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File: 0a5791fbff018b4⋯.jpg (85.13 KB,1366x768,683:384,yaoi hole h8JmolG.jpg)

 No.25886 [Last50 Posts]

Starting off discussing homoerotica, lewd.

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File: 2cb14da7b6d5837⋯.jpg (110.15 KB,960x540,16:9,2cb14da7b6d5837ff26ad4b0d2….jpg)


How about no

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File: 557f03cd2bd2580⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,640x604,160:151,557f03cd2bd2580e8f727b176a….jpg)

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File: c5110ec185e049e⋯.jpg (40.72 KB,640x458,320:229,CftpX__VAAAQ6BC.jpg)

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File: 249fa3a483739dc⋯.gif (808.54 KB,454x480,227:240,249fa3a483739dc9e72e6d49eb….gif)


I did 20 crystal weeds injected into my eyeballs once. Shit was mad dope yo!

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File: 249fa3a483739dc⋯.gif (808.54 KB,454x480,227:240,249fa3a483739dc9e72e6d49eb….gif)


I did 20 crystal weeds injected into my eyeballs once. Shit was mad dope yo!

>Flood Detected post discarded

Fuck off codeMonkey

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File: 6d1a4eab30e02b9⋯.jpg (27.37 KB,480x640,3:4,1492018813461.jpg)

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kek noob

Funny thing is that THC is actually crystalline in structure.

"Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, dronabinol by INN), or more precisely its main isomer (−)-trans-Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the principal psychoactive constituent (or cannabinoid) of cannabis. It can be a clear, amber or gold colored glassy solid when cold, which becomes viscous and sticky if warmed."

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File: 3f6d821a3e67f7d⋯.jpg (14.55 KB,214x221,214:221,eedfca2f93c804b16b7639df08….jpg)


>which becomes viscous and sticky if warmed

I'll tell you what else becomes sticky when warmed

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File: 4171459c5a18e5f⋯.gif (657.16 KB,640x360,16:9,uh uh loli.gif)


I have no idea what you are saying so I'll just smile and nod.

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Not cum, cum dissolves.

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I dont understand chem for shit, but I understood the latter. Well, I understand everything apart from isomer, INN and the fucking illuminati triangle


I was getting at genitals

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File: 3879ad3bbe77dd6⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,715x673,715:673,Kagamine Rin (361).jpg)

>he knows the quality of cum when it gets warmed

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Tell me more.

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File: b36b096179cc607⋯.gif (1.29 MB,373x480,373:480,smug neko para.gif)


What happens to you though when you get warm?

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File: 4a6b9be759fb9cd⋯.jpg (930.5 KB,1100x850,22:17,Natural Harvest-00001.jpg)


Gotta know that shit if you want to be a successful chef, mhm!

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File: c62ff62774fd376⋯.jpg (495.94 KB,1158x888,193:148,Kagamine Rin (351).jpg)


Ask Poppet.


That book actually makes me feel sick.

Or maybe it's just the peanut butter.

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File: b7794fcc6160fce⋯.gif (406.05 KB,486x273,162:91,top tier joke.gif)

brb, walking el dogger

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File: 204bf3cc4f94ef3⋯.jpg (134.89 KB,530x680,53:68,Kagamine Rin (345).jpg)


Be safe.

>that picture

Incidentally I just started watching a Pokemon movie.

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That pic is the best line of anything ever made in pokemon

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File: d01e52947de9eb0⋯.jpg (96.11 KB,1000x827,1000:827,__darjeeling_and_nishizumi….jpg)


Be safe, Wired.

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>Ask Poppet.


Oh, sorry. It's full of terrible puns, Madexx would love it I am sure.


See you later o:

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File: a95c3957543428a⋯.jpg (35.48 KB,750x750,1:1,Kagamine Rin (358).jpg)

I was going to make a comment but it might be very misleading, so I won't.


I wasn't super serial, you don't have to be sorry.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Embedded related is way better.

Best 4th wall break ever.

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Aha, alrighty, whew. Also, you lost your trip and flag.


>not sure if cute or lewd

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File: 9a032ec610744bd⋯.jpg (512.42 KB,741x1081,741:1081,Kagamine Rin (326).jpg)


What a coincidence.

That's the movie I'm watching, lol.

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File: 81f1718ef99e0f2⋯.png (365.77 KB,672x706,336:353,81f1718ef99e0f2d35531dda6f….png)


sounds nice


what was it, anon



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Best pokemon movie, I fucking love lugias theme.

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File: d931cf3aacee6f5⋯.jpg (2.17 MB,2024x3475,2024:3475,__darjeeling_and_itsumi_er….jpg)


Who knows?

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That's totally me on the left and you on the right :^)

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File: 4ab57d8ed5e148b⋯.jpg (980.57 KB,1200x900,4:3,Kagamine Rin (329).jpg)


Yeah, that happens.

Mod API is technically a separate page, so it won't have my name, trip, and flag memorized if I don't reset them.


Just that I'm simultaneously browsing on the user page, and the mod page, and keep getting confused as to why someone might post in the "last" thread.

I'm a bwaka.


Life can be a challenge

Life can seem impossible

It's never easy when so much

Is on the line

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Just so we're clear.

Anyone can use the mod api on any board.

General account is Anyone//0

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File: 6a7c0e3bbf73049⋯.png (358.46 KB,800x450,16:9,AAaDf.png)


Best movie was Latias/Latios because they introduced pokemon x human relations

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I thought this was common knowledge tbh fam.

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Dubious at best.

It's unconfirmed if that was Bianca or Latias.

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I didn't know until Cuckmonkey literally broke 8ch back in, like January. :^)

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File: b826129fbc06724⋯.gif (124.86 KB,500x375,4:3,smuggest look.gif)


Ew, anything hoen and beyond is garbage tbqh fam.

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what is the point of that

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If he ever fucks up the site, Mod.php? is a priority.

So if ever you can't post you can usually get around it with that.

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File: 32670a1cf2f35c6⋯.gif (352.16 KB,500x283,500:283,waifu farm.gif)

Hey Pricia, are you warm right now?


It's a shitty work around to a 404 bug

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Ask Poppet.

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File: 29d59f94cf2ec8e⋯.gif (564.5 KB,500x281,500:281,school girl used tail whip.gif)


Why do I need to ask Poppy everything, you bwaka. I'm cold and I'd like some warming up as well ;c

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File: 9dfbdbaf851afe2⋯.jpg (217.93 KB,819x655,819:655,Kagamine Rin (393).jpg)

Actually, any time this thread updates or I try to post, it feels like my QR hangs on the regular thread.

