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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 9fed959ead72f8c⋯.jpg (338.1 KB,1582x1335,1582:1335,Crucifixion_Evgraf_Semenov….jpg)

13c51d No.66

Some of these crucifixes are rather grand and glorious. That seems wrong to me. The crucifix was an instrument created for slow and painful death as a punishment for serious crime. In thinking of it's supernatural meaning, the conclusion I've reached is that it is the physical symbol of the mortal sins of those who choose to follow Jesus the Anointed One. Christ suffers and sacrificed for the sins of His faithful.

So I don't like the grand and glorious crucifixes, embellished with gold and silver and stones. Our sins are wicked and painful for God, who is perfect and good, to endure.

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