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File: f3ccdd6dca5e67e⋯.webm (4.67 MB,320x240,4:3,Black Mountain - Radiant ….webm)

 No.47994 [Last50 Posts]

And comfy get!

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File: 540086ef5a45ef7⋯.png (393.43 KB,809x810,809:810,1.png)

do you really think it's a good idea to make new threads when it's been inactive for an hour? I think that's a little silly

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File: 57b111c38fce9bc⋯.jpg (905.8 KB,1268x1063,1268:1063,depressedflandre.jpg)

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Better to do it before it starts messing up with my browser, regardless of the traffic, really.

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File: bfeb59310cea459⋯.png (350.27 KB,820x820,1:1,1.png)


I think it's not good to do it at all until there's at least 450 posts

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File: 7f1c4a9481dc07d⋯.jpg (1015.62 KB,1200x1500,4:5,2dc44d18f6aa01974e6d5d7cae….jpg)


Implicitly, his browser can't make it to 450 images without messing up.

Don't bully his potato that can't handle 450 images, Poppy.

It's not nice.

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Gee, stop bullying me, it's not my fault that my browser gets funny past a certain amount of posts!

It's not a potato though. How mean. Fine, I'll just leave if that's how you guys are going to play it!

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File: 645f9da1347abf7⋯.jpg (15.36 KB,345x345,1:1,Do_you_want_to_have_a_bad_….jpg)


get pale moon. I havent had problems thus far

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I'm rather conservative when it comes to trying new games and apps. I guess I'll stick with FF for now, until it really pisses me off.

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its firefox based with better plugin support, its open source, and the best privacy protection out there afaik

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File: bb6b448088d9761⋯.jpg (514.49 KB,3020x1573,3020:1573,1.jpg)



o-oh well, if you're going to make me out to be a bully, you can just do whatever you want, it's fine

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You're quite the tempter, you!

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File: 8f0785123ecd850⋯.png (529.5 KB,1024x736,32:23,young_sanji_kun_by_fiverca….png)


Im a persuasive person

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File: 6238883d091fe5a⋯.jpg (73.63 KB,800x800,1:1,10 out of 10 5154138 _917e….jpg)

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File: 2ef066149034613⋯.jpg (35.02 KB,400x400,1:1,2ef066149034613b9b05975d39….jpg)

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File: 382f1758b51c79f⋯.jpg (90.06 KB,787x787,1:1,above e354864473e907e595de….jpg)

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File: 0519fb0830866ce⋯.jpg (66.72 KB,540x764,135:191,waiting 76cc317d81447f5d5c….jpg)

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File: 4e7c2d4e46fa78f⋯.jpg (70.74 KB,500x337,500:337,waiting 3b3c5660f4359573d7….jpg)

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What is benis?

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Baby don't hurt me.

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Benis hurt baby? D:

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I meant…

Don't hurt me.

No more.

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>datamining to plant trees


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File: 9f71288135652dd⋯.jpg (46.62 KB,528x619,528:619,9f71288135652dda73139f73e8….jpg)

drawing or stardew valley

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Be safe.

Be prepared.

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File: 6f325e55b1614d7⋯.webm (3.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,living the dream.webm)

How's everyone been doing,

anything exiting going on?

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Another day I suppose eh

Whatcha up to man?

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File: 63fc83d9ab8dbf3⋯.gif (643.42 KB,500x283,500:283,63fc83d9ab8dbf350741152a5f….gif)


stardew valley

thinking I should start saying I am a woman so I don't have pay so much for car insurance

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File: 4d3926c7f5cfcff⋯.jpg (332.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,black_jack_and_whiskey_by_….jpg)

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Sorry I fell asleep!

Looks like a fun game, enjoying it?

Is the car insurance thing in Stardew Valley, or do you mean an actual car aha?

That'd be funny if the rates were reduced.

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it is

no, I mean irl

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Does the game have quite a bit to do?

Oh I see hahaha, do they genuinely have to pay less, or how does that work?

Car insurance is pretty shit

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File: b058b805ba871f8⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,247x226,247:226,hey guys.jpg)



Hello Monsterbee, hello ummmm, lettersoup, is that you?

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How's it going mouse?

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Oh it's going fine, how about on your end?

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3DPD have to pay less because they take less risks, thus are less risk, thus have to pay less. Just thinking of a way to save money

>Car insurance is pretty shit

yeah, that is why I can't wait for self-driving cars to take over, then the insurance companies can eat a dick


hey mouse

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How are you doing? Have you guys moved yet? You weren't on yesterday.

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nah, Wednesday hopefully. Had homework, and my GPU died, had to buy another one, spent the rest of the time playing stardew valley

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Fair enough yeah that's pretty sound logic, I suppose aha.

We'd probably still have to insure the self driving car or do something along those lines. Kikes have to earn their shekels somehow after all, but man would that be cool!

Wouldn't have to worry about getting a licence or anything either.


Right in the middle, got kicked out of my house so I'm temporarily homeless in essence. Have a couple choices to make so I'm trying to figure out what I should do

thanks for asking

Been up to anything fun?

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even if we'd have to the rates wouldn't go down to the point where it wouldn't be a bill anymore, and they couldn't charge more for being a male

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Yeah considering the car's doing the work, there's no human to blame for potential accidents besides the manufacturer.

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Ahhh, oki. Damn, that sucks x: Was the new one reasonably cheap at least?


Fuck…. that's awful x: Wanna talk about your choices?

Nah, not really to be honest. Just being cold here. Setting up google chrome.

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like a 175 and about 20% better then the one that died

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Hmmm, I see I see. Have you had the opportunity to test it and see if you're content with it?

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it isn't a full size card, so I am going to have to get another one, but this is fine for now

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Ahh, I see I see. Sounds like quite the investment in the end x:

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yeh, i don't want to talk about it

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File: 656a6854ef1bdf8⋯.gif (1008.65 KB,500x280,25:14,1424760688657-1.gif)

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File: b71c3a57a20fb6b⋯.jpg (188.52 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1st name terms vYi5TXT.jpg)

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File: fe9003a622c1063⋯.png (460.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,1422257584278.png)



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File: 459af3bc38a76f4⋯.gif (1.68 MB,426x237,142:79,cats 1. Barakamon.gif)



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File: ef05be99086c066⋯.gif (3.36 MB,294x224,21:16,1421307585849.gif)


probably will be packing tomorrow

going to throw a lot of things away ;_;

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File: 2e20a755d763b09⋯.gif (248.69 KB,500x281,500:281,cri 1468959090044.gif)


Ahh, I see.

Awww x:

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how has your week been?

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Oh, it was managable today. Only thing is I decided to stay overtime for a while… and then it started raining. Serves me right. In the end, my dad picked me up, like 90 minutes later.

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File: 75759695b8a4959⋯.png (369.8 KB,542x675,542:675,5cbd75448750d586eea0c41ac7….png)

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got to go do some stuff

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File: 2d0a0f3967aea2b⋯.jpg (167.09 KB,800x651,800:651,bully chuuni_bullying_tuto….jpg)




Ahh, alrighty Monster. See you around.

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File: 029414795da68da⋯.jpg (213.79 KB,547x730,547:730,__kongou_kantai_collection….jpg)

File: 7d47ec5df4b1bba⋯.png (1.96 MB,1295x1812,1295:1812,__kongou_kantai_collection….png)

File: 5818dd1a47633f5⋯.png (508.56 KB,632x950,316:475,__hiei_and_kongou_kantai_c….png)

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Nice abdomen. Hello.

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nice boats

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File: 677ac2bf222314e⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1000x1520,25:38,__iowa_kantai_collection_d….jpg)

File: ac9b06e5c975f39⋯.png (2.11 MB,1254x2284,627:1142,__iowa_kantai_collection_d….png)

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good night

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Good night Monsterbabe.

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File: 96f9141a1fb63f6⋯.png (234.6 KB,500x727,500:727,1.png)

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Morgen, Poppy-chn.

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*Poppy-chan, of course, please don't hate me I am sleepy.

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File: a2de6e7c69ea34d⋯.png (249.1 KB,800x800,1:1,60154810_p0.png)

I was going to comment on it but I was too slow.

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File: 6ce04c7a741b4d8⋯.jpg (209.51 KB,600x800,3:4,1.jpg)


morning~ how are you? other than



and it's okay, I don't hate anyone!

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As well you shouldn't. Pricia the big bully.


Apart from sleepy? Hmmm, kinda okayish. Decided to work overtime for about an hour, but then it started raining and I didn't have an umbrella, boy did I feel stupid! My only luck is dad was willing to pick me up.

So how about you, did you just get up? How was your sleepy time?

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File: 595dfae98bc9b80⋯.jpg (370.5 KB,700x989,700:989,60168541_p1_master1200.jpg)


Light ribbing isn't bullying.

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File: 4d4be5597948cbb⋯.jpg (507.68 KB,1300x550,26:11,1.jpg)


I had a nice rest, mhm

I just got up

b-but, getting to sleep last night took me a while because it was really hot, I had to turn the AC on, but then it took me 3 minutes to fall asleep!

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I'll take your opinion into consideration.

How've you been then?



Woah, how hot are we talking? It's been relatively cold in here, how odd.

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File: 27490e8951f8f81⋯.jpg (251.54 KB,600x955,120:191,jiii.jpg)



Kind of bored right now.