That's why I'm on the mod.


Pricias are not public heaters.

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File: d7684fe7d489901⋯.png (166.44 KB,900x675,4:3,ika_musume_vector_by_viper….png)


stfu you faggot genwunner, I was kidding. Pokemon as an anime is kinda bad overall and the nostalgia goggles would blind me. Mewtwo one was good though



I really need a way to get around my shitty ass internet. Its taking me like 2 mins to post a fucking post

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File: d9ca07512243a59⋯.jpg (472.97 KB,1100x850,22:17,Natural Harvest-00008.jpg)

8chan was really messy for me, meh.


Sure does.


You don't.



Mod API huh?


Ah, fair enough.

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kek wtf kind of book is this

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File: e7d20821a8e7320⋯.gif (268.38 KB,480x285,32:19,smug laugh.gif)


I'll pay you with sexual favours :^)


Nah, 8ch is shitting itself you're doing fine.

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File: c4a31b86748b134⋯.jpg (37.66 KB,578x772,289:386,Kagamine Rin (376).jpg)


See, you say stuff like this.

And it makes me laugh, because you were trying to give me shit for my horrible internet.


Not interested.

>8ch is shitting itself

Can confirm; even mod page gets weird when I use images.

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File: bfdedb9197cd4ae⋯.gif (223.83 KB,500x244,125:61,tfw not hungry.gif)

Hey RJ, I'm cold… want to heat me up?

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File: 1cf60f930787e80⋯.jpg (54.26 KB,640x640,1:1,__darjeeling_girls_und_pan….jpg)


I don't see how I could.

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File: f286c653f2c01fa⋯.gif (938.21 KB,500x463,500:463,no face in the rain.gif)


Ask Pricia, she's apparently an expert.

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I wasnt giving you shit for your internet. If anyone has net this bad I feel bad for them. This shit DC's like every single day multiple times a day. Sometimes I cant even get online for like 2 hours it pisses me off so much

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File: 09824674720ee5b⋯.png (176.07 KB,690x800,69:80,__darjeeling_girls_und_pan….png)


I see.

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File: c30a61f4cbbb2e2⋯.gif (893.1 KB,500x280,25:14,tea large.gif)

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File: 41ec2b759b4dc2d⋯.jpg (78.88 KB,610x942,305:471,Kagamine Rin (362).jpg)


I'm the one who has, like, .5Mb up and 2Mb down or some bullshit.

But I never lose connection. :^)

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Yeah I recall that.

>never DC

Count yourself lucky. It makes me want to shoot my ISP

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We've always had some retarded problem with our net. A few years ago whenever we got phone calls it'd DC the internet for a moment. It interfered with me playing COD with my friends after school and so I got fed up to the point I would leave the phone on for hours, just sitting there.

No one important ever calls anyway. Just some faggot telemarketer.

Now we have this DC problem its so stupid. Im used to something fucking up with our internet though

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Well, seeing as 8chan is being silly, I'll be off now. See y'all later, have a good rest. Maybe some titillating dreams. All in good taste, of course.

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File: 5144dbfc7bdb49c⋯.jpg (75.3 KB,957x718,957:718,Kagamine Rin (304).jpg)

Holy crackers Ash is… touched.

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File: f286c653f2c01fa⋯.gif (938.21 KB,500x463,500:463,no face in the rain.gif)

I'm not sure what you are referring to…

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File: 2bedf077752eae7⋯.jpg (773.36 KB,722x1346,361:673,Kagamine Rin (318).jpg)




He is…

touched something fierce.

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>The world will turn to Ash

It took me way to long to realise tbh Cx

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Ash has never been touched cause he's too much of a fucking faggot to fuck Hikari or any other hot loli he adventures with

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That's not what that word means in that usage.

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Je "Listen, when you get involved with the opposite sex, you're only asking for trouble."

Ja "Yes, and that's the kind of trouble… I stay out of."

M "Youse two don't need the opposite sex 'cos you got each other.


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Im gonna force myself to do showdown. The problem I've had is that I get really upset with my teams I test and end up deleting them. But I dont feel comfortable using other people's teams so its a catch 22 Im in.

Just gonna roll with it. Getting so upset isn't going to accomplish anything. Even if the team isnt up to par, w/e

I also kinda want to get in to YGO again, but Im so out of practice. I tried playing yesterday and everything was so overwhelming

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File: a2731a4ba043617⋯.gif (5.19 MB,480x270,16:9,roflmao.gif)


Team Rocket is the best tbh fam.

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I don't know which, but Meowth just fricken roasted one of them.

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File: a51c17c2912e268⋯.gif (450.11 KB,500x281,500:281,I like where this is going.gif)


Probably James, he's kinda tomgirlish tbh fam.

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File: c96e662fd2f4882⋯.png (22.84 KB,129x173,129:173,ClipboardImage.png)

>Totally not a Flandre ripoff

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File: 26a0982c0cf2a46⋯.png (124.62 KB,348x487,348:487,ClipboardImage.png)


She also doesn't have gem like wings or isn't a final boss or something.

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Sora's better anyway.

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File: bd77ae7744401c8⋯.png (29.39 KB,262x367,262:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Fernet > Hime > Sora

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Except literally not.

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File: 1fadf6a36b8688e⋯.png (209.91 KB,348x487,348:487,ClipboardImage.png)

And the Plushie Master trumps all the other waifus.

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It's not a question of waifu.

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File: 7426e44c029a0a7⋯.gif (867.15 KB,400x225,16:9,mfw topest of keks.gif)


>Playing Orange Juice for anything other then all the cute waifus

I bet you played Neptune for the gameplay :^)

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File: a4f558f657cb5f7⋯.jpg (286.42 KB,1000x1469,1000:1469,Kagamine Rin (331).jpg)


I bet you didn't know that all but 3 of those characters are from different games.

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File: 4a032af0143577b⋯.gif (557.97 KB,479x350,479:350,neko meiko reimu.gif)


I'm aware, my dear 😘

I've only personally played QP shooting though.

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File: 6ed13114caddeb3⋯.jpg (780.02 KB,1033x1000,1033:1000,Kagamine Rin (332).jpg)


Then I don't see why you felt the need to say anything at all.

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File: d8dc087afc2c59d⋯.jpg (66.17 KB,444x783,148:261,d8dc087afc2c59ddff5c013765….jpg)


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And that, friend.

Is why Sora is the best.

Also Suguri.

