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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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64b969 No.76

I have to rewrite this for some reason because it reset. As an Atheist who doesn't believe in the supernatural, how could you convert "heretics, Jews and Pagans"? Hell, half you guys, including your pope, simps and is a total cuck for the LGBT rainbow mafia. not to mention the amount of adultery and sex before marriage (especially women who ride the cock carousel before they become "Born Again", whatever thats supposed to mean ands spread their aids to their "husband" wich they will inevitably cheat and divorse rape) and other major degenerate activities you people push in soyciety that you Christians participate in and the general leftist cuckold ideology has done its toll on the west already. we don't need more of this vile religion, we need less. Reading John 8 for me was evident enough that Jesus was a cuckold and a simp for allowing a disease-ridden sloor walk free.

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