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/tripfriend/ - tripfriend


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File: 57c77aa9b1ef190⋯.jpg (81.25 KB,595x842,595:842,CjYuocLUkAEEP1e.jpg)

 No.41824 [Last50 Posts]

It's a good day if it starts with a clean threat.

Good Morning/Afternoon/Even, Enjoy your day, work, school or what ever the fuck you are doing.

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File: b620c05f2d64f47⋯.jpg (293.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,93ed9fa811abc8020eabdc9088….jpg)

Niggers aren't people~

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This is a well know fact.

How's the shit show called life going? We're expecting temps up to 36 Celcius today. The car I'm driving today better have a fucking AC.

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File: 0a5686e95881800⋯.jpeg (168.4 KB,1000x814,500:407,0a5686e958818003e0bbd27ba….jpeg)


Just wokey up.

A girl on a discord server received the panties I got for her in the mail, and is really happy with them.



I'm doing title screen stuffs.

Also a little bit of… shall I say, adjustments? Yeah, adjustments, to some of the conversations. Both to cover my own ass in part, but mostly to not indulge in the delusional persecution fantasies of a mentally ill person.

In other words, the joke ran it's course, and now what's left is an unfitting, nonsensical parody.

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File: 114f7e8a15c5448⋯.gif (216.43 KB,580x410,58:41,dII14mX.gif)


>It's a good day if it starts with a clean throat

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I've been up for a few hours now. Fucking work called me awake, they didn't even bother calling back so it must not have been important either.

That's nice of you~ Was it a gift, or did you just pick a cute pair for her?

Are we talking about trannies?


I gotma nasal spray for that :^)

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Im gonna go back to nap for a couple more hours at some point. I only got like 4 hours of sleep and there's no way Im staying up for about 12 and going in to work

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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I didn't have the best sleep myself. I just hope it wont fuck with me to much during the driving lessons kek.

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File: 76c41d3e610dbfa⋯.jpg (43.79 KB,646x668,323:334,1469627539864.jpg)


Wew matey.

A gift. She and another girl(male) on our discord place are cute as hell, but didn't have all that many pairs of panties to show off their cute butts, so I bought them a few. They picked them out, too.

If you mean in terms of conversation, I mean, I'm sure there's a couple trannies in there somewhere.

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File: 52141bbb86629fa⋯.jpg (45.28 KB,1440x1080,4:3,pokemon_BW67_11.jpg)


Yeah, its something awful. Im glad I havent been staying up all night recently, at least. And the shifts I have been doing are really late afternoon. So I have been managing well. Although I only got 4 hours of sleep or so, I didnt wake up multiple times. I would normally wake up a few times which fucking sucked

Once I start to actually pick up full time Im gonna have to get creative.

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Buy me some panties too please :^)

But yhea, that's a really nice gesture of you ^^

I was refering to the mentally ill that were being enduldged.

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> gonna have to get creative

Or just sleep like a normal person.

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File: 8e0ec55c30e5a77⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,189x303,63:101,8e0ec55c30e5a77a286b9aeb42….jpg)


>normal person

Thats the problem. No matter how hard I work, how tired I am, I somehow end up getting like 3-4 hours of sleep; its fucking stupid. It does not make logical sense, but it happens.

Like I said I am lucky I am even getting sleep. Cause sometimes I wouldn't sleep a wink and I'd go in to work again

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Go to bed at the same time every evening and get up at the same time every morning. Your body will learn when it's sleep time and you'll have the bestest rests.

Or you can keep being a fucktard like me and sleep at irregular times.

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File: 16562dc05e65161⋯.png (201.14 KB,490x380,49:38,16562dc05e65161fcfc4ab3a54….png)


>Go to bed at the same time every evening and get up at the same time every morning

I really dont like to do that to begin with. And even if I do that, I will inevitably be rendered unable to sleep, it will fail. Because I wont feel tired at the right time and will lie for hours unable to sleep

The problem also lies within how irregular work's scheduling can be. They could give you night shifts for a month and suddenly switch you to morning. It has happened to me before. Its bullshit

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Get some sleep pills. If you OD on them you can rest in peace :^)

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I had a summer job at a warehouse where I had to work in shifts, and it woukd switch between night and morning EVERY week. That shit broke me yo. Never again.

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File: 94ed3dfb1e85dd3⋯.jpg (4.67 KB,300x168,25:14,94ed3dfb1e85dd38408aebd89e….jpg)


Gain some originality. If you can do that, I could laugh


I would tell them to fuck themselves

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I can't be original, I'm only able to transform.

I did end up quiting early, but that was cause granddad died. I didn't mind putting up with it though cause I knew it was only for two months and it payed good money.

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File: cc086fe1633f537⋯.jpg (124.13 KB,307x460,307:460,820c78b05fe3b72b01a5408bba….jpg)


I came up with a great idea for Youtube views

Bake a cake in the form of a swastika and bring it to a Bar Mitszah. If they react poorly, tell them they are ungrateful jews. And if they claim its racist, tell them, "its just a prank bro"

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No, you're not niceo enough.

I guess so. They're nice folks, is all, so I have no qualms doing nice things for them - a concept which all the people that treat me like shit can not wrap their heads around.

Yeah, as I said, there's certainly a few trannies amongst them.

Oh, did I say person? I meant people, plural.

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Well fuck you too then :^)

I don't get why people hate you so much, you seem like a nice person for the most part. Yhea you have your quirks, But who doesn't?

I don't get trannies and their acceptance tbh. If you think you are anpoleon you're labeled crazy. But if you want to be the opisite sex you are an empowered person and get praised for mutilating your genitals.

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File: b97f8cc953a241e⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,600x853,600:853,CjY_1YQUUAAORCw.jpg)

The instructor can be here any minute now, cya /tripfriend/ wish me luck~

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Mainly that I call people out on their shit, no matter how much I like them. Even nii-chan notices that. He makes a joke that doesn't make sense? I'll tease him for it. He plays shit games and watches shit anime? I'll make fun of him for it. Most people can't get beyond that and label me a "meanie poopyhead".

Especially the mutilation part.

I dunno, it's something about "men are evil, everything will be good once masculinity doesn't exist".

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Come live in the Netherlands, we're as blunt as it gets. I don't find that you're abnormally blund or rude or whatever.

Also wew, those fuckers let my drive on the main road instanly. Driving 70 with cars all around me.

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But I'd have to learn another language.

And besides, I ain't gonna talk to "real" people either way.

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The majory speak English and most can understand German, you'll do fine.

Dude some stupid lady tried to strike a conversation with me in the line of a grocery store. Bitch I'm here to get lunch not to hear you jab about your shitty normie things.

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File: e436b57716a105f⋯.jpg (118.13 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1450631341646.jpg)



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Old people do that, mate. They're fucking lonely. They come to me for that at work all the fucking time.

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Yo want a blunt? Succ muh dik first.


Maybe if they weren't so boring people would like hanging out with them :^)

But really, I see my granny once or twice a week.mtoo make sure she doesnt get lonely. Aunt visits almost daily. Take care of your elders faggots even though the baby boomers where the begining of the end

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The elders are already being taken care of by my parents. I have my own life to live.

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File: f49989654a7d0be⋯.jpg (34.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,pinkstoned.jpg)


cum on now, I would do it for freenii chanAm I doing it right?

I just smokt sum wed

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Whatever it takes to stop your grandma from bothering me about how everything used to be better back in the day, or that I look like a grill.

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File: db6bc7ce071db68⋯.jpg (2.83 MB,3000x4000,3:4,49639282_p0.jpg)


that's cause you're not ready for driving in the city

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Faggot whore slut I rape you in public faggot girl ass slut whore faggo! I think so

For real, u high now? What's the colour of the sky?

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I get that shit too mate.

It'll be fun though when my mother will have to die alone. She drove me away blatantly and deliberately, younger sis will most likely move away too far as well, and older sis is a narcissistic liberal who is incapable of such concepts.

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File: aeba07086436c2c⋯.jpg (32.99 KB,480x480,1:1,azujoint.jpg)


idk white?

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File: a443bbafb3857df⋯.jpg (51.04 KB,600x600,1:1,CjY3zMvUoAQEJT_.jpg)


I live in a quit small vilage like neighbourhood though, theres even an industry terrain nearby where I expected I would get to drive. The faggot just wanted to see my 1337 Drivorz skillz.


>offered to let parrents live with me if possible when they're old

>They'd rather rot away in a retirement home


Dude, have you ever noticed that like, sometimes, the sky changes colour?

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File: b6dbf87521c5fe3⋯.jpg (651.19 KB,2480x3507,2480:3507,54312465_p0.jpg)


staying in 3rd isn't a skill

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File: 201c5f44c213ed9⋯.jpg (77.32 KB,479x340,479:340,dankon.jpg)


The sky doesnt change color, color changes the sky. Ever think of it that way?

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Fucking kek.

My mom is really fucking bothered that I don't wanna stay in the communist utopia known as the EU. Get it, because she can't suddenly come invade my house at any point of my life, without announcing it.

And she really fucked the family by always playing the victim and blaming me for everything.

Yes mom, I get it, if I killed myself, you'll be the true victim, I get it. Fuck you as well.

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File: 54ce27b12dec700⋯.jpg (234.3 KB,743x1181,743:1181,54ce27b12dec700d102bfedcea….jpg)


I almost crashed into a bus because the fucker didn't pull up fast enough :^)




That's just typical womayn behaviour though. Nothing is ever their fault and they are always the victim.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ohh, I'm watching this ATM. Kinda related.

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File: 16db05790ed2127⋯.png (612.04 KB,1280x1280,1:1,052Meowth-Alola.png)




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File: f0022e220af2c3b⋯.png (795.08 KB,777x1087,777:1087,__remilia_scarlet_touhou_d….png)


How can you ride a bike w/o knowing to stay clear of large cars?

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File: 61c6155506d1550⋯.jpg (186.51 KB,1300x2321,1300:2321,61c6155506d1550c593ce9e5ac….jpg)


>Riding a bike

>Giving a fuck about other drivers

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File: 6ef6caccc5ac5f8⋯.png (869.85 KB,1920x1080,16:9,kjoint.png)


The sky is black and white until color was brought on to it. This is similar to life before creativity

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>weaving without caring about cars

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File: 967c2c6bd12357d⋯.jpg (88.12 KB,720x720,1:1,anime_amp_manga_dank_meme_….jpg)

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File: a1cb5024617c404⋯.jpg (112.19 KB,818x1200,409:600,a1cb5024617c404521cb648018….jpg)


I also almost hit a biker cause the fucker didnt give me right of passage :^)

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File: b3bb6e4522d0cb7⋯.jpg (62.09 KB,500x708,125:177,topnep.jpg)

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File: ccf0fdf91ea2d1e⋯.png (246.32 KB,512x512,1:1,ccf0fdf91ea2d1ec6a90141829….png)


Why is Nepu Nepu blonde Desu~?