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File: 81b4f1703c869d7⋯.jpg (30.66 KB,540x542,270:271,1.jpg)


I don't know, sorry, it was too hot to sleep though

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Sounds like me. I am waiting for something. No idea what for, but I'm definitely waiting.


No wonder, if you keep wearing those thigh-highs all day o:

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File: 854965dabaf17ca⋯.jpg (137.65 KB,580x840,29:42,60305055_p0.jpg)


Life to click into place?

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Not quite as grand. More like the day, or perhaps a week.

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File: 7bad399df93118b⋯.png (406.72 KB,730x1032,365:516,1.png)


maybe he means a simple activity


a-are you spying on me!?

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File: 145281eb59d1ec6⋯.png (244.79 KB,900x851,900:851,cirShrug.png)


You'll never touch the moon if you won't reach for the sky.

Or something, I lost it somewhere.


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File: 048eda02ae0ad9e⋯.gif (483.17 KB,243x270,9:10,1446940331624.gif)

good night trip frens

wish me luck on my job interview tomorrow morning!

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File: 8e7ff63e510354e⋯.jpg (279.79 KB,600x468,50:39,1.jpg)


don't rely on luck

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Am not! You always post the pictures though.


Oh. But I never meant to reach for it.


Good luck Wired!

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File: 145281eb59d1ec6⋯.png (244.79 KB,900x851,900:851,cirShrug.png)

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This is a no-shrugging-allowed area, ma'am. As well as no-smugging.

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File: b60713bfab7ac84⋯.png (713.43 KB,900x851,900:851,1.png)

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File: 166672158c40873⋯.png (20.4 KB,112x112,1:1,emote_6[1].png)

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Good night to you.

And good night, Poppy-chan.

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File: 2fc43415f150f8a⋯.jpg (180.33 KB,768x768,1:1,60128250_p0.jpg)



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File: 27989438704cbf2⋯.jpg (88.61 KB,850x791,850:791,DIX5-izUQAAXFHA.jpg)

the guy I ordered from is named Chad

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File: 649fcb99e7c5d0f⋯.jpg (34.61 KB,1024x576,16:9,479e9baac2320e45fff3927638….jpg)


>too hot

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File: d3bb5e5309b0b2d⋯.jpg (4.06 MB,2075x2952,2075:2952,60490811_p0.jpg)

Don't order sex-toys from Chad, I hear he personally tests every one.

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hey you got that wrong My name is not Chad

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File: f2bd0e37c1458ee⋯.png (251.64 KB,576x311,576:311,kkuudere.png)


I ordered fawd, not sex toys or dakimakura and onaholes

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File: ef4c1ea16155062⋯.jpg (568.79 KB,600x1000,3:5,__flandre_scarlet_touhou_d….jpg)

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File: cba54929911e113⋯.jpg (196.13 KB,653x764,653:764,1.jpg)

good night

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File: 52933456eec1d7a⋯.jpg (32.67 KB,640x480,4:3,3966e659c829e0_full.jpg)


Good night

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File: 1613fa2fd513521⋯.jpg (91.28 KB,800x450,16:9,karenewgame.jpg)

Sorry I havent been very active, I've been busy slaying pussy dragons

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Good evening, peoples.

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File: 029f59dd9bfa0ce⋯.jpeg (89.1 KB,446x717,446:717,1450608748656-3.jpeg)

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Howdy ho Monsterbee?

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File: 5e2771104676d64⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,636x900,53:75,1489935187795.jpg)


hey mouse

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File: 2e92c98837e8cab⋯.png (68.24 KB,214x244,107:122,ClipboardImage.png)

My ass :^)

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How have you been today, Monster?

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File: 98abdefa7bee10b⋯.gif (3.75 MB,468x272,117:68,98abdefa7bee10be74ff16b76b….gif)


just fine

are you having a good day?

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Ah, it's been fine. Okayish day at work. How about yours?

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just playing stardew Valley, thinking about doing school work

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File: 5155d07777f0998⋯.gif (448.05 KB,448x252,16:9,shake 5155d07777f09986d7bb….gif)


Ahh, I see. What sort of school work did you get this time?

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File: 03a5fa063ca0d8b⋯.png (153.59 KB,330x327,110:109,1378358710885.png)



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Oh. Boring.

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I wonder which one I would fuck

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File: 8f1dc6d7285522e⋯.jpg (259.9 KB,464x784,29:49,1377119495898.jpg)


I know

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File: 7d9f557ad8d0203⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.33 KB,886x627,886:627,1425131704672.jpg)


I don't X3



Oh, I think that one is a trap. Pic related.

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File: 987416963de3ee0⋯.gif (1.96 MB,230x173,230:173,987416963de3ee069808c64d32….gif)

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both of them look pretty nice

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Swine? o:



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File: 7f4cb71e989fc5b⋯.gif (730.43 KB,500x281,500:281,1456509065527-0.gif)


sorry meant to post this

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Hehe, alrighty.

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File: af90ab27a340acb⋯.jpg (149.45 KB,720x1200,3:5,DJjY3szVwAAycuP.jpg)

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which one would you fuck

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You just asked yourself a question, silly you!

Anyways, good night Maddie.


And good night Monsterboy.

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Good night mouse

sweet dreams

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Sorry I've been kept really busy

Well choices are pretty fucked

I can either, go through a religious program where I'll have to spend several months at the minimum and the first month I'll have no access to the internet, or the outside world at all.

Or I can, well try as hard as I physically can to find some sort of alternative housing. Latter is an issue because I have no car, no licence, or job. Though I'm working on getting all 3 at the moment, it's going to be extremely difficult to find a place that accepts me and expects little to no rent. Chances are slim, but frankly, the former isn't much of a choice for me. So in two days, I'll have to have either found a place or I'm going to be sleeping in an alleyway.. Fun stuff eh!?

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File: 98e697316e63b84⋯.jpg (55.12 KB,640x360,16:9,sherlockaren.jpg)



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That'd be me!

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File: 9e8d24a7987dc4d⋯.jpg (188.5 KB,707x1000,707:1000,karenflag.jpg)


Im listening to MF Doom

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Sorry I got some good news and I got a bit distracted

It had better be either Mm Food or Take Me To Your Leader!!

Not sure which of those two albums I prefer

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File: 73c6d42614c870e⋯.jpg (158.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,kgalaxy.jpg)


>It had better be either Mm Food or Take Me To Your Leader

It was Mm Food

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Nice nice, solid one for sure.

Any songs off of it in particular that you like?

Also, how've you been doing lately with everything if you don't mind me me asking?

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File: f202ffa5c340ecf⋯.png (760.39 KB,725x825,29:33,karenmatsubara3.png)


Idk. I just love him in general.

I've been tripping quite a bit. Working quite a bit. Have about $1100 saved up for a car

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Yeah he's one of my favorites, for the genre. Bishop Nehru does some pretty good stuff as well and a lot of his music is produced by Doom.

Throwing any other psychedelics into the mix, or just dex?

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File: 1f2a1e690054543⋯.png (Spoiler Image,655.28 KB,1024x768,4:3,received_221080981736860.png)

I'm gonna head to sleep, pretty exhausted and I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow

Take it easy man!

Hope things keep going well for you!!

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File: fea180ec3d6600c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.98 KB,1280x800,8:5,64727465_p0.jpg)

it's time

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File: 7db793ac59bb954⋯.jpg (18.44 KB,184x221,184:221,i doubt it.jpg)


Prove it!

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File: 37d12b72afe94ac⋯.jpg (209.2 KB,605x597,605:597,1.jpg)

good morning!

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Hello Poppy-chan. How did you sleep?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: c4edc167df25bf1⋯.jpg (401.87 KB,758x1050,379:525,1.jpg)


I had some scary poppy-dreams, but I slept well, I think, I'm okay now, at least! How are you?



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Ahh, I see I see. Wanna talk about them, or do you just want to forget them as soon as possible? o: I am well, drinking wine at the moment.

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File: 0bb5471828271e0⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,2000x1200,5:3,1.jpg)



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File: ecb730062139fec⋯.jpg (45.74 KB,436x631,436:631,wine eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL….jpg)


There is no stoppingu!

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File: 119485432c1f020⋯.jpg (143.82 KB,789x867,263:289,1.jpg)


sutoppu alcohol!!

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Too rate, ai just finish-du, Poppy-sama!

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Don't bully people by drinking alchohol!

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I was not! She just took offence without my trying to bully her!

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File: 02dfc51b5ae48cc⋯.jpg (25.46 KB,480x360,4:3,1.jpg)


ai amu notto sama, sutoppu!!

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File: b14bf038c0542f1⋯.jpg (24.42 KB,188x221,188:221,you're under arrest 01.jpg)


Put the gunno away, Poppy-sama, nobody has to dai-yu!

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File: 25ed276a7d17040⋯.jpg (37.81 KB,480x480,1:1,1.jpg)


sutoppu!! I am notto samaaa!!

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File: a214c84c6ef5f67⋯.jpg (22.05 KB,188x216,47:54,it's funny.jpg)


>flailing arm helplessly

Kyute! Umm, kawaii!