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File: 222470227ea8d5a⋯.jpg (244.07 KB,752x444,188:111,sanji-crying.jpg)

ugh man recording pokemon is beginning to be more trouble than its worth

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Make a video of you killing yourself, I bet it will go viral :^)

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8chan fix your fucking shit already

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Every post I make freezes on "posted" and I dont even see (you)'s

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Thanks me too fam, sometimes the thread just 503s as well

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File: 6e65558d540b101⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1843x1181,1843:1181,Kagamine Rin (438).jpg)

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File: 4787082f7ee066f⋯.jpg (293 KB,1280x960,4:3,ACTIVATION.jpg)

Oh boy. It was CJ wasn't it? I should have noun better.

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File: 35c7c88282641e1⋯.png (129.14 KB,409x513,409:513,_641cc4e7e14cb589b55d714f6….png)


>The Christian Community

>promoting homosexuality

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File: bb02bd98c79cdb9⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,1000x1235,200:247,Kagamine Rin (471).jpg)

I think that may have been the closest I'll get to confessing a romantic love to someone.

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Nice blog post.

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File: 0abf7341e0530dd⋯.jpg (55.62 KB,453x810,151:270,Kagamine Rin (459).jpg)


Thanks, I thought so too.

But my adsense is only reporting 3$ from it. Peculiar.

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xD rekt em bro

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Why does this bother me

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File: 2a15dca2d81d788⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1200x891,400:297,1.jpg)

i'm feeling really sleepy and out of energy

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File: f3c572c230abe9e⋯.jpg (17.76 KB,450x287,450:287,boards.jpg)

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File: 856838a69c9c127⋯.png (667.32 KB,1024x768,4:3,madotsuki_fanart_yume_nikk….png)

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File: 56f6d79bd757b5b⋯.mp4 (8.55 MB,480x360,4:3,drugs.mp4)


Whats up.

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tripfriending hard

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File: 263a95545f9ca4f⋯.jpg (44 KB,549x563,549:563,intredasting.jpg)

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File: af33f63b44d0518⋯.jpg (9.09 KB,225x225,1:1,13900519_164309433993310_8….jpg)

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File: c0b37a5f55f97f5⋯.gif (29.57 KB,162x192,27:32,1479963265025.gif)

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File: 9976888f35c50fc⋯.jpg (71.66 KB,600x720,5:6,1491888419636.jpg)



What up nerds

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File: ed8c11533d567ca⋯.jpg (124.56 KB,680x777,680:777,1445225538635.jpg)


me, thats for sure

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File: 11095cb37a0d108⋯.png (1.19 MB,800x1280,5:8,61137184_p0.png)


Is that a dick joke



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Its no joke that Im tripping

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File: 1d2573da2f61239⋯.jpg (809.05 KB,1300x1244,325:311,1491864005828.jpg)


Ohhhh. That sounds nice. God damn I can't wait till this rave.

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File: ca68570a9f3dc49⋯.png (929.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Thoughtful_Yui.png)


If you want to know, I was contemplating why people make shitty decision.

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File: 8296eea656a6ac5⋯.png (18.25 KB,970x501,970:501,62363845_p0.png)


Did you come to a conclusion? I think there's to many reasons for that question

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That is true, and it is disappointing. I guess I should not be surprised really.

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File: 9d7eefb5fbb45af⋯.png (470.22 KB,850x800,17:16,yummy_knickers_by_rickz0r-….png)

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File: 1d63946d3078308⋯.jpg (123.01 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1491691491687.jpg)


What made you start thinking about it? Pretty interesting place to end up


Pretty cute fampai

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Its personal. I hardly care to much where I spend my time.

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File: 040f77b1d272bd6⋯.jpg (50.41 KB,723x647,723:647,FB_IMG_1491952069284.jpg)


Fair enough.

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File: 27d2b73973c673e⋯.gif (1.78 MB,265x257,265:257,Disappointed.gif)


It really sucks and is disappointing. It's kind of hard to watch and yet, is oddly entertaining to watch someone pick up a pile of shit when there is gold right next to.

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File: 3b646d104708f56⋯.gif (1.56 MB,425x550,17:22,tumblr_nwvdhnoJmC1u86t2qo1….gif)

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File: 8a1938e8a61f7ff⋯.jpg (113.56 KB,600x670,60:67,59638897_p32_master1200.jpg)


I obviously don't know the context but sometimes people don't see the gold cause they're so focused on the turd sometimes they just gotta learn

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Only time will tell I guess.

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File: 84003bfce060a91⋯.png (67.77 KB,800x600,4:3,40274156_p14_master1200.png)

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Is anyone still there?

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yes bad format

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File: d37f51753a86e67⋯.gif (385.33 KB,500x275,20:11,1423480969840.gif)

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His chin looks really fucking fat

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File: 7982d09c407bb16⋯.gif (496.91 KB,200x200,1:1,1421394804841.gif)

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File: 00ef1237616bcbe⋯.png (769.52 KB,1200x891,400:297,1.png)

I like when you post that one, good night monster-anon-senpai.

good night whoever else is still here~

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meant to link



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File: 6aea0d1a37f01fa⋯.jpg (195.81 KB,1665x833,1665:833,1492028012371.jpg)


good night poppy

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lewd pic

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File: 5ffee110b568c49⋯.jpg (136.04 KB,550x675,22:27,tmp_24507-GI7AgjOaGUSOh3kw….jpg)

Good Morning/Afternoon~

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File: 5bc158d02720aaf⋯.jpg (134.77 KB,549x800,549:800,1491883269196.jpg)


Good Morning

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File: 37491e0f607e9be⋯.png (662.61 KB,1290x1096,645:548,tmp_26745-052_61319228_p01….png)


That pic reminds me, there are actual 3DPD that wilk try to steal your seeed so they can trap you into either marrying them or paying them chikd support. Fucking disgusting.

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File: c3332b1ee0ea4b8⋯.png (235.96 KB,738x966,123:161,1491945816292.png)


3DPD aren't that forward about it. They'll just steal the condom, and use the cum on themselves.

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File: 8f29dacd93fe666⋯.png (489.51 KB,962x1000,481:500,1492020597986.png)



is that a dick, or just a fat pussy in that pic

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Thats a penis hiding in that underwear.

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Also, thats why you snould always flush the condom.

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File: 4e11134d411bf3c⋯.jpg (345.32 KB,789x555,263:185,Kagamine Rin (486).jpg)


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I thought it was a fat pussy tbh


also bring a spare condom, and fill with horseradish, and throw that in the trash :^)

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That isn't what pussies look like.