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File: b15b14074a4bfa0⋯.jpg (62.55 KB,543x950,543:950,DCtHzLgVYAAbTZq.jpg)

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File: cda5c2cb216f640⋯.png (192.52 KB,768x768,1:1,cda5c2cb216f640b6fe8fd8f89….png)

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File: 1465a78671c695b⋯.jpg (14.93 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)


"You know what they say. All toasters, toast toast!" - Mario Mario

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File: d4d5bb2dd6722b1⋯.jpg (26.46 KB,310x420,31:42,d4d5bb2dd6722b12fb5c63759b….jpg)


That's a good wisdom, ty fren :]

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File: e7ee1ad0f23e3c3⋯.jpeg (173.29 KB,1252x1252,1:1,ksmile.jpeg)


>ty fren :]

wonder where you got that from

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File: a83a6e82012edb7⋯.jpg (89.01 KB,1520x1080,38:27,d48e466b84dd8f5a9894cf472e….jpg)


From the wisdom fairy.

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PK used that face first, hence the term, "PK face"

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File: dce26b1319ccbd6⋯.jpg (144.74 KB,753x688,753:688,dce26b1319ccbd670cd799fa08….jpg)


Cx in the chat bois, flail your arms around Cx

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File: 4554129a33f5967⋯.webm (7.98 MB,640x360,16:9,AN A PRESS IS AN A PRESS.webm)

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This sounds autistic AF

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I can't stop watching it though

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File: c3974556995633f⋯.jpg (82.9 KB,607x636,607:636,bc8e2f885474eca7ef0d70e359….jpg)

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File: 63999f0021af803⋯.webm (3.14 MB,258x180,43:30,1477431621531.webm)

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>Stevie Wonder

>Yo, I didn't see shit.

My sides

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File: 63f5773e5d0ddfc⋯.png (18.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,fdff4bc15e59b2a930807b1f0a….png)

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Literally the best part of the whole thing.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wonder how he managed to dial the number if he can't see. 🤔

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File: 82aacd18dd6303c⋯.jpg (26.75 KB,600x338,300:169,knight.jpg)

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File: 18b2f0a915519d4⋯.jpg (127.56 KB,751x1063,751:1063,ehh_you_want_by_armenci_d9….jpg)

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File: d4a728748054927⋯.png (305.55 KB,553x480,553:480,Karen_Kujo.png)

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File: d2e01f203267060⋯.jpg (96.7 KB,640x1136,40:71,d2e01f20326706013776e613dc….jpg)


You feeling alright? You're not making shitty puns/jokes or blog posting :o

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File: 9419f5c8d7cf7c2⋯.jpg (704.93 KB,1062x1500,177:250,__hinanawi_tenshi_and_ryuu….jpg)

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File: cda5c2cb216f640⋯.png (192.52 KB,768x768,1:1,cda5c2cb216f640b6fe8fd8f89….png)

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File: c64dd125e1e8a97⋯.jpg (4.55 MB,4093x2304,4093:2304,54083874_p0.jpg)

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File: 7ebb01fe4754aec⋯.webm (3.99 MB,704x396,16:9,i dont understand.webm)

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File: bbeede8b1fcfcb8⋯.png (311.05 KB,633x740,633:740,bbeede8b1fcfcb8a568f367025….png)


Nice boat~

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File: bed31e66b48d70d⋯.jpg (10.23 KB,200x200,1:1,banana1.jpg)


Normie needs to lurk moar

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File: 8741ef28d5148f7⋯.jpg (71.61 KB,700x741,700:741,02fb1a19da887afd9e6b2e22df….jpg)


Clearly fake - he didn't say "Get rekt" at the end.

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File: 096559e552590e6⋯.mp4 (201.63 KB,540x360,3:2,Slappy Squirrel - Now That….mp4)

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That's a reddit meme at this point, tis why he didn't say it.

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File: 42cd5a8e07710b2⋯.png (279.21 KB,800x450,16:9,banana0.png)


Doesn't the girl get raped in that picture set?

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File: 053fdba3fcacf46⋯.jpg (87.59 KB,500x500,1:1,2.jpg)


Everything is a Reddit meme.

Refusing to do things because they're Reddit memes is a Reddit meme.

Stop being a normie, normie.


There's a set to that image?

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File: 1f631e4de3fddf1⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,1500x2668,375:667,58291935_p0.jpg)



nah, I'm thinking about a different set it seems.

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File: 26c809bd009b6f6⋯.jpg (111.19 KB,854x960,427:480,nonnonsober.jpg)

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File: 451eeb0781b037a⋯.webm (3.97 MB,950x534,475:267,Jews.webm)



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File: 98efc84bb845a13⋯.webm (1.61 MB,300x300,1:1,(「・ω・)「.webm)

Now I'm hungry, brb eating nigger tacos with weed

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File: 84a7c0d871180da⋯.png (157.18 KB,500x522,250:261,plain-as-day-quavo-follow-….png)


There's actually a really long image macro, explaining how even the oldest "memes" were all created by 4chan, trollface and the sort, whereas anything Reddit made was vector traces of already popular images, mostly of celebrities.

People don't really even say "get rekt" on chans that often. It's just a phrase associated with cringe-tier compilation videos. Feminist cringe, MLG shit, and all the "Can't Stump the Trump"/centipede shit straight from r/the_donald.

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File: 8c870c032dc6d25⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,236x333,236:333,2a8fa73b8aa0a86800c11c31e7….jpg)


Yeah, I was just going to say.

Reverse search brings up nothing, besides a deviantart tier story.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


"Get Rekt" has been around since super early competitive gaming.

It is synonymous with "Owned' and "Pwned" and was coined by the same type of people.

So yes, it's super cringy, but it isn't Reddit cringe.

I'm so glad it's fallen out of favour in my games, though.

Most people are generally courteous about playing.

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Last game I played was Kirby Planet Robobot six months back, with a few really short sessions a month ago or so. I don't really play games anymore, or watch anime. Shit requires too much attention and too much time for what is most often a very mediocre experience.

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And last online game I've played was three matches of Overwatch.

Last online game I actually tried to properly get into was LoL because "friends" were into it, five years back.

Only fun online game I've played was Teeworlds, because no voicechat and it's designed for fun rather than whatever the fuck most online games are meant to be now.

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File: cd3d397c1de1670⋯.jpg (277.12 KB,600x800,3:4,9b214b15003e9877ed6688c17d….jpg)


It all comes to personal taste and experience.

Like, I'm playing Monster Hunter Generations because playing with my friends can be really fun.


I healslut, and spam GGEZ whenever I get pulled into Overwatch.

None of my party complains because my heal-slutting is top notch.

Most games these days are supposedly designed for competitive gaming, but…

That's in word only, I don't know either.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)

MonHun is so grindy, though.

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File: f49989654a7d0be⋯.jpg (34.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,pinkstoned.jpg)


is there a botany hunter?

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If that works for you, then certainly.

Me? I was never good at multiplayer in general, especially any sort of teamwork. And I play games to relax, to get away from all the people that despise and mock me, so getting more of that from my "friends" doesn't make me want to improve, but rather makes me not bother at all.

It's why Kirby and Animal Crossing are my favorite series of all time. Animal Crossing is comfy as shit, with the only competition in the game being portrayed in the nicest ways imaginable. And Kirby is really easy, at least at the beginning, so beating it isn't stressful.

Anything multiplayer, to me, is a cause of stress rather than a stress reliever. So it fails the first task of what a game should be for me. Ergo, I don't bother.

Even with Ninty. Splatoon and Arms look nice and all, but they're worthless to me since they're primarily multiplayer-oriented, with Splat having, what, a five hour SP campaign? I ain't dropping 60 bucks on that.

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File: 2680eac063c9344⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB,180x320,9:16,it's just a prank bro.mp4)

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


I mean, I guess in theory you could spend all your time picking herb, but you also need to kill monsters for better equipment to get literally anywhere at all.


Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.

Everyone has different tastes, and enjoys games differently.

I'm the type who'll get really frustrated ad a really difficult, or grindy game, and somehow that stress kind of makes the important stress melt away - it's how I put down the glass, so to speak, I guess.

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I guess it does not matter much either way. I don't really play games much, since most aren't that fun. Making them, on the other hand, is where the real enjoyment comes from.

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File: 88847f2da50af83⋯.webm (11.89 MB,720x540,4:3,lain OP ascii.webm)


Now I want to start up my copy of new leaf again and finish catching all the bugs n shit.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


It is work that, when I was younger, I enjoyed doing never expecting anyone to play.

And then depression hits like a sack of bricks, and suddenly doing things I like is just impossible, and even after it's passed it's just too hard to get back to where I was.

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Gamedev is years upon years of new tasks which distract me from depression, with a constant reward stream of success (me producing good content) which makes me feel better about myself. And again, years. One project is enough to give me three extra years of life.

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File: 1fa9672f4974277⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,586.83 KB,800x1120,5:7,52228542_p0.jpg)

Youmu hijack

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File: 2edc13f4eabf1c3⋯.png (782.52 KB,1412x1628,353:407,__midoriya_izuku_and_todor….png)

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File: 0ac178a2b54f4cf⋯.webm (10.24 MB,500x352,125:88,8bit lain OP.webm)


This a lain thread now bitch.

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File: 8ab3c705803b183⋯.gif (758.57 KB,500x280,25:14,you Request hey animemanga….gif)

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Is this Mouse forgetting his trip again?

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File: 25b6acb15661f4a⋯.png (28.7 KB,496x316,124:79,ClipboardImage.png)

I… I don't get it. What's wrong with the user name WiredPink?

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File: b8a2accfc48bf56⋯.jpg (94.57 KB,724x720,181:180,1467462879150.jpg)


I just didn't bother.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)

My PkMn Showdown name is "GardevoireSwallowsMyStringshot" and my only team is a Gardevoire and 5 Caterpies.

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File: 095ca1e16b838a7⋯.png (4.77 MB,2250x3000,3:4,58863923_p0.png)


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File: 15b332b2959b854⋯.png (3.54 MB,1804x3597,164:327,009.png)


Aha, I see.


Gardevoir is bea, mega released when?

Friendly reminder that the steam summer sales start today

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File: 742e326d95071db⋯.png (205.48 KB,399x453,133:151,742.png)



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File: f720e57a33c4ef5⋯.png (78.52 KB,237x195,79:65,ClipboardImage.png)


For the few "good" games I don't have yet it's a nice opportunity to get them cheap.

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File: 4471f8ea099bef8⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,700x575,28:23,pls no bulli.jpg)

Steam can't handle all the goyms throwing shekkels at them.


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yeah, I am getting an error as well

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File: e3e302107a5b737⋯.png (2.19 MB,2004x2516,501:629,011.png)


Guess we'll have to wait a bit and let the shitstorm calm down first.

