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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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f39749 No.73

Protestants see what so called "Catholics" do and what the see turns them away from the Church.

The Catholic faith is found in the dogmas of the church. The faith has been perverted by personal revelations e.g. "Fatima" (the Mother of Christ would never thwart the will of God. That's heresy), and Mary Worship (if you pray to Mary for victory over Satan, you're worshiping Mary. The prayer goes "pray (to God) for us sinners now". The whole brown scapular cult is goes beyond heresy into blasphemy; Salvation comes from God, not Mary.

After reading wildly conflicting catechisms, I went to the source, the Dogma you are to believe. This book has most of it, tho' due to the protests of the Christ killers, the Council of Basel is omitted with a comical "the decrees of …. contain nothing new". Yet, the book contains many other times when the same teaching was repeated by the Popes again and again.

The Catechism of Thomas Aquinas is false.

The Examination of Conscience for Adults by Father Miller, which declares every temptation to be a mortal sin, has no basis in Catholic dogma.

Catholic Dogma is that mortal sins are the sins calling for a penalty of Death in the Law of Moses. God is infallible and indefectable; the law didn't change with the Word of God (Christ). What was a mortal sin before is a mortal sin NOW.

I'm a bit repulsed at the deceptions about the teachings of Christ by the Church. They drive people away from Christ with their deceit.

There are two possible reasons for claiming temptation is a mortal sin; virtue signaling and getting people to go to mass so they'll make a collect. Both are have been denounced by Jesus Christ, the very Word of God. None of these sins are founded in the teachings of the Vicar of Christ; they are a "new gospel" and are thus professed by heretics and anthemas.

Therefore I ask, where is the Church promised by Christ God? It is certainly not the FSSP, who for the sake of the use of a few churches, some quite heretical, say the forbidden words of the council of Trent: that the novus ordo mass is valid and that the Holy Eucharist may be taken in the hand, they are an anathema. The SSPV teaches the false gospel of Aquinas - which is every bit as wicked as Martin Luther's gospel, and teach the false teachings of personal revelations that do not come from the Pope that our LORD promised to inspire with the Holy Ghost. Those who teach a false gospel are anathemas.

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