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Holy shit that is evil…

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File: f69510f6e23e5ef⋯.png (102.31 KB,700x1000,7:10,1492010916325.png)


I thought it was the outline of a pussy.


retribution isn't evil when done righteously

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File: 3879ad3bbe77dd6⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,715x673,715:673,Kagamine Rin (361).jpg)



How's you?


And pussy doesn't look like that.

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File: bfab6d26d526482⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1500x1125,4:3,1412463247383.jpg)


how about this?

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File: 43d7e466236b862⋯.jpg (85.58 KB,700x780,35:39,GOOD_MORNING.jpg)

Ohio Gosaimasu!


What would you know? :3

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File: a4f558f657cb5f7⋯.jpg (286.42 KB,1000x1469,1000:1469,Kagamine Rin (331).jpg)


I'm the one who's actually had sex before.

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File: 2df49e45401328d⋯.gif (31.71 KB,300x200,3:2,blahblahblah.gif)


>So you say, surrounded by fools and imaginary entities.

That and I have too but then we've only seen one pussy each?

What was the point again?

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File: f1f249222284dc7⋯.jpg (597.28 KB,1200x1600,3:4,Kagamine Rin (488).jpg)


I've had more than one girlfriend.

The point was that >>26028 isn't what pussies look like.

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File: df2d22cdca251d6⋯.jpg (64.07 KB,1440x1080,4:3,startled.jpg)


Oh it does look like a dick

And you fucked them all???

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File: 10abb50d1196ff9⋯.jpg (200.68 KB,850x850,1:1,1263fa977d72d9bb179828d03d….jpg)


>I've had more than one girlfriend.

you say that like it is something to be proud of. and don't need to fuck something before you know what it looks like. I just needed to know what folder to put it in.

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File: e2c857cb566fd80⋯.jpg (158 KB,827x1169,827:1169,Kagamine Rin (524).jpg)


You don't need to fuck to do lewd, or otherwise see their body.


I say it more like it's a thing.

Their comment suggested otherwise, so I was just correcting them.

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. . .

processing comment: please hold

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I just walked el dogger, stayed up a bit late last night so I'm a bit tired now.

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File: 966fd07c1d23aad⋯.gif (2.92 MB,512x288,16:9,1fec849900fb51e865c1e558ca….gif)


it is also a drawing, so it could or could not be a pussy

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File: 166bb23d4b6297a⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1274x902,637:451,Kagamine Rin (540).jpg)


Speaking of tired, I need to get on someone's case so they don't think I've given up on them.


It's a horrible drawing if it's a pussy.

Because, again, pussies don't look like that.

At all.

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Omg, let it go



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File: 3e2b04a36517453⋯.jpg (225.4 KB,850x850,1:1,1453651092984.jpg)


>Because, again, pussies don't look like that.


>At all.

I am getting kind of triggered

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Hi, who are you again?


My dude it's an obvious dick… you can even see the tip.

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File: 30f454d0c77d745⋯.jpg (742.19 KB,640x600,16:15,Kagamine Rin (520).jpg)


Then stop trying to justify it.

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File: bc21cbab68f9634⋯.png (713.34 KB,1433x2024,1433:2024,b792d0a4934419640987a79181….png)



thanks for the yous, guys

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Your gf (just let it happen)

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>appreciating (you)s from a tranny


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File: cab13c48218b06f⋯.jpg (728.96 KB,640x600,16:15,Kagamine Rin (517).jpg)


It's all I'm good for.

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I accept you


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File: 3ca62bc63371221⋯.jpg (158.21 KB,675x900,3:4,1448967236533-1.jpg)


A you is a you, my dude.



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File: afc270568a7dd2e⋯.png (725.64 KB,500x499,500:499,RAPEBOT.png)


I don't remember ever having had a gf. Is this date rape? Did you drug me?


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File: 90f41e5ba9695ca⋯.jpg (7.31 KB,225x225,1:1,wink.jpg)


Oh anon, it's not rape if a girl is in control ;)

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File: 59fa1deaea490f5⋯.jpg (123.21 KB,1000x860,50:43,lewdbot.jpg)

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File: 128f1965f03f100⋯.jpg (26.9 KB,300x512,75:128,1447098026762-0.jpg)

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File: 60aeabd3e65ef84⋯.jpg (34.76 KB,225x350,9:14,mmmm.jpg)



Anyway, that's in the past

All you need to know is that I'm by your side forever now ^^

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File: 2486d670a8104a9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB,430x534,215:267,1447103612331-1.jpg)


Time to kill myself then.

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Can I keep your body?

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File: 9a6d2d2cbad791a⋯.png (128.67 KB,903x636,301:212,9a6d2d2cbad791a8be7e30b465….png)


are you a 3DPD, that (((girl))) that is trans, thought that was Rin

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File: d2795fee823c709⋯.jpg (37.52 KB,456x628,114:157,1447103376791-3.jpg)


Necrophile is wrong

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File: d8b0e14db6e6464⋯.gif (786.76 KB,500x333,500:333,mumbling sir.gif)


Please speak in a clear concise voice sir

I can't understand your mumbling


Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from the outside world

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File: a16d0417c4abf73⋯.png (497.98 KB,800x800,1:1,a16d0417c4abf73293e29c16fd….png)

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you implied you are a 3DPD.

are you that trans girl that told us you were trans, or some other trans faggot, because I really thought that was Rin

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File: 64c782ae58ba44e⋯.png (7.76 KB,124x137,124:137,ClipboardImage.png)


You're scaring me.

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They are both sub human mongrels

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File: af10a7a6110f175⋯.jpg (155.05 KB,900x1150,18:23,bored.jpg)


Idk what 3DPD is, but I am trans


honestly you are making this not fun

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File: c5612ccc31570d5⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB,232x231,232:231,1447103718695-1.jpeg)


That's the idea

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Do not

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They're both LARPers, they've both still got their nuts and neither of them are women.

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File: e93e74b2c8b9676⋯.jpg (159.91 KB,863x527,863:527,4654656565.jpg)


>Idk what 3DPD

name for women

>but I am trans

so, now we have two.

Why the fuck can't ever be an idiot savant who's thing is drawing that will draw shit for me ;-;

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File: 67e7a53a0d24fdb⋯.jpg (29.61 KB,334x372,167:186,1447103718694-0.jpg)





Just end it now.

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Rude motherfucker


Then would you like to introduce a new topic to discuss?



also as a feminist I must encourage to disregard such terms for women >->


I'm really not liking you at the moment

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That is not something for jest.