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File: 9ef7309f2e023f6⋯.png (267.25 KB,591x885,197:295,__ryuujou_kantai_collectio….png)

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File: 0e32008d2faefe3⋯.webm (103.17 KB,640x360,16:9,hide.webm)

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File: 19f3e753feb387d⋯.jpg (37.13 KB,606x630,101:105,276b46e6ee487fe94656adf355….jpg)

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File: 0374a6384925f92⋯.webm (50.72 KB,112x116,28:29,001.webm)

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File: cf53d24ca598bd5⋯.jpg (449.19 KB,1500x1111,1500:1111,40833826_p0.jpg)

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File: d00df0eab5cdd40⋯.webm (60.33 KB,112x116,28:29,Eliphas - subtlety of you….webm)

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File: a0bd51d8211f156⋯.jpg (766.05 KB,914x1400,457:700,__takagaki_kaede_idolmaste….jpg)

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File: 8eed6990364db90⋯.webm (128.12 KB,640x360,16:9,enthusiastic response.webm)


>when Holoposter gives you attention

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File: f5fe70a1bfe90e0⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,2000x1500,4:3,yande.re 372575 heterochro….jpg)

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File: f7c2574e3bb0a4a⋯.webm (86.88 KB,640x360,16:9,kill or be killed.webm)


Rude. Why?

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File: a8612f95321809d⋯.png (979.36 KB,1087x777,1087:777,__takagaki_kaede_idolmaste….png)


just do it

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Please don't say that…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: b13f7609406406f⋯.gif (238.32 KB,350x186,175:93,b13f7609406406f2f178df6b85….gif)

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How are you doing, you anon you?



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File: 34d2fb7b1b24cbf⋯.jpg (685.85 KB,680x1000,17:25,e0b4cfca962a7ebb198c6d24c7….jpg)




kill wired after yourself

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File: 58b1da9e69fe3a4⋯.gif (2.63 MB,677x819,677:819,cute dancing loli.gif)

How can Mouse kill me if he just killed himself?

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File: e4cadc857883153⋯.jpg (408.86 KB,703x1000,703:1000,3ec3f8b7e8df591b85c0b0718c….jpg)


shooting before throwing out of a plane

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File: db960bea8ffaa8c⋯.webm (222.28 KB,640x360,16:9,Davian Thule only your bl….webm)


You first, mother liker.

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File: 4a032af0143577b⋯.gif (557.97 KB,479x350,479:350,neko meiko reimu.gif)


Could work. He could also hire a hitman to first take out Mouse and then take out me!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: b36b096179cc607⋯.gif (1.29 MB,373x480,373:480,smug neko para.gif)

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File: eaf7a5ec7988a8e⋯.jpg (248.71 KB,684x733,684:733,eaf7a5ec7988a8e183d827f4f5….jpg)

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File: 32670a1cf2f35c6⋯.gif (352.16 KB,500x283,500:283,waifu farm.gif)

nite tripfren

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File: 7c084bdebfc9491⋯.jpg (164.99 KB,550x778,275:389,7c084bdebfc949143516f8034d….jpg)

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File: e4416dee92d9d63⋯.png (3.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2017-09-13_1815.png)

Which do?

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Physics labs.

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Why Physics Lab?

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File: 09342dc2975787b⋯.jpg (83.12 KB,500x633,500:633,d1c6e88af3b89b389d9fe5f83e….jpg)


What is game?

Also don't listen to mouse, save the science! Having the science > it's potential future misuse. Assuming that is the dilemma being presented

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Avoiding it's potential misuse I mean

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StarCraft Brood War.

The question is what I'll be fighting against in my eventual attack on the Confederate headquarters.

If I destroy their physics labs prior to the attack they won't be able to outfit and prepare their battle cruisers in counter attack - but if I destroy the Nuclear Silos they won't have the ability to perform nuclear strikes against me.

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I feel it needs to be said - they won't be shy to employ the nuclear strikes.

A while back the planet was bombarded by a nuclear assault, and though the radiation levels have abated to habitable standards, the planet is still just a scorching desert.

Because this is 90's sci-fi, before Nuclear Winter was a thing.

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File: 9e38c2e81c79f3a⋯.gif (495.96 KB,500x281,500:281,wrawr.gif)


Ah, I never did play Star Craft, I was hard into the C&C tho.

I'd still kill the silos, and then at least you can try and compensate on the ground. That is assuming the nuclear strikes can cause massive unavoidable damage. Idk lol

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File: 9e38c2e81c79f3a⋯.gif (495.96 KB,500x281,500:281,wrawr.gif)


Ah, I never did play Star Craft. I was a C&Cfag

So I can't give any worthy advice, lol. I'm sorry Mouse, I never should have doubted you!

Speaking out of total ignorance though, I would still destroy the silos, since you can compensate on the ground, but nukes have a reputation for being both devastating and near impossible to defend against/ avoid. Idklol

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Damnit 8 chan if only I could stab at thee!

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jk 8ch ilu still

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I did, in fact, do the silos.

Because Battle Cruisers are easier to spot and take care of than nukes.

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I spent, like, an hour micromanaging tank siege states and goliaths for my decision.

Probably because I destroyed everything, instead of just the mission target.

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File: 6fe9e56f894faf9⋯.png (258.98 KB,900x454,450:227,jwave.png)

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sleep tight

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File: 91cb422e42735b8⋯.jpg (329.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,maxresdefault (3).jpg)


Idk bt <3

Hua, triumphant theory!

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lol accidentally clicked post before I could correct trip lol.

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Man, I am just fucking everything up today lel.

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Have you ingested some fun drugs?

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File: 68018b26fead68e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,275x183,275:183,images (9).jpg)


I fucking wish. I have literally no excuse.

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Wait.. I mean, I might be high.

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Impressive, very nice.

do you like drugs?

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Which ones?

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The ones society apparently required me to be on since age 8, because I was just 2 Kool 4 them apparently.. Then came weed, then came the inferior liquor, which I have condemned to the lowly title of 'Last Resort', due to the fact that I'd like to avoid the fate of both my great grandfathers.

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Weed's a good time, booze as well but it's damaging and shitty enough that it's a silly choice, funny it's produced and sold so commonly and legally even though it's a hard drug.

Waiting on the day I can buy an 8ball of horse from the pharmacy.

Personally, I love Nitrous and mushrooms, they're my two favorites. I like pretty much all psychedelics/ dissasociatives but the latter are too weird for me to enjoy regularly. Special K is an exception if you've tried that.

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>Weed's a good time, booze as well but it's damaging and shitty enough that it's a silly choice, funny it's produced and sold so commonly and legally even though it's a hard drug.

Fucking AGREED! Also, success driven drug use towards actual success, then technically self destruction (once I either physically break down or H.S Thompson out), is practically my deathright. However, navigating that road productively in modern society is tough tits.

Btw, what is horse? Like, tranquilizers? Special k?

I dunno what nitrous is in drug terms either, but shrooms are something I have been planning on doing for years! I've heard many good things.

t. Recluse living with the familial version of the war on drugs.

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I am exaggerating, fam just likes to pick on me because im shameless about who/what I am. ;(

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“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

For that one you're my buddy now hahahaha

Horse as is Heroin, and Special K as in Ketamine, it's a dissociative anesthetic, fucking wacky drug man.

Nitrous is laughing gas, yknow the stuff they knock you out with at the dentists?

REALLY fun, they sell it on Amazon but it's fairly expensive, around 100bucks for 300 of em, high is really short lived too unfortunately. It's been dubbed " hippy crack " for a reason aha

Mushrooms are glorious, body high makes it inherently more comfortable than acid in my opinion.

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That quote is right up my alley lol.

Heroin is one of those things I need to stay away from purely due to it's addictive qualities. Ketamine I simply don't think I need to get inspiration. Nitrous, I was on once to get my wisdom teeth out but literally all I remember from it was talking very seriously to the nurse about my Charmander, was she my charmander, what her pokemon were, and nothing more :c

Psychadelics, I believe, will provide me with precisely what I need to see my inner self and realize my true reality and potential. EVERYONE, literally EVER, has told me that shrooms are the way. As for acid, I'd think that I'd at least try it.

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Well yeah! I'd imagine so! It's Mr. Thompson after all.

Its a harsh drug, understandable. I got wrecked by even booze so I'm waiting to try my luck on that one aha.

Eh Ket isn't for introspective thought or anything like that, just for some really pretty close eyed visuals and a NICE body high if you're into it, can be overwhelming though.

Hahahaha sounds like a fun time I've still got my wisdom teeth and they're growing in, I'm scared

>was she my charmander

classy line right there

Well I mean if that's your intention it might help, my recommendation? Do a bit more than people tell you, I know that sounds bad and honestly, probably will be. Psyches can be really strong and scary, but the worst trips are where you learn the most. Unless you're predisposed to schizophrenia, and in that case. Well.. Welcome to insanity. Most people I've talked to that have done any psychedelics a fair amount has experienced the fear at one point. Nothing like it in the world man, it's fucking primal, the very essence of fear if I had to put it one way.

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:DDDDDD WELL FUG! I honestly didn't even realize, haha!

I just know to stay away from heroin because I know that I am prone to addiction and getting stuck in ruts, so I have determined that heroin and I are just not functionally compatible.

>Fun times

It was till the pain and chipmunk face kicked in lol.

>Do a bit more than people tell you, I know that sounds bad and honestly, probably will be.

Wouldn't be a problem.

> the worst trips are where you learn the most

Because ^THIS^ is the experience I am looking for in particular.

>Unless you're predisposed to schizophrenia

I'm a schizoid in the personality sense, but I don't think that I am actually schizophrenic. At least not severely anyway..

>The fear

>"Nothing like it in the world man, it's fucking primal, the very essence of fear if I had to put it one way."


I seek this, fear..

