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Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 5031306220b9bdb⋯.png (140.22 KB,219x375,73:125,Fraternity_Publications_Se….png)

68167a No.6

What missal do you use?

I mean, which 1962 missal that most Latin Mass Catholic use? (I know one branch of Trad Catholics use the 1958 missal)

Usually I use the Father Lansance "The New Roman Missal".

It's strong points are that it explains the mass at the beginning of the book and how to use the missal.

I find it much harder to follow that my red "Latin-English Booklet Missal" because Father Lansance's missal lumps the High Mass, Low Mass and Mass of the Dead all together in the same Ordinary of the Mass (the part said in every High, Low and Requiem mass). So you jump around a bit in the Ordinary, and sometimes in the Proper of the mass it will mention prayers to be included in the mass but aren't the Proper.

The "Latin-English Booklet" series has a separate book for the requiem mass. it doesn't include the propers but you usually find that in the Church bulletin. Sadly, that usually English only no Latin. It's also larger type, which makes it better for reading if you have glasses and have to wear a covid mask. It's lighter and smaller. Its also one of the missals found in the pews of my parish, so I am hesitant to bring my copy least someone think I'm taking it. I've been considering buying a box of them and just leaving the Red missal in the pew after mass.

Is the Saint Andrew Missal Better?

Father Lansance is good for learning about the mass and I recommend it. I see many with the Saint Andrew Missal.

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68167a No.7

File: 25f4adfae5a8620⋯.png (166.66 KB,237x375,79:125,Fraternity_Publications_Se….png)

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