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File: 69b0c04f153b8c3⋯.png (69.6 KB,207x266,207:266,1447103718697-2.png)


>I'm really not liking you at the moment

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File: 994f756d09602bd⋯.jpg (14.26 KB,210x240,7:8,wtf man.jpg)


Sorry fam, I didn't realize he was such a bitch deep down v-v

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File: 293998b4d2facd3⋯.jpg (79.63 KB,1160x420,58:21,photo_2017-02-01_19-33-39.jpg)


Who said I was joking? :^)

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File: ad16809ec81c8eb⋯.png (389.03 KB,425x398,425:398,1430350291724.png)


>also as a feminist


>not something for jest

you guys are joking, right


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File: 50174550489ea89⋯.jpg (8.52 KB,236x212,59:53,savetheday.jpg)


Have you noticed the title of the board?

I found that by rearranging the letters, it spells "friend"

Coincidentally, that's what I think we should all be here ^^

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File: 7def29e5336c413⋯.jpg (77.32 KB,800x450,16:9,IMG_1554.JPG)



Are you a professional failure?

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Being nothing but nice takes it toll fam, I really want to watch some kill themself right now. If I'm lucky maybe two trannies will join the statistics today.

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File: 7f8eafe8b62be93⋯.jpg (6.43 KB,480x360,4:3,obey_ME.jpg)


Hey I'm not hardcore, I believe everyone should be treated fairly!

So don't treat me like an uneducated cunt, I just believe a perfect world can exist

>by using the death note to kill everyone that doesn't agree with me therefore creating a more perfect union of mankind and making me its god.


Not today, and not cuz of you

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File: 84ebf0d998c4581⋯.gif (1.41 MB,500x375,4:3,42967f556b99aacda9eb76819b….gif)


I don't got no friends

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File: f1f2f2886803680⋯.jpg (25.36 KB,247x248,247:248,IMG_1030.JPG)



>making the world a better place.

Jesus christ, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Top Kek! Now that there is the mark of a professional self-made disaster.

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File: 1f5cbeb5abcc1fd⋯.jpg (20.4 KB,500x375,4:3,Jackie-Chan-WTF.jpg)


>posts meme

>is taken seriously

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File: 8fe30598b7710e1⋯.jpg (192.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,Kagamine Rin (482).jpg)

>posts meme seriously

>plays it straight

>is surprised when people took them seriously

No, guys, it's fine.

They was just pretending to be retarded.

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File: e74a3d0dab1662e⋯.jpg (20.78 KB,249x249,1:1,IMG_1542.JPG)


Its a reaction image you nimrod. Is this the cumulation of of your shir-teir banter?

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File: d0a899652179c24⋯.gif (1.44 MB,500x290,50:29,tumblr_ndhrycxQFc1u1ocmjo1….gif)


You sound a little upsetti spaghetti, are you on your period or something :^)

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File: 0dc1c4fbae05895⋯.jpg (37.06 KB,600x450,4:3,WTF-IS-THIS-meme-44809.jpg)


I am feminist

I am trans

I am not going to kill people with the death note

>since it coincidentally does not exist

I am not advertising the idea that women are above men

>even though this website totally proves it

I need to stop being so triggered lol


what is your position???

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He wishes he was.

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File: 63fc83d9ab8dbf3⋯.gif (643.42 KB,500x283,500:283,63fc83d9ab8dbf350741152a5f….gif)


feminism is making the world a better place indirectly.

>feminism makes shitty laws 3DPD can exploit to ruin men's lives

>makes men turn away from 3DPD, and makes a bigger demand for technologies that will be will replace the roles 3DPD play in individual's men's lives (sex, and motherhood)

>more demand = faster these technologies coming into being

feminism will makes things better, not be building 3DPD up to men's level, but by making men tearing them down to men's level

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He never commented on the deathnote part???

I'm egalitarian.

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>induring everyone has to google that word

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File: 0d57ccd8e2ab564⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,620x452,155:113,33cf44d6df0717161c23c2ecc8….jpg)


by making men tear down*

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So by making men less reliant on women, we are making women more reliant on men?

No, we are simply creating a world where women not interested in men can actually live like they want

Also it's a good thing for men to be less reliant on women, while you're distracted masturbating to your little robot pal, I and others (women and men) can find relationships that interest us and work to make a better world. Yeah, that tech is increasing, but its NEETS that'll use it. Like you ^^


I've never heard that term before. I actually prefer it.

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Egalitarian implies racial equality too.

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File: b8348bb11c915c3⋯.png (441.17 KB,1518x560,759:280,9rW6TFI.png)


question the sweetness of my grapes all you what, my dear. There is a another sexual revolution coming, but it will not only free a group from societal expectations, but it will destroyed another group's social power

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The only people who radical feminism turns off of women are the people who want an excuse to dislike women.

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File: 3aa55aef4a9d38e⋯.jpg (182.99 KB,1206x2000,603:1000,__shoebill_kemono_friends_….jpg)

Wired, RC; we're going to have a little chat.

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File: b47aa10871efa18⋯.jpg (78.81 KB,617x617,1:1,1432563446726-1.jpg)

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File: 1ca760273587666⋯.gif (1.18 MB,353x300,353:300,IMG_1400.GIF)


What for?

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Look, no matter how difficult it gets for men to get a girl (it's really not, cucks like you just don't really try or have inefficient standards)

Guys will ALWAYS get a boner for girls because of a little thing called biology

if technology comes into play where guys can have children without girls, then it'll 1. Be very expensive and 2. Only be used by a small percentage of the population (gays, rich folks, etc)

You're fears of an unintegrated society are unfounded and are no difference from the fear that cellphones would destroy our interactions with eachother (it didn't, society changed a bit tho)

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File: 562a721f06a9ef2⋯.jpg (389.3 KB,889x950,889:950,__shoebill_kemono_friends_….jpg)



Pay attention to discord.

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your* my bad

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>if technology comes into play where guys can have children without girls

It won't, for the same reason as to why we aren't allowed to clone people.

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Well granted it's not exactly the same, but it means two guys can have a test tube baby with a few DNA modifications using CRISPR

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we'll see, continue to march towards your 'equality' is the only thing I want from you.

btw if you want examples of technology destroying the need for things. the internet to TV, the car to the horse, and farming machines to 90% of the population needed to be farmers in order to produced enough food.

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File: 33aa9385eb364a3⋯.jpg (145.17 KB,800x800,1:1,Kagamine Rin (472).jpg)


Fair enough.

Last time I looked into it was years ago, and I'll admit the findings may have been skewed.