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File: d04577af9149ccb⋯.jpg (66.75 KB,550x550,1:1,shitstorm 1324762834984.jpg)



Looks like it.

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File: 165de710d79d4f6⋯.png (124.37 KB,707x269,707:269,he knew.png)


they're not good enough

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File: 2067240c799d1f2⋯.png (772.06 KB,800x1132,200:283,064.png)


Who aren't?

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File: 96876d0a109de29⋯.jpg (647.53 KB,708x1000,177:250,38992676_p0.jpg)


the discounts

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)

The discounts are the best either half-way through, or on the last day.

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File: 9f15fbfbfa96c10⋯.png (873.79 KB,1080x1528,135:191,022.png)


They rarely are on the first day.

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Basically this

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)

Steam just recommended me a furfag game because I play a lot of visual novels.

Time to kill myself.

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File: 6d98cc01f89acf4⋯.png (5.55 MB,3450x2146,1725:1073,032.png)


Some would say that time came a long time ago.

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Wow rude. Unexpected from you too.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


24 years and 361 days and 3 minutes ago, in fact.

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File: 69d352a5c9b4e84⋯.jpg (412.84 KB,800x1131,800:1131,5d9741480529bcde4afc7b3908….jpg)


I don't have anything against people who are into that - some of my better friends are - but it is nothing I hold any interest in.

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File: 4e5947de9e1813e⋯.png (102.21 KB,900x950,18:19,4e5947de9e1813ee4559fcda80….png)


If its well drawn fur I'll fap to it. Most of the fur artists are terrible though.

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File: eba26c9c7ca72e1⋯.gif (1004.91 KB,245x245,1:1,1413505757487.gif)


but a lot of good

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


There's been, like, one fur character I've found attractive, and it was in an aesthetic sense, not a sexual sense.

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File: 0e7c14891084bc7⋯.png (5.61 KB,334x195,334:195,ClipboardImage.png)


My fur folder is relatively small.

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File: 01151c4476fa8f4⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,6.91 MB,1127x1080,1127:1080,01151c4476fa8f4d08fe1a4c07….gif)



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File: b9790a136db085d⋯.png (644.82 KB,766x1016,383:508,58304900_p0.png)


It's at 25%. They'd need 75%. Fuck that, the 5-finger version is just as good.

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File: 05b4c8d94c289a8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,32.84 KB,650x800,13:16,05b4c8d94c289a8036b1925749….png)


why does the yoshi have lazer eye glasses from x-men?


I have no idea what any of this means

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File: f537e055b3052f7⋯.swf (304.12 KB,4f80db34c8c22d9365576ed82e….swf)

I just found this master piece on my harddrive :o

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File: 32f02a2f60893f6⋯.png (3.42 MB,2217x3213,739:1071,63515003_p0.png)


The discount would have to be 75% for me to consider switch my 5-finger discounted version, that is, acquired for free.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Henry get the fuck out.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck why'd I have to remember this fucking game, man.

Case 3-4 is one of two times that I've ever cried over a video game. It was story telling perfection, through and through.

Ace Attorney will never be as good. Even if Gyakuten Kenji 2 had much better case structure, being the only entry where every case was related, and doing that damn well too, this one case, the buildup to it from case 1 and the fallout during case 5 is fucking bookend beautiful.

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File: 678277d3e2eb3a1⋯.jpg (42.03 KB,480x720,2:3,shake_dat_ass_white.jpg)


Ok, just wait for a lower discount.


Fugg, that is my jam.


So I should put it on my list of games I should play before I kill myself?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'd suggest playing all three of them in order.

Ace Attorney, then Justice for All, then Trials and Tribulations, that's the original trilogy.

Then there's Apollo Justice, taking place seven years later, but it's considered the fourth game in the series. Then Dual Destinies, which was okay. And Spirit of Justice now.

There's also Ace Attorney Investigations, a spin-off which was pretty okay, and Gyakuten Kenji 2, a sequel to that which was really damn good. GK2's japan-only though, so you gotta play the fan translation.

And then there's that other one. The japan-only one with no translation, no localization, and a future sequel which will also never be localized.

Really, the whole series is good, even the "bad" ones. It's kinda like Kirby in that regard.

I'd say give it a shot, certainly. The original trilogy are fucking classics. Emulate easily too since they're on DS.

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File: f516e2c524afe6a⋯.jpg (122.74 KB,800x532,200:133,happy_birthday_rin_ren_kag….jpg)


Wow, sounds cool. I'll keep it in mind next time I want to play a geimu. Thanks anon~

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File: b620c05f2d64f47⋯.jpg (293.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,93ed9fa811abc8020eabdc9088….jpg)


Don't mention it, mate.

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Desire Sensor

The Desire Sensor is a popular term among fans in the Monster Hunter series. It is the case where a player focuses on obtaining a material, but after quests, obtains any materials except that one material the player wants. Fans therefore have speculated the existence of a "desire sensor" that alters the probability of drops so the material that the player needs is never dropped, regardless of its rarity.

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File: cea9b185d1f83b0⋯.webm (6.32 MB,640x360,16:9,Trance - Mighty Disco Kin….webm)


I know this feel ;c

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


>900 of a 0.01% droprate item

>Because I spent 900 runs trying to farm a 75% droprate item

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File: 6860e86ec7d12af⋯.jpg (240.64 KB,800x445,160:89,tkh.jpg)

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File: c27c73af0766d06⋯.jpg (572.39 KB,1488x1044,124:87,IMG_0019.jpg)

Am I retarded or is discord kill?

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File: a9c92f9c8f2edfa⋯.jpg (745.05 KB,1044x1488,87:124,IMG_0020.jpg)


I remember quitting cause I couldn't get a carpenter bug or something kek.


Typical kikes.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


Probably the first, but discord does, in fact, seem to be down.

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File: b9ee3b74b38c300⋯.jpg (633.16 KB,1048x1489,1048:1489,IMG_0021.jpg)


Fugg, how am I supposed to communicate with qts now?

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File: 8d77cad4ddbd049⋯.jpg (226.55 KB,1740x803,1740:803,110.jpg)

I can't talk to anyone, in any server. Except I can PM Mouse…

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File: e76f4fa873656e1⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1831x1812,1831:1812,111.jpg)

Oh nvm, it seems to be working fine again.

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File: cd78ad785198885⋯.png (12.66 KB,729x499,729:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)

I've almost gotten every weapon of my type in my tier.

Then I'm going to have to decide on an armor, and I think I like the look of the Hermitaur armor, even though it's worthless to me, outside of sheer defense value.

>Because it gives Guard +

>and I main a noGuard weapon

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I loved that armour that looked like a pink panda, to bad it's so low tier.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


The armor I'd like to keep all game is super not good, but it's just so not gaudy or ugly.

Why doesn't every game have armor skinning?

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>Why doesn't every game have armor skinning?

ikr. I want to fashionscape while at the same time p0wn noobs.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


I recently began keeping my newbie gear in games so I can mess with people like you.

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)

I remember back when I played BnS, I got into a fight with a couple of arseholes on the other faction, because they were preying on new players.

I nearly 100/0'd a 2 on 1 versus my hard counter, using a trainer weapon, the absolute weakest thing I could possibly equip, and nearly a full second of lag.

I still have yet to figure out if I'm good, or they were really just that bad, but they fed my achievements so I wasn't complaining.

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Sorry, a trainer weapon, and no soulshields.

I was literally in the weakest state I could possibly be.

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File: 92a06332db2aeb9⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1600x1143,1600:1143,61548438_p0.jpg)

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File: 09ded44deddac77⋯.jpg (348.83 KB,1838x836,919:418,209.jpg)

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File: 4464ae7b45a76b2⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB,1378x2039,1378:2039,54840119_p0.png)

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File: 3926c1b6b01e685⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1872x1838,936:919,210.jpg)


Nice boat~

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File: 95639ac64f2d456⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,656.11 KB,1280x960,4:3,59487970_p0.jpg)

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File: 9693fdf0b9f2bab⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,1872x1838,936:919,211.jpg)

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File: ec29e99d5f38db5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,665.4 KB,3070x2238,1535:1119,__shigure_and_yuudachi_kan….jpg)


check 'em

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File: 5a082a4bcc57ddc⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1872x1838,936:919,212.jpg)

>>42000 (checked)

Those boats made me kek.

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File: 0b908d9fdd5b8c1⋯.jpg (397.89 KB,1751x2177,1751:2177,__taiyou_and_yuudachi_kant….jpg)

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File: 21dda2b7642f747⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,1872x1838,936:919,213.jpg)


I chuckled, silly boats and planes.

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File: 40e00ef8abd8183⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1872x1838,936:919,214.jpg)

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File: 6dc1076a1cacf0b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,560.06 KB,708x1000,177:250,__kazami_yuuka_touhou_draw….jpg)

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How's it going fellas

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File: 0b877fa5ffdfe78⋯.gif (982.3 KB,320x287,320:287,1429411059588.gif)


I hate naruto, but the mother son porn is nice

how was your day?

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File: 07ab459132ac04d⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1868x1840,467:460,510.jpg)


That's some big ass milk machines right there.


Good, got to drive on the main road right away with my first lesson :o

Also just watched some more metalocalypse with bea.

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File: 19b2c11253f0154⋯.jpg (391.94 KB,600x480,5:4,__kazami_yuuka_touhou_draw….jpg)

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File: 95a0e246d4b32b9⋯.png (52.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,342029-watashi-ga-motenai-….png)


Yeah I hate that show with a passion, does it actually have solid incest stuff?

Could be better, only halfway over so far but I'm playing GTA. Thanks for asking!


Sounds scary! I'd be really worried about that, how did it go?

Noice noice, are you a full blown klokateer yet?

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File: d7e167127875242⋯.jpg (160.68 KB,780x1040,3:4,48f47083e234655c11f990f0a9….jpg)


I like mother and son stuff

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File: 00077aba6e64fbc⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1868x1840,467:460,511.jpg)


Actually cruising around in 3rd gear is decently chill. except when a truck is 30CM behind you and a really slow bus in front of you D:

Also TIL cars go like 10km/h without hitting the gas pedal :o

Is that what metalocalypse/dethklok fans call themselves? I guess so, I greatly enjoy the show.

btw, How's life? Still enjoying the company of Emi?

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The concept is kind of unappealing to me, but shota with an older lady is good to me.


Was it really not that bad?? Oh jeez sounds uncomfortable aha, did anyone honk viscously at you?

Yeah it's that and like all the dudes in executioner masks that work for them are klokateers. That's good! Awesome story, really funny, and excellent music!

Oh I'm loving it man, every moment with them is a reminder that I shouldn't feel down, they brighten my world up!


Sorry I get distracted easy.

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File: 04611ced86022c1⋯.png (927.48 KB,1350x735,90:49,04611ced86022c17a3836fef66….png)


/ss/ is good as well

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File: 742e326d95071db⋯.png (205.48 KB,399x453,133:151,742.png)


>race mixing

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File: 33842b29bf01c10⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1868x1840,467:460,512.jpg)


I got a few angry faces cause I'm bad at breaking :^) but really that's their fault for staying so close behind a learning driver tbh.

