir on social media by revealing that the new Paramount+ series will involve sexual situations."

>“They’re not making it for kids now,” Trainor said. “They’re making it for grown-ups. It’s a little bit of a risk, but it’s exciting. It’s kind of the thing we wanted to do. Let’s see what happens when these characters’ life didn’t turn out the way they thought it was going to.”

>In the same interview, Jerry Trainor spoke up about the new tone of the revival, saying "that while the show isn't immediately going berserk with Ryan Murphy-level explicitness, there will be sexual elements at play." Here’s what he has to say:

>"It’s basically an Andrew Dice Clay concert. No, [but] we’re going to toe that line, you know what I mean? It’s not going to be super-raw … but yeah, there’s going to be sexual situations. And you know, I say ‘damn it’ in the trailer, which had everyone in a tizzy, but you know, we’re grown-ups."

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