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File: 11b359597a31fb9⋯.jpg (1.32 MB,2880x1800,8:5,craked.jpg)

 No.69808 [View All]

new thread from grandma's house

558 posts and 267 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 6af64815ad6706d⋯.png (433.17 KB,900x766,450:383,you're awesome kiss_x_sis_….png)

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File: dc504e78542d270⋯.jpg (46.74 KB,480x553,480:553,9771c9269dc45dcc74f0259816….jpg)


how you doing?

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File: e01309df3dbcfa5⋯.gif (37.86 KB,361x200,361:200,worry 200_s.gif)


Ahh not too bad atm. Tomorrow though… going to school, that'll be interesting given the bad cold / cough..

How are you?

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File: 39bff823761ce80⋯.png (106.81 KB,576x560,36:35,eye.png)


I have been having fantasies about that CYOA

also drew this, had to put sperg on the bus, going to finish my booze tonight, hating cucks

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File: a6fe722ceeaaa02⋯.jpg (874.94 KB,2100x1650,14:11,frog 528178.jpg)



Ahhh, I see. I had an unsettling dream about my dog yesterday / today morning.

Not bad owo Ahh careful with the booze okay?

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Oh yea

We got a new dog

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Ooooh, neat? owo

What happened to the angry female, did you put it in a shelterplace?

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sorry that trip took longer then it should have, know you're probably going to bed pretty soon

anyway, the owner of the dog I like, wants to breed her, so he got a male, and my mother wants to keep him

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Aye, I am just now, aha.

I see. We can talk about them more tomorrow. Good night, Beeboy.

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File: aacaf97b41eca0e⋯.jpeg (391.16 KB,1099x1071,157:153,aacaf97b41eca0ec5b8d085e1….jpeg)

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File: 41575089aef7511⋯.jpg (218.48 KB,3500x2477,3500:2477,img014l.jpg)


Hello Monsterbee.

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How are you?

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File: a18a6c2fd750bf7⋯.png (249.03 KB,600x600,1:1,002.png)


passed out

woke up at 12am

was in a bad way, drank a lot of water, went back to sleep, had a lot of dreams that I knew were dreams, so that was fun, woke up around 9 am, new dog seems to be warming up to us, played mater mode in BOTW

started to watch videos, want to read today

how are you, any plans for the weekend

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Ohhh dear.

Were those dreams at least fun? So what about that doggy?

Mhmm, good, productivity looms.

Going to relax and hopefully recover from my messy cold, that's all.

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File: 2b87be9eeb8e58e⋯.jpg (44.31 KB,457x656,457:656,2b87be9eeb8e58e9609be66c1c….jpg)


pretty sure I did some fucked up shit, so yea. yeah, lets us pet him, come up to us, he is a hungry boy.

maybe, I still don't feel all that well

hot soap would do some good, maybe

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File: f6d14e1183073e8⋯.gif (866.9 KB,480x336,10:7,(you) burger f6d.gif)


>fucked up shit

Oh, not sure if that's good or bad xwx

Ahhh fair enough. I suppose you have to recover too.

Hot soup? Hmmm, mum usually cooks some on weekends, so maybe.

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File: 2bd0e1c5529b105⋯.png (331.79 KB,1000x990,100:99,6d1bf6d6d99874c33ec811d702….png)


well, I think I kill some little girl's father, then she thought I was her father, then I raped her

wouldn't do it irl, but was fun while dreaming about it

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File: 6eadd8f53b0fa24⋯.png (470.38 KB,1000x900,10:9,6eadd8f53b0fa2413fe70a5ec8….png)


….right. Fucked up. xwx''

I think I'll play a game for a few. Been around a week since I played anything apart from some silly cards, I think.

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File: 54b83b0010b928a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1280x1334,640:667,1492628892171.png)


well have fun, I am going to thinking about the cyoa fantasy thing again

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Mmm, oki. I'm still here, just slow to reply, probably!

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File: 708a0a3c3e0d755⋯.png (208.96 KB,800x1041,800:1041,771beb3cbf539d092ab00ebbdd….png)


yea, I know

just going have nothing to talk about

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File: 667abf36ce7614a⋯.jpg (47.62 KB,540x696,45:58,1467625281179.jpg)


Fair enough X3

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File: 3ba9cde64807d60⋯.jpg (345.93 KB,714x664,357:332,3ba9cde64807d60a6c08c05295….jpg)



you have any ideas for what I should draw today?

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Hmm, I don't know. Something simple. A mug or a glass.

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File: 2b56fdd36bc7622⋯.jpg (29.52 KB,680x383,680:383,2b56fdd36bc7622a2d9d82d90f….jpg)

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File: a6a8b6f161fc482⋯.png (46.75 KB,723x704,723:704,mug.png)

got drunk again xwx

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Nu u_u Naughty.

Also crap, this didn't post again…

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File: 4d6d4c95bac7523⋯.jpg (741.75 KB,1200x899,1200:899,9860ae14d88840e5ef5a0fa142….jpg)


just trying to finish it off

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Still naughty.

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Still naughty.

Ahhhhhhhhhh jesus fucking christ, didn't post again.

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you're a naughty

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Am not.

Also it did post, I just didn't notice, goddamnit.

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am too

you like more fucked shit then I do

also do you keep getting bad gateway?

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Yes you.

Hardly. Like the stuff you dreamed about, I'd never like something like that!

Mhmm, once a while.

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you want to give you my discord thing, so we rely on 8chan 100%?

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I thought you were really against the idea of discord and that kind of stuff, that's interesting

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hello poppy

I don't use it enough to get enough data, and I only got it because this one guy told me he'd help me learn how to write, but never did, so now it is kind of sitting there

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learn how to write?

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want to makes comics, need to be able to put together a story

less so as the pics will do most of the talking, but I still want to be able to put together a story

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Hmmm, well, we can do that, but I'd prefer to stay here as much as possible. Like… only use discord when 8chan is down kind of thing, mmm?

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that sounds kind of weird, how would you learn how to write a story?

just write something.

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yea, that was what I was saying

using it as a back up

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Okay, that is fair. Let's do it tomorrow, mmm? I need to go to bed now.

Good night, Bee, and good night Poppy-chan.

Lastly also good night lurkers.

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night mouse

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File: 83493afae26641d⋯.png (201.3 KB,518x699,518:699,kingmouse.png)


lot god into writing a story, but yeah I get what you saying, just wanted some with an eye for this kind of thing to look over my work

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nite nite

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woke up again ;_;




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Dice rollRolled 3 (1d10)


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Dice rollRolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d10)


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