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File: 1b4de22e99ea631⋯.webm (3.73 MB,360x360,1:1,THE METEORS - OXYGEN DOG….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


 No.7692 [Last50 Posts]>>7696 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Morning to you Europeople, evening to you Americanfriends.

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Hope you guys don't mind if I post here, call me a faggot if I'm being one but I just want to have somebody to talk to

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 No.7696>>7698 >>7702

>>7692 (OP)

>evening to you Americanfriends

it is night time here

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 No.7697>>7699 >>7705


Well yeah I get that

I have never tried all three at once, but I hear its good. I have tried speed + opiate, speedball which was nice. But I have quit speed so Im no longer gonna do that

The basic idea is that benzos/alcohol increase the sedation, but opiates give you a lovely and warm euphoria. Gotta be VERY careful though, cause too much of even one can OD you easily.

I like to listen to Radiohead, Gorillaz, some chillwave ig.

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 No.7698>>7700 >>7705



Hello Monsterkun :3

Yeah I figured, but to say good night is to imply you're going to bed, no?


Hello anon. No worries. How's it going?

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Oh and if you're gonna do that I would recommend CWE'ing the APAP from the opiate cause that will be really fucking bad on your liver in conjunction with alcohol

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File (hide): 82bcf2648414f93⋯.png (191.89 KB,398x373,398:373,1424752332536-2.png) (h) (u)


I went to bed at like 1600 , and got up around 0000

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Actually I have to walk the dogger now but I'll get back to y'all in ~30 minutes.


Aha, oh jeez o:


>>7696 saved.

As I said, see you soon Monsterkun.

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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see you in a bit

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 No.7705>>7706 >>7712


Why'd you quit glass, did your rule of moderation not work out too well? I'll probably give the mix a try at some point but just benzos and alcohol suit me for the moment. Any songs by gorrilaz? I enjoyed the majority of the plastic beach album but I loved On Melancholy Hill. Have you given ratatat a chance or black moth super rainbow a chance? Ty segall is glorious on dxm if you didn't know. >>7698

Things are decent for me, quite drunk and happy you guys are around, how about yourself?

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 No.7706>>7707 >>7712

File (hide): 983b762e8ae5b18⋯.jpg (427.28 KB,1580x900,79:45,Madotsuki.full.1507516.jpg) (h) (u)


>Ty segall

What is this?

I quit speed cause I got so addicted that it was ruining my life. I felt insane, I was constantly angry, etc. It turned me in to a stranger that I resented

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That's pretty rough man, are you doing better now? Ty segall is a strange psychedelic rock band vocalist but he made his own music, he was in Fuzz if you've heard of them

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 No.7708>>7709 >>7710 >>7714

File (hide): 129324db239af54⋯.png (1.26 MB,1293x1080,431:360,1468468678806.png) (h) (u)


Yeah Im doing much better now. I have tried going back a few times with moderation, but it failed so hard every time. I always went back to abusing it all the time without fail. So I've decided to quit forever because its beyond my control. Careful with the benzos btw. I mean you drink daily so it may be a bit too late already…

Mouse I am feeling increasingly bi-curious and had a dream that I sucked myself off and enjoyed the sensation what do

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File (hide): d1bfdd4c2283d82⋯.jpg (11.96 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg) (h) (u)


oh and I broke ties with my best friend of 6 or so years to quit speed cause he kept tempting me, despite saying I wanted to quit. No going back on that either, so if I do it again? That sacrifice is made in vain…

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 No.7710>>7711 >>7715


Well that's too bad dude hopefully you can enjoy it as a recreational drug again at some point. What's your opinion on horse? I have ADHD and I've yet to try meth because I'm worried about will happen, but I'm doing it in the next 2 years regardless. Thanks for remembering my drinking habits aha, yeah it's going to be a problem because of how much better they feel than booze

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 No.7711>>7717 >>7718


Smack isn't bad at all and its snortable so I'd love it prolly. Only thing is that I dont like street drugs so much cause they vary so much in quality and could be cut with other shit. So I prefer taking pharms cause I know the exact dosage and quality.

I dont want to do speed again cause it would just lead to inevitably abusing it all the time. As well as there's a certain point that the initial constantly orgasmic euphoria fades and never comes back. It became less and less fun over time, and eventually I felt enslaved to it… so nty. Low dose of hydrocodone is speedy to me, so its a perfect alternative that I can control.

I wont dissuade you from any drug use. But please do it with caution. Its not at all easy to kick after becoming addicted, despite only causing a psychological addiction.

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 No.7712>>7713 >>7714 >>7716 >>7718


And back, heya.



>likes dungeons

H-hey, are you implying something? o:


Oh neat, what are you drinking?

>psychadelic rock


I just had coffee and walked the dog, about to have lunch soon methinks.


It's good that you quit, Madexx =^.^=

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>psychadelic rock


Forgot to embed, embarrassing…

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oh and if/when you try speed, MASTURBATE. Omfg that was my favorite thing to do. You can wank for hours on end, and when you cum its sooo good. Its like your cock is exploding with pleasure. Definitely recommend it

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File (hide): c39f0456728805e⋯.png (561.43 KB,1319x629,1319:629,Dormouse.png) (h) (u)


>are you implying something



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And Ive never tried smack, but its more or less like other opiates from what I hear

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 No.7718>>7720 >>7724


I've heard fentanyl is a good alternative, that's how nitrous Is for me but Im glad it's pretty much harmless, I'll blast a pack of 50 canisters in a sitting but its nice to know it didn't have an adverse effect on my health. I'm well aware of the cautions that come with severe drug use and I generally manage to keep it under control. Its tough to regain your sense of control with harder drugs I understand.. >>7712

I'm drinking the cheapest liquor physically available, around 13$ USD forva half gallon of 40%

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if my housemate didn't snore so loud I assure you I'd be sound asleep

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 No.7720>>7723 >>7724 >>7725


Aha, oh my. Enjoyed in the dream only? Did you like the thought after waking up?

I don't know what do. Obviously I encourage it!


I-I am not sure if I am being bullied or not x:


Huh, I see. I am a beer person myself. As well I should, it's a matter of national pride. Beer or wine, that is.

I guess you'd have to have lots of beer to get buzzed?

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File (hide): 53c407cca3af57e⋯.jpg (40.12 KB,182x218,91:109,meanwhile 03.jpg) (h) (u)


Hello Farmer Jones. Hang on, why are you using Pricia's flag? x:

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she got a second one and she let me adopt her first one

her one is more defined

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you'll know

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 No.7724>>7726 >>7727 >>7730 >>7732 >>7733


Nitrous is not harmless, it can cause a vitamin B deficiency. Make sure you heir on the side of caution.

And idk it was just with speed. Cause it causes the nasty crash, and ALL you want is that kickass high again. So you redose, and that's basically how you become a methhead.

I generally dont redose a fuck ton on drugs. Only drugs I do this with are coffee (I'll tend to have another cup after like 6 hours or so), alcohol, but in the sense that I am drinking slowly; nitrous (to a small extent) and weed. That's about it. I've experimented with redosing on DXM and it isnt really all too great. Makes me stay up too long. So not doing redosing of that anymore.


idk I am feeling more bi-curious as time goes on, but I am still very reluctant about fapping to gay porn and stuff

I'm definitely a liquor guy myself

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Are you German or American? After you've developed an alcohol tolerance you're fucked honestly so yeah it's a lot of beer to put me down. Have a favorite brand of beer? I enjoy blue moon

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Basically like I dont mind seeing it, but it doesnt really turn me on too much. Im just really confused

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 No.7727>>7728 >>7729 >>7730


It's not hard to replenish vitamin b, and besides that its not that huge of a concern. I've do over 1000 canisters in a month I think without going out of my way to restore displaced vitamins and I've experienced no nerve damage or anything similar

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Well yeah I get that. But its still something to watch out for

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I've done*

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 No.7730>>7731 >>7734

File (hide): 878d12b5afdae77⋯.jpg (10.89 KB,190x266,5:7,19.jpg) (h) (u)


i've used speed before but that was purely cause i needed to stay up. always mixed the stuff into grape soda.

i'm looking to hopefully not do as many chemicals in the future

still doing lsd this patricks day


are you sure you don't have any nerve damage from that much nitrous?

