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File: a10208efc319b4e⋯.jpg (71.64 KB,931x524,931:524,Jeb2020.jpg)

 No.2119917 [Last50 Posts]

bern btfo

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Fuck off /pol/

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Bernie is a bad dude and he runs a bunch of bad jews. They're always banging straight razors on the curb to get them rusty and putting them in rain barrels

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Bernie is a bad dude and he runs a bunch of bad jews.

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File: 0d5e0a7e64653e4⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,960x720,4:3,(((who))) can it be now.mp4)


We meet again, Dr. Goldberg

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File: b7a1a521a6776d1⋯.jpeg (130.21 KB,750x743,750:743,1A984FE1-0E68-4735-9F94-A….jpeg)

File: 54eb1606b0576f1⋯.jpeg (141.26 KB,750x563,750:563,D1B58783-CF5B-4596-9A6D-F….jpeg)

Fun watching all these pants on head retarded millennials go through the same process of realization again. Remember kids, with jews you lose!

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File: 851c35793fad30f⋯.png (1.91 MB,1366x768,683:384,1555340273763.png)


Seeing senile Biden go against the zion Don will be pretty kino to watch on TV. It will be interesting to see if the scriptwriters for the debates and stuff will have improved from the last season.

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File: 1dd26352d162200⋯.jpg (130.35 KB,292x453,292:453,sanders.jpg)

Boinie is done. At least he can buy his 4th home with all those donations.

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File: 5874d93890e2546⋯.png (398.91 KB,727x779,727:779,TC.png)


Didn't pretty much everyone say as much as the candidates were announced, that Biden would be the nominee for sure? I hope the Bernie gang delivers on their promise to burn shit down and start getting violent, but deep down I know they won't do shit.

As for Bernie himself he always aimed at losing, if he actually won he'd have no idea what to do and start panicking. He'd have no way to even deliver on any of the dumb shit he promised even if he wanted to and was very capable. No doubt he will gargle the child sniffer's balls before too long and endorse him.

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I voted for Joe /^_^=

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File: 4cdc5e27d11ba29⋯.jpg (320.06 KB,1536x2048,3:4,ESZRVG7XcAAepz_.jpeg.jpg)

Lol, this isn't a shoop.

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File: eb73f24eab36fdb⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,2339x1016,2339:1016,eb7.jpg)


that swastika is backwards

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File: c5d11f144bb6e57⋯.jpg (51.86 KB,1023x522,341:174,c5d11f144bb6e57c24efc3dc37….jpg)


>swastika in wrong direction

Bernouts can't get anything right…

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Holy shit we have to vote Bernie and stop these literal Nazis

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File: beb309c9d37dbd4⋯.png (3.83 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Fixed.png)


There, I fixed it.

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Who is Einreb?

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>>2119988 (heiled)

It's probably an assblasted berniebro in a desperate bit to get him elected over Biden. I don't think it will work though.

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File: 08284fb19466803⋯.mp4 (968.62 KB,640x360,16:9,Shut up nigger.mp4)


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File: fef6a93a7dedebf⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,426x240,71:40,The Tale of the Slave.mp4)


He is Bernie, but from a parallel universe, in which he is the son of Ein Rand, and is here to bring about right wing anarcho capitalism, to liberate Acirema, from the Camarade Drumpf. Immigrants and other undesirables, will be forcefully removed from the streets by the private armies paid in gold backed currency. Unregulated capitalism will bring an end to both governemnt and corporations, as people will now be truly free by voting with their wallets and guns. The NAP will be the only law in the constitution. Nazis and monarchists are at best, useful idiots.