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If you can't afford less than a dollar tacos at taco bell, I really feel bad for you

We have plenty of food, most of it just goes wasted

and tech increased productivity for such things, if it was really a problem we'd have government sanctioned farmers because politicians like to eat too

I am not naive, equality will never occur like I imagine. But it doesn't hurt to help

Or just put the sensible people on top and actually progress society



I think it's cool

but I don't like kids and I'm not having any XD

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File: ec24f01947c204a⋯.webm (4.39 MB,960x540,16:9,wojak sunset by the ocean.webm)

Who was it that would scold people for going politics on here???

Was it foots? I miss foots…

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File: 5697870cdbb06be⋯.jpg (61.72 KB,510x720,17:24,Kagamine Rin (507).jpg)


I love kids, and want a little girl of my own some day.

Thank god adoption's a thing.

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File: 975e7f1e87742f8⋯.jpg (57.04 KB,500x497,500:497,-Poland-hetalia-35874476-5….jpg)


Thanks! *^*

I feel good now ^^ like a king pic related


I feel insecure of being able to raise a kid

Like, I want to have time to do it, but I don't want to wait till I'm old and ugly >->

I just don't think I could give my little girl the attention she would need

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File: 00694bb21b7a07f⋯.png (418.98 KB,1063x1617,1063:1617,a7d5e244d73ac524287122b508….png)


you shouldn't

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Lol, you right: a queen*

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File: 8aee63a3b74f882⋯.jpg (93.13 KB,1000x806,500:403,FemPoland.jpg)

Anyway, gotta go ya'll

I need to finish Working!! I loves it

See ya'll next week!!! ^3^

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File: db57c11c68714ae⋯.jpg (48.86 KB,600x600,1:1,Kagamine Rin (645).jpg)


I'm the type who'd make time, tbqh.

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File: 2323f554cd39adf⋯.jpg (585.27 KB,1024x740,256:185,1454162047223-0.jpg)


now you should feel like a faggot


thank god

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File: f33be38f9e594d6⋯.png (758.48 KB,667x743,667:743,bird.PNG)


>Robot guro


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File: 311f94799848464⋯.jpg (52.36 KB,500x319,500:319,1454162425973-1.jpg)


>implying you can have gore with guts

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File: 86e2ffe8214bf28⋯.jpg (285.95 KB,1500x1200,5:4,Kagamine Rin (688).jpg)


I used to have some of that for Rin.

It was for a roleplay.

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File: caedc7e95c6c68c⋯.gif (2.94 MB,297x348,99:116,caedc7e95c6c68c0580c289242….gif)



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File: 29997b61948a1b2⋯.png (922.68 KB,1024x1430,512:715,1488403460711.png)


without guts*

man, I really need to proof read

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File: 4aa5241ad556d1e⋯.gif (182.9 KB,500x500,1:1,1437447509784.gif)


I always thought the terran AI lady from starcraft was pretty cute.

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File: a6f849bfe42d11d⋯.gif (1022.29 KB,500x494,250:247,1485643241683.gif)


I thought it was from battlestar galactica

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File: b952e6d7f9fce35⋯.png (6.89 MB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


I wasn't talking about the pic you posted. It just reminded me of her.


Thanks fam~

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File: e6b624b58c91ead⋯.webm (2.74 MB,720x400,9:5,artyslowmo.webm)

Boom Boom

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File: 864754247d144b0⋯.png (458.96 KB,1000x1336,125:167,1491870140233.png)

File: bd11cb567cdd21f⋯.png (493.8 KB,995x1336,995:1336,1491870198362.png)

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File: c0d2331dd32953e⋯.jpg (817.73 KB,707x1000,707:1000,Kagamine Rin (676).jpg)

Kasumi is the leader of a water type gym.

And the lifeguard of the pool that gym uses.

And yet she doesn't know basic CPR.

I have never been so infuriated with a kid's show.

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>friends not holding him back

>just holding him up and actively trying to help


Holy fucking shit.

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File: b29878af938a994⋯.png (273.46 KB,545x391,545:391,oc.png)



You high or something?

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>Misty's speech to Lawrence III was altered. In the dub, she says that she considered his way of thinking of Pokémon as mere things to collect to be disgusting. In the original version, Misty was simply asking him why he used his methods to catch the legendary birds instead of Poké Balls like regular Trainers. To this, Lawrence replies that he considered himself a collector, and feels that the collected things must be visibly on display, or they couldn't be called a collection.

Suddenly I can relate to this villain on a much more personal level.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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In the dub, after learning what Slowking told them about people seeing them contribute, has them undergoing the "that's good, that's bad" routine from the Simpsons. In the original version, they instead give a variant of the Blast Off catchphrase.

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Slowking's "I could use pants" line was originally him stating that trouble was brewing.

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When the Pokémon are attempting to free Moltres, Thunderbolt, Water Gun, and Flamethrower are used simultaneously. Tracey's explanation, which was cut from the dub, is that "electricity, plus fire, plus water… electricity separates water into hydrogen and oxygen, which is then recombined using fire which means—Everybody get down!" However, this line is included in the novelization and the ani-manga with different dialogue: "The water and electricity blasts are creating two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. If those two gases come into contact with Charizard's fire, there's going to be an —<explosion>."

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When Melody and Misty first meet, Melody tells her "Oh, and Misty, try not to get jealous." However, only Ash had been introduced at this point, while Misty's and Tracey's names were never mentioned. Note that, at least in Misty's case, this was only in the dub.

When meeting Misty, Melody tells her to try and not get jealous in a slightly snooty tone in the dub, while in the original, she instead says "Don't get so worked up! But y'know, to follow him all the way out here…I'd have to say you have pretty good taste." She also identifies Misty by name in the same scene before even being told her name in the dub, something that doesn't happen in the Japanese version.

On a related note, Melody's banter to Misty was more friendly in the Japanese version than in the dub.

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The dub has Maren stating a punchline to a STD-related joke ("Krabbies" = "Crabs").

During the festival feast, Maren erroneously refers to multiple Krabby as "Krabbies". However, this error is intentional, as the incorrect form is used as a pun.

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Ash follows up on the agreement he made with his mother at the end of the film after every region, visiting Pallet Town before heading off to his next destination.

In addition, Ash and Misty both directly reference the events of this movie upon meeting Silver during the Whirl Islands arc, where they recognize it as a Lugia and explicitly mention that they had previously encountered it during the Orange Islands.

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Pikachu and Zapdos are shown to be able to communicate through electricity, which Meowth can understand.

In A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship!, Meowth is unable to translate electrical communication between Pikachu and Dedenne, contradicting the events of this movie.

