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/bane/ /film/ /strek/ /sw/ /wooo/ Combined Rules Bunker

File: 8ac83a2407d996d⋯.jpg (34.42 KB,338x507,2:3,poster_opt.jpg)



Surprisingly good, if you ignore the nigger bits.

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Science fiction. Guns and knoives aren't legal in britbongistan.

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>the steak is good, if you just eat the bits around the part smeared with shit

such a good goyim.

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Yeah but it's still just a bunch of poms and a yank. Thank you, though.

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we need to follow up on that bad Crays movie and make a british crime film where Tom Hardy plays every actor.

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Top 3 guy ritchie for me. Baffled by the negative reviews.

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It's hard to have interest in a Guy Richtie movie without Jason Statham or Vinnie Jones.

Even then, what the fuck was up with Revolver?

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>Chinamen and his goons all get killed

>Kike is forced to transfer all his Jewgolds away and made to ironically cut a pound of his flesh off

Apart from the niggers, it's breddy gud.

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Oh and the fag gets killed off screen

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Watched it, really enjoyed it but I think Coach's band of idiots was far less entertaining to watch compared to Snatch's Vincent, Sol and Tyrone.

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