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Pretty sure yeah, it's my drug of choice but function pretty normally despite large intake. I have to do rough carpentry and it hasent been an issue so far

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 No.7732>>7734 >>7735 >>7736 >>7737

File (hide): ef997063279ae26⋯.jpg (29.33 KB,182x220,91:110,everything's normal.jpg) (h) (u)


Huh, I see. Are you Dutch?


I am not sure that I will, I am quite dense sometimes!


I see. Well, just enjoy the fantasy of it for now. If it ever becomes more than that, so be it, yeah? Or if you want to push in the direction, change your porn habits to include more (feminine) penis.

Yeah I don't like most liquor I suppose. Had a whiskey two days ago after a long time, and nope x: I get shitfaced easily too and I prefer to take longer.


Neither. Close to Germany. But nobody has anything on us when it comes to drinking beer. Nobody.

Yeah that's what I figured.

Hmm, I suppose I do, but I would be surprised if you knew it. Although a Finnish friend of mine knew it, so I guess I'd be less surprised than I had thought I would.

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 No.7733>>7734 >>7741


Same here in response to the gay thing, I've recently come to terms with that fact I'm at least moderately bi curious considering I jerk off to traps andshota

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 No.7734>>7736 >>7739 >>7741

File (hide): 91b87c3f86d0fbf⋯.png (136.17 KB,582x845,582:845,Madotsuki.png) (h) (u)


>mixed speed in to grape soda

kek what? Why? Meth CAN be taken orally, there's even a script form of it called Desoxyn iirc. But why not just put it in a napkin or the like and swallow it? Its called parachuting


You might not always notice the damage, but oh well. I mean I drink like a fish at times knowing it can cause damage. But it doesnt immediately ruin my life. So I can feel you on that.

Just be a little more careful with how much you're doing though


I kinda just wish I could decide to be bi or straight already. But yeah I guess its gonna take time regardless.

I found this type of whiskey that is 21% alcohol. Tastes fucking wonderful, so Im sticking to it.

That being said I will explore around with others, but still


I dont even jerk to traps and shota. Thats the thing. I kinda have subconscious desires, but Im too scared to act upon them idk why

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Probably won't be able to guess your favorite so spoon feed me if you don't mind I'm interested, pretty hammered too so I can't even guess at this point where your from

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 No.7736>>7738 >>7741

>>7734 yum swallowing paper

just like camping

i mean the soda is right *there* may as well dump everything into it hmm?


in heritage

must have been just a real lucky guess is all :>

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>I am not sure that I will, I am quite dense sometimes!

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Well personally I would just straight up rail the shit. But for someone that doesnt like to do drugs often, you could mitigate the taste by swallowing down a tissue full of the shit with a drink.

The idea is that the paper dissolves as it goes down your throat, and the drug basically gets directly in your stomach

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21% hahaha, sorry but It's like candy, even 40% can be easy to down if you have the proper chaser, what's it called? And to be frank if the thought of even jerking off to that either genre gets you off you're probably moderately gay. Not intending to be harsh but I was that way for years until I accepted it

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File (hide): 7070a707d7e55f7⋯.jpg (254.61 KB,510x850,3:5,oj17.jpg) (h) (u)


i suppose i could swallow toilet paper

i mean i eat mcdonalds from time to time and guesss what their ground beef has an ingredient?? corrugated cellulose. thats right, motherfuckin cardboard.

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 No.7741>>7743 >>7744 >>7748

File (hide): ff1dd06e25988d8⋯.jpg (28.55 KB,386x225,386:225,looking at me funny.jpg) (h) (u)


Yeah if it's going to happen at all, it will most likely take time.

Oh, 21% is quite little I think? If it means it has more flavour, I might enjoy it. I do like peach vodka, which is obviously flavoured and not very strong either.



Hmm, CDs or transgirls?


The beer thing? Kozel is like my go-to brand in terms of bottled / canned beers. I'd have it in pubs as well but curiously, they're not that common in pubs around these parts. I'm from the wonderous lands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, know these days as Czech republic.


Aha, I see.

>must have been just a real lucky guess is all :>

Hmm, what must? Pricia said it was a flag of Amsterdam so it wasn't a completely wild guess on my part.

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File (hide): da2167ae68581b9⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,196x257,196:257,oj24.jpg) (h) (u)

in fact, i would be doing myself a disservice not to consume toilet paper

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 No.7743>>7745 >>7748

File (hide): 5d30cadcafd4c20⋯.png (358.64 KB,800x450,16:9,Zombie2-2-2.png) (h) (u)


Its called Early Times whiskey. I prefer to have a slower onset with my drink. I mean I do like to get really drunk, but if I get slammed all at once its too intense. Also that I've had rough experiences with 40%, so the taste alone makes me ugh. The 21% is good enough for what I need it to do

Its not harsh at all. I really kinda just wish I could accept it already


Yeah it really isn't bad at all to swallow tp. Its not as bad as you think. And you can digest it, so its not like its the end of the world


Its not incredibly strong yeah, but it can work. I can drink stronger liquor, but so many of them taste like fucking shit.

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oh hmm i suppose it DOES vaguely remind me of amsterdam… but it looks more like 3 buttons on a shirt to me, mouse!! :> :>

please bear with me im a paranoid mess right now

coming to all sorts of weird conclusions

is that earplug trying to kill me?

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File (hide): 95f09fdd434027a⋯.jpg (25.33 KB,244x220,61:55,all figured out.jpg) (h) (u)


I know all those feels, mhmm. The only strong drink I enjoyed was calvados (I guess it's like a brandy / vodka made from apples, if you've never heard). Though I only had that once or twice.


Aha, it might look like three buttons, but it is its flag! Which I now know thanks to Pricia. So it was natural for me to ask.

Uhh, hang on why are you paranoid, J?

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 No.7746>>7749 >>7752

File (hide): 1f153d8fc4962ae⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,185x218,185:218,anchovies.jpg) (h) (u)


A-are you implying I am as dense as- o-oh, nvm it's a yo mama joke! -.-

How absolutely mean!

Btw, are you going to stay up till like 8am if you got up at 4pm?

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symptoms of not being drunk mouse

im quitting benzos

its been 2 days so this should actually be the worst of it? i had taken etizolam to treat my anxiety for 4 months prior, at 2mg per day

8am is like a 6pm wake if you sleep poorly

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 No.7748>>7750 >>7751 >>7756


Trans girls and traps, I'm a sick faggot, do you drink by yourself often or Is it usually with a friend? Never heard of that brand but I suppose that's natural. >>7743

Do you both drunk by yourselves and if so do you have a favorite activity to do while drunk? I'm from america and a pretty liberal part if I do sayyi myself, where are you frrom. Maddex

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File (hide): cd586f24f919206⋯.jpg (80.38 KB,656x597,656:597,1425260640835.jpg) (h) (u)


going to be up for awhile

got a test today, so I am going to be up talking myself into it

why? did you want to talk about something?

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Holy shit that looks bad I'm sorry

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Im an Amercunt. And I drink alone pretty much all the time cause I have no one to do it with. My favorite thing is probably watching some kind of comedy anime

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or are you asking to know when I'll go away?

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 No.7753>>7754 >>7755 >>7757


Americuck here as wellll, not to sound like a fag but would you be be up for gettinbf drunk on Skype sometime? I'm pretty lonlyy

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sounds like you're up for getting drunk on skype now

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 No.7755>>7757 >>7762


I deleted skype, and we could just be drunk together here

Im gonna be out for a bit. Ill be back within the hour or so

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 No.7756>>7758 >>7759 >>7761


Oh, oh jeez.

I hope you're alright, J.


>I'm a sick faggot

Why? For drinking alone or for fapping to traps?