B-but the klokateers die a lot, I don't want to die a lot ;c

Cool Cool, I'm going to have some fun with bea this weekend, cause I'm all alone ;)

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File: 46d883643245150⋯.jpg (176.78 KB,1280x639,1280:639,1483120154688.jpg)


it is okay it if is the girl that is a nigger, and 10ft tall, and is a monster girl

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File: 33455cc4ba1e16c⋯.jpg (13.46 KB,259x206,259:206,1480452077684.jpg)

I'm sleepy, Good Night /tripfriend/ I'll speak to ya tomorrow ^^

Good Night,

Sleep Tight,

Sweet Dreams~

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File: adc782320315f0f⋯.gif (668.4 KB,480x270,16:9,9575a98edc761460e4db929af3….gif)



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Nice hahah, bet they weren't too happy about that at all.

Sure do, they die aaalll the time.

Exiting stuff sounds lewd!




Not quite sure what that is, I've never checked the board out somehow.

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File: 57931542bbe0d04⋯.jpg (155.57 KB,900x1029,300:343,1482536184688.jpg)


board is dead probably

talking about the fetish

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File: eb876de0f029c4f⋯.gif (1.03 MB,480x270,16:9,1411279070012.gif)


Mother/son /ss/ incest is a meh fetish.

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That's unfortunate

Ohhh I see, I see. Are you pretty big into it?

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File: 490a1645f4ea401⋯.jpg (140.19 KB,850x1079,850:1079,1482535561054.jpg)


you're into traps, you have no more to talk


you could say that

it falls in line a few other fetishes of mine

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room to talk*

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File: 099d1ddd3aeb948⋯.png (553.15 KB,958x764,479:382,099d1ddd3aeb9487ba80092db6….png)

good night

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Neato man, that's pretty cool!

Gnite dude.

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File: 9e5e50ce708e8c4⋯.jpg (82.89 KB,1680x1050,8:5,maxresdefault (5).jpg)

Anyone lurking?

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Sorry man

How's it going?

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File: bfa240232231756⋯.jpg (82.33 KB,590x800,59:80,kareneko.jpg)


I just got back. Turns out work is not paying me until the 4th of July, which is absolute fuckery. But Im going in with the mindset that it will be a bigger check and a longer amount of time between tripping. That way Im ensured to get my phone service, pay off some other shit, buy some smoke/syrup and have a good amount of money pocketed.

Im guessing I came in at the worst possible time, pay wise. Meaning I came in on a pay period, but wont be paid for it at the same time as the others, and have to wait a total of 3 weeks for any money. Very unfortunate, but I can deal with it

Aside from that, I had a very great day at work. Im really getting in to the swing of things and Im confident in myself. It feels like a real teamwork environment, opposed to the other jobs in which I felt very isolated. The GM also complimented me in saying I have a really good work ethic. So that made me feel great about myself

The work is so easy too. They dont hound you for not performing to unrealistic standards. They can tell who is working hard and who isn't. And thats a very under-rated thing within workplaces

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That's unfortunate and pretty weird, why are they deciding to wait that long? Yeah should be an awesome check man, how much DXM are you gonna buy?

Ohhh that would make more sense, do you get paid biweekly then?

Nice good feeling to have I'd imagine, did it seem like your coworkers appreciate it? Fun thing to be able to feel like you can do your work successfully, takes off a lot of the stress. Wicked, are they a nice manager?

What kind of work are you doing while you're there? I try and keep to my own standards while working but often I'm excessively meticulous.

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File: 5b7345609a62e9f⋯.jpg (56.87 KB,640x360,16:9,5b7345609a62e9f412abec76d9….jpg)


>how much DXM are you gonna buy?

I only ever buy a maximum of 2 4oz'rs at a time. I plan to buy 708mg in total, which is two 4 oz'rs. Im gonna have one Hell of a trip. Im gonna smoke weed on the come-up and I bet I will launch


>paid biweekly

yes. I love and hate that. Seeing as I plan to actually save my money now, its good


>did it seem like your coworkers appreciate it?

Yes. I have overheard being called, "hard worker" by the dude training me. My friend that got me in, whom is the hiring manager, informed me that people like me. I really click with everyone there. Except one cunt, but I have only worked with them once and its not bad enough to ruin work.

Yeah the GM is cool af. You know how in most places the managers will circle jerk in the office as the "drones" handle all the work? Its not like that there. Once orders start to pile up, the GM puts some gloves on and gets to work alongside you. Really respectable guy. He sets a great example so that everyone else co-ordinates a more efficient team effort

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File: c5b07a5ed867d5f⋯.jpg (125.09 KB,1200x675,16:9,DC-dj5TVYAA6ArY.jpg)

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Dude I'm super duper sorry!!!

I looked through my old ds/psp games box and got really into Valhalla Knights 2

Why don't you ever buy more than that?

Amazon sells packs of them really cheap I'm pretty sure. Yeah you'll blast into space man.

That way you're kind of forced to moderate your spending?

That's wicked man, getting complimented on your hard work is pretty gratifying. Neato think you'll make some friends in your work place then?

Oh jeez why are they a cunt?

Huh, amazing, a guy who instead of just transferring the workload onto others, takes the job seriously enough to actually put himself to work and make sure things are running smoothly. Impressive.

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File: 049590a4537ded4⋯.png (1.1 MB,1536x864,16:9,kjoint.png)


>Why don't you ever buy more than that?

Because there's not much of a reason for me to buy in bulk. 708mg is also a very calculated dose. Its a 3rd plateau for my weight. Which is easily my favorite plateau to trip at. Its also only like $12 altogether and the syrup I get isnt even that gross. Its not wonderful, but its not at all hard to get down

Im more tempted to spend when I get money more often. Cause I will feel as if Im not making as much, when in reality I am. Its really stupid and I understand there's little to no difference, but it feels that way. Grabbing a bi-weekly check of $5-600 ballpark motivates me to save more so than getting a $2-300 check weekly. You understand what I mean?

Yeah the community there is great its unreal

She basically tried to tell me that everything I was doing was wrong, despite it wasnt, because its not her method. Which is fucking retarded. If it gets the job done right, why cant I use the method Im good with? Even the GM tells people to use the method they are comfortable with

Yeah. Most managers I have worked with are the way I described. Fucking sitting in the office on their phone and expect me to do all the work… and they get paid more? You can go fuck yourself dickweed!

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File: ed8c11533d567ca⋯.jpg (124.56 KB,680x777,680:777,1445225538635.jpg)



oh and I really detest cough gels. You've told me about buying cough gels online before. Its highly ironic cause the consensus within the dexxhead community is gels > syrup. But I am the total opposite.

Gels generally make me puke. But I have drank like 12 oz of syrup with guaf before and dont puke. Syrup is also much faster and you trip harder as a result.

If I really want to order shit online, I'd just buy pure powder from China. They sell you the shit for like $3 a gram or smth. Problem is that I dont want my mail being intercepted by my mom or something. That would suck

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Fair enough but still I think it only costs around 10-12 bucks for 6 bottles if I remember right. Then again they are gel caps that'll make you shit your pants.

Yeah I get that completely, you want to spend more because it's not a whole lot to begin with so just chipping off of it won't be that bad.

I'm a huge kike with cash though, like I don't buy a game unless I know I can get at least 100+ hours into as a minimum.

Sounds pretty rude of her, what specifically were you doing that irritated her? Regardless she's a cunt if she's that rude, considering how little you've worked and how you've still got room to improve.

Silly way to do things in my opinion, sitting on your ass and getting paid more. Most likely will end up with your employees resenting you.

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I just prefer gel caps due to the price aha I'm a super like.

I think caps have worse stuff in them honestly, so like you said it'll result in puking.

Huh is it that cheap? Also is that legal?

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Fuck I'm drunk hahaha

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File: 9d7eefb5fbb45af⋯.png (470.22 KB,850x800,17:16,yummy_knickers_by_rickz0r-….png)


She wasnt rude about it per se, she was just annoying as fuck. Basically she made me do this bullshit way of checking the meat to see if its done.

Like lifting with the spatula and using your hand to lift it and check it. Wastes so much fucking time.

My method, that works, is to flip it (if its a no cheese burger) and it takes a good 5 seconds less that way. If it is cheese, I just let the shit get really melty. That is a good indication. But around her, you have to do the autist method or she bitches at you

>sitting on your ass and getting paid more

yeah fuck that. It leads to an outright disintegration of the community. Because it sets a bad example and others start to slack. Then someone trying to make money is piled on with all the work. They either quit, snap, or suffer. Really shitty of the guy in charge to do, dont you think


I cant fucking stand gels. Its because they contain sorbitol, and high amounts of that makes you puke/shit almost guaranteed. Also the feeling of all the pills sitting in your stomach is god awful. I prefer syrup because its much easier to take down, processes faster, there's less body load, and I dont puke off it.

People really over-exaggerate the taste. Just plug your nose, hyperventilate a little, chug, then while still holding your nose; wash down with a chaser. Its really not that hard to understand…

Syrup is pretty rough on your kidneys because of glucose overload. The syrup DXM is contained in is said to be more harmful than DXM itself. (unless, of course, you abuse the holy living fuck out of it. In which case its still not even permanent damage mentally wise) Its also said that syrup from DXM is akin to soda. Its alright in moderation, but overdo it and some problems will arise. This is not to say that DXM is 100% safe, as that is an oxymoron. Just that its not as dangerous/harmful as people let on

Yeah idk why, but China will sell you about $3 a gram of pure DXM powder online. Its completely legal, for, "research purposes" iirc. Meaning you can just bullshit them saying you will conduct experiments. Just not the nature of the experiments

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well permanent damage can happen, but it happens in under 1% of chronic abusers. Meaning people that trip daily for weeks on end

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I.m reeeeealy fucking drunk right now just give me a little bit to respond sory

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File: d1f7d02ab2e84b1⋯.jpg (5.54 MB,2480x3507,2480:3507,__z1_leberecht_maass_kanta….jpg)

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File: 431b96299330d7a⋯.png (208.64 KB,670x950,67:95,__shoebill_kemono_friends_….png)

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File: 342c5ad2597f8ae⋯.png (842.49 KB,1600x1081,1600:1081,63052668_p0.png)

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File: c2881f4887807d8⋯.jpg (488.1 KB,716x1011,716:1011,__shoebill_kemono_friends_….jpg)

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File: df84d2749521b8c⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1868x1840,467:460,513.jpg)

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File: 9659e9f1d2d07dd⋯.png (459.28 KB,1188x998,594:499,9659e9f1d2d07dd97cf0253c1e….png)

They say: "Don't put your dick in crazy", but what about getting dicked by crazy? 🤔

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File: 47f32ccdefcba82⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,642x720,107:120,1.mp4)

it's time

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File: 167342ac0b2f63b⋯.webm (5.27 MB,352x480,11:15,dancing neko meido.webm)

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File: 7517fff695bcc7f⋯.webm (1.56 MB,854x480,427:240,audioidgf.webm)

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File: 029ffb1ef911c43⋯.webm (3 MB,1270x720,127:72,1.webm)


great times

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File: ff88086ddee8c39⋯.jpg (16.83 KB,188x343,188:343,2d6cb45f89ff10e570254a5ff8….jpg)

Gay is not okay

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File: 319df193c693c20⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB,480x360,4:3,Luviia._-_Swinging_Along.mp4)




I'm gay UUUU

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File: af028dd0a441d23⋯.gif (448.22 KB,425x425,1:1,af028dd0a441d23fa210f3e737….gif)



Ergo, you should kill yourself.