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File: f1701fd7ce28725⋯.jpg (162.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,kheartfelt.jpg)

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File: cfce207e10e35b8⋯.gif (1.96 MB,180x193,180:193,Marine_SCR_HeadAnim.gif)

Ha ha ha. I love the smell of fried zergling in the morning.

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File: 7fe2b530098115d⋯.png (556.48 KB,1074x1074,1:1,karen-circle.png)

have to work soon

cya later. day off tomorrow

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File: 52a8eae512a2119⋯.webm (741.75 KB,640x360,16:9,Eliphas - back.webm)


Hello. Well then. How were the battle cruisers?

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File: c046b026c272047⋯.gif (447.58 KB,320x180,16:9,1.gif)

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Hello again.

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"Do not let the fact that I am 368 years older than you, Raynor, alter your perception of me. I can still, how you Terrans say it, 'Throw down with the best of them'."

This is why OJ Fenix is the best.

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File: 369fdfbfa0ae00b⋯.jpg (7.99 KB,284x177,284:177,thinking download.jpg)


The orange juice Fenix?

The human-protoss interactions in SC2: LotV were kinda bland though. Like from a cheap movie. It's also sad that the only likable characters were Zeratul and Alarak.

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Yeah it's one of my favorites by him. That makes sense, it's certainly not for everyone.

Well you say you want it, but it really isn't fun man. It's just something to look back on, during the experience it will probably be one of the most uncomfortable feelings you've had before.

Mushrooms might make it more bearable, but I've still had on the floor drooling maniac moments with it aha.

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File: 7af81da742f22fe⋯.png (202.95 KB,500x500,1:1,60174949_p0.png)


Artanis is kind of a BAMF.

Mostly agree though, SCII ruined a lot of good things.

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Well, the few times you get to control him did improve my opinion of him, he is kinda badass.

But yeah… he is boring and idk… The way in which he simply goes "Oh nvm, we have all been totally wrong about totally everything."

Hmm, the whole SCII? Not just LotV? What do you have in mind, for example? Ooooooh, right, the original feral zergs who work on magic and woo woo. Also kind of the way all da races unite against a common enemy.

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File: 12e38a0439d85ee⋯.png (374.93 KB,600x600,1:1,thisOnesIsVylee✿.png)


They made him less exact about everything since he's supposed to be the player's surrogate in LotV.

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File: 2fbb38acc99bb8f⋯.gif (937.56 KB,500x281,500:281,poof 32e469ae.gif)


Meh. It's not just him, it's most of the characters. As I said, Alarak and Zeratul were maybe the only ones I really liked.

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File: db2ee0e2a435660⋯.png (1.21 MB,798x1424,399:712,60015744_p0.png)


They killed the interest characters because as far as they cared they were only needed in SCC/BroodWar/WoL

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Anyone wanna play Shitty Brood War custom maps with me?

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File: 3268e562ce43862⋯.jpg (571.71 KB,755x1157,755:1157,000-01 Shamuntanti Hill Co….jpg)


It looks like it. With Zeratul it was at least dignified. Much better than getting your hands dirty in BW by killing Fenix.

Not in the mood for multiplayer, to be honest.

I would "host" pic related, if you're interested. I don't expect it, I suppose, just throwing it out there.

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You can see Fenix's true death coming from a mile away, though?

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Can you? It is clear she is using them, but not so clear that she is going to kill them.

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File: 0f0c2ab1625014e⋯.png (2.6 MB,2507x2607,2507:2607,60321567_p0.png)


Even after manipulating the protoss to destroy rogue cerebrates?

And working some voodoo mind magic on Razsagal that Zeratul expressed some doubt to having passed?

I dunno, it's clear that she was using them, and then they're also rival factions, so of course she's going to try to kill them the second their common enemy is dealt with - she can't keep them in the dark about her true intentions while actively conquering the galaxy, and it's going to be too late to have the easy knockouts if she doesn't get them while they're recovering.

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I just thought that their deaths were somewhat unnecessary, although I suppose she expected them to go after her later on, and so it made sense to kill some of the more dangerous future enemies when she had the chance.

Though idk that she intended to conquer the galaxy. If she did, why did she retreat back to Char never to be heard of (until things started happening in SCII).

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File: 5a4a3e99bda6b6f⋯.jpg (121.48 KB,500x500,1:1,58932793_p4_master1200.jpg)


Because she's the queen bitch of the galaxy.

And also bad writing.

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Hmm, fair enough.

Which of the three campaigns' stories did you enjoy the most? Presumably not LotV? WoL? I definitely have to go with WoL.

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File: 0c457d68137de43⋯.jpg (293.55 KB,640x480,4:3,57802669_p0.jpg)


WoL isn't space DBZ so that.

But I really really enjoyed Artanis' Shadow Walk.

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File: ea988e3bf6667fd⋯.jpg (35.26 KB,514x379,514:379,jwave4.jpg)

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>space DBZ so that.

Idk what that is. Presumably Dragon Ball Z, but not having seen it, I don't get what you are referring to. Something about beating enemies and picking up powerups which they drop?

Hmm, what Shadow walk?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More generic Shonen anime.

The cutscene "Alone"


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I have watched that cutscene more than should be socially acceptable.

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Oooh, that's right, I remember now. That's normally supposed to be the ritual through which the Shakuras Protoss become dark templars, right?

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Think of it more as a rite of passage than a ritual to become something new.

You have to pass it before you can be considered a true Dark Templar.

The way it's normally performed, the aspirant has to walk down a valley, keeping only to the shadows, from which other Dark Templar will unexpectedly emerge and attack.

Only if you can make it to the end without being incapacitated are you considered a true Dark Templar.

Matriarch Vorazun is of mind that Artanis' endeavors in that cut-scene is a suitable replacement for the normal shadow walk, lmao.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Yeah, that's how I remembered it, mhmm.

Also, is it me or has your post only come through now even though it shows a timestamp from~90 minutes ago?

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8ch is being dumb again.

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Yeah. Well. I should go to bed now. Feel a bit sleepy, it would be nice to get 6 hours for a change. Not that I have been getting considerably less than that. Just less.

Good night, Pricia.

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I'm not so much wanting to have a bad trip, I'd ideally like to have positive and insightful ones, which may be hidden in or disguised as a bad trip. I plan to ease into it, but I'm also quick to adapt. Once I get acquainted with the effects I will be eager to start pushing the envelope, especially if it works well enough to extract anything useful from it. I'm certainly not afraid of being afraid or extremely uncomfortable.

Plus I'd be surprised if it could unsettle me more than some of my own nightmares, since I will at least know that I am just on drugs haha

"Fear is my friend, but not always. Never turn your back on fear."

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File: 3a6c1a39f180b7d⋯.jpg (156.5 KB,1369x1183,1369:1183,13b.jpg)


I'd like to do lewd things to this meido

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is lettersoupy boi around

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File: 4eb4cf7dfd858ff⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20170915-134905.png)

I started playing Idle Poring but it's just making me want to play Ragnarok Online again.

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File: 0819f4c394336bd⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,270x358,135:179,gfgfgdgjy43.jpg)


ha gay


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You're the cuck paying for the microtransactions???

That explains that one, I guess.

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File: d5f1ea74f22a22d⋯.gif (94.86 KB,400x225,16:9,49f9b4a313dd1ce1da58cd3709….gif)


Im not

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File: b95a094ff161366⋯.jpg (23.06 KB,490x480,49:48,b95a094ff1613669cbf8305d5c….jpg)


you're not paying for micros or you're not a cuck?

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File: 08ca772fa14a47d⋯.jpg (661.73 KB,848x1200,53:75,1.jpg)


hello again cj poster

how are you?

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File: 3c109713139e4d3⋯.jpg (233.12 KB,1871x978,1871:978,waiting Z2cDuUj.jpg)

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File: adc782320315f0f⋯.gif (668.4 KB,480x270,16:9,9575a98edc761460e4db929af3….gif)

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Hello Monsterbee. It's been a long time!

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Well, it wasn't a long time, but longer than usual for sure.

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File: d37f51753a86e67⋯.gif (385.33 KB,500x275,20:11,1423480969840.gif)



been lurking

with nothing to say

still o stardew valley

how have you been?

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Ahh, I see I see o: Well, so was I for the most part.

Been okay. Finally the weekend, mhmm!

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File: 4919eeab094b64b⋯.png (141.94 KB,457x445,457:445,1231.png)


a nice relaxing weekend?

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File: 4cc82d712366dd2⋯.gif (147.87 KB,340x340,1:1,happy 1469139515702.gif)


Yeah. Well, I woke up super late, because I went to bed around 4am. A comfy Saturday though, mhmm!

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File: 514bb6675e91dea⋯.jpg (152.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1426219193531.jpg)


well, at least it was comfy

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Yeah, it has been ^.^ How about yours then?

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File: c2bc5dd40a5ceac⋯.gif (485.22 KB,272x251,272:251,1437601738613.gif)


homework, watching my mother's child, and putting 110 hours in Stardew Valley

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File: e15830d0d612bd6⋯.gif (396.13 KB,500x537,500:537,blink e15830d0d612bd698095….gif)


A combination of bother and fun then, mhm?

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File: 2f7c14de0f0b5e2⋯.jpg (717.48 KB,1920x1200,8:5,1422071590862.jpg)


yeah, haven't been drawing tho

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Aha, I see. You going to do some during the weekend, you think?

Also I think that pic is shooped.

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Gotta walk the dog, see you soon Monsterboy.