Well, I drink often by myself (or with mum), but it's usually at most 2-3 glasses of wine or 1-2 bottles of beer. So, you know. It's not drinking to get drunk, at most lightly buzzed.

Yeah I wouldn't expect you to have had it. I didn't even know we exported it until the Finnish friend told me he knew it.

No favourite activity while drinking, really. I usually do so by the PC, and while at the PC, I usually either play vidya, listen to youtube, shitpost, or a combination of the three.

Ahh, I see. Some Northern state, or maybe California?


Aha, I see. What kind of test? o: Are you going to cheat again?! -.-

Oh, I had nothing in my mind specifically, I was just wondering just how messed up your sleep schedule was x:


You make it sound like I wanted you to leave, don't be a silly boy ;~;

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Yeah I'm getting drunk pretty often, I just hsvce no one to talk to while doing it

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>What kind of test

Project Management, and I can't really cheat on these kinds of tests

it is about to get hot here, so by sleeping in the day, I avoid some of that

>don't be a silly boy

that is how I bully sometimes, btw

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Both of those things and some, pretty damn close. Washington t state actually, anyone close

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I am up for Skype chat if anyones interested

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hehehe im just trying to smoke some kush to ease the nerves

i cant tell you if its working or not but its fuckin doing something

also my computer cant run skype. i live on a farm remember? i cant even run ur webms

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 No.7762>>7763 >>7764 >>7772


Aha, see you soon Suki.


I see. Think you'll manage to pass?

Ah that does make sense.

You scared me by such bullying x:


Ahh, I see. Don't be silly, both are fine. Especially the fapping part tbh, that one's great!~

Oh neat, I have a friend in Washington.


I see.

Yeah it seems to be x:

>also my computer cant run skype. i live on a farm remember? i cant even run ur webms

I think this may have partially referred to >>7760 ?

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 No.7763>>7765 >>7766


>Think you'll manage to pass?


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yes my bad

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im sure you'll get through your test just fine

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File (hide): 4e531c85dd60a62⋯.jpg (22.57 KB,242x216,121:108,good start.jpg) (h) (u)


Oh no D: Study hard at the last minute!


Happens to the best of us even while sober, no worries.

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File (hide): 4fa70829e28c888⋯.gif (1.22 MB,500x360,25:18,1459219070210.gif) (h) (u)


nah, man

I am pretty stupid, nor do I study at all

luckily the US's educational institutions were designed for 3DPD, and that means you can get by with just class work, and not do so well on tests



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O-oh. Do eeet x_x Be a good boy and study! I'll pull out the spanking pics if you don't!

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Late nights make for the worst mornings.

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 No.7770>>7771 >>7775

File (hide): e7259ea64d4dded⋯.gif (218.82 KB,455x364,5:4,1416535065775.gif) (h) (u)


>good boy

ah, come oh, man

I just came off from a momdom story

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come on*

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 No.7772>>7773 >>7774 >>7775


I think its odd, but its my fetish nonetheless, Skype is - Theseedofmayhem, if anyone's interested will delete in a couple hours if no ones interested

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Bill Cosby by the way

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Not many people use Skype anymore;

Between Discord and Steam, I have no reason to.

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 No.7775>>7776 >>7777 >>7778


Yeah…. Hello.


You bet I will come on! Cone down on your bottom with my open palm if you don't straighten up!


Nay, I say it is not odd. Hmm, I only rarely talk voice over the internet to be honest. Don't have the privacy and am a bit shy.

Plus I guess as Pricia said, I mostly transitioned to Discord (though I still do use skype as well).

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please mouse-kun

I want to be a good boy for you

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File (hide): 61e7686196a365a⋯.jpg (365.28 KB,707x1000,707:1000,Girls with Drinks3.jpg) (h) (u)


Hulla, how's you?

I'll be right back, going to need several cups of coffee this morning.

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 No.7778>>7781 >>7782



Only use it for text honestly, added an anon from /kind/ that's my only friend so far. Would anyone mind adding me on Skype? I've no friends so far besides him but would appreciate more.

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 No.7779>>7782 >>7788


Oh jeez x: I guess it's no spanking then, mhmm?

But that would entail you revised for the exam.



Yeah I am okay. Went to bed ~4am, set an alarm for 9:55 and managed to get up around 10:30, I feel good about actually having gotten up before noon.

I tend to drink mugs of them unless I'm in a hurry myself. Enjoy your coffee Pricia~

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File (hide): ca032b766804f9c⋯.jpg (18.37 KB,260x245,52:49,tool4.jpg) (h) (u)


don't worry my skype works fine

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Discord: Lostalgia#6759

Knock yourself out, but I'm probably not going to use skype anytime soon.


The cups I use are actually Timmy's mugs, so one "cup" is about a cup and a half to two cups in volume.

It's both a blessing and a curse, when you're drinking twice as much as you think you are.

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Ah I see. That sounds like prettymuch a mug in my book, mhm.

Do you like to have your coffee with milk? If you do, it's not that much of a curse imo.

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 No.7786>>7787 >>7797

You sillies have been busy while I was sleeping :o

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 No.7787>>7790 >>7797


I don't drink my white coffee with milk; I use whiteners or half and half.

But I'm really fond of Cafe au Lait at the same time.


I haven't!

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 No.7788>>7793 >>7797


>I guess it's no spanking then

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When someone wants to be spanked you switch the ultimatum to "Do it or I won't spank you."

Speaking from experience.

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>two new threads

I'd call that busy

also you are not the oldest one posting here at 25

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farmer jones has been working on his farm for far too long now.

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File (hide): f790a42f19d03c6⋯.jpg (50.39 KB,700x862,350:431,Girls with Drinks33.jpg) (h) (u)



As I said, I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm probably not.

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 No.7793>>7796 >>7797

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You're older then me though I'm 20

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File (hide): 89f9d9370d5d029⋯.jpg (90.51 KB,554x439,554:439,8057259.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm usually older than the median and average these days.

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File (hide): dd76bd21f1ecd27⋯.jpg (187.15 KB,850x1253,850:1253,1457117586041-4.jpg) (h) (u)

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 No.7797>>7800 >>7801 >>7804

File: 5828e6af4370045⋯.webm (708.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,2282933.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Hello you.


Hmm, I have never heard of whiteners before, actually. That's how much of a pleb I am, I suppose.


I am not sure how to interpret this! But if you are not revising…



Hello Cherub. Slept well enough?

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File (hide): c2aae85a866bd0a⋯.jpg (28.14 KB,378x434,27:31,7176125.jpg) (h) (u)


What? Giant, frightening snake ladies turns me on. Also gonna save that one.

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From my experience most seem to be in their early twenties.

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Both yes and no. I went to bed at 5 am and I feel shit.

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eh, they aren't for everyone at any rate.

I prefer half and half to unflavoured whiteners.


Seems apt.

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 No.7802>>7803 >>7805 >>7806

Anyway, this was only a short visit. I'm going to take a shower and visit granny.

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Tell Granny some Canadian autist says hi.

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File (hide): c0bd48649a0d52c⋯.jpg (112.79 KB,1000x1291,1000:1291,b0f671be09417d2a7370b5b18b….jpg) (h) (u)

File: 756b9ce2fcd5b17⋯.webm (3.82 MB,1920x1080,16:9,756b9ce2fcd5b17eddd096245….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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Have a good one Wired.

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 No.7806>>7807 >>7810 >>7812


I don't see how that's both a yes and no x: Sounds like a clear no to me.


Ahh, I see. I haven't heard of half and half either. Though that owes more to my not being a native speaker more than being pleb at coffee, I think.

I'm just having a smaller mug myself. I kinda don't bother with getting cream, I just use milk, although I think cream does taste better.


Oh. Have fun at your grandma's.


Ahah. Can't be rewarding your laziness by calling you good… T-that is, if you really do enjoy being called that.

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It could have been worse.

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Would you be interested in chatting by chance then?

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I guess so…. any plans for today? Going to put yourself together first?

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File (hide): 0ef129a7ad8492d⋯.gif (152.21 KB,500x516,125:129,1.gif) (h) (u)


Half and Half is 50% cream.