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File: f27c3e14c4decf6⋯.jpg (235.81 KB,1500x843,500:281,__kazami_yuuka_touhou_draw….jpg)

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File: 9b2cb8873fd9bc0⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1868x1840,467:460,514.jpg)

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File: 3199c97fd0df21e⋯.png (642.02 KB,1000x814,500:407,__konpaku_youmu_touhou_dra….png)

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File: 85bee04a2e38f6f⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1280x2820,64:141,GNCA-0210_06.jpg)


How are you doing anon~?

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File: da7d448438bc6d6⋯.jpg (175.02 KB,768x768,1:1,57174887_p0.jpg)

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File: c27c73af0766d06⋯.jpg (572.39 KB,1488x1044,124:87,IMG_0019.jpg)


Hmm, don't feel like talking?

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File: 4d848b832157129⋯.png (1.34 MB,860x1214,430:607,__original_drawn_by_7_calp….png)

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File: a9c92f9c8f2edfa⋯.jpg (745.05 KB,1044x1488,87:124,IMG_0020.jpg)


Any I gtg for a bit, get some foods at the grocery store.

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File: 9de5bcf7edd2107⋯.jpg (47.95 KB,800x566,400:283,__ryuujou_and_taihou_kanta….jpg)

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File: efd2d95ab2af798⋯.webm (128.11 KB,494x360,247:180,voices.webm)


That's how I imagine Poppy dance. Except for the revealing clothes.

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File: b9ee3b74b38c300⋯.jpg (633.16 KB,1048x1489,1048:1489,IMG_0021.jpg)

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File: 9525c956535fec8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,323.35 KB,800x609,800:609,59930195_p0.jpg)

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File: 55f8400a0a67363⋯.png (1.52 MB,1414x1131,1414:1131,Konachan.com - 226236 anth….png)


Poki are yummy~

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File: 4e6c125b0ca3994⋯.png (1.11 MB,812x1166,406:583,55901484_p0.png)

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File: a118ce1a79cb58d⋯.png (1.9 MB,1496x1144,17:13,Konachan.com - 230568 2gir….png)

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File: 3efcf9f6246bb5a⋯.png (1.2 MB,1000x1412,250:353,57086847_p0.png)

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File: 7aacfbba1cccc79⋯.jpg (341.47 KB,1920x1080,16:9,QP_Shooting_-_Dangerous!!_….jpg)


I go though my new images so fast with you D:

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File: 575c66ea9baff78⋯.jpg (379.02 KB,605x1500,121:300,58251261_p0.jpg)

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File: 4471f8ea099bef8⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,700x575,28:23,pls no bulli.jpg)

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File: e141b0494f84821⋯.png (2 MB,1523x2192,1523:2192,62496151_p0.png)

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File: 2e9570bacb39747⋯.jpg (922.96 KB,2452x2390,1226:1195,saber_fate_grand_order_fat….jpg)


Why is the cute boat looking so evil and menacing D:

N-no bulli plz.

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File: 65fe389d8cba059⋯.jpg (462.97 KB,715x1000,143:200,38454589_p0.jpg)

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File: 9d3dccec6ef25fb⋯.jpg (235.86 KB,1044x1187,1044:1187,47546660_p0_wwwww.jpg)

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File: 8f0f427039467f3⋯.jpg (126.09 KB,1053x744,351:248,57973144_p0.jpg)

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File: 53886030f838775⋯.jpg (380.46 KB,1500x2097,500:699,29501686.jpg)

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File: aec942faef440ff⋯.jpg (7.88 MB,6520x3476,1630:869,58932148_p0.jpg)

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File: 4a7cfb49abf0c99⋯.jpg (1021.12 KB,1000x1384,125:173,010(3).jpg)


Mouse doesn't like it when you post Shoebill, RJ or Z1

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File: 2249782b81fd0b7⋯.jpg (312.9 KB,827x1169,827:1169,61329519_p0.jpg)

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File: ee9c99d07c47e95⋯.jpg (32.13 KB,184x220,46:55,duck 01.jpg)


Hey Holo anon. Would you mind not posting those avatar pics of RJ?

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File: 5e99a074b081dcf⋯.jpg (75.32 KB,650x919,650:919,__non_human_admiral_and_ry….jpg)

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File: ecdebe5acc3fdfd⋯.jpg (806.32 KB,1000x1384,125:173,009.jpg)


Hahaha, bully. I don't mind. I like birbs and boats~

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File: 3aa14e39b646e16⋯.jpg (794.9 KB,1122x1765,1122:1765,51609359_p3.jpg)

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File: f3537212d4ced20⋯.jpg (37.35 KB,640x864,20:27,f3537212d4ced200aadef2bee3….jpg)

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File: 69553516587eac8⋯.jpg (721.41 KB,1292x4096,323:1024,__original_drawn_by_bkub__….jpg)

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File: 6af33a2b519eff2⋯.jpg (6.68 MB,3035x5173,3035:5173,015(2).jpg)


I have no idea what the cat is saying but, are you giving me a thumbs down D:

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File: 8d5dc5e158410a2⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,8000x5000,8:5,63407102_p0.jpg)

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File: 62658c4c92b7deb⋯.jpg (196.61 KB,600x847,600:847,0_1.jpg)


Gtg now, take a shower and do some other stuff. It was fun sharing nice pics and (you)s though~

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File: e21fde09cc12547⋯.png (934.5 KB,1500x1798,750:899,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: edadf0fd6aeff96⋯.png (929.82 KB,900x1400,9:14,58153838_p0.png)

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File: f4bd5504c2bcafe⋯.jpg (179.13 KB,1844x1203,1844:1203,f4bd5504c2bcafe9c1eec5aee4….jpg)

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File: cb159beb3ef7a98⋯.png (364.77 KB,500x706,250:353,__saber_of_red_fate_apocry….png)

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File: cc6b59c44053643⋯.png (530.31 KB,826x1003,14:17,1.png)




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File: ed36ff730976f6a⋯.png (1.79 MB,800x1365,160:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 200dc6fbf10f4f9⋯.jpg (265.7 KB,888x1243,888:1243,shoebill_kemono_friends_dr….jpg)


Hello totally not Poppy Anon~

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File: 672f6f58e18f6fc⋯.png (252.97 KB,704x544,22:17,tumblr_oqpwooL5QG1wqgzhqo1….png)


Hi to you too, dipshit.

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File: e9a220e35696f95⋯.gif (769.26 KB,250x195,50:39,eJwNyEEOhCAMAMC_8ABaFEH9zI….gif)




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File: 818842a3428cc69⋯.jpg (168.26 KB,900x583,900:583,4d6f14f8702d784654a165fff6….jpg)


Curious story. Guy at /agdg/ posts his tumblr blog to show off his art skills. I check in, find this and save it.

I despise it, but it's frankly better than reddit. It's entirely possible to go on tumblr, follow art and porn blogs and live entirely idpol-free. Can't do that on Reddit.

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File: d200521e82f987b⋯.jpg (53.75 KB,426x599,426:599,1.jpg)


haro~, hawayu?

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File: f1939208250610b⋯.jpg (28.47 KB,449x600,449:600,f1939208250610bfd74d408e9f….jpg)


I'm good, just ordered bea some food cause he was starving. you?

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Oh I also came one step closer to being completely smooth today, removed tummy fuzz and shaved upper legs.

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How are you guys doing

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Smooth thighs are a top tier sensation.

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Up to anything entertaining?


For you, or your partner?

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I'm loving it, I'm sure he'd love running his hand up those smooth legs as well.

How's you btw?

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File: 3a6c1a39f180b7d⋯.jpg (156.5 KB,1369x1183,1369:1183,13b.jpg)

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File: 27b209c2a75aae4⋯.gif (662 KB,500x281,500:281,27b209c2a75aae4529cd6ba3ad….gif)


What ya looking at fag boie?

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File: a82191643e2b509⋯.jpg (34.16 KB,516x516,1:1,51f3c93f4b0deac722d23cd59e….jpg)


Put the rolls in the oven.

A bit of music work now.

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File: e359fadb139af4c⋯.jpg (76.68 KB,1920x1080,16:9,maxresdefault (3).jpg)



It's a comfortable feeling then?

Lewd dewd

I'm not doing super hot.


Okeydokey then.


Neat, music sounding good so far?

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I'm watching metalolypse with bea while he eats the pizza I ordered him.

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Sounds fun, how far are you guys now?


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File: 768252106d4a5e7⋯.png (993.75 KB,1413x822,471:274,ClipboardImage.png)


16 inch pizza, so he could eat from it multiple days~

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>Neat, music sounding good so far?


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File: 7f14210955d7165⋯.jpg (476.25 KB,670x1316,335:658,865755043fd03fbf9784503d88….jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 35b14af52b44a94⋯.webm (1.19 MB,560x560,1:1,__christophe_giacometti_e….webm)

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File: 3a5755112573c37⋯.gif (769.63 KB,499x281,499:281,3a5755112573c3776dead0a493….gif)


That's adorable :3

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File: 1c9165e40686f6c⋯.jpg (117.81 KB,404x480,101:120,25889.jpg)

Niggers are a curious bunch.

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File: 2612d39aae5e7d6⋯.gif (1.26 MB,275x319,25:29,2612d39aae5e7d60f6586ecd4b….gif)


not really

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File: d181a8d64ab3c2e⋯.jpg (73.71 KB,403x600,403:600,1447626830984.jpg)


They are easy to understand.

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File: 5b3bc832d8a67d6⋯.jpg (419.79 KB,1000x1125,8:9,1498076393891.jpg)

so bored

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It's odly quit here today…

I'd offer to play a game with you, but I know you don't like to do vidya with others.

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File: 93352060fe376ff⋯.jpg (158.74 KB,905x1280,181:256,1498076295793.jpg)



it is the weekend as well, wonder where people are

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Partying hard like normalfags? idk.

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File: ee9c99d07c47e95⋯.jpg (32.13 KB,184x220,46:55,duck 01.jpg)


Beep boop, hello.

