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File: b2d1f817bbbf78d⋯.webm (2.48 MB,360x422,180:211,b2d1f817bbbf78d769d6625b6….webm)


Movie recommendations about friends and friendship

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File: 0e3ea3d4d9c1470⋯.jpg (22.55 KB,261x380,261:380,Plaguedogsposter.jpg)

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File: 361606d3e5fc760⋯.jpg (519.21 KB,960x1440,2:3,p14571_v_v8_aa.jpg)


legit thought that was homeward bound movie poster

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Definitely qualifies too. Probably all around better for the soul. Plague Dogs isn't exactly a kid's movie.

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they dont need to be family friendly movies about friendship. otherwise i would just watch a bunch of disney movies.

superbad is ultimately about friendship… right?

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File: 2f3fe4490c40682⋯.jpg (86.92 KB,662x1000,331:500,MV5BNzc3NDEyZmQtYjFjOS00M2….jpg)

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interdasting, thanks

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Throwdown. At first glance it looks like another martial arts flick but it's absolutely not. It's about friendship, and the importance of getting back up on your feet when life knocks you down. It's so good.


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File: 60c7dd32d191d31⋯.jpeg (28.8 KB,220x325,44:65,980A405D-A4EC-4370-B828-9….jpeg)

Liked this a lot more than thought I would, cucked as it is still probably couldn’t get made today.

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File: 806d8f223289db3⋯.jpg (2.45 MB,1927x2919,1927:2919,gate_1987_poster_01.jpg)

It's about family.

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Friends with benefits, Beaches, The wives club, Intern, Bride wars. There are also some very good episodes about friendship - Friends, Sex and City. Not sure if you can find them all on Netflix, but for sure there are other streaming websites with the extensive library of free movies and tv shows https://webstreamingsites.com/free-tv-shows-streaming-sites. Please let us know which ones did you like )))

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I've recently watched "Never Rarely Sometimes Always". This is a drama that contain a story of a friendship between two young girls who support each other when no one else will. They can even be silent but always know what the other is thinking about. And the classics - "Sex and the City". I like the show. It's about friendship and personal relationships. Btw, I watch movies with https://www.firesticktricks.com/filmplus.html. You cand find more recommendations here too.

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