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File: 476a06d3955ea4c⋯.jpg (487.88 KB,1035x740,207:148,Konachan.com - 236241 2gir….jpg)

>Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

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File: 071ff01b02690b3⋯.jpg (171.03 KB,1313x900,1313:900,1446934272320.jpg)

>According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.

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File: 12489972724e851⋯.jpg (36.72 KB,480x480,1:1,1446931333779.jpg)

>Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.

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File: c3edeb0b984f547⋯.jpg (514.41 KB,1141x1000,1141:1000,1491150750301.jpg)


sounds nice

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File: a2c8376eafb3f89⋯.jpg (677.93 KB,1000x1222,500:611,1447462280654.jpg)

>It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.

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File: 210fa78550d8901⋯.png (854.05 KB,1461x830,1461:830,1449354179852.png)

>The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

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File: 7dbd08e74b2be14⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,2800x1942,1400:971,a1650fccb750007944bc2c4389….jpg)

>Every year about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.

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File: 35c9f16d5e4b361⋯.jpg (245.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,Konachan.com - 187216 anim….jpg)

>Women are 37% more likely to go to a psychiatrist than men are.

I thought we where posting useless trivia, why did you stop Pricia?

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File: e3aec850c39f468⋯.png (603.98 KB,720x1120,9:14,__shoebill_kemono_friends_….png)


Would you like to try and start something, wired?

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File: a808fe5a57e5d80⋯.png (302.59 KB,800x600,4:3,Reimu_TPW2.png)


Sure, I guess idk? What are we talking about?

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File: 2a9d695a951ea8e⋯.jpg (332.51 KB,1500x938,750:469,Konachan.com - 184322 samp….jpg)

I just realised what you meant, come to the Netherlands and fight me IRL.

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File: c975e627bd6b58a⋯.jpg (467.09 KB,949x1300,73:100,__hakodate_omiko_kill_la_k….jpg)


Are you sure you want to make that offer?

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File: 60ee31e0588a2e6⋯.jpg (350.63 KB,1140x800,57:40,Konachan.com - 195080 anim….jpg)


Actually nvm, you'd probably kick my ass :s

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File: 383913fccbf05be⋯.jpg (51.14 KB,500x500,1:1,5824250 _4c9ccf799e0e25a8d….jpg)

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File: f90d29ecaa24cf8⋯.jpg (37.14 KB,184x224,23:28,anything to do about it.jpg)

So, today the truck came in super late. So late we were all getting ready to go home. The driver was a new guy and allegedly he was told we work till 4, so he came around 3. We unloaded half of the truck, then he had to drive to the other warehouse and for some reason, the others suggested I, of all people, hop on the truck with him and navigate the short distance there. I swear, I open the door, get in, and the first thing that happens is he looks into the side-view mirror and goes: "KURWA!"

That is the end of the anecdote.


Hello Monsterbee.


Worth. it.…maybe.

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File: 2541d4931a13f80⋯.jpg (284.47 KB,550x835,110:167,Kagamine Rin (420).jpg)



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File: cc034e6f6b01e12⋯.jpg (670.85 KB,1500x935,300:187,Konachan.com - 209047 samp….jpg)


He did say that one time if he'd ever met me in the streets he'd drag me into a dark allay and face rape me.

Also, I'm not wearing any pants right now :^)

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File: fb8dbc9f3d76bad⋯.png (515.09 KB,800x1280,5:8,59682113_p0.png)


Well, are you a whore or not?

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File: 3638e798277e2bf⋯.webm (1.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,1488433369850.webm)


I just found so much spooky porn.

Be back in a bit

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Doesn't kurwa mean faggot or something along those lines?

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Hello. How's it going?


Huh, I see.




Ah oki, see ya soon.


It means a whore.

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>a whore

Just *whore, without the article, I guess.

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File: 649c2d90db896a0⋯.jpg (137.14 KB,378x503,378:503,1491986302619.jpg)


Pretty sure it means whore

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You're no fun

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File: 2a9d695a951ea8e⋯.jpg (332.51 KB,1500x938,750:469,Konachan.com - 184322 samp….jpg)


I'm horny and RJ is being a cock tease ;c

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File: 14e775f5159efcd⋯.jpg (133.81 KB,1000x900,10:9,Kagamine Rin (440).jpg)


Alright, I suppose.

Kinda bored.

Anecdote aside, how was your day?

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File: d563d88ac787a31⋯.png (136.23 KB,480x480,1:1,1464885537070-0.png)


Stop talking about me when I'm not around, fag.

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I am not in a funmode, maybe with a few exceptions.


Yup! Nothing new there!+Probably he's super horny too but doesn't admit it! :^^^)


Ahh, I see I see.

Um. Well. Not great, eheh. I've got enough pity though, so idk, don't want to mention it too much.

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File: cee9559d0718250⋯.jpg (60.67 KB,600x526,300:263,CPCLCZ8UkAAvpaU.jpg)


Is this a zombie?

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File: 30f454d0c77d745⋯.jpg (742.19 KB,640x600,16:15,Kagamine Rin (520).jpg)


Fair enough, I shan't pry then.

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Eu was the only reason I could stand to watch Korean Zombie Desk Car as much as I did.

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I wish monsterboy would show up so you could spank him, I enjoy watching that.

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File: c5e0704837ffd5d⋯.jpg (13.12 KB,187x219,187:219,duck 02.jpg)


You got any plans for today, Pricia?

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Hehe, lewd. I bet you'd do a whole other kind of spanking yourself :^)

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File: 93b1b586d54228b⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Kagamine Rin (569).jpg)


Not in particular.

Once little miss sunshine wakes up, I might see if I can occupy some of her time.

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I think I'm going to take a shower with my toys in a bit tbh fam.

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File: a5e0f84f74c8906⋯.gif (727.4 KB,500x500,1:1,H6kGvCh.gif)


>Korean Zombie Desk Car


But yeah I love Eu. Very great kuudere. And the comedy was very good ofc

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Wired when Monsterbabe arrives.


Aha, sounds like a quality time.

Oh by the way, did miss sunshine say she didn't want to play with us? I think that's what I've been told.

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File: 298ef831ee89386⋯.jpg (137.01 KB,800x600,4:3,Kagamine Rin (572).jpg)


The RPG?

I'm under the impression that she's not.

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File: 11095cb37a0d108⋯.png (1.19 MB,800x1280,5:8,61137184_p0.png)


You like x? Everyone's​ fun with x in them. Expect for this one guy I knew. He was annoying as fuck.


I don't think so. I'm trying to find the artist

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File: 4048bad99e3b7c4⋯.jpg (34.89 KB,185x222,5:6,rumor has it 001.jpg)


Yup. I guess the rumours were true then.