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probably not

got homework

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Ahh, alrighty. Good, diligence!

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File: 64c74c3e2171214⋯.gif (1.11 MB,540x540,1:1,64c74c3e2171214a2f5db38cb9….gif)


it isn't diligence, it is fear

if I fail school, my mother will kick me out

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Well… fair enough x: Do your best in either case, Monsterbee. I mean, not even best, just make very sure you do enough, yeah?

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my sister is learn how to drive

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Hmm, I guess you might not have to drive her around then.

To be honest, I have a driving licence but don't drive x:

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well, i am pretty sleepy, and can go to bed now

good night mouse, sorry to leave you alone

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Good night Monsterboy. Sweet dreams, and no worries.

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File: 27989438704cbf2⋯.jpg (88.61 KB,850x791,850:791,DIX5-izUQAAXFHA.jpg)

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File: 616e621c6aadf0f⋯.png (102.99 KB,208x302,104:151,4516316153.png)

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File: b058b805ba871f8⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,247x226,247:226,hey guys.jpg)


Just as I went to bed. Hello.

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File: 110a18a3c39af51⋯.jpg (60 KB,620x302,310:151,1423022023733-0.jpg)


hey mouse

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File: c4b6106e74b9631⋯.jpg (25.3 KB,186x221,186:221,anything different.jpg)


Hey hello. How did you sleep?

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well enough

did you have a good rest?

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Mhmm. Slept from around 4:30 till 11:30, good seven hours. Should have lunch soon.

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yeah, I am thinking going back to bed for a few hours, and doing my homework then

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Whatever suits you, Monsterbee.

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got anything planned for today?

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Nothing I can think of, no. Just sit behind the PC, I suppose.

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hmm… well I am going to take a little nap

have a good day, mouse

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I was gone walking the dog and showering, I thought you had already gone off to bed. See you later, Monsterboy.

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its funny cause march i was a nice person, now im not

funny how things happen

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File: 2e66b63700b266b⋯.png (186.9 KB,810x658,405:329,2e66b63700b266ba3528f4c86a….png)


Being a bully is bad!

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File: 8961e9ea4fb1221⋯.jpg (969.95 KB,1280x985,256:197,57f8db1a2dc84360f9e5778eb9….jpg)


there are no good people, only bad people that are able to good things sometimes

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Don't believe what you say, anon. You're still a nice person.

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File: cb20443a13b677f⋯.jpg (127.13 KB,600x584,75:73,drunk cb20443a13b677f52a06….jpg)

So much traffic suddenly, whew.


Hello again, Monsterbee.


Hello. Is that right?

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File: 6b463a14efc603a⋯.png (518.32 KB,1280x731,1280:731,1491086129158.png)


hey mouse

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Howdy ho. Had a pleasant nap?

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File: 1345d7aa1f11a7b⋯.gif (233.21 KB,193x140,193:140,1413182878307-0.gif)


nah, I just got up to do my homework

will go back to bed after I post a discussion.

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Ahhh, I see I see, fair enough. Good luck with the HW.

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How's everyone doing?

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Hello Lettersoup? anon. Sorry, I did not notice earlier. I have to go to bed now. I hope you are doing better.

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File: 0e0f7f720b1baf1⋯.png (443.92 KB,1680x1050,8:5,Pictures.png)


that'd be me! no worries man

Anyone around tonight?

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File: 4544453914dd656⋯.jpg (84.78 KB,450x509,450:509,4544453914dd6566eed8d61369….jpg)


Yo yo yo what's up, it's your boy Clan-Chan.

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heya man! how's it going?

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File: 99a908e26feca70⋯.jpeg (48.65 KB,626x596,313:298,99a908e26feca7057ce803d2f….jpeg)


About as well as it gets. I just got "upgraded" to full-time at my personalized designer Hell job by requirement because I've already been working so many hours there. I also just found out that the only other experienced person working there other than the manager is going to quit soon, so that'll be fun to deal with. Between work and all the other shit I've got to do, my only escape is in the dead hours of the night.

At least it means I'll lose my ability to feel faster.

How about yourself?

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File: c07434401c0bdc4⋯.jpg (160.17 KB,900x1245,60:83,tatsuhiro_sato_fan_art_by_….jpg)


Were you working part time before that then?

>only other experienced person working there besides the manager is going to quit soon

does that mean potentially another raise or at least change in position?

rough stuff man, hopefully you at least find the work fulfilling aha.

I've been really off and on, either on top of the world, or under a burning trash heap hahahah.

I applied for a position in this construction company I found, pay is far less than what I had expected frankly, but I've got no room to complain as I have no references or past employment so i'll be lucky to get a shit lumber hauling beaner labor-esque job with them hahahaha.

I'm going in to talk to the guy again tomorrow actually, he said I should come back in so i'll see what happens. Never said what time so i'm going to assume 7:00am. Dya think that's a bit too early?

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File: aac637fa8f8770c⋯.png (392.68 KB,972x1174,486:587,050b1c432c1267f45755bbcea6….png)


Nah, I was already working a shitload of hours, which is preactically a given when the average workday is 9-1/2 hours. I just got upgraded now because the law requires it.

HA nope. All it means is that I'll probably be working more hours. The only positions here are "manager" and "not the manager", and I don't think anybody gets a raise ever.

It's not even fufilling, it's a gas station job. I wonder how so many people can do this shit without leaping into traffic.

If it's construction, then that could mean any damn time of the day. For most, the workday will start at about that time, if not earlier. You might even be expected to come in around 06:00 if not earlier. It might not be so bad at first though, seeing as how we're slowly coming into winter.

Unless you live down south, then you don't even get that.

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Hahahahaha shit that blows

sounds like a solid company right there ; )

ever thought of seeking alternative employment man? you're a smart dude i'm sure you could manage something a bit more taxing so to speak

yeah I really don't know,anything along the lines of minimum wage would have me making some toast in the tub reaaaaal quick

can't even kill yourself that way anymore unless you're in an old house i'm pretty sure

yeah that's what i'm thinking too, but the thing is, it's not work, at least I don't think, he just said

>when can you work?

>as soon as physically possible so Monday

>alright well then come back in Monday

and now i'm here and planning on going in there 6 hours from now roughly.

i'm in the evergreen state! comfy place to live just a bit too liberal for my liking.

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also this is random and out of the blue, but do you happen to know of any free resources online for learning another language? sorry if it's a silly question

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File: b385cc7e82cbbd2⋯.jpeg (382.66 KB,838x870,419:435,b385cc7e82cbbd213768b5b80….jpeg)


Yeah, it's shit. The only advantage is that it's so close I could walk there in a short amount of time if need be, though I expect my car to last me a good long while so that's not much of a concern.

I've thought about it, but I have virtually no tangible qualifications and I'm one of the most unmotivated people you'll ever meet.

>evergreen state

Shit man, I feel you. I live in God damn Bernieland: population a bunch of liberal old shits and rainbow children who are still living in the early months of the election.


I can't remember the name of any of them, but I know that there are a fair few, but some of them are easier to find than others depending on what language you're going for.

What do you want to learn?

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File: caff6b07cdbfdc8⋯.png (344.35 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clannad34.png)


well that's a positive at least then aha

that's the reason i'm getting into construction actually, don't have to deal with the tedium of a desk/counter job, can just distract myself grueling labor

>virtually no tangible qualifications

>one of the most unmotivated people you'll ever meet

<Clan Chan, meet Letter Soup

hahahahahah, yeah I really don't have the drive to do anything but I've got someone counting on me so i'll try as hard as I can to secure myself and them a future, only motivation I've ever had frankly.

oh jeez have fun with that one man, i'll take my trees aha

if I had to say, German. not really sure why to be honest, it's just a language I've had an interest in for a while, applicability isn't an issue I just think it'd be cool to spend my time semi-productively

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File: ba0155c58e4cff1⋯.png (324.64 KB,680x599,680:599,ba0155c58e4cff1d2706cfc670….png)


I'm not sure if I could ever do construction. Aside from my laziness, my body has a tendency to heat up really quickly, and the summers can get pretty damn hot. Even when I'm trudging through -50 f windchill conditions you'll never see me wearing a hat, or even gloves unless I'm carrying something (yes, I have actually done this). I'd probably collapse from heat exhaustion and get killed doing all that shit in the summer, which is when most of our construction jobs take place.

>I've got someone counting on me

I think I've already told you this, but you're a lucky fucking bastard.

German, huh? That's actually number two on my list of languages I'm interested in learning. Number one is Russian, and I even got some materials and shit. Again though, no motivation and not being a lucky bastard means I move at a glacial pace with anything.

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might not be suitable then, that's unfortunate man

I think they higher unionized construction managers and stuff which pretty much just check out the build sites and make sure everything is up to snuff essentially

my instructor during my training thing made fun of them when talking to us

"bastards never worked a day in their lives doing this but they judge my quality of work"

or something like that hahahah

yeah I sure am man, i don't forget it for a second, one in a million chance I've been given.

that's funny, been considering either of those and decided on German at some point, don't remember why, though it would be fun to be able to comprehend what those ruskies are saying during the gore/car crash videos aha

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File: 8593c7dcbd345bd⋯.jpg (69.45 KB,500x700,5:7,8593c7dcbd345bd42792237c80….jpg)


Yeah, it's pretty unrealistic for me unless some construction company in North Slope or something would be interested in hiring me.

My brother actually does construction and related work for a living, he and just about everyone else who gives two shits about the field are pretty passionate about their work.