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File: 82eac79586570d6⋯.jpg (40.65 KB,300x300,1:1,monobeno_sawai_natsuha_gir….jpg)

So I've been informed Pricia looked like this at some point? Hotkidding I know they werent always a gril

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>wasn't always a girl

>he still has his cock and balls


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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


No, that was basically me as a kid.

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File: 3f6d821a3e67f7d⋯.jpg (14.55 KB,214x221,214:221,eedfca2f93c804b16b7639df08….jpg)


Well, blue eyes + brunette is incredibly hot to me. Wired kept insisting thats how you looked as a kid kek

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File: 2aa71fa546a549f⋯.png (628.02 KB,1200x862,600:431,ClipboardImage.png)


Whats I gotta do with its?

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you told me thats how Pricia looked as a kid

Why the fuck do the filenames have an underline now

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cause 8ch is fugged

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File: bbd22f29daacad8⋯.gif (1.49 MB,800x450,16:9,1f553e238eb2d572ed760899df….gif)

It's really late and I'm really tired. Good Night /tripfriend/, may your sleeps be well and your dreams sweet~

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File: b25487be35fde48⋯.png (471.65 KB,800x800,1:1,b181033e9307a23bd4d208d3ff….png)


sorry mouse

I fell asleep

/b/ is unlisted

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File: 1f153d8fc4962ae⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,185x218,185:218,anchovies.jpg)


That's fine, I went to bed like half an hour later myself.

How's your day been Monsterbae?

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File: 778aa752c70c623⋯.png (174.54 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1457204466482.png)


I just got up

how have you been?

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I have been fine I suppose, mhmm. Went for a walk and beer with a friend yesterday, plus took care of some thing at work which I forgot to do on friday (turn the forklift off). That turned out to be a lot more stressful than I thought it would because the warehouse door went funny and I couldn't lock it, but we managed to in the end.

Today, I just woke up, had a coffee and now I am cleaning my room a bit because there's dozens of papers lying on a nasty dusty pile and I've had enough of this shit.

Any plans for today?

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File: b67f8062489925e⋯.jpg (45.05 KB,427x480,427:480,abe4980c.jpg)

fuck this shitty ass board, Im done. Adieu

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File: 3a6c1a39f180b7d⋯.jpg (156.5 KB,1369x1183,1369:1183,13b.jpg)


jk it was just a prank

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File: e966f63fde7dcd3⋯.jpg (34.06 KB,238x218,119:109,atrocious.jpg)


This is what I think of your joke :^)

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nope, just playing fallout NV

got Faster then light for under 2 bucks, so that was nice.

Now that you got all the stressful bits out of the way for your weekend

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Ah, I see.

Hmm, was that on the steam sale, or? I got both Dawn of Wars with all five expansions for like $23 so that's nice too.

Yeah but the weekend is soon to be over, bleh. Oh well.

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File: 9f441ec2f425371⋯.gif (370.16 KB,500x465,100:93,1427775179112-1.gif)


is it good?

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Dawn of War? Yeah it's not bad. The first one is a strategy. The second one is a strategy, though on a considerably smaller scale, there's more tactics involved and units are more precious.

Admitedly, I don't know if I'll be playing much multiplayer so I may as well have stuck with the pirated versions but what the hell.

Brb got to walk the hound now.

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File: 3f3a7d5c3f9a777⋯.jpg (23.27 KB,300x300,1:1,kannamilk.jpg)

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File: 51f79249ba7a337⋯.jpg (421.49 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,1454684308770-1.jpg)

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File: 74915b1d6d31800⋯.gif (939.64 KB,255x241,255:241,1431815763024.gif)


not for sexual

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File: f90d29ecaa24cf8⋯.jpg (37.14 KB,184x224,23:28,anything to do about it.jpg)


Mhm, back.

That cock is too 'uge.


Wouldn't you rather empty her of milk?

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File: 5aa125149b39c33⋯.png (115.63 KB,404x404,1:1,5aa125149b39c33eeb903d9f4b….png)


pretty pic means "I want to fill her with my dick milk"

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File: a322acdce143d90⋯.jpg (24.67 KB,186x225,62:75,be more specific 01.jpg)


Mhmm, alrighty!

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File: f304118db5e8e95⋯.jpg (14.23 KB,253x395,253:395,b044c3ff05b5bc97794d42f978….jpg)


n-not that I would want to

that would be sexing that loli, and that is a no-no

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Oh, sorry.

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File: adc782320315f0f⋯.gif (668.4 KB,480x270,16:9,9575a98edc761460e4db929af3….gif)

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Heh. Who is that loli anyway?

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File: 6ee35c17524d294⋯.jpg (33.59 KB,560x530,56:53,6ee35c17524d2943dd97a091d2….jpg)


kanna kamui

you better not be asking for porn

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File: 8ce866d1a6029c0⋯.jpg (8.92 KB,109x109,1:1,everybody 02.jpg)


Mhmm, no worries, I can find my own porn of her if I really wanted to!

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File: 27c46aff4f122d8⋯.jpg (182.51 KB,645x822,215:274,c2a4c82a1667f6d8f4b6e6a542….jpg)



you better not

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File: 18214499e203f1e⋯.jpg (260.62 KB,1329x1200,443:400,lolibooru_134961_sample.jpg)

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File: 2e61a893db452dc⋯.jpg (21.79 KB,194x227,194:227,i didn't hear it.jpg)


Whatchu gonna do about it?

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File: d29fc4dca97d624⋯.gif (532.36 KB,480x360,4:3,1420585311169.gif)

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File: 5c990ef11e2304f⋯.jpg (37.09 KB,193x230,193:230,i don't recognize that one.jpg)


Hehe, neat!~



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File: 980f34c803673ef⋯.gif (1.11 MB,320x240,4:3,1425346006846-4.gif)

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File: c5e0704837ffd5d⋯.jpg (13.12 KB,187x219,187:219,duck 02.jpg)


Calm down bby, I'm not going to be looking up porns of her!

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File: b42b777d1939ece⋯.gif (331.12 KB,255x144,85:48,1420346654194.gif)


wait a sec

you're in Europe, so it is probably blocked

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File: fb340c9351f71cb⋯.jpg (158.82 KB,1200x883,1200:883,C-V2KvfXkAARs2Z.jpg)

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>what is a VPN

not in europe anymore eh

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Not to my knowledge, no.

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File: aab9973b8ad102b⋯.jpg (23.07 KB,600x444,50:37,stop.jpg)



mouse is also bi, and mostly in traps, seems like a lot of effort for him


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File: 09dbabb72176ca7⋯.jpg (47.33 KB,600x600,1:1,DDJWSOoUIAAHbrl.jpg)


>mouse is also bi

so am I but what difference does it make

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File: 89324b79dc2a37f⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,184x222,92:111,great.jpg)


Stop what?

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File: 4fed20c4eb0994d⋯.mp4 (9.64 MB,480x360,4:3,4fed20c4eb0994dab0a88cce2f….mp4)


if he is bi, and loli is blocked where he is, then he less likely to put in the effort in to get loli, when he can easy find trap porn


wasn't for you, for Madexx

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I guess that makes some sense. But its so easy to circumvent something like that even without a VPN.

>what is discord

>what is a chan board

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Well I can access loli porn normally so there…

>wasn't for you, for Madexx

Oh. You did link me though so I was confused what part was addressed for me.

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File: 053a3e732f3835d⋯.jpg (110.24 KB,1500x1500,1:1,053a3e732f3835ddac6dc31040….jpg)


sure, but finding porn of that loli might be more work

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File: 0344c24ba93f508⋯.gif (795.15 KB,320x192,5:3,1429623102959.gif)

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>I'll wake up when the dog starts borking


>Still no borking

Fugg :-DDD

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File: 50d93592256ce61⋯.png (1.99 MB,848x1200,53:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: b378d4998b67fd1⋯.png (79.71 KB,500x500,1:1,b378d4998b67fd128181bd20c4….png)


Hi Anon~

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File: 2361d40efd6131e⋯.png (856.5 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Has this shithole always been so quiet?

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File: 0551e57ddbb91fe⋯.png (21.68 KB,500x500,1:1,0551e57ddbb91fe826bac29c1b….png)


Not really, I don't think I've ever seen it this slow before. I'm not sure what's causing it.

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File: 7e62f984ec849ec⋯.png (428.55 KB,616x707,88:101,7e62f984ec849ecd522a9295dd….png)


Probably cause I chatted here all the time and encouraged people to post

But now I have a job and my free time is going towards youtube/vidya or anime/yt

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>Wanting to talk with you

Good joke m8 :^)

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File: d5f1ea74f22a22d⋯.gif (94.86 KB,400x225,16:9,49f9b4a313dd1ce1da58cd3709….gif)


I cause controversy

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File: 07b6868f8b6be48⋯.jpg (85.46 KB,540x482,270:241,1492318595245.jpg)

Does anyone else like to open it up and blow it from the outside before they stick it all in their mouth? Thats how I eat pizza rolls

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File: 0cc12d16bd6a71b⋯.gif (332.16 KB,720x405,16:9,0cc12d16bd6a71b6fa68a11931….gif)

If you had a gun with one bullet in a room with Hitler and Justin Beaver who would you shoot? I would shoot myself because they both do wonders for the world

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File: 8fa315583bfcebd⋯.png (53.99 KB,1200x780,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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New anon? Huh? How did you get here?

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I can ask a question?

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I dont think they are new

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File: da179fa14aca27d⋯.gif (1024 KB,339x300,113:100,4da552fc393ab498fd110e6176….gif)

Man, fuck ya'll with a sick dick, semi automatic no click click. We don't feel you like an elephant, gettin' fucked with a tick dick. Little nigga with a thick bitch, and before I fuck this bitch. I gotta put that patch over my third eye slick rick

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>nigger music

>not having babies

Double degenerate.

Though I think you not having kids might be a blessing.

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File: 6f0ad7d3ae2f2f2⋯.jpg (3.23 MB,3485x2460,17:12,6f0ad7d3ae2f2f2d8aadab72a8….jpg)


aha see. this person is not new

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It's someone else.

Probably Emi, hungry for your attention.

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>>42195 wasn't me, faggot. I just got home.

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WHo would want Madexx attention though?

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this is whom Im talking about

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File: fa81a2fc7f1e623⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,720x719,720:719,1458425412084.jpg)

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File: 2f6ac520ba69a44⋯.jpeg (154.82 KB,1252x1252,1:1,5y9peX3Y.jpeg)


And I made your wife suck my Weezy F. babies nigga

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File: a35f58ad2fe990d⋯.png (578.21 KB,1702x2471,1702:2471,a35f58ad2fe990d05fa10c39c5….png)


Funny, cause I don't have a wife.

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little nigguh, you aint done shit, cut off a nigga head and make him suck his own dick

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File: 8f9e152006f88fa⋯.jpg (131.22 KB,1520x1080,38:27,2e7097853fca04260feb63a198….jpg)


Now that is just gross.