No strong feelings towards Xs one way or the other.

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File: 1a9986a9d6b0851⋯.jpg (260.3 KB,960x800,6:5,Obh8nbW.jpg)

Gonna take a shower fam~

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File: 97fe0ff48b3c4ed⋯.jpg (958.81 KB,1200x1500,4:5,Kagamine Rin (531).jpg)


May we talk on steam for a moment?

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File: b0a954893e86a7b⋯.gif (471.8 KB,500x496,125:124,b0a954893e86a7beb9e6bfcdff….gif)


I was just making a pun

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File: 7284051b0cfc1ec⋯.jpg (88.64 KB,600x661,600:661,62042451_p0_master1200.jpg)


Hm. I think it's a lot of fun


I don't get it..

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Show's name Eu is from is, "Is This A Zombie?" and the pic you posted looked like a zombie

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File: d3a4a967942b4e5⋯.jpg (37.75 KB,320x320,1:1,IMG_20161205_171531.jpg)


Well okay then

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Don't okay me whore

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File: 86c38b0b1695380⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2000x1592,250:199,1.jpg)

morning everyone~!


no, just ready for bed, you bully!!!!


w-wow, thanks for saying such nice things about me~ ^-^

it seems like you have some tanoshii yotei for us today~!


I never said that, it just seems like something that is over my head, s-so I didn't say I wouldn't, I just never said that I would play~ hehe, s-s-sorry.


r-rumors? those pesky rumor monger thingies.

spreading silly stuff all the time.


wow, this was so formal!

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File: 012d4f6db8a3f8e⋯.jpg (271.42 KB,600x530,60:53,Kagamine Rin (679).jpg)


If I were to find everything I could to say to or about you it'd be full of kind things and honeyed words.

Ingles, por favor?

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File: 8ed4ef380f74d6b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB,800x800,1:1,1.jpg)


w-wow, so nice~

it means fun plans~

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File: a987bc0ca7977bd⋯.jpg (56.34 KB,600x450,4:3,Kagamine Rin (622).jpg)


Oh, well.

Only as fun as usual for our plans.

Insofar as we plan things.

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File: 79d731c5b02ac82⋯.png (2.04 MB,1500x975,20:13,1.png)


yes, but it still sounds fun~~

nice image!

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I dont want to do a favor for you

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File: d322b8e89c3ec70⋯.png (483.75 KB,730x877,730:877,1.png)


it's okay, I did already, I'm a nice maid~

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File: 7bdca5ef3464355⋯.jpg (976.58 KB,750x1000,3:4,Kagamine Rin (330).jpg)


Of course, you'd be there.


It's interesting that you willfully chose to read that as "For favor."

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File: 43180cc189908ea⋯.png (598.28 KB,963x720,107:80,274229acf594e5b562b593dce3….png)


I automatically censor out any spic talk when I read things

Oh excuse me, you wouldn't understand that huh. Well, I dont know much, but I'll try

"Que? Taco Bell aye criyamba!"

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No hablo Espanol muey bien.

Je suis un peux mieux avec le Francais.

But English is still my primary language.

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>french speaker

Well, that gains you some respect points. French accents are sexy

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File: 354c24d5adc71d1⋯.jpg (203.6 KB,850x839,850:839,1.jpg)




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File: 77b30f835a5ab0f⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,900x750,6:5,Kagamine Rin (301).jpg)


I'm a Canadian, of course I speak French.

Because fricken' Quebec thinks anyone cares.

I think Poppet should know a bit of it.


Poppet, plz stop the bully.

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File: 07104676a3c52c9⋯.png (168.59 KB,338x468,13:18,eJwNyEEOhCAMAMC_8ADYVijgbw….png)


I wish. I really wish. Japanese accents are sexy too. Good thing about waifu is she is hapanese, so I can talk to her in English


ah I see. Have you tended to your maple trees today?

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what is hapanese?

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File: 6d8d2f9c4e1a6d9⋯.jpg (681.5 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Kagamine Rin (322).jpg)


I wish I had a maple farm, holy crackers.

Then I could have maple taffy every year.

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half jap, half something else. In this case half English, specifically British


>maple taffy

holy shit that sounds amazing.

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File: f821feee84fee0a⋯.jpg (297.73 KB,2000x1414,1000:707,Kagamine Rin (414).jpg)


It really. Really is.

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I would love to grow my own crops and live off the land that'd be great

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File: 5f8942563e4dc19⋯.jpg (518.38 KB,870x1000,87:100,Kagamine Rin (400).jpg)

Poppet, can we have a maple farm?

I promise to name it and clean it and take real good care of it!


There's real fertile land around here but IIRC, I'd have to go a bit more south to purchase any of it.

I haven't really looked into land fertility.

More just sizes and costs in my area.

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I havent looked in to anything, I just picture being able to wake up and pull my food from the ground and eat it. And sell some of it for living expenses. That'd be wonderful

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File: ea597406ed577fb⋯.jpg (423.88 KB,1200x848,75:53,Kagamine Rin (401).jpg)


Unfortunately, life doesn't like to be so ideal.

Farming is a lot of hard work.

Especially if you buy an empty lot to start it on.

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Yeah I get that. But I would rather go out in a field all day opposed to being bitched at by some fatass manager and getting paid minimum wage

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File: 4cc80877e6e5ce8⋯.jpg (89.33 KB,743x900,743:900,Kagamine Rin (433).jpg)


My managers never bitch at me... about me.

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The beauty in a farmer's life is that they can work at their own discretion. If you dont work hard, you wont survive. But at the same time, if you do work hard it damn well pays off

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File: 4faf98172e600d0⋯.jpg (454.94 KB,1279x1920,1279:1920,1485288739914.jpg)

File: 30c892b8d44040b⋯.jpg (57.01 KB,750x726,125:121,30c892b8d44040bbe7a9bf38f9….jpg)

alright, I am off to bed

sorry we couldn't talk today mouse

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File: 8158a00e3fb9658⋯.jpg (635.97 KB,1014x1443,26:37,Kagamine Rin (536).jpg)


I have some friends who're farmers, or have farmers as family, I should check how much that actually makes.

I imagine you're overselling it, if it isn't some huge large scale farm that you're not tending alone.

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File: 55642c3d224219b⋯.png (1.04 MB,1400x1246,100:89,1472042744484.png)


Good night, Monsterbee. Sleep well.

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Im not saying you get a million dollars or some shit. I just like the idea of living off the land is all

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stop being a noob

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