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Well not really thankfully. I was going to watch football with a friend but unfortunately he had to cancel.

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File (hide): 0a56aed58b3ce4f⋯.png (1.08 MB,920x1060,46:53,1415789529221-1.png) (h) (u)


I enjoy the thought of being a good boy for a 12ft tall fertility goddess, then her nursing me, as she pats my head, and I fall sleep in her arms as she calls me a good boy

I got some problems okay, and I am not even from India

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 No.7813>>7814 >>7815


Yeah I just read that, I should have mentioned it in the post.


Ahh, if you're feeling too much like crap, maybe it's a good thing he cancelled?


Aha, I figured you would, mhmm.

Kek. Now that I think about it, I don't think I have much India / Hindu-themed porn on my HDD, or Buddhist or anything like that.

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It is, I'm not complaining.

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I don't like India / Hindu-themed, it just seems like males from India are into that kind of image of a fertility goddess, or at least they describe it in that fashion.

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File (hide): 684e74df6cb3842⋯.jpg (79.66 KB,800x600,4:3,3568996.jpg) (h) (u)


Oh, sorry to hear. I mean, glad to hear you're not feeling like crap that much. Shhhit it's always something, as Carlin used to say.


Aha, I see. I suppose I am not a big fan either, now that I think about it. The ideology of caste system and the legit sexism are very offputting. Maybe the SJW trope of a rape culture is actually at play there to some extent… not sure.

Oh look, I think I found one that's both spanking and something you might enjoy~ **(actually, maybe you might enjoy spanking too!)*

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ragnarok Online had some truly beautiful music…

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 No.7819>>7821 >>7822 >>7825 >>7827

File (hide): 670e1f6b60ecbd3⋯.png (113.22 KB,194x355,194:355,172.png) (h) (u)

what hell is this

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It sort of popped up overnight.

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 No.7821>>7823 >>7824 >>7825


Not /animus/, you must be lost.

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Remember when people used to ask that about /animus/?

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Look at the tough guy.

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File (hide): ac909a4adf47ef3⋯.png (76.95 KB,165x238,165:238,12.png) (h) (u)


am i being cyber bullied right now



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 No.7825>>7829 >>7831


The beginning sounds chill.


Aha, hello Moogey.


How harsh. Did they force the modship on you?


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What's the point in us not having gone there if we're just going to accept all of their users?

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 No.7827>>7829 >>7841


it is more of family looking out for the family thing

India is one of the most gynocentric shit holes on the planet

I did enjoy that, thank you~


I board for friends

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Because it's very rude to bully.

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 No.7829>>7830 >>7841

File (hide): 3984970cb34b25c⋯.png (518.28 KB,592x796,148:199,69.png) (h) (u)


o hey you


well i need those how are you

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no one


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 No.7831>>7833 >>7841

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To be fair, I'm /animus/ too.


You can't mod abuse me here, so stop lying.


Purity of your Smile is another good one.

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 No.7832>>7835 >>7841

Im back guys

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 No.7833>>7834 >>7835

File (hide): 0f18e153fa81398⋯.png (81.97 KB,170x308,85:154,70.png) (h) (u)




ill find a way

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Welcome back, you.

How was your night?


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 No.7836>>7837 >>7838

hi im new

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kek nice trip but hi

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 No.7841>>7842 >>7843 >>7844 >>7845

File: 2a9b16f27d424e0⋯.webm (6.93 MB,640x360,16:9,Seirei no Moribito OST - ….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


>it is more of family looking out for the family thing

which puts you off? Or… I don't udnerstand.

It's gynocentric in odd ways then. Again I have to get back to the cases of rape that AFAIK get prosecuted very little (compared to the US).

I figured you would ^3^


Been some time. How's it going?


Hmm, don't like that one as much.


Hello, welcome back Maddie.


Oh dang.

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was going to post repel.jpg but Emily's nice so I don't think >she'l be minded much.


I also spent a lot of time in starting areas because of Streamside.

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File (hide): 9981b41743a4bcf⋯.png (86.22 KB,207x250,207:250,50.png) (h) (u)


well enough


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 No.7844>>7847 >>7848


Im gonna be drinking here in a bit. Is that other anon here

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 No.7845>>7846 >>7854 >>7862

File (hide): 21263e78f33b8a3⋯.jpg (131.85 KB,1000x1793,1000:1793,ace3c3b03ca92b4686ec8b511c….jpg) (h) (u)


>which puts you off?

no, I just don't like it, I mean I don't hate it like I do with sandniggers. Generally I don't like cultures that come form some where hot

>It's gynocentric in odd ways then

agreed, but they'll kill you for looking at a 3DPD the wrong way

>Oh dang.

it isn't your fault

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I love that term, its so funny

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Are you mentioning me? Crybaby anon over girl here still drunk

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 No.7848>>7850 >>7851 >>7859


I see.

Kind of like in Skyrim, the City Gates is a nice song. You know the one, I'm sure, mm?


Weller enough, I dare say. Depening on just how.


I think he is lurking. Seems like there's at least two or three new people since you left!

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File (hide): 7f068bcd4ad2ba7⋯.gif (1019.36 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy.gif) (h) (u)


ah ok. Well you've got a drinking matey now. Im beginning to drink. I just ate a sandwich though I always have food on my stomach before I drink

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File (hide): 4e40f85fd7e1de5⋯.png (64.59 KB,156x225,52:75,91.png) (h) (u)


how so

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 No.7851>>7852 >>7854 >>7859


New people is always nice. Who are they

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 No.7852>>7853 >>7855 >>7859


/animus/ rapefugees

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I'm just visiting, don't cry.

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 No.7854>>7860 >>7862


Huh, alrighty. Heh, that's a curious criterion.

Isn't that really more because you're looking at someone else's goods?

Yeah… pretty hot pic to be honest.


Got my bachelor's some 5-6 weeks ago, woo!


I only know Mugen (Sublimed/Ghoul) from /lewd/ and actually from 4chan's /b/ from way back, I think.

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 No.7855>>7859 >>7861


Why do so many people from animus come here? I've never even been there though

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File (hide): 0c2e54183299dbb⋯.png (121.97 KB,291x309,97:103,1424752332536-0.png) (h) (u)

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What's so confusing? I just love racial slurs

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Food is a necessity for drinking if you're planning on feeling decent the morning after aha, still drinking that low percentage booze?

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 No.7859>>7864 >>7866

File (hide): 0c457d68137de43⋯.jpg (293.55 KB,640x480,4:3,57802669_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


Mmh, yeah.

Didn't realize that was the title, though.



One of them is even the BO of /animus/.



Sorry, that might partly be my fault; Test and I were talking about it.

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congratulations. bachelor's in?

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 No.7861>>7863 >>7866


They want to believe they can make more buddies, but can't see a reason as to why you people decided to make a new board over going there.

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File (hide): 4e5947de9e1813e⋯.png (102.21 KB,900x950,18:19,1452913447743.png) (h) (u)


from somewhere*

I am college heh


>Isn't that really more because you're looking at someone else's goods?

could be that, could be because you're making the 3DPD uncomfortable

>pretty hot pic to be honest.

wish I had more

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File (hide): b7a624749f90a82⋯.jpg (188.68 KB,691x1024,691:1024,59468736_p17_master1200.jpg) (h) (u)


You shouldn't be so aggro, love.

It's unbecoming.

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 No.7864>>7867 >>7870 >>7872

I need to walk the hound now, see ou people soon.


Ahh, I see. Yeah, it's a beautiful song at any rate. Or maybe I am biased towards game OSTs.

Anyways I need to leave for a while as I said. See you soonish.


English language & literature kinda useless degree tbh but hey, it's something.

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There can be no coexistence.

Extermination when.