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File: eb6ff7e74c359c5⋯.jpg (24.61 KB,720x405,16:9,gbjy93r3.jpg)


we aint even walkin we runnin this shit, like a toilet in the bank i want my money and shit

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File: 3b2c33bbbba9762⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,326x318,163:159,27b79375382d468f935fcaa96d….jpg)


English mofo do you speak it? I can't understand nigger talk.

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File: 2c64f498ac3059e⋯.jpg (116.33 KB,1000x1000,1:1,0c75a09b35c1fe115fdfc44e72….jpg)


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File: 6efdc0dc4484170⋯.jpg (35.8 KB,499x773,499:773,38de185b4e7ac516a1e623401f….jpg)


y u sad bby?

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File: 7da1841c08c6470⋯.jpg (74.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,animecodex-network-kiniro-….jpg)



They can't stop me

Even if they stopped me


I'm on it

Ooh, I'm on it

I'm so on it

And however you want it

You can get it tonight ho

And all night ho

I get the beat from (Maestro)

Fuckin' right ho

I might go

Crazy on these niggas, I don't give a motherfuck

Run up in a nigga house and shoot his grandmother up

What! What! I don't give a motherfuck

Getcha baby kidnapped and ya baby-mother fucked

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File: 488532150e90a99⋯.jpg (204.87 KB,1900x2220,95:111,1a48dd2e69597672651f4b9808….jpg)


i woke up today

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File: 2067240c799d1f2⋯.png (772.06 KB,800x1132,200:283,064.png)


Sorry to hear, but hey tomorrow you'll have an other chance of not waking up ^^

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File: 67af3edeec9e5dd⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,793x1200,793:1200,67af3edeec9e5ddfaf232e1400….jpg)

Also am I retarded or is /b/ unlisted?

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File: 852c2c76d61c0a9⋯.png (2.24 MB,2000x1139,2000:1139,ClipboardImage.png)

Suicide is easy, if you're not a pussy.

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yeah, I guess


nah, it is

I think it has something to do with the spam, or maybe the mods are playing a 'joke' again

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File: 077fb8e0db35e45⋯.jpg (124.27 KB,900x1427,900:1427,077fb8e0db35e456d82803c679….jpg)


Mhmm mhmm, I wouldn't be here if it wasnt for the fact I was such a massive pussy.


Dysomnia is a faggot

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File: 72fe29f1303ba71⋯.jpg (60.05 KB,432x360,6:5,DC422xhXsAAnD_D.jpg)

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File: 8611ff0cb8ff3fd⋯.jpg (29.57 KB,600x785,120:157,1447626121673.jpg)

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File: 69e3669a1117ab5⋯.png (2.88 KB,256x36,64:9,Untitled.png)

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File: a3e44f5fe966401⋯.jpg (77.19 KB,700x478,350:239,1447625622798.jpg)


Who katrina?

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File: 72fe29f1303ba71⋯.jpg (60.05 KB,432x360,6:5,DC422xhXsAAnD_D.jpg)


check the pic again one on the left

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File: 0cd6f61016d31aa⋯.jpg (114.1 KB,510x700,51:70,cuddle 1467896337021.jpg)

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File: 659e6f7dab67e8f⋯.jpg (85.92 KB,683x743,683:743,1447627048426-0.jpg)


Nice repost faggot, down boated.

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You wanna know why the dark type is weak to bug? Cause Africans die to malaria

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File: 7171f81ff29e467⋯.jpg (548.41 KB,1024x1525,1024:1525,1447627019997.jpg)

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File: bfd9c6197312132⋯.png (354.62 KB,589x467,589:467,1498075558851.png)


my mother wants a chair

should I buy her one?

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File: 7a20839c848a985⋯.jpg (316.68 KB,1470x1116,245:186,7a20839c848a985e25a7f35c31….jpg)

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File: 9c43b8ddfc52fb9⋯.jpg (110.42 KB,900x650,18:13,head in lap 1470431621427.jpg)


I don't know. Maybe? What kind, a plain chair, or?

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File: 056e844c8a3ea4a⋯.gif (1.71 MB,640x360,16:9,1447627048426-2.gif)


If we didn't give niggers gib me dads, natural selection would have eradicated them from this earth already.

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like a game chair or something

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Ah, I see. I mean, why not, right?

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File: 4aa3d19a3828d6e⋯.png (1.42 MB,1500x1500,1:1,1496620638689.png)

File: 9cea942ed935c32⋯.png (1.13 MB,1500x1500,1:1,1496621446508.png)


we have bedbugs

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File: d68429627e9b871⋯.gif (311.07 KB,472x472,1:1,forced stroking d68429627e….gif)


Oh, fuck. I haven't heard of those until recently but apparently that sucks real hard :-/

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File: a0c66d50d9acc01⋯.png (1.25 MB,900x1000,9:10,1496664909817.png)


yeah, the people that lived next to us were nasty, and they sent someone to check it out after they moved out, and this dude look around the vents, and they were all over walls and everything.

didn't want to spend the money to move us to another building, or pay for the shit the bedbugs ruined, so now we're stuck with them until we room out of this shithole

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Room out? As in, move to a new flat or what?

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sorry move out*

got to proof read

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File: 2cee031b551aeca⋯.gif (1.22 MB,500x281,500:281,head pats 2cee031b551aecaa….gif)


Is that going to be soon, do you think?

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Can I get a headpat too please?

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File: 189f5b7a4f06e70⋯.png (1.24 MB,1668x1915,1668:1915,189f5b7a4f06e70c4e368b0dc8….png)


don't know

mother is calling them to fix things, so when we do move out they won't be able to make her pay for things, however she has had trouble finding a house



I am am the only one one to get head pats from mouse

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File: 577f72a52041a5c⋯.png (106.27 KB,261x514,261:514,cf859837d357e1a18496e97c29….png)


Wanna fight over it?

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File: b7d88bab9fa5ac3⋯.jpg (60.23 KB,640x480,4:3,1419408791458.jpg)

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File: bc8cb30c1f29f37⋯.jpg (167.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,pat 01.jpg)


I see.

I am sorry, I got distracted with a gaymu x_x

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File: 37b9e48bf5c5f21⋯.png (3.47 MB,2500x2400,25:24,2cbbf83a3e6cd7208949c2df38….png)


it is okay

I have problem

I bought shadow of Mordor GOTY for 4 bucks, even tho I have it for my 360

so how has your day off gone so far?

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File: bd684d9667992d8⋯.jpg (287.13 KB,1261x900,1261:900,HalfSmug Lain oc.jpg)


>paying for games

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File: 330faaf8456722e⋯.gif (985.9 KB,500x281,500:281,hug 1461073447-335af6bf090….gif)


Why did you buy it then? Did you forget?

It was okay but boring, I suppose. At least i cleaned a little bit of my room, that's something. I played Dawn of War with the Ultimate Apocalypse mod and it was pretty fun. Altogether, almost 4300 units died in that battle, 3400 of which were on my enemies' side X3 It was a pretty brutal game. Well, it's close to midnight now, so I am going to make my bed now.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Not suporting good developers and stimulating the economy

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File: 1d50782863fe8aa⋯.gif (2.66 MB,854x480,427:240,1d50782863fe8aa23501c71cb4….gif)


good night mouse


WB aren't good developers


mother doesn't like me stealing things, and she pays for the internet

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File: c3a81972bb0501a⋯.jpg (539.15 KB,643x900,643:900,hug 1471012195088.jpg)

File: 7b7f4334bdbb272⋯.gif (980.11 KB,500x716,125:179,1398149402593.gif)

File: e3a41dde596fa37⋯.gif (1.42 MB,810x608,405:304,1398926710172.gif)

File: 66490165d2381a8⋯.webm (5.36 MB,768x768,1:1,edbfe8f76bd8a79d9c7092a5a….webm)


Good night Monsterbabe. Here's a hug and a bit of lewdness for you.

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File: 3d7e532bc046519⋯.gif (1016.7 KB,480x270,16:9,7f068bcd4ad2ba7eb00fa0cc1d….gif)


fuck off FF, I'm still not installing Pulseaudio


>playing generic action games at all

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File: bb625e50406def5⋯.png (1.61 MB,1950x1800,13:12,5e7c5a5f84e5faaa6e6fa1e84a….png)



it was 4 bucks, and I got the 360 one used

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What's FF and what's Pulse audio? I have no idea what you're talking about

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File: 3fd9e2aca5edbd2⋯.jpg (568.9 KB,1342x972,671:486,61505726_p0.jpg)


Firefox wants Pulse to play audio, not just ALSA. Like hell I'm installing it.

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Huh, interesting. I don't think I've ever been propted to install something like that.

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File: c5b07cb446657ee⋯.jpg (394.5 KB,700x1060,35:53,60877648_p0.jpg)


Looks like FF is only going to get worse. Better bail back to Chromium.

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File: cb40f541d772da7⋯.png (406.39 KB,570x806,285:403,cb40f541d772da75f9de4327c0….png)


Idk man, I've heard chromium still calls home to google. Although I havent been following the browser scene really. I'd imegine there will be some chromium branches out there that don't call home.

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File: 536ab149e05fd08⋯.gif (94.53 KB,600x336,25:14,e46.gif)


I gave up on Final Fantasy ever since 13. 12 was the last good one

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File: 49d89f6ca088103⋯.png (193.39 KB,640x360,16:9,2lddmis.png)


oh you meant firefox. I've never heard of, "pulse audio" and Im just fine without it.

>jewgle chrome

Fuck that shit. It eats more RAM than a fatass at an all you can eat buffet

Pic related is jewgle

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File: 25822f5e33913a4⋯.png (456.85 KB,800x600,4:3,1413324554880.png)

good night

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File: 56de794a0e73ff1⋯.jpg (113.13 KB,850x601,850:601,DDOIXsyVwAEZOyj.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 799473f5dbc0923⋯.jpg (10.75 KB,234x250,117:125,1468141904255-2.jpg)


Chromium is not Google Chrome, retard/.

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File: 098ab8191559242⋯.jpg (138.27 KB,800x1129,800:1129,DDOF6Q7VYAAKzBc.jpg)


Sounds like a cheap trick to me. All they did was change some letters around

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chrome uses Chromium as its base. Both are owned by jewgle though. Well kinda cause chromium is open source. But both phone home and are shit at ram manegement like you said and are filled with backdoors for the NSA.

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File: ca554bfdf42bd23⋯.jpg (107.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,23341wall.jpg)

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File: 0551e57ddbb91fe⋯.png (21.68 KB,500x500,1:1,0551e57ddbb91fe826bac29c1b….png)


Y u lookin so shocked bb?

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File: 09dbabb72176ca7⋯.jpg (47.33 KB,600x600,1:1,DDJWSOoUIAAHbrl.jpg)

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File: 6bd48b791b25606⋯.jpg (76.14 KB,626x885,626:885,C-_XvR6UAAATSu5.jpg)


Did you lose your tongue?

