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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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101690 No.70

I was just reflecting…

The Talmud is to the Torah what the Summa is to Catholic Dogma. Both the Talmud and the Summa changed the religion for the worse. They virtue signaled their fake holiness by making everything a damnable offense.

Saint Aquinas used logic (often very bad logic) in forming the summa, just as rabbis used very bad scholarship in writing the Talmud. Both changed the underlying religion of God for the worse.

Example: while Christ summarized salvation as love of God and love of your fellow man, Aquinas invented sins against yourself. A new gospel of Saint Aquinas.

Example: the Sanhedrin while lying about Christ to Pontius Pilate, breaking the commandments of the Law of Moses not to murder and not to bear false witness, were careful not to set foot in the building where Pilate was, least they commit a sin.

I see no flaw in the true Catholic dogma, the problem is there are no Catholics

So, how to obtain the sacraments? Doesn't seem possible.

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