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 No.7866>>7870 >>7873 >>7906


*russian accent* I got some vodka Ivan. Unfortunately its of low percent. I would prefer strong booze. I have some mixed in sprite atm, then when I get more drunk I will mix it in ice water


Lillie is p cute. But I prefer Acerola and Mallow definitely. Acerola is the best loli of pokemon, then Dawn


I never mind more company. Was just wondering

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File (hide): be3c35f136ec75b⋯.png (68.22 KB,121x339,121:339,16.png) (h) (u)


what do you plan to do with it

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 No.7868>>7871 >>7877

File (hide): 9c6beb7a07d3e9e⋯.jpg (127.29 KB,600x480,5:4,45465654.jpg) (h) (u)


nigger chink

and those are a real thing, as the Chinese have become richer, 3DPD have started to warm up to them, including some nigger 3DPD

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>could be because you're making the 3DPD uncomfortable

Nah I don't think that'd be genuine. It's like in some more regressive Islamic cultures. Of course they will try to bullshit you that XYZ is for the women's protection. In actuality it's for the protection of their men's feeble conception of honour and for being in power, imo.

See you soon Monsterkun,


I don't know yet. Get a master's.

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 No.7870>>7872 >>7877 >>7906


See you later, Mouse.


Woa there, tiger.

You still haven't sacrificed your first born, kinda rushing there, don't ya think?


Don't lewd the pokemon.

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 No.7871>>7875 >>7877


>Girls your age


>Wishes you did as well as her in your exams

I outscore Rikka.

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 No.7872>>7876 >>7906

File (hide): f435a0a2afd94fd⋯.jpg (97.88 KB,830x1500,83:150,IMG_20170223_164802.jpg) (h) (u)


Didn't you only walk the dog for like 10 minutes last time



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Vodka and water? The absolute mad man! Liquor and water has never gone well for me, the taste lingers pretty heavily, might as well drink it straight in myb opinion

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It's best to drink it straight and drink beer as a chaser.

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File (hide): 8f33f399baa52b1⋯.jpg (42.85 KB,600x600,1:1,1427933158493.jpg) (h) (u)


pretty sure she just an example

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 No.7876>>7878 >>7881

File (hide): c04b286b38e2df2⋯.jpg (128.38 KB,625x615,125:123,60012983_p5_master1200.jpg) (h) (u)



It's in the rulebook that's issued to all new converts.


The point was that she was an example that hits none of the points proffered for a girl your age.

Except that she was the same age as MC.

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 No.7877>>7879 >>7881 >>7882

File (hide): dcab663ca7c4706⋯.png (2.5 KB,645x48,215:16,Untitled.png) (h) (u)


Well good thing I claimed loli waifu Karen.


Too late. This collectively is pokegirl porn :>



Well the vodka is rather cheap unfortunately. I could drink the whiskey I had straight and it tasted great. This stuff is kinda ick. But I can still drink it regardless. Water and vodka has always worked well though IME. Plus I get to rehydrate as Im dehydrating myself. So why not

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File (hide): dae2ca19e52d574⋯.png (104.47 KB,520x700,26:35,58881778_p0.png) (h) (u)


I didn't even receive my baptism.

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 No.7879>>7880 >>7883


Disgusting, tbh.

But then, I just don't like loli ever since I hit the age of 20, and started regularly sitting.


Oh, the baptisms are supposed to occur on total solar eclipses.

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File (hide): 1d56fef10003765⋯.png (91.13 KB,400x620,20:31,57354041_p0.png) (h) (u)


Did I just join an elder god's cult?

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File (hide): 3fba455eb18e101⋯.gif (2.05 MB,480x271,480:271,1413385227660.gif) (h) (u)


it could just be an age that was the attribute to Rikka


mine is older girls

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I wouldn't say that's unfortunate, why spend more for the same product in essence? Taste usually doesn't differ heavily between vodka brand's I've noticed. If you've heard of Fleischman's I'm pretty sure it doesn't get cheaper. Beer is an excellent chaser as well, like you said hydration from dehydration, that's efficiency at its best

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 No.7883>>7884 >>7887


Go ahead and make fun of me some more, it will get me in the mood. Im a straight up masochist. Im also very much so a lolicon. I love loli porn

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 No.7884>>7886 >>7887


So wait. No 3d at all?

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none at all

if i posted 3d, what would happen

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You see, that's the thing. I got this shit for free.

Yeah I very much so prefer whiskey. Tastes fucking A imo. Whiskey is really the only liquor I can drink straight.

The thing is though that once I get drunker, I dont care as much and can drink just about anything straight. Cause at that point I wanna get fucked up more and don't have such an inhibition for taste.


Nope no CP here mister. I don't like 3DPD porn anymore anyway. Its all fucking trash.

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I don't know. Did you?


I suppose.


Like I said, I used to have several tens of thousands of loli pictures.

But, I dunno, now it's just hard not to equate them with the kids I actually sit, and it just feels disgusting on many many levels.


3DPD loli is…

illegal in most places in the world.

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i suppose that would be shitposting sir

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File (hide): 2169abc9bed402c⋯.jpg (18.33 KB,236x289,236:289,toll 3.jpg) (h) (u)

well it obviously would be 18+ women doing whatever THEY want

what if it was just them alone? then it would be more appealing, no?

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 No.7890>>7891 >>7892 >>7895

File (hide): a6c14f5e6d520fd⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,48KJz6v.png) (h) (u)


>used to have several tens of thousands of loli pictures


eh its really not hard to keep 2D loli separate from IRL. Cause I have a little sister and it really doesnt bother me in the slightest

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My drive died, and finding all those images again was just more trouble than it was worth.

It was all either solo or YuLo.

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File (hide): 9d4a4b855066a0a⋯.jpg (234.45 KB,600x690,20:23,1452993046758.jpg) (h) (u)


>keep 2D loli separate from IRL

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 No.7893>>7894 >>7901


The morals for the whole kiddie stuff I have is a bit different. I mean I dont wanna harm a child or even look at CP, but I dont mind if someone else did. As long as its consensual. Rape in of itself is a terrible, terrible thing.

Sucks that your drive died. That would make me cry


I agree with how taking pics of kids like that is bad and all. But the simple viewing eh. Again I have never viewed it and never will, but I kinda turn a blind eye to it

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 No.7894>>7896 >>7898


I mean you gotta consider that in Japan the age of consent is 14 for nationals. Its food for thought

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File (hide): 7070a707d7e55f7⋯.jpg (254.61 KB,510x850,3:5,oj17.jpg) (h) (u)

oh well you know i didnt mean pizzas of any sorts or shapes


tapering is hard. im not gonna bite that thought cookie :P

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*13 is the nation wide age of consent, and thereby the lowest it can possibly be.

But, every prefecture has individual rulings that effectively make it 16-18.

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 No.7897>>7899 >>7902


I fullg agree, whiskey Is the first to get downed if the option is available, however vodka goes better if you're chasing it with juice or something similar. How many shots down are you at the moment?

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File (hide): f1939208250610b⋯.jpg (28.47 KB,449x600,449:600,full.jpg) (h) (u)


i just wanted to say sorry for leaving you at the ditch earlier, that was very rude of me but let you now i took your privacy seriously

unless you were just fucking with me i which case thanks for the guilt

the rancher is checking out after this - for good

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Fully* fuck I'm drunk

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i agree 100% with whiskey. crown royal - jd - i dont even ask. i just get right into it.

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>But the simple viewing eh

CP is wrong because you have to hurt someone (the kid) in order to make it, so by viewing it you have making demand, and where there is demand a market will come to try fill it, and that market is going to have to hurt more kids to make the product

CP hurts people, and loli doesn't that is how you separate them

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File (hide): a5e0f84f74c8906⋯.gif (727.4 KB,500x500,1:1,H6kGvCh.gif) (h) (u)


idk how many shots. I kinda just pour a decent amount in the cup and drink it slowly. I feel a bit buzzed. But to put it in perspective I had half a medium cup of sprite and poured enough vodka to be about an inch from the brim


I didnt even play with you on RS earlier. And unfortunately I have no OJ or anything cause I hear that's great with vodka.


