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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 73a617cf7072b63⋯.jpg (4.83 MB,4606x3032,2303:1516,nativity_scene.jpg)

196464 No.68

The FSSP did it, they became an anathema by saying that the Novus Ordo sacrilege is a valid mass, that the Mass need not be per Pope Leo and are thus under a curse, that the Roman Rite need not be in Latin (anathema per the council of Trent) and that the Holy Eucharist can be taken in the hand. In exchange they get to use Churches that have fallen into the wicked hands of the Novus Ordo. They sold their souls for some church doors!

Think this is nothing? Saint Peter was martyred because he refused to say that the Roman Emperor was a god!

It's basically about money - church property. It's just a pile of bricks.

The Sanbornist are holding mass in people's garages! That's the spirit!

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196464 No.69

If you read a good catechism is says nothing about many of the things that Protestants say is true about Catholicism. Mary Worship is forbidden - only God may be worshiped. Faith and Morals comes only from the chair of Saint Peter. Only the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Extreme Unction can forgive sins in the name of God.

Then you go into the Church, and it's "Our Lady of This" and "Our Lady of That", and they corrupt the teachings of the church. Yes, you can go to confession and do the sacrement of penance, but you can also just go to church nine times on the first Saturday/Friday of the month and be absolved of all sin forever by wearing this brown scrap of cloth. Rubbish! And the Protestants are right to call it paganism! The faith is only the 3 sacraments can forgive sin in the sight of God, that the Holy Ghost only works through the Chair of Saint peter to teach us faith and morals, not the Blessed Virgin!

=The Church was lost for hundreds of years before the wickedness of Vatican II.=

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0b11cd No.72

File: 11a7c1a5dd3a5c9⋯.jpg (58.37 KB,1278x720,71:40,i_3_.jpg)


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