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/bane/ /film/ /strek/ /sw/ /wooo/ Combined Rules Bunker

File: cd1aa4b9f1edbff⋯.jpg (571.72 KB,2306x3000,1153:1500,turtu.jpg)


I watch movies and realize that the jewish characters are very smart and lovable. They are always so logical and get along with people so well. They are so much smarter than the stupid white guys. Justin Long is so witty and smart, he's so much cooler than your average white guy. He always gets the hot white girls and he can communicate with them so well.

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<Not white

Uhhh, the super shtetl trope is white supremacy sweetie

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File: 6b46d63d8a87384⋯.jpg (92.81 KB,1080x1080,1:1,94747ef51cca3e5efff3f9cb8c….jpg)

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Is that you being BTFO by my boot, nazi inc*l?

I'm glad you can actually admit defeat

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File: e4fbfdb6b2c35c8⋯.webm (1.71 MB,576x360,8:5,antifa_knocked_the_fuck_o….webm)


Cute pic, have some reality.

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>why won't these filthy goyim stay silent while we bombard them with propaganda and flood their nation's with filth?!? It like they are meshugganah or something!

Also the most powerful Jewish family are called redshield, what army was known for carrying a red Shield and whi did they fight for? Hmmmmm…Not that it makes kikes any less evil, the elite ones are still willing scapegoats and the non elite ones are *for the most part insane supremacist assholes that have drank the coolaid and fully embraced their "chosen" for what though ;) status.

Honestly it's so retarded when you see somebody all like "pull back the curtain and expose the people that we already know control everything and have heaps of evidence proving it!" as if they are the actual string pullers rather than the sacrifice in a SHTF scenario. All the old christcuck kings kept a few jews in court for this exact purpose and then the descenden of those same jews were allowed back in to serve as a shield for the elites again once a generation or two passed. Not sure how this age old strategy will work in the information era though tbh.

I'd probably be rooting for them if they weren't anti white cucks.

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Like seriously, you think all of the "noble" houses across Europe just married into jewry or disintegrated? Only the actual noble ones were purged.

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File: 4522ed69b6fe485⋯.jpg (91.48 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

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rent free

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File: f431f64ea9a7cb0⋯.jpg (24.56 KB,360x480,3:4,1362066510473.jpg)

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File: f73ea226982b687⋯.jpg (172.03 KB,802x1200,401:600,Jojo_Rabbit_509852787_larg….jpg)

>Anti-hate satire

>Director gives Hitler the personality of the Genie from Aladdin and Elsa the personality of a sea urchin.

…I shoulda just rented Wilderpeople (or even Thor: Ragnarok, Jeff Goldblum needs to be in more Marvel movies).

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What can you expect from "A polynesian jew"?

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File: 4506f1077b8251f⋯.webm (2.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,nigger_beatdown.webm)


Here's what it looks like when you separate a nigger from its pack.

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File: 508fd1751506e46⋯.png (120.94 KB,503x377,503:377,1250632229836.png)


>renting movies

>watching an Oscar nominated movie and not expecting it to be kike propaganda

I don't know what I find more retarded

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File: f245be6f4a0a59c⋯.png (77.21 KB,270x247,270:247,concerned_confusion.png)


>I shoulda just rented

Why are you renting movies, nigger? I rent my apartment because I can't afford a house and a mortgage. Yet, you rent movies because of what? try using torrents

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>Long is an oven dodger

Guess I should've figured

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