What I meant is that pricia is implying he would view the kids he sits in a sexual manner. Its not hard to separate them. And I dont want to debate the whole CP thing atm. Cause I dont look at it. I dont look at 3DPD at all

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Crown Royal? Not to be a dick but how? The flavor is pretty overpowering I've noticed. I'm a jew so whiskey of choice is black velvet If you guys have heard of it

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File (hide): bf6021b725dbaf5⋯.jpg (60.53 KB,608x960,19:30,1457553157958.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): d9515c02bfa2f83⋯.jpg (101.04 KB,707x1000,707:1000,C3H_mq4WgAIYqI1.jpg) (h) (u)


Im not much of an alcohol condinosaur. I just get what I get and occasionally throw a fit.



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>*russian accent*

That should be my gimmick. You can keep it though.


I suppose I did. ~12 minutes this time. He is old and it's still somewhat cold outside so I don't think it's a problem.


'ello again, P.


Ohai. Did you forget flag/name? o:

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 No.7907>>7908 >>7909 >>7910


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hey wired

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T-that's racist.

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File (hide): 60168dedd125cf5⋯.jpg (20.57 KB,289x292,289:292,Nzs3Q8B.jpg) (h) (u)


why though? I really like you a lot alongside poppy

And that image is hitlerious

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oh yeah if you recall I said I had a crazy sex drive. Its back completely at this point. I fapped 3 times yesterday. God damn it feels so great. I love the fact that you can essentially have sex with yourself and dont need anything more than your hands

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 No.7912>>7913 >>7914 >>7915 >>7917 >>7921

I'm lurking, while drinking coffee with granny, why are you giving me (you)s

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 No.7916>>7918 >>7919 >>7920 >>7922


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Go ahead and show her all the sexual images on here

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File (hide): fcd2fd14175eedd⋯.jpg (58.03 KB,500x354,250:177,(You).jpg) (h) (u)

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You probably like it as much as Poppet does.

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File: c5daa8bd101a803⋯.mp4 (8.01 MB,320x240,4:3,c5daa8bd101a8035b3fae69ad7….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


stop being bully bait

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 No.7921>>7926 >>7927


Aha, lewd o: I approve. Now we need to get you craving things.

Hmm, I have never tried it myself, but have you ever humped a pillow? It sounds to me like something you could enjoy.


I-I'm sorry.


Wouldn't that be someone who baits bullies, implying Wired-kun was the bully? x:

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Picked the wrong animu gril for that. She is a dandere, and so we now know you are just shy and want it

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File: 25c19f39c445b21⋯.webm (4.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,That's racist.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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I'm decently picky but only when it comes to price, brand names to hell if it costs more than 15$ per half gallon I'm out

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more like Wired-kun is a bully slut

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 No.7927>>7929 >>7930


One time I had put a bag full of veggie oil in between pillows and put on a really big condom. Then I kinda humped it. Idk why, but it felt so fucking amazing. Like better than anything I have ever done sober. And I came so ridiculously hard I almost wanted to just fall asleep in that position

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File (hide): 0ef129a7ad8492d⋯.gif (152.21 KB,500x516,125:129,1.gif) (h) (u)

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Unfortunately no matter how much I try I cant recreate that. I think it was the condom that did the trick

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 No.7930>>7931 >>7932 >>7934

File: 848dc651b69a234⋯.webm (1.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2039583.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Ahhh I don't get it x_x


I think he likes it too, mhm!~


Aha, damn. While you're a good boy slut yourself?


Huh, I see. Pretty lewd. A bag full of veggie oil? Why?

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Well it wasnt absolutely full. Basically the veggie oil acted like lube cause I had none at the time. But now that I have lube I could try it with that. Its obviously a lot better

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File (hide): 67bbfaef938ae55⋯.jpg (96.7 KB,900x354,150:59,51321.jpg) (h) (u)


I-I'm not a slut

I am a good boy

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 No.7933>>7935 >>7936 >>7937

File (hide): 116823c9c4856f6⋯.png (3 MB,1621x1919,1621:1919,3535526.png) (h) (u)


Ahh, yeah you could!~ Hmm, there's also a way one can construct kind of a disposable fleshlight, I think with a condom and a towel? I can't remember how to do it. Well obviously that's something you could look up.

An advantage of the humping could be that it keeps your hand/s free.


Sounds to me like you're a petting and compliment slut~

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File: e2571ae16cbb420⋯.webm (762.58 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Who's more dead inside.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


I don't either to be honest. I just remember that scene.

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I am only petted and complimented by mother~

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I've seen something like that yes. tbh dry handed milking my dick is the best for me. idk why it kinda just is

Though a sexual fantasy of mine is to buy an onahole, a daki of my waifu, and secure it on near the pussy and fuck it. I swear I would explode if I did that

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You roll uo the towel with the condom in beatween and then put rubberbands around it or tie a string around it to hold it together and get your desired tightness

I said I was lurking but I can't help myself when I can spread knowledge

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 No.7938>>7944 >>7945

File: 8616e86cd8e8017⋯.webm (2.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,What the fuck.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

By the way guys. We're lying number two on the Velocious Threads list.

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 No.7939>>7940 >>7941 >>7942 >>7943

File: 1b848c499eb66e0⋯.webm (136.04 KB,320x180,16:9,Kyle Kulinski sexist 01.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Ahah, alrighty.



I'll pretend to be a motherly figure if I have to!


Mhmm, I see.

You are losing your bicurious focus, Maddex! Boyhole to explode in, that's the proper choice!


Aha, I see. (yeah I jsut googled it tbh)

You are truly a scientifically minded gentleman, Wired-kun!

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But I love waifu more than anyone

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that is okay, holding hands is enough for me

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File: fb873e7ebf1a43c⋯.webm (355.69 KB,640x360,16:9,candy vomit.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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Also its BI-sexual, implying both sexes. Not homosex

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 No.7944>>7946 >>7947 >>7950

File: 9fcba7e2167faee⋯.webm (57.2 KB,320x180,16:9,Kyle Kluinski in my pants.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


You can love the boyhole owner more than anyone as well though.

You just have to find the right boy!


Yeah but unless you are ready to by polyamorous, it's going to be either one or the other. Unless you are only talking about carnal love.


That's a fair proposition if I ever heard one.



Also what's the Velacious Threads list ._.'''

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 No.7945>>7950 >>7952 >>7955

File (hide): 8b6ef1f0de4a974⋯.png (63.62 KB,1388x418,694:209,not+really.png) (h) (u)

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You forget that idc about 3DPD

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 No.7947>>7948 >>7952

File (hide): f8ec80d5647cb02⋯.gif (221.19 KB,256x256,1:1,1434488699301-1.gif) (h) (u)


and maybe a cuddle or two

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They have really nice asses

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 No.7949>>7951 >>7952 >>7956 >>7961

File (hide): 3a5ec0fb40b434e⋯.jpg (275.98 KB,998x1000,499:500,1.jpg) (h) (u)

morning everyone!

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 No.7950>>7952 >>7953

File: b37b046d4751bc4⋯.webm (627.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,Ooooh.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Which thread that posts fast.


Okay we were before…

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Well hi there poppy. I am speaking with less of a filter cause I am starting to get drunker.

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 No.7952>>7954 >>7956 >>7960


Well you just said it was bisex not homosex, so how am I supposed to square that. Are you talking about sexxing a guy while sexxing a akimakura?




Hullo not-a-BO senpai!



Ahh, that, makes sense. Thank you anon.

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Yeah, I know we were because I went and had a look after you said so. However, after the scheduled refresh, there were less threads being shown. So, I went ahead and refreshed the page and noticed that we weren't even in the top 25 most velocious.

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I just meant that its alright to desire a gril. Cause in theory I could go both ways

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 No.7955>>7957 >>7958 >>7961

File (hide): 95efc17461e983c⋯.png (41.26 KB,1124x333,1124:333,1.png) (h) (u)

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 No.7956>>7960 >>7962




after I am done bullying poppy



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Well that's nice. Are we a part of the kool kids klub now?

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Dude, what's going on here?