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File: a501274227b320f⋯.png (156.56 KB,340x374,10:11,a501274227b320fb98526a3e8f….png)

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File: eed20a533d3734e⋯.jpg (568.44 KB,2953x1385,2953:1385,eed20a533d3734eb0bd0537ca3….jpg)


What ever faggot, if I want to just post images and share (you)s I'll wait for the Holo-anon to show up.

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I dont feel like typing

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File: 8f5ce1d3b6435e9⋯.jpg (74.82 KB,491x461,491:461,buster.jpg)


Lazy faggot. Eyy u got work today?

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File: ec9faa7dc89f2f9⋯.jpg (345.03 KB,2000x1562,1000:781,55be85424f96eaa2d01fab8f9c….jpg)


no. They have given me like 2-4 days of part time work and then I get like 4 days off its so fucking stupid. I'd rather go in and grind all week and make a ton of money. But once I laze around at the house for a bit, I feel out of the swing of things upon returning. Not overly concerning, but its to be said

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File: 148aeb13eb43584⋯.jpg (556.87 KB,1109x1281,1109:1281,mmplxw8kyq1qmkljdo1.jpg)


That's pretty stupid.

>Lets hire this guy but never give him any work :-DDD

Oh well, on the bright side you'll have plenty of time to create youtube vids.

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I have a feeling they will put me on fulltime when Im done with training

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I hope so, for how many hours is your contract?

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File: 09e4b80e1fc05a5⋯.jpg (29.54 KB,480x343,480:343,CF5rq9eUEAAhFfl.jpg)


I really dont even know. The place is a tad bit unprofessional. But its still a really great place to work. They just need to sort out some of the stupidity, is all. They've only been open for about a year or so, its understandable

I signed up for full time

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File: 74e311bc4b177a1⋯.png (399.16 KB,500x750,2:3,mr8wtd47nF1r7sijxo1.png)


Full time is like 40 hours per week my nigga. I can't stand a full time job tbh, so best of luck too you. Is the pay at least decent, or just min wage?

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<Does new meme arrow work outside of /b/?

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File: 6a5f4a8c497e81b⋯.png (1.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,NDI51ev.png)


I understand what full time is. I'm really strapped for cash though so I need to do it. And I feel like going in and doing more hours is better than splitting it up all over the place. I have a work mode and a lazy home mode. Its better to stay in a work mode for longer than it is to stay in the lazy mode for too long

Pay isnt really that fantastic, but I am making more than the others (barring managers) that have worked there for much longer. So it feels really dirty, but, then again, I think back to all the times life has cheated me. So now Im doing the cheating

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And I also have the mindset that at least Im doing something. Even if I were making $20 a week doing sidejobs, its better than a flat rate of $0

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(((Madexx))) the life cheater :^)

Why do you get paid more though? Is it because your fren got you in :o

Also, embedded related is my new fav thing.

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Yeah my friend is someone I've known for like 7 years or so. Basically a bit of a family friend.

Im not all too worried though. Pay is your own business, so I dont tell anyone.

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(((How do I blue text?)))

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The longest current running friendship I have is only 4 years. I'm bad at maintaining relationships =/


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Well there's only about 2 people I know of that I have good relationships like that, outside of family. And both of them were out of my life for a certain period

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File: 7c6d716f49368e8⋯.gif (380.38 KB,268x176,67:44,lain typing.gif)


You know what bothers me? When people hear something like that and they go like: "Oh aren't you lonely? Don't you want to have more friends?"

No faggots, No I'm not and no I don't want!

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File: f0ad73518525afc⋯.png (735.28 KB,900x1198,450:599,ca95371dcddb40a23d2b4e8058….png)


I understand what you mean. Having a ton of friends is shitty. I prefer having one, maybe two people I can go to for anything. Not 30 people that I sit and discuss the weather with

Hence I didnt say something like that. I understand perfectly well. I am an introvert too

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File: 833d96d78317515⋯.gif (422.76 KB,499x386,499:386,lain spooky crows.gif)


The fucking schooling system tries to punish you for being an introvert though, it's so gay.

>Oy vey goym you all have to be extroverts and have loads of friends so we can brain wash you easier trough group pressure!

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File: 729f1831245ee44⋯.jpg (47.06 KB,443x443,1:1,tumblr_n9e555scpb1qbmptuo1….jpg)


Yeah. I strive to be unique and think for myself. Its a very rare, yet valuable thing. Dont ya think

I used to hate being weird. But now I love it more than anything

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File: 3008ef87bf3eb6e⋯.gif (963.52 KB,336x256,21:16,lain mu uch.gif)


<I strive to be unique and think for myself. Its a very rare, yet valuable thing.

Ha ha, weirdo!

jk, it's great to be me and not "generic hipster looking cunt face".

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I dont care if people call me hipster, weird, etc. It beats the alternative of being the same as everyone else

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


Hipster is the norm these days.

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File: 7c33645a164674d⋯.gif (153.12 KB,500x375,4:3,lain me_ril.gif)


Oh, hi you~

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I dont want to argue the semantics here. I'm not necessarily a hipster by any means. But if I were to be called one, I couldn't give a fuck less

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>a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.



Yeah I am nothing like this. I will wear ripped up clothes in public and not care

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


Hi, me.


Was just sayin'.


Are ripped jeans not "in" anymore?

Y'darn kids and your fashion trends.

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File: 926f4bf4d0a1581⋯.gif (1.99 MB,500x355,100:71,lain comuting.gif)


How's you doing?

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I mean ripped up as in my whole pantleg was blowing in the wind. I loved the pajamas so much that I didnt want to throw them away. Despite falling apart

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not the entire pantleg, but a good portion

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)



Par, I guess.


So you're a sloven?

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More or less, I am a bit. But the reason why I hold on to my clothes so dearly is because I hardly get any

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File: 5c06557b8e3900a⋯.png (141.98 KB,487x515,487:515,2.png)

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File: 6f807ede313a6cc⋯.jpg (198.19 KB,880x680,22:17,9de14a6e3899e7af706cc4a9ff….jpg)


I see.



an average, usual, or normal amount, degree, quality, condition, standard, or the like:

above par; to feel below par.

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File: d8fe1ad459edc36⋯.jpg (13.92 KB,146x225,146:225,hey you.jpg)


Hello Squash.

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File: a0fea6edd095c49⋯.png (104.7 KB,281x408,281:408,14.png)



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Oh so, hmm, never seen the word use in the context of "how you feel?" before :o

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File: c4b6106e74b9631⋯.jpg (25.3 KB,186x221,186:221,anything different.jpg)


House it going my man?

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File: f3efdadb52024da⋯.png (611.58 KB,807x1187,807:1187,16.png)


Not bad. Waiting for the new FF15 DLC.

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I stopped caring for FF after 12. 13 was so stupid to me

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File: f3ea141c56421c5⋯.png (80.85 KB,509x228,509:228,11.png)


15 is pretty good. It got me back into it.

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File: 43180cc189908ea⋯.png (598.28 KB,963x720,107:80,274229acf594e5b562b593dce3….png)


From the little gameplay I saw of it, it looked like an edgy metal band failed to make it big; so they went on a road trip!11!!1!1

Seriously though. Why is an ordinary ass car and ordinary ass people in FF? When the others had much more technological advancement (12) or a med-evil setting? (like 6)

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I see I see. Presumably that's Final Fantasy. 15 is a multiplayer game, is that right?

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File: 691a224809ac524⋯.png (71.98 KB,236x357,236:357,68.png)


They are from the crown city. Missive but more modern in style. Nocts father sent him and his 3 friends away for a trip to go marry his lady to be because he anticipated a failed armistice with the other nation. I could stream a new game for you some time. There is defiantly advanced tech and fantasy in it.


They plan to put multiplayer in sometime.

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I prefer the med-evil ones really. My favorite is 6. And I'd say I liked Chrono Trigger more than any FF. But CT is a bit of a golden standard for jRPG's.

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Oh. Was it FF14 then that was soleley MP?

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I got that one, stupid ass niggers ditched me on launch day and left me all alone in an mmo ;c

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9 is my favorite.

Never played CT.



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File: 7f9245b357db509⋯.gif (291.94 KB,500x245,100:49,giphy.gif)


>Never played CT


Drop whatever it is that you're doing now and play it. I played through it once, didnt even beat the final boss, and it hit my top 10 games of all time list without hesitation

The OST is beautiful and has aged so well. The combat, story, everything is just done so fucking well.

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File: 6146fd4374bf5aa⋯.jpg (21.68 KB,321x325,321:325,IMG_20160615_054005.jpg)


I might get it once I have funds and hook up my SNES.

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>Not beating the final boss and playing new game plus

Casual detected.

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File: 622387bf2d5db09⋯.png (132.13 KB,500x281,500:281,R2nQWO3.png)


I'd imagine its even better on the physical console


Its cause I was playing on the homebrewed Wii and I really got tired of hooking it up and launching it. The Wii is a god damn bitch to use. I also didnt know which path to take to get new game plus. So I got discouraged from trying

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I like the real deal.

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File: 3227337c283a7ba⋯.jpg (86.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,OiBySuJ.jpg)


The Wii forces you to use motion controls to navigate to the menu, so that you can use the GCN controller.

Motion controls are already bad enough, but being forced in to using them to use the GCN controller? the fuck


Oh believe me, Im the same way. I dont know what it is, but consoles have a much better feeling than emulators. I foolishly sold all my GBA pokemans, some DS pokemans, etc to fit in by buying the new ones… damn that was dumb of me. But I can get them again if I so choose

I will never, EVER sell my N64 though. I dont care if Im getting evicted or something and thats my only out. Its not fucking being sold

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Doge time nwo, be back soon.


Huh, I see… What niggers?


Mhmm, alrighty.

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Some dudes I met on WoW, we where gonna play that geimu together so I preordered it and shit and on launch day they where like LOL FAGGOT GO PLAY ALONE WE AINT PLAYING

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File: 77f56251d7ec7bc⋯.png (312.34 KB,582x630,97:105,1465155755060.png)



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ik :^)

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File: 15528affdd74c0d⋯.jpg (148.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,A Fox in Space - S01E01 - ….jpg)


I don't think I could part with my 60+ N64 games.

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(((I bet Mouse can't blue text :^))))

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Oh, I see. Rude.



Idk, seems fairly straightforward?


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Ok, fuck you too Wired.

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(((Mouse))), you fucking newfag.

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File: aa25589cc33caac⋯.jpg (10.37 KB,190x291,190:291,dead bully_c_86749.jpg)

Forever new and proud of it.

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File: 4bcf6d8f1fb4297⋯.jpg (125.55 KB,404x456,101:114,50544476_p6_master1200.jpg)

Guize, I think we need a new thread. I'm however mobile posting and can't be bothered to do so.

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