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File: 16df6cdd2b65ac7⋯.jpg (652.34 KB,1079x1944,1079:1944,f4tjmbax7vk41.jpg)

File: 0b3939929b85d5a⋯.jpg (92.17 KB,960x959,960:959,756a483cb2f83fe47db45e0179….jpg)

Hello darkness my old friend…

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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File: 7f8f7e2d09e4bb0⋯.png (90.32 KB,280x280,1:1,aa4ac1d13fc57bbff1b5294106….png)


>less votes than the gamergay tranny

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File: bbfa6551af545ba⋯.gif (3.49 MB,400x206,200:103,116CAEFF-D03C-4B03-B718-43….gif)

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Like no shit Sherlock. The Dems fucked over Bernie in 2016 and you have to be a delusional berniefag to think it won't happen again.

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>Bernie fans delusional

That is the very definition of a Berniebro. The symbol of their revolution is a old man with dementia who loves Fidel Castro who wants to give you free shit. The funny thing is that he's losing to another old guy who makes a gaffe-a-minute and doesn't even know where he is most of the time. The is the saddest Dem nomination in history when the outcome of the election seems obvious.

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File: 78b4a46a9afb799⋯.jpg (33.01 KB,360x272,45:34,michelle-obama-bulge.jpg)


Word on the street is Biden will drop out of the race because of his mental instability and than endorse Mrs. Obama as the candidate and Hillary "Give the super predators the Rod"ham Clinton will run as her VP.

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File: 323281e0815420c⋯.jpg (145.41 KB,1242x1294,621:647,bernie tranny flag.jpg)

File: cae5456c241f108⋯.jpg (62.02 KB,1024x560,64:35,sniffed.com.jpg)


Bernie bros thought niggers would vote for him but they already get everything for free so they dont give a shit.

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the establishment got scared and Obama came out and campaigned for Biden. Bernie can still win the 2016 primary though.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why is Tulsi still in the race other than for fapbait?

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to btfo the establishment. i hope they let her on the next debate.

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It's funny how hard the DNC will fight against Bernie but not Trump lmao

Dude's gonna get 4 more years to fuck up the country and honestly he deserves to at this point with how poorly the Democratic Party is handling everything.

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>4 more years to fuck up the country

dup btfo

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File: 8ed3508ef3138de⋯.png (67.29 KB,665x364,95:52,reddit_bernie.png)

Bernie will back Biden once he drops out, reddit and twitter will implode.

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File: 40692b73f5cea81⋯.png (166.17 KB,693x582,231:194,dup_getting_DABBED_ON.png)




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File: 1474c818befb024⋯.jpg (166.84 KB,675x1200,9:16,D_BUVOyWsAIqdD_.jpg)


Didn't they change the rules again to exclude her? Having her be a hot womyn and stand on the stage next to an ancient jew and grampa Biden would look bad. I wish she'd stop trying to btfo the establishment and start btfoing my dick though.

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Outside of foreign policy she's basically just another flavor of the establishment.

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File: bce5e425f3e36f5⋯.jpg (163.15 KB,570x712,285:356,1219FEA_gabbard_65A7677_w5….jpg)


>Didn't they change the rules again to exclude her?

Yeah, think so. The establishment is terrified she will attack Biden during the debate, so they will do anything to keep her out.


Nah, she is going after Google and big tech for their censorship. Unless I am mistaken she is suing Google, or its parent company. Tulsi is the only sane Dem politician – if they do keep her out of the next debate she should go independent.

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>Nah, she is going after Google and big tech for their censorship.

She's still in step with the establishment on most issues, whether it be her anti-gun agenda, her condemning of the 2017 travel ban, her support for the wage gap myth (she co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act), and her membership in the House LGBT Equality Caucus. She also put forward this document full of hand wringing over Blonald Blumpf:


She's only sane relative to the rest of the Democrats, who are war-hungry corporate shills just like the Republicans.

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Of course she's mainly cock gobbling the establishment, if you're not then you will never appear as a candidate or even get into the party. Real dissent can't be voted on.

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I can't believe that Berniebros are this toxic.

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File: 09bcaea78c31796⋯.jpg (161.82 KB,1063x912,1063:912,239847685.jpg)


Niggers don't like Bernie because of all the faggotry and degeneracy that surrounds him. tfw all bernouts will turn into racists after groids vote for Biden.

