Let me lay it down for you:
-He's an ass-kisser for the Chinese Government who thinks Hong Kong and Taipei should have their "privileges" taken away because "no-one really needs freedom" (even though he was born to a family of Rich Refugees).
-He cheated on all of his wives, and got a shithead son out of it who was stupid enough to get arrested, and rich enough not to be executed for selling and smoking pot in the Mainland.
-ironically, he also thinks all drug-users should be killed/executed as they are "worth nothing to society" (bad parenting (rich asshole style) at it's finest)
-Most of his "achievements" outside of acting are based on bribery and nepotism (he never even finished grade school, dropping out the very first year)
I'm one to consider the art and the artist separate beings, but this guy's a complete hack outside of it. Maybe it's because his movies aren't as addicting as they used to be, but he's everything I hate from the perspective of a proletariat (the kind of high-and-mighty rich-kid whose favourite cars are White Porsches).