The faithful are attracted to the Catholic religion as it is written.
Then they are driven away by heresy. The problem is, no one practices the Catholic religion, the true Church of Christ the Lord, anymore. We are like the jews after Babylon; corrupt and wicked and we pretend to be holy by making false rules.
The Novus Ordo simply ignores the Catholic religion.
The FSSP teaches both the Novus Ordo and the Catholic religion but adds the false rules, and let each in the parish choose what to believe like a protestant. Bergoglio is now demanding that all in the FSSP renounce the Catholic faith and say that the Novus Ordo supper service is a valid mass, and to say it is brings damnation upon you by the decree of the Council of Trent.
The SSPX like their founder Archbishop Lefebvre has lost their courage and defy their very reason for being, saying Bergoglio is Pope. If Bergoglio is Pope then they are excommunicated. If Bergoglio isn't Pope then they are heretics dealing with the devil.
The SPPV is probably closest; their mass is slightly tainted with the wickedness of the Freemason Bugnini but you could argue Bugnini didn't change the wording of the mass itself, just the music. Besides, they find it credible that Pope Pius XII (a weak Pope but the last true Pope) didn't mean to change the mass and Bugnini changed it on his own and faked the Pope's approval. I'm not sure how the SSPV comes down on the False Rules; e.g. saying that Saint Thomas Aquinas defines the faith and not the Magisterium of the Church. They are different. Saint Aquinas is not infallible. Saint Aquinas uses logic based on premises that are his assumptions because no human mind can understand the Trinity or the entirety of God creation. And as logic, his teachings are open to logical questioning of premises and soundness. Many times he simply makes a non-sequitur.
The Sanbornist have no charity and are fully into a kind of Baptist Hellfire and Damnation perversion of the faith. For example, They claim that not saying enough prayers every day is a mortal sin; no where is that declared a mortal sin by the Chair of Saint Peter. They made that up! What's worse is that they will refuse the sacraments if you keep confessing the same sin. I heard Sanborn preach this heresy himself! He denies the word of Christ for the sake of his own apparent piety, which was the root of wickedness of the Sadducees. After watching the antics going on in a Sanbornist mass where they were playing games with the collection baskets I wonder; no one can live up to Sanborn's claims that everything is a mortal sin (even working a day job without dedicating it to God is a mortal sin) can these people be serious? They can't take mass seriously! Do I think they make honest confessions since the confession line is so short? One or two a week?
I don't know where the Church is
Beliefs like the "brown Scapular" or Fatima are flat out heresy. The Mother of God would never come to earth and tell you by wearing a scrap of cloth, she will save you from hell. No way! That is against the teachings of the church and is heresy! Even Paganism! No way would the Mother of God come to earth and say that she has stayed the God's Justice from the hand of God! No way! That doesn't even make sense: she is Mother to God Jesus Christ the Lord, not to the God the Father Almighty, not to God the Holy Ghost. Nor can the faithful be chastised because some Pope didn't consecrate a bunch of godless murderous Marxist to God. Makes no sense. And the "Third Prophesy"; no one knows for sure what that is. The false Popes have destroyed it. People are guessing what it is. And like the merchants in the temple, a Fatima industry has been created to preach the religion of Fatima with the goal of making money.
Too often the Church has allowed personal revelations to replace the teachings of the Magisterium. The Lord God Jesus Christ gave the keys to heaven to Saint Peter when his church was established, not to Saint Thomas Aquinas, and not to his mother!'
Saint Aquinas teaches on faith in his catechism, and Saint Pope Pius X teaches another faith in the Catechism of the Church. The faith says with infallibility and indefectability that where the Magisterium and a saint differ, the saint is wrong. Too much of the faith is being taught by saint's and their personal beliefs; e.g. only a tiny few go to heaven. They can't know that, or if they do, it is not part of the faith and cannot be taught as if it was.