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not without the milk

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 No.7960>>7962 >>7963 >>7964

File (hide): f6f3488933169a4⋯.png (493.07 KB,800x798,400:399,1.png) (h) (u)


is it not showing up for you or something?


hi made-senpai, hopefully you aren't sleeping too soon.


please try not to do that, mouse-senpai.


morning bully!!!

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Good morning Poppy-chan.


Oh I see.


Gotta go fast!

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Ah well, fair enough I suppose. Though the more you keep saying you don't like real women, the stranger it feels…


Bully -.-


Not do what?

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you ready?

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dw. Alcohol tends to keep me up for a while. Im also drinking it a bit slowly, so I wont get super shitfaced immediately.

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Im gonna play COD once I get really drunk. That should provide many keks

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 No.7967>>7968 >>7971

Poppet's so nice.

I'm heading out now, have a good day you guys.

Also, thanks, Poppet.

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 No.7968>>7969 >>7970

File (hide): f026c2e48f6e696⋯.jpg (106.29 KB,1024x857,1024:857,1.jpg) (h) (u)


have lots of fun pricia-senpai, good luck, too~

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 No.7969>>7971 >>7972


Was he sexting her?

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File (hide): 8c75e87aa37793e⋯.swf (6.7 MB,100x100,1:1,iBlow.swf) (h) (u)

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Have a good day, Pricia.


…there's more than one way to interpret that I think, I like it.

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 No.7972>>7973 >>7974 >>7980

File (hide): affe568e25733db⋯.png (588.53 KB,661x827,661:827,1.png) (h) (u)


are you okay, maddie-senpai?


for some reason I can't open swfs recently, I will try to figure out why~


what ways?

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Yeah Im perfectly fine

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Try updating flash, many browsers block flash if it's not up tp date

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Does the wired have good flash support?

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 No.7976>>7977 >>7980


Flash is old, if I could I wouldn't use it anymore. But I keep it for legacy purposes. HTML5 is waaaaaaay better.

Also stop baiting me out of lurking

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File (hide): 73286c204cd720a⋯.jpg (129.93 KB,600x800,3:4,Azunyan (1).jpg) (h) (u)


Im not… what do you think of this image? I wish it would show the nipple. I would get up in this anime pussy

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I like the tease of no nipple


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Well I like that too

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File: b48e6ae6a93e6bd⋯.webm (6.99 MB,850x478,425:239,ruse 1470249726861.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


He was sexting her, as in, with her.

Or he was sexting her, as in sending her as part of a sext message.



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I'm going home know

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I now know you're going home

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What are you going to do with the information?

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File (hide): 079fd3c5744ae4c⋯.swf (4.75 MB,100x100,1:1,autism.swf) (h) (u)

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alright im playing cod now be back soon

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File (hide): 9baa015708bb683⋯.gif (890.25 KB,552x408,23:17,1454534311200.gif) (h) (u)


not a thing

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File (hide): 4bdf824275c9dc3⋯.jpg (105.38 KB,1366x768,683:384,1.jpg) (h) (u)

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A little thing, maybe?

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 No.7989>>7990 >>7991

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 No.7990>>7992 >>7995

I'm home fam~



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Looks like the 10k is going to be no problem, doesn't it?

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 No.7992>>7993 >>7995

File (hide): 3f6bed6b8b42b84⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,640x445,128:89,shoebill-5-optimized.jpg) (h) (u)


Here's yours.


I suppose so, enjoy the 8k

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 No.7993>>7994 >>7995 >>8004 >>8023

Is Madexx still around, I wonder if he has heard the news about anon having to leave yet.


I don't think I'm going to try hard for the get. I feel I haven't gotten enough to warrant me going full autism on future gets.

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File (hide): c14722858ae33e0⋯.jpg (380.82 KB,960x500,48:25,shoe-bill-semuliki.jpg) (h) (u)


It's fine, a number like this honestly isn't that special, it's still merely a pair of trips.

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 No.7995>>7996 >>7997 >>8023




Oh yes, I am not sure. I didn't tell him at least. Was Poppy around, even?


Mhm! How has your day been, anon?

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 No.7996>>7997 >>8008 >>8023

File (hide): c92aa2cf71edc0f⋯.png (97.21 KB,949x199,949:199,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Did one of you fuckers find my steam and send me an invite?


Round numbers still feel more special then an ordinary trip tbh.


I hope Poppy doesn't get to sad about it…

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 No.7997>>7999 >>8008

File (hide): 639a643daface25⋯.jpg (247.22 KB,750x450,5:3,shoebill-uganda.jpg) (h) (u)


I only woke an hour ago at this point, so I don't suppose I have any feeling for this day yet.


I suppose you're right.

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 No.7999>>8000 >>8001

File (hide): 3c58306f213ac51⋯.jpg (34.32 KB,347x347,1:1,1453292348-0.jpg) (h) (u)


Why have you stopped posting the cute 2D shoebill and started posting the 3DPD one though?

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To answer your question, I've become irritated by having to repeat post images so often, so now I've begun saving actual shoebills.

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File (hide): 27f8ff56fdd2d15⋯.gif (484.55 KB,419x248,419:248,1446935992944.gif) (h) (u)


Did you try to sage snipe again??? >>7998


Ah okay, It's a cool bird though.

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No, it wasn't me this time.

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 No.8004>>8005 >>8008


Im back, But i didnt see that

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 No.8005>>8006 >>8007 >>8009

File (hide): 52614c854658df4⋯.png (2.09 MB,500x1096,125:274,smug.png) (h) (u)


Sure :^)


Go back a bit more then thousand posts ago. Look for some cowboy bebop webms >>7000

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 No.8006>>8008 >>8009 >>8010


I dont feel like it

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File (hide): 218383a1145d71f⋯.jpg (99.42 KB,723x572,723:572,6317353.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't believe I've ever failed to fess up to sage posting before.

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 No.8008>>8010 >>8023

Attempting for BOOB post.


Yeah x:

Are you still here Poppy-chan?


Ahhh, that's fair. Is it morning there?



Welcome you.

You should though… Unless we just flat out say, I guess.

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O hey I got the 7K get I didn't even realise kek.


I looked it up for you, you should really read it though >>6953

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Not quite.

I didn't realize the time, it's actually past noon so I woke up three hours ago. I'm afraid I slept in a bit after last night's discussion.

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just tell me about it

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Ahh, I see. 12:44 or?

Did you stay up long?

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RIP foot

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As of this exact moment it's 12:47.

As for how long I had stayed up, yes, I had stayed up three hours longer than I planned Also, we discussed things that usually rack my mind whenever I think about them.

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 No.8015>>8016 >>8020

File (hide): 536ab149e05fd08⋯.gif (94.53 KB,600x336,25:14,e46.gif) (h) (u)


I don't want to outright say Im glad he's gone, but that's more or less what I have to say. I tried to be nice with him and all, but he couldn't reciprocate it in an acceptable way

He honestly really upset me yesterday. And so I said I didn't want his help. So with him gone, I am honestly a bit relieved.

I tried to play nice. But there's only so much playing you can do before you break

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File (hide): 148aeb13eb43584⋯.jpg (556.87 KB,1109x1281,1109:1281,mmplxw8kyq1qmkljdo1.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm sorry you feel that way. His company was greatly appreciated by me and a few others. From what I've seen he just tried to help you. Although his methods may not have been the best and his intentions unclear..

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 No.8017>>8018 >>8019


Well that's what pains me about it. I didn't want it to be this way.

But what he said to me was really offensive and dickish in my eyes. He didn't ever really help me. It came off as trying to make my decisions for me, and assuming too much

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But that being said I have been helped by Poppy enough and his methods were good enough. So I didn't need help from foot. Though he tried anyway. That's what made me upset about this whole thing. It came off as "stop whining baby"

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File (hide): 616d8ce1790479e⋯.gif (1.98 MB,370x269,370:269,lain dead inside.gif) (h) (u)



I do wonder why he had to go so suddenly. It was very sudden and unexpected to me.

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 No.8020>>8022 >>8025


Ah, I see.

I kinda stayed for longer as well. Till 4am, while I planned to go around 2am. I see. I am somewhat curious as to what things they were.


