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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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5101b1 No.65

Thinking on your own comes with the Hermit curse.

I see these "Traditional Catholic mass" videos on YouTube. They are not the Tridentine mass, but you'd never know the difference if you didn't have a true, unchanged Tridentine mass missal and didn't speak Latin.

And these "Crisis in the Church" videos. What did they expect to happen when they sell their souls for an unlocked Church door and denied the faith?! It's pretty obvious why the FSSP and the SSPX are calling that pagan man Begoglio a "Pope"; the Pope names the bishops and the bishops hold the keys to the building.

But Saint Peter holds the keys to heaven. I'd rather the true mass and true faith in a barn than a sacrilegious mass and freemason faith in what was Saint Peter's Basilica, before it was defiled by Begoglio and his wicked idols. Now? Saint Peters will suffer the same fate of the Temple of Solomon after Solomon dragged pagan idols into it: destruction.

The Vatican is just some man made buildings, after all. It is a loss but a small one compared to the loss of heaven.

It is damning of what people who call themselves Catholic that you can buy all mannor of books on personal revelations, but no one publishes the Infallible and indefectable teachings from the Chair of Saint Peter, the word of God as guide by God the Holy Ghost to the Vicar of Christ.

It's all "fatima" this and "immaculate heart" that. These are not of God! God promised to work through his vicar. You stopped listening to God's vicar, then you don't get a true Vicar, you get Begoglio.

And the whole faith has been perverted from that held by the Magistarium to that of Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas was never guided by infallibility.

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