Physical form is usually reflected in diet-related gene activation. If you're Hapa with western/eastern genes, it would mean a more western diet = better jawline and nose or even height. This is to say most people carry mixed genes caused by expeditions and during the last ice-age of travels. Genes spread out like virus so if one would get themselves a 23andMe test they'd find out how diverse their genome is (which is good = more resistant to diseases much like plants).
If you are not what you eat, then, do trees grow from drought? How clean is the water? It's a simple concept.
As evident:
>sea dwellers develop brown/reddish hair based on their fish diet and exposure to sea salt
>southeast asians develop lighter hair tone if they lived in europe or N.america for a long time
>westerners develop darker hair if they lived in southeast asia for quite a while
>malnutrition-ridden countries develop huge jaw/mouth/overbite and less bone for skull as reaction
On Koreans, it's probably one of those poor diet, too much alcohol (young age, during pregnancy), or chems that caused them deformities. I don't believe their ancestors looked "as worse", I'm pretty sure the lineage were "desirable" otherwise they wouldn't be born because unfuckable.