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File: 56b36fb1e429ef3⋯.png (64.19 KB,558x743,558:743,listen_bernie_bros_.png)

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Niggers are dumb, more news at 10.

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Based black man with a Biden T-shirt.

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File: bebdf7ae1389266⋯.gif (3.73 MB,768x432,16:9,CF573745_8BFE_4FEC_BC93_0C….gif)


Say what you will about nogs communism doesn’t work on them.

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Yeah, they just want gibs, not for the government to steal their shit.

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File: 425a1dc6d25bf7c⋯.jpg (35.51 KB,496x325,496:325,bernie_blacked.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One can only hope divine providence will strike Biden down and give Bernie another heart attack, clearing the way for Tulsi to become the first president that was hot. I want to negotiate new diplomatic relations with her if you know what I mean.

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Ehhhhm, Bernie is not white tho

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He's one of them fake white jews, the real jews are black, mane.

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Did you guys see the Biden livestream? A guy who can't remember what year it is, forgets he's on livestream and walks off frame, on top of massive technical issues where you can barely understand what the hell he is saying over his usually nonsense stammering, is suppose to be the fronrunner of the democrats. It was funny before with Biden's gaffes but this is turning into elder abuse at this point. They hate socialist Bernie so much they'd prefer someone who is constantly losing his mental facilities as he gets up on the podium. By the time he gets up to debate Trump, he might as well be a vegetable.

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File: 5c53641dc6c12c4⋯.jpg (154.19 KB,800x1088,25:34,MarkVanderloo_GQChina_1.jpg)


Bernie is fake opposition to make sure people who oppose the system economically doesn't actually start doing stuff, Trump is the same but for the right in terms of social issues and demographic concerns. Biden might belong in a museum home for the elderly, but he has the backing of the progressive establishment. They probably think it would be nice if he'd win but they are just as comfortable with Trump.

Did you see how soft Bernie always is on Biden when asked about him? "He's a good goy and I don't want to smear him, we should oppose Trumpstein together, that racist, sexist, xenophobia bigot!" Meanwhile he's being painted in a very bad light by both Biden and the media. This guy doesn't want to win, they're worse at this than the WWE at making it believable.

Now poor Biden may be completely losing it, but that means he'd be an excellent president. Make Hillary or some other womyn his VP and they get to have the first female president thing when he croaks or become completely senile. Women are even easier to control. But I think the powers that be knows the dems will lose this round and they're okay with it. Eventually demographics will turn the US into what will effectively be a very anti-white one party state. It kind of is already, but it will be more intense.

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File: 35e0c081471b927⋯.png (2.35 MB,1627x1332,1627:1332,most_bernie_voters.png)

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File: f62cc468284f7c0⋯.jpg (18.63 KB,500x500,1:1,tqQRQhM_d.jpg)

File: cf6a907b4d545f4⋯.png (134.93 KB,680x438,340:219,5ff.png)


>the real jews are black

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File: 9c682552a71509a⋯.jpeg (147.53 KB,1200x1200,1:1,BED4A499_FDC1_4FB9_82A2_B….jpeg)


Yang was the last hope for you burgers and y'all blew that golden opportunity right out your mutt asses

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File: e17744c377a6639⋯.jpg (145.06 KB,393x391,393:391,1371585329695.jpg)


>a shitlib chink being the last hope for anything

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>last hope

>falling for the ironic yang gang meme

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Hasn't he very close ties to the chinese government? Wasn't he even saying that the US should stop supporting Taiwan? Guy is shady as fuck. Thank god, Americans weren't fooled by him.

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imagine if anyone had the bright idea to just stop taking money from people instead of giving their own money back and calling it FUCKING CHARITY

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i really hope that's true because his parents are from taiwan. wew laddy.

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It’s corporate charity, or at least was. Same as it ever was, socialism for the rich and rugged capitalism for the poor. Bernie showed his true colors 180’ing on how open borders hurt working people.

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