More like one in a billion, assuming it'll last.

It's really all about cultural interest. I guess at some point you just decided that you were more interested in German culture than Russian. I hope you can find more time and motivation than me to spend learning it.

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>North Slope

afraid I don't understand, sorry.

It sure seems that way, they told me initially that if you weren't genuinely interested in the field you wouldn't make it, so I suppose i'll be putting their words to the test eh

yeah it really is one in a billion, I can't express with words how fucking happy I am that this shithole of a world decided I was deserving of it's luck.

yeah I wouldn't disagree with that, here's to hoping I go through with it instead of just forgetting like usual!

anything fun or interesting happen in your life lately?

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File: c869c422f92314d⋯.png (13.05 KB,300x400,3:4,c869c422f92314dcd614e812f2….png)


North Slope is the nothern-most county in Alaska, and sits neck-deep in the permafrost.

Pretty much, although there are some jobs in the field that are gas station-tier in their tedium which nobody could be passionate about, like being the guy who literally stands around all day holding a sign telling people to stop or go.

I think I used up two lifetimes worth of luck before birth.

Not really, as per the norm. The most I have to speak of is getting a couple old netbooks, a Latitude and an Inspiron, both XP-era.

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sounds like a harsh place to live i'd think

funny you mentioned that, I took a course when recommended by my training people and

i'm a certified flagger if I choose to do it

more or less just a fallback

i'd figured as much until lately as well, wish you the best of luck with that, you deserve your own Misaki

hey that's something at least! thought of doing any writing?

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File: e8d250c61872893⋯.png (20.19 KB,448x448,1:1,e8d250c61872893c46ff0069a0….png)


The cold wouldn't bother me one bit, but having to embark on a treacherous journey just to get my groceries would get old after a while.

Thanks, man. Though I doubt I'll ever have that happen.

Kek. Netbooks, not notebooks. Also, you remember my general tendency to destroy everything I write.

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File: 142aed4b6087594⋯.png (798.14 KB,958x720,479:360,untitled.png)


hahaha I can imagine that'd be a little much

never know, though in my experience expectations lead to disappointment, I really hope you can!

oh fuck me I should learn how to read aha, my bad.

yeah I sure do, so, i'd wager you'd be opposed to writing something on a public forum even to delete it shortly after? ;)

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File: 4d331a5c6a7934c⋯.jpg (59.12 KB,450x350,9:7,4d331a5c6a7934c22b5f1eabac….jpg)


Yeah. If I could find a way to make it work though, that'd be a prime location for my dream home.

Thanks man. I still got that little scrap of hope to keep me going day to day.

Here, not so much. My fear of people discovering what I write here is very small. But I could never store that stuff on any of my computers, or write it on real paper. Here is temporary, and filled with people a million miles away who will probably never know the man beyond a hollow soul.

At any rate, it's 05:15 here and I'm about ready to collapse.

I'll see you later, man.

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would be pretty for sure

we all need that little something to give us reason to be

huh wouldn't have thought, good to know, good to know

yeah I need to sleep at some point as well,

take it easy dude!

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File: 6be3ea53dda744d⋯.png (406.57 KB,1000x700,10:7,23337wall.jpg.png)

walls of text!

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File: 52a8eae512a2119⋯.webm (741.75 KB,640x360,16:9,Eliphas - back.webm)

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yeah now am i super not nice person (reply to yesterday)

and i dont care what anyone says, im not nice

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File: 22d7a7104c85c6d⋯.jpg (234.6 KB,976x979,976:979,_0.jpg)


hey mouse

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You missed Clan-chan.


Hello Monsterboy. How's it going?

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hey moose and monster

is poopy around

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just want to go to sleep

drew today, so that was kinda nice, I guess

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Hello. I don't know. Haven't seen her.


Ahh, I see. It is, yeah. I will be going soon myself. Almost half past eleven. No need to stay up too long and then have trouble getting up.

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Im tripping on 4 tabs. About to go to my friends in an hour and a half

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File: 7d48bfc8f836d6c⋯.png (182.42 KB,707x1000,707:1000,5a86d2ec32e37188900a9a3540….png)


only an hour and half to do, until I go to bed

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File: 1f153d8fc4962ae⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,185x218,185:218,anchovies.jpg)


Well alright then. Be safe, I hope you won't slip too far back into it.


A half an hour for me at most.

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have a nice rest then

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File: bbd22f29daacad8⋯.gif (1.49 MB,800x450,16:9,sleep bbd22f29daacad865210….gif)

O-onii-chan, my eyes are closing o-on their own!

Good night, /tripfriend/

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you don't sound very nice to me

any particular reason you've stopped being so?

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File: 04521ff86768a74⋯.gif (100.94 KB,540x432,5:4,04521ff86768a74915ce52951c….gif)

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File: a7478a366f9f91f⋯.png (518.12 KB,893x609,893:609,2136502 - Acerola Porkyman.png)

is anybody here

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File: 5a14560de46cdca⋯.jpg (257.16 KB,1053x890,1053:890,5a1.jpg)


Oh no, I hope you don't be not nice to me, I might catch a sad.


I am 10% here.

But mostly I am harvesting souls.

In Vidya

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File: 05424953e0ebd26⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,karen-happy-dess.jpg)


Im tripping on acid

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File: 64bc0a3c5864a80⋯.jpg (18.32 KB,400x258,200:129,catshmere-cats-in-space-re….jpg)


Awesome, do you feel inspired? Connected with the universe? Can you finally make convoluted sense of convoluted life in convoluted ways you may never be able to articulate to another human?

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File: 5fac4f6f9ef2f79⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,773x859,773:859,karenthigh.jpg)


I feel great is what I feel. Acid is a wonderful thing

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One thing that I find most interesting about psychadelics is how I've heard reports of at least 4 different kinds of experiences, all of a completely different variety. I just wish I knew why.. do you ever wish so bad that you had all data and could read other people like data enough that any curiosity was a mere mental calculation away?

But really all you can do is to simulate, predict, reduce all life to math, somehow your math adds up, is usually accurate, and is how you learned to understand the world, but literally no one else knows what the fuck your deal is.

Personally, I am high af

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Imo, drugs and their effect on an individual is like a unique window into that persona psyche.

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File: a5e0f84f74c8906⋯.gif (727.4 KB,500x500,1:1,kayaya.gif)


high on what? weed?

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Yeah, and some alcohol but that makes little difference, I am speaking from my soberest thoughts.

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nice. watcha drinkin

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Cutty Sark blended scotch whisky + Weed + heavy metal = unstoppable soul harvesting machine. Dunno how, dunno why, it just is.

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File: 14d89aba66969ee⋯.jpg (580.25 KB,892x1312,223:328,madosleepy.jpg)


Im just playing pokemon and listening to MF Doom

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Does the acid interfere at all in either a practical or tactical sense? or do you find it even more immersive? I am curious.

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File: 6a2d4bcf4c34734⋯.jpg (11.05 KB,255x255,1:1,4cd8b87e4d0e46d9cb11af9f72….jpg)


its really nice, I cant really describe it. You hallucinate. Colors become very vibrant, the walls breathe, etc

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Interesting. Though I honestly probably won't be content until I have a lab with several willing guinea pigs subjects on whom I can experiment, which sadly, would be unlikely even if I were a scientist..

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File: ab28cf63f6ed3da⋯.png (829.69 KB,1024x1448,128:181,ab28cf63f6ed3da9b60b38d087….png)

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File: f0fd1ba8e1d2a94⋯.jpg (74.08 KB,567x831,189:277,cocoakawaii.jpg)


anybody around

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I am, gimme a moment.

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File: 3a4a65db7b19045⋯.gif (326.99 KB,500x273,500:273,451651651651.gif)

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File: 189c2bcff4097c4⋯.png (869.47 KB,859x941,859:941,sharo.png)

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File: 2c397367023ea6f⋯.png (256.26 KB,1280x1120,8:7,ecde5767af646f929364544d4d….png)

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Hello you two!

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File: 1377be91b07037e⋯.jpg (676.7 KB,1280x1920,2:3,1377be91b07037e29bfd254081….jpg)


hey mouse

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How have you been, Monsterbee?

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File: 96fd6b4a35a9449⋯.jpg (411.39 KB,1156x905,1156:905,63daf4a5cfcefcc11c59896358….jpg)


reading a fanfic

are you having a good day?

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File: 7fe2b530098115d⋯.png (556.48 KB,1074x1074,1:1,karen-circle.png)

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File: 3e116723000e6b4⋯.jpg (65.49 KB,640x480,4:3,1412565503031-0.jpg)


Ahh, I see I see. Is it fun? a funfic!

Oh, it's been alright. Might get into slight trouble tomorrow but what the hell. Not like I slack off at work and I can only do so much at a time.


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File: fcc035ca5b2530b⋯.png (1.32 MB,1400x2800,1:2,ea51a362a589e9f20d72b3fe79….png)



I hope they don't be to hard on you

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We'll see. Another colleague is leaving, the one who had a big fight two weeks ago or so. So, we'll see what happens.

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have they been able to find someone for the guy who left?

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File: 1f153d8fc4962ae⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,185x218,185:218,anchovies.jpg)


Strictly speaking, I don't know. But ever since he had the fight with the boss, I have been getting email replies to a job advertisement. Ie. boss started looking for someone right after it. And the replies have stopped coming last week. So he should at least have a bunch of people interested if nothing else. I presume he picked one of them. Nobody knows though.

