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/tv/ - Television and Movies

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/bane/ /film/ /strek/ /sw/ /wooo/ Combined Rules Bunker

File: 876077b9e62ae9c⋯.png (791.53 KB,623x617,623:617,293846.png)

File: e9569f0e5b0cb4f⋯.png (130.42 KB,643x758,643:758,2938742.png)


>be Disney child star

>get diagnosed with bipolar and depression

>also have shit taste

That crazy lady should come here. We'd fix her head and teach her how to be kino connoisseur with patrician taste.

Also what role did Disney play in her mental illness?

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I approve "zodiac"

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>undocumented Americans

That's some advanced newspeak

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Isn't basically every non-american an undocumented american?

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Who the fuck is that?

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Damn and I thought I was an imperialist…

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1. We need uncucked mods that don't use this board as a redirect for their site.

b. She's apparently making this up because she either made up the lupus disease or never bothered to take the meds. And since GOD EMPEROR TRUMP is pushing some med for the beer virus that is also used to treat lupus, it was only a matter of time before someone asked her something she should know, but doesn't.

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