H-harsh ;-; But it's your opinion I suppose.

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File (hide): 92d430a11b6315c⋯.gif (325.6 KB,500x269,500:269,ramen.gif) (h) (u)

Anyway fam, dinner is being served.

Cya all in a bit~

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You're free to go into the last thread and look for yourself, but it was mostly just me being an angsty teenager and no one caring.

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 No.8023>>8040 >>8047

File (hide): dd77b655ad6be72⋯.png (534.98 KB,596x834,298:417,1.png) (h) (u)





hi neat and nice people, I'm back, w-what happened?

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See you soon.


Somehow it feels like prying a bit too much.

Well, you keep saying all the time no one cares about you / what you think / and so on.

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Well all good things die. For example my sister's daschund was in love with me. Would always love to see me, sleep in bed with me, etc. I was basically a father to her. And then she died…

Sorry for feels, but I am dealing better with it now. But the moral of the story is how you deal with tragedy. If I didn't know how to cope with negativity in my own way, I would've died a long time ago


Well I do typically remain kuudere about the whole ordeal. I don't like to outright say how much I disdain someone. I prefer to keep it to myself and just drop associating with them

But like I said the filter comes off once I drink

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File (hide): 5ab663a2747bf2a⋯.png (225.32 KB,720x947,720:947,1457323402698-2.png) (h) (u)

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You're not prying if it's things I've already spoken about and are there for public viewing.

And yes, I say those things because I'm self aware; just because I can acknowledge the truth doesn't make it hurt any less.

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 No.8028>>8029 >>8030

File (hide): c30a61f4cbbb2e2⋯.gif (893.1 KB,500x280,25:14,tea large.gif) (h) (u)


Yeah, I get that. It's not about the filter being down…


Dem hips, ma'am.


I guess so.

Some of us do appreciate your company though. Are you a coffee or a tea person, silly bird? Or neither?

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Well it feels good to be able to express myself. So there's that. Now that the feelings are out in the open, I feel relieved. though that may just be euphoria from the vodka kek

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 No.8030>>8031 >>8035

File (hide): 26af869f9050e1c⋯.jpg (194.88 KB,681x1024,681:1024,31196413921_2f55c07acf_b.jpg) (h) (u)



My first introduction to coffee was black, so naturally I don't have any vested interest in drinking dirt water again in my life. Though, I may end up relying on when I enter the work force. As for tea, I've never tried it.

Considering how no one set my insecurities to rest, I don't believe you.

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heh heh. My preferred coffee is a bold brew of black believe it or not. My grandpa actually drank it this way too. So no wonder

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That's nice.

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 No.8033>>8034 >>8053

File (hide): 95e638c2ee4005d⋯.png (424.1 KB,1563x878,1563:878,coffee.png) (h) (u)


Yeah you really gotta love the coffee taste to drink it that way

I plan to buy my own beans, blender, etc and shit like that to make coffee that I hear tastes better than anything

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 No.8034>>8035 >>8038



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 No.8035>>8038 >>8039


Mhmm. Tipsy vodkafeels, eh?


Ah, I see.

>As for tea, I've never tried it.

Whaaaat? o: What place in the world does have access to the internet but doesn't give their young a mug of tea to try (a rhetorical question, I'm not asking where you're from).

It's fine. We'll just keep carefully spoonfeeding you love until you believe us.


*poke* Hello again.

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 No.8036>>8037 >>8038 >>8047 >>8053

File (hide): 661374a563270ef⋯.jpg (111.08 KB,850x531,850:531,1.jpg) (h) (u)

I guess no one wanted to talk to poppy

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File (hide): e64447196ee4991⋯.png (155.89 KB,370x369,370:369,Close up.png) (h) (u)

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Sorry. I kinda went off on a tangent cause Im intoxicated. But it could possibly stem in to a conversation with a fellow coffee lover.


Yeah definitely. The ice water compliments the vodka greatly too. Warm alcohol makes me wanna puke. But with ice its so fucking good. idk why this is


I would always love to talk to you

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File (hide): 5e3ad2d2d52b7d6⋯.jpg (46.2 KB,480x547,480:547,dainty.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm from America, you'd be able to find this out within knowing what time it is for me. That aside, my family never really drank tea. The only person in my family who does is my older brother, and I have no interest in emulating his behaviors.

That will take quite some time. Someone who spoonfed me love for nearly two years just left me.

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 No.8040>>8041 >>8042

File (hide): 17366c9dab15fee⋯.png (625.33 KB,720x1000,18:25,1.png) (h) (u)

maybe you guys just missed it >>8023

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Hello. Just got here. How are you?

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Maybe if you didn't only reach out to two different people you would have received more (You)s yourself.

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 No.8043>>8045 >>8052

File (hide): dd6bc0e9b2c702a⋯.jpg (797.78 KB,975x1052,975:1052,1.jpg) (h) (u)


I want to talk with you too, maddie-senpai, you sure have been a big bully the past few days though~


hi cherub, howayu?

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I was pointing at the stuff talking vaguely about some anon that I might have missed or something

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File (hide): b2ad8b10529ec8b⋯.png (189.44 KB,286x463,286:463,Looking to the left.png) (h) (u)


I'm okay, a little hungry maybe. What about you?

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File (hide): f0b73a268d27520⋯.png (68.32 KB,229x193,229:193,124.png) (h) (u)

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S-sorry I did not notice ;~;

Well… long story short, Foot-senpai is going for a temporal leave, I think he said it can be a week or a few months, he doesn't know.


Indeed, and I did. I also am not sure, but think USA doesn't have that timezone. But I may be wrong.

Aha, well even if you don't want to be like your brother, that doesn't mean drinking tea would be emulating him.

I am a moderately patient person so let's see how it goes… Oh. I am sorry to hear, anon.

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 No.8048>>8050 >>8056

File (hide): fa01a01255e0904⋯.png (784.65 KB,611x874,611:874,Hmm....png) (h) (u)


Hey Moogs. So you've found your way here I see. Whats up?

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 No.8049>>8051 >>8058

File (hide): 901a8a46ee935d0⋯.jpg (87.88 KB,500x300,5:3,1.jpg) (h) (u)


i'm bored, I think I will go and do something with my gramma in a little while


owh, that's sad, did he say why?

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File (hide): a6c68488b3580c2⋯.png (251.86 KB,670x332,335:166,152.png) (h) (u)



in discord call

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File (hide): 23583b59c0b31d6⋯.png (448.9 KB,356x747,356:747,Ehh.png) (h) (u)


What are you planning on?


Why is that a bad thing? Oh neat.

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That's just my natural smartass fuck with people in a playful manner demeanor. Its nbd

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French press coffee for a regular cup and a moka pot for espressos.


I do I was just gone~

I'm done eating~

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File (hide): c84c0e73585514d⋯.png (160.8 KB,251x445,251:445,263.png) (h) (u)


its really not. probably wont be here ever

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File (hide): 41c90cec0013e57⋯.png (206.19 KB,255x461,255:461,At the store.png) (h) (u)


Fair enough, I'll see you eventually anyway on /animus/

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More like I showed it to him.

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File (hide): d75a9cdbe351c0c⋯.png (80.95 KB,237x205,237:205,179.png) (h) (u)

stop it master youre embarrassing me


of course

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Well, not really. As neat Shoebill anon pointed out in 8010: see >>6997

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idk if you've heard of my "cook" brother, but he has actually told me about the french press being great

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Reserve your praise for someone who deserves it.

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got a 32%


I hate school so fucking much

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File (hide): 4171459c5a18e5f⋯.gif (657.16 KB,640x360,16:9,uh uh loli.gif) (h) (u)


French press coffee is truly the best I've had, and it's so simple to make too! I go with 8mg of coffee for every 200ml. I don't ground my own beans though.

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Kek managed to sleep in till 1220.

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File (hide): 023aade2d86d487⋯.png (163.29 KB,318x330,53:55,Quietly reading book.png) (h) (u)

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what is this place, what is it about and will people be upset if i hang out here?

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