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File: e8693f309244bd4⋯.png (173.34 KB,500x703,500:703,e8693f309244bd451eb15fc0df….png)

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File: bc63bc4a8a746bd⋯.jpg (72.89 KB,900x597,300:199,tomoya_okazaki_laught_by_k….jpg)

How's everyone doing?!

i'm doing swell personally, got hired today!

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File: 03880551d715417⋯.gif (718.49 KB,200x200,1:1,1449387118937.gif)

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Cute panties to be honest. Oh, hey, what are your thoughts on centaurs?


Congratulations, Lettersoup ^.^ Does that solve your housing problem as well? Or have you taken care of that already?

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they're fine

I am not really into them myself

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File: 4048bad99e3b7c4⋯.jpg (34.89 KB,185x222,5:6,rumor has it 001.jpg)


Ahh, I see. Someone dumped a bunch of them the other day, I didn't save any but thought you might like them…

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File: bb3cdf6f11bf705⋯.gif (3.12 MB,720x450,8:5,9d010e8f2b64a25b0ae996d484….gif)


some posted furry porn on /b/ the other day

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File: 14248fe1904e754⋯.jpg (28.1 KB,187x221,11:13,being sarcastic.jpg)


I am sure the crowds went wild in excitement!

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File: f27230022ac945b⋯.jpg (102.36 KB,913x991,913:991,DKGEfxTUIAAQL9L.jpg)

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Hey you.

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File: 5ae65a1d210e8c6⋯.gif (325.31 KB,600x600,1:1,631ec2ebf842af1b7a2440d913….gif)


no, /b/ was like 4 pages then, so mostly anons bumping the thread, so people could post more,so they would have more to save

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File: c8d0be6b475a8c1⋯.jpg (74.46 KB,600x702,100:117,2bde7e0377b4d205ba5412c719….jpg)


up to anything fun?


thanks man!!

unfortunately not, i'm still on the edge with that one

it's step in the right direction though, if I can get enough for a deposit and have pay stubs I believe they're both prerequisites for getting my own place

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>up to anything fun?


need to redo, something for school, but don't really want to do it

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Hmmm, I see I see.


Well, fug ;_;

That it certainly is. It might not be much, but hopefully you will get by. I have my fingers crossed for you.

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File: 8ff2a2c6a4bf18d⋯.jpg (36.29 KB,600x338,300:169,8ff2a2c6a4bf18df796d00a0b1….jpg)


Im gonna be leaving to the store for a while to pick up my order. It shipped to the store yesterday

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Oh, that one. Right. At least don't go over your budget Maddie, the next week if not this one.

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school work blows big time, is it something you have to do or could you get away with blowing it off?


thanks a million man! means a lot!

i'm sure i'll manage somehow, always have, just gonna be pretty rough for the next few months but I brought it on myself so I can't complain aha

going to be interesting having to work fulltime coming out of NEETdom, construction work is gonna be harsh

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File: 22e078994a1feb1⋯.jpg (15.43 KB,236x398,118:199,68b156ba5e7cc63524a5cb0f41….jpg)


tbh I spent a fair amount of money recently. But nothing over the top. I still have around $1000 to my name and Im making approximately $370ish a check. I'll be more careful. But in all fairness I dont even smoke as much as I used to.

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I havent been routinely blowing too much money, this was a bit of an occasion. I dont regret this acid trip

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I could get away with blowing it off, but it seems disrespectful.

I don't like the humanities, they have nothing to do with my degree

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File: 85a06ca259fe475⋯.jpg (182.51 KB,1087x975,1087:975,flandreirritated.jpg)


the point is that Im not really relying on drugs to feel better, Im not so depressed anymore. Not nearly as much as I used to be. Work really helps me stay out of the depressive cycles. I also find it a bit easier to talk to the customers without it feeling forced. Im more comfortable with my coworkers too. A lot more than my previous jobs

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yeah it could be seen that way, i'd have no issue with it but then again I niggered all of middle/highschool hahaha

pretty silly stuff, just for the extra credits?

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no, I have to take at least one humanities

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OH jeez, don't overvalue my saying it.

I am a bit calmer thanks to your optimistic attitude, aha.

I think though that physical work is a good way to transition from neetdom. It keeps your mind more occupied than sitting behind a desk does. I liked it more when I could help around in the warehouse. Nowadays I mostly sit by the PC answering people's emails, confirming orders or making sure enough of this or that is on stock.

Are you reasonably physically fit?


You have. I am just worried you will slip back into heavier use, you know.

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ohhh I see I see have fun with that that one

ahaha,i've gotta take off and try to get free stuff from the goverment because i'm so fukin poor aha


just a good day hahaha, usually beat myself up pretty hard

yeah that's the idea pretty much, if I can just work so hard I feel like i'm going to drop it'll keep me preoccupied enough!

I can'tstand sitting at a desk personally, i'd go crazy,different strokes for different folks though eh ; )

for the most part yeah, i'm slightly overweight but nothing at all that would hinder me working thankfully

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File: 77fd9a8b99a0530⋯.png (542.4 KB,593x850,593:850,77fd9a8b99a0530dd53325ee1a….png)


I've only really been buying a gram at a time. recently I bought 2, but it was 2G for $20 anyway I really dont even want to drink as much as I used to.

I robotrip quite a bit. But its not a major detriment to me in any way I can observe. In fact, it improves my quality of living. Not to say Im relying on the substance for happiness, but its very enjoyable to me and helps me learn more about myself. It offers me a new perspective. I've been reinforcing positive thoughts. Some examples:

>its good to go to work and work hard


>Im who I am so I should love myself more

>Life is experience whether its good or bad

>bad days happen, but dont let them consume you

>save for a car

>exercise some job commitment for once and get promoted

Overall Im making some progress. Wanna know how I was without a job?

>constantly stealing

>heavily hooked to speed


>drowning myself in alcohol to the point of blackout on a few occasions

>huffed duster for a very brief period. I made a mistake in thinking it was nitrous, but its not. So now I do nitrous, which is actually a relatively safe drug

>anxious insomniac depressive wreck



Back in high school when I worked, I would spend every bit of my money on weed. But now Im much more responsible about it.

So all in all, I've made major improvements. Dont worry about me too much

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File: 357bec6c98f1a78⋯.jpg (312.92 KB,1052x744,263:186,Konachan.com_-_226615_alia….jpg)


I'll be taking my leave for a little while now. I will return

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It's a great day, enjoy it buddy ^.^

Well, I didn't mean till you drop, but that works too.

Well as I said, I don't love it either. Suddenly I thank god for the occasional truck which comes like twice a week and which almost everyone helps unload.

Sounds alright then, mhmmm.


Robotripping being the DXM stuff?

Well I'll have to trust you, Maddie. Not like I can get over there and give you a spanking or anything. Your words do make sense at least, so that's something.

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(oh, silly me; see you later, Maddie)

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File: 560aa5b1b4f538f⋯.jpg (528.95 KB,775x924,775:924,Flandre.Scarlet.full.18079….jpg)


>spanking me

>threatening me with a good time

…Jokes aside

Keep in mind that drugs affect everyone differently. DXM taught me that the way we think influences our reality. Take this for example.

Its raining out, so you have 2 options:

>pout and mope that you're gonna get wet and you cant enjoy the outdoors

>accept the rain as its a necessity to the foundation of life

If you think like the first one, you're gonna have a terrible day. Because anything not proven by fact is subjective. Its not good or bad. Its what you make of it. If you think x is bad, you will begin to believe that x is bad. Depression is quite literally caused by a pattern of negative thinking.

So just do the inverse of this. If you think x is good, you will begin to believe x is good. Thats how you become more and more happy. It takes some getting out of your comfort zone, but you need to take action to expect changes.

Im really going now. I had to let the dog out

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Yeah I mean, I didn't think that one through.


See you really for now.

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File: d16ca473bfc7b36⋯.png (1.08 MB,996x1000,249:250,kthigh2.png)


Told you Im a genius. I think very differently than most

Cya in a while

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Indeed. Not many normal people would appreciate my spanking them.

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File: 8e9da7f6a7c6040⋯.jpg (348.98 KB,1500x1188,125:99,yande.re 388530 famy_siras….jpg)

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Quite right. Hello Holo imposter.

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File: 7c887a9ce7aacee⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,2507x3541,2507:3541,yande.re 409358 flandre_sc….jpg)

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File: 03003bd9386583a⋯.jpg (25.4 KB,181x214,181:214,out of the box.jpg)


So how are you doing?

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File: 438b4754167befa⋯.png (982.95 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,63967326_p0.png)


noticing you haven't done what I told you

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To kill myself?

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File: abc88d03756e11d⋯.jpg (75.79 KB,599x657,599:657,No_Hope_(3).jpg)


do it faggot

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File: 47f32ccdefcba82⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,642x720,107:120,1.mp4)

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File: c49a746bd00edb4⋯.gif (993.72 KB,500x281,500:281,smashing ass ebin_dance_po….gif)


Too old to.



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File: e4676005766e41c⋯.jpg (351.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,e4676005766e41cbcfe3025000….jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it you then?

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File: 1c8dc4bb855d9ea⋯.webm (4.45 MB,480x360,4:3,C&C Red Alert 2 - Yuri's ….webm)

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all me

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Of course it was.

How have you been all this time?

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File: d10383449276f1a⋯.jpg (54.23 KB,480x600,4:5,cookies 5fpeb7of2yhmf6bwi5….jpg)

Come on…

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I'm good, I'm just living


h-hmm? was I too slow?

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File: faeb38bad46c659⋯.webm (1.34 MB,640x360,16:9,epic wan guy faeb38bad46c….webm)


Ahh, alrighty.

I guess you could say that. I meant that for the other person who is you (or who you are?).

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File: 156d165739d03eb⋯.png (500.62 KB,600x776,75:97,1.png)

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File: e0b2f4b2bf0e2ce⋯.gif (1.86 MB,600x337,600:337,@-eyes Confused.gif)

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File: 862a29bc87de503⋯.png (2.46 MB,700x5140,35:257,1503719516156.png)

can you tell I edited this?

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Not really.

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File: 22677f49cbb8c4d⋯.webm (6.5 MB,320x214,160:107,Ennio Morricone - The Ecs….webm)

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Good night /tripfriend/

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File: ff2c3e5190eddbb⋯.gif (108.9 KB,320x240,4:3,ba0157ee0b62cb9d5b9737486e….gif)


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File: 540086ef5a45ef7⋯.png (393.43 KB,809x810,809:810,1.png)


are you okay?

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File: 52b03c8d5574f9b⋯.jpg (40.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


yes. I just got very, very irritated. I was out for hours. My feet are blistered and Im exhausted

I just got out of the shower and Im chilling out now

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File: f0fd1ba8e1d2a94⋯.jpg (74.08 KB,567x831,189:277,cocoakawaii.jpg)

File: 4c77421ef7b951a⋯.jpg (157.62 KB,600x893,600:893,DHpgyLDUwAAIl2o.jpg)

File: ed87733bb826074⋯.jpg (44.24 KB,720x405,16:9,happychino.jpg)

Im gonna be watching anime for a little while now

>pics related

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>Dat sweet ass music

Niiiice! :D I literally have all of Frank Klepacki's albums.

He ranks in the high fives of my favourite vidya composers. :3

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File: ad75b92ce5d372c⋯.png (294.1 KB,473x305,473:305,ad75b92ce5d372c1e0ba500ccf….png)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone like Ty Segall?

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Huh.. well, I didn't DISLIKE it..

50% interested to hear more..

20% turned on by the mv

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like the majority of his stuff

that's from the album Twins, great one in my opinion

Melted is fucking great to if you're into psyche rock

Goodbye Bread is a bit slower and more comfy if you like that

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His songs are made for being really high for the most part, if that wasn't already apparent hahahah

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I have an overall heavy lean towards the metal genre and heavily charged and aggressive music in general, but I have a soft spot for rock (among other genres), and really like psych rock. He certainly sounds decent af.

Reminds me a lot of Tame Impala, who made one of my favourite songs: https://youtu.be/vxvf7gR4-2M

I never learned how to embed bc I am lazy faggot

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File: 3452d447a312d02⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,500x687,500:687,C9sx9FNXYAAZQ2u.jpg)


>Tame Impala

I love me some Tame Impala

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File: 38daf17d62885be⋯.jpg (39.82 KB,960x743,960:743,1449449234443.jpg)


Then why don't you go impala yourself on a pike?

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Woah, Vlad, that was a pretty sick burn!

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File: 8ee9e1c12de6175⋯.jpg (90.21 KB,748x714,22:21,3a13c3f1544f6daa46fc8f5e80….jpg)


New phone who dis

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Uhhhhhh, wait.. what?

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Detached and subdivided!

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Somewhere, out of a memory, of lighted streets, on quiet nights!

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File: f0a8bbabb8d22e4⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,3422x1925,3422:1925,vash-the-stampede-full-942….jpg)

Well, first day of work in a half an hour!

Wish me luck! or not

see you dudes around!

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Good luck, Lettersoup.

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good luck

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Hey there.

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hey mouse

having a good day?

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File: c712ad9bc6f86d1⋯.jpg (364.26 KB,1153x2048,1153:2048,beer a9a852c8204d685909933….jpg)


Heya. An alright day I guess. We unloaded a truck in the rain, that sucked. Pic related now though.

What have you been up to?

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File: c43ddc08677d319⋯.swf (4.08 MB,drgsdrsvgsevsvrththvsysert….swf)


drew an eye, watching this

I don't know why, I want to get her pregnant with my babies

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I am eating atm. Don't want to get too drunk, after all.

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remember to drink water, and I think bread is the best food to eat for that, I think

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Aha, I will, thank you Monsterbee ^.^

Bread, well I do have some spinach breadrollthings.

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File: f6b105c9db0d96a⋯.png (108.35 KB,500x438,250:219,1505175433719.png)

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File: d68429627e9b871⋯.gif (311.07 KB,472x472,1:1,forced stroking d68429627e….gif)

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File: 8839cb616c4dbbf⋯.gif (1.92 MB,718x404,359:202,913d88b5b8a54c4b9f63ff402f….gif)

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File: 7d994087a1e7464⋯.gif (203.7 KB,253x253,1:1,forced hug IMG_1668.GIF)


The glass is broken!

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File: a0e2127124f4665⋯.gif (3.69 MB,534x300,89:50,a0e2127124f466545f4de59a01….gif)

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File: 2cee031b551aeca⋯.gif (1.22 MB,500x281,500:281,head pats 2cee031b551aecaa….gif)

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was pretty weird, I was told that I start today and to come in

but instead when I got there, I waited for an hour and then the guy who owns the company came out, filled out more paperwork and then got told i start tomorrow I guess

said something that made me laugh

>what are you gonna do about that hair for working?

<tie it back or cut it off

>don't need to cut it off but yeah, don't need the place to look like a fucking disco

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Woah, that is odd.

Kek. You'll be wearing a helmet anyways, no? o:

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I dunno if I will be, for unionized labor it's a requirement but this is something different I think

i'd prefer notwearing hard if I can avoid it

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File: 6017594748e6a56⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,6017594748e6a56d972a6e8a6a….mp4)


so I redo the thing for school now, or tomorrow

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Do it now.

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File: 353b23531528f3b⋯.gif (1.97 MB,171x315,19:35,353b23531528f3bf537cce312e….gif)

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You have to do it sooner or later, better to do it sooner. Don't ask for it, Monsterbee.

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File: 5f0f25bed36e90b⋯.png (555.84 KB,1019x881,1019:881,1429917033952.png)


>Don't ask for it

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Shoo, away with you, do your homework, yes?

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File: 203a87209767ca6⋯.png (483.47 KB,529x470,529:470,1426595660899.png)

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Yes. Please do.

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File: e6dc33ae0b8b249⋯.jpg (60.74 KB,500x456,125:114,e6dc33ae0b8b24955c21a0f0ed….jpg)



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Good boy. ^^

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man Im so sore and exhausted

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Gonna call it a day earlier today?

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File: 067e951a840e0c7⋯.jpg (361.59 KB,1280x1812,320:453,001.jpg)


nope. prolly just gonna lie in bed most of the day though

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That is something. Welp.

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File: 77f628dcf97b784⋯.jpg (478.79 KB,1280x1820,64:91,00.jpg)


it sure is something that gets my dick really hard

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Lying around in your bed? Weirdo!

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no. The lewd Karen pics

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I figured, no worries..

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File: f81a43e54e23483⋯.jpg (351.75 KB,932x1121,932:1121,yande.re 294967 flandre_sc….jpg)

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up to anything fun?

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File: e1ba7e114eb75f4⋯.jpg (247.4 KB,850x1202,425:601,__kujou_karen_and_matsubar….jpg)

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File: f9f0dc2b6a01595⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.03 KB,850x1201,850:1201,f9f0dc2b6a01595f7bb2ca2d3b….jpg)

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File: 5bc928d25eef662⋯.jpg (229.67 KB,1020x1057,1020:1057,__flandre_scarlet_touhou_d….jpg)

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File: a018e1f5761b04e⋯.png (1.7 MB,1675x945,335:189,coughmed1.png)

File: 2c0f98f7c464d35⋯.png (1.26 MB,1671x939,557:313,coughmed2.png)

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File: b2eb3b37c5748fb⋯.jpg (736.72 KB,1295x1812,1295:1812,1.jpg)

neat and nice people

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File: a790e5e6f0235ce⋯.png (986.35 KB,1440x810,16:9,Maria.png)


Hi Poopy

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File: e05ed99ee6c77a0⋯.jpg (607.81 KB,1240x1798,20:29,yande.re 310805 00047 clea….jpg)

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File: ab8cc5443cbf551⋯.jpg (332.56 KB,1200x1678,600:839,nekokaren.jpg)

hia evryjuan

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hello madexxxxxxxx

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File: 832d1ecf9bdd586⋯.png (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,karenpatch.png)


hi there poppy

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File: 83b0faa3e57f8ea⋯.jpg (30.05 KB,400x455,80:91,1.jpg)


wow, you said my name without a spoiler, neat!!

how are you, karenpatch?

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File: bbe1eaea3c667b4⋯.png (279.35 KB,850x680,5:4,1303018661210.png)


Im doing well. Off work today and Im playing pokemon listening to Gorillaz

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File: 77e08a0655a7e07⋯.jpg (11.83 KB,255x255,1:1,88d09e7a28bcb068ff54159110….jpg)


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread


new thread


new bread


>new thread

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File: 9c5ad7f212cc4e9⋯.png (616.08 KB,750x870,25:29,__alice_cartelet_kujou_kar….png